An effect by Ken de Courcy. Performed by Aldo Colombini. A terrific three-phase routine with jumbo cards. Having enticed a spectator up to help, you hand him eight jumbo cards and say, "Please give me any four and keep four yourself." This done, both you and the spectator carry out some simple movements but when the cards are counted again, all your cards are face down while the spectator has one face up. This process is repeated with exactly the same result. There is obviously only one answer; the spectator will have to do the actions with both packets. He does so, yet your cards finish up all face down...
A stunning version of the 'wild card' theme.
An effect by Peter Duffie. Performed and explained by Aldo Colombini. A tremendous novelty and a big hit for your close-up act. A spectator cuts the deck and deals off four random cards. You now show a packet of seven cards - six of the cards have blank faces, the seventh is blank on both sides. The latter card is the special "image copier." The six blank-facers are laid out in pairs on the table. One by one, the image copier causes a selection to appear on each of the blank pairs. But that's only three of the selections - what about the fourth? In a dramatic...
Sie kennen TUWIT-Routinen ("Do as I do")?! Hier die ultimative Form!
Aus einem Kartenspiel werden vier rote und vier schwarze Karten entnommen. Die Karten werden natürlich einzeln von beiden Seiten vorgezeigt. Der Mitspieler entscheidet sich dann für die roten oder schwarzen Karten, die er auch einzeln in die Hand gezählt bekommt.
Dann werden langsam fünf identische Handlungen vorgenommen - jeweils mit einer einzelnen Karte. Werden die Karten dann normal ausgefächert, zeigt sich, dass der Mitspieler zaubern kann: Während beim Zauberer alle vier Karten rückenoben liegen, zeigt beim...
Sie kennen "Sidewalk Shuffle"?! Viele Zauberkünstler haben versucht, den Nachteil der dabei verwendeten Karten zu beseitigen; die Ergebnisse waren nicht befriedigend, da während der Vorführung auch dann nicht jede Karte fair vollflächig von beiden Seiten gezeigt werden konnte. Mit Big Bang ist das nun möglich!
Demonstration mit 4 Karten (3 unbedruckte Karten, 1 normale Spielkarte), wie ein Falschspieler sein Opfer hereinlegt. So genau man auch aufpasst, der Falschspieler gewinnt. Zum überraschenden Schluss zeigt sich, dass 3 normale Karten und nur eine unbedruckte Karte auf dem Tisch...
[Important notice: these lecture notes contain only abridged directions for the effects. Just the basic method is revealed. The regular PDFs contain more detail and sometimes charts you can print out. Consider these lecture notes as an introduction to the effects. You may wish to buy the full PDF after reading these notes, but at least you will know how the effects work.]
The lecture notes from Devin's lecture at the 2011 Mindvention. Many of these were sold separately as PDFs that would cost you threes the cost of these notes. A real bargain.
1st edition 2011, 47 pages....
This is a great magician's fooler:
Borrow a Deck of cards. Have it freely shuffled by your spectator. Ask him to spread the deck on the table and to have a card selected. The card is placed back into the deck. And the deck is cut several times.
Note: At no point have you touched the deck or the card that has been selected. At least that is what the spectators will remember. In fact you will have to touch one card briefly, but it is so well hidden in plain sight that it will not be noted.
You ask the spectator to start dealing face down card by card, you ask him to stop when you feel...
A box is given to anyone you want (the chief of police, the major, a TV producer, etc.) This box is sealed and it will be opened some days later. The box will never be touched again by you or anybody else involved in the stunt.
The day that the prediction will be opened, lets say you are performing at the radio while there are live people waiting to see the box opened, you ask the radio audience to call in to the radio station, they will be taking part in a mind experiment in which they will have to make some decisions that will create at the end a random event, which when the box is opened...
A routine by André Robert, performed by Aldo Colombini. Visual magic with several climaxes! The final climax will 'kill' your audiences! Eight blue-backed cards are split into two packets. In one packet all the cards turn face up. Then the eight cards alternate face up and face down. Finally, all the cards are red-backed and with crosses on their backs!
Requires four double-backed cards.
Devin Knight has created another hit with Four Told 2 the modern symbol edition. This is mind reading at its best, and allows you to read four minds at once. This new improved version is better and has a streamlined method that requires NO secret adding of numbers.
It does away with the pad and uses just a few index cards, which are handed to the participants as predictions. It does away with old fashion ESP symbols and takes the effect into the 21st century by using modern up to date symbols. Two different presentations for both stage and close-up are included in this new release.
[This effect previously appeared in the Mindvention 2009 lecture notes. If you have these notes you don't need to buy this.
You invite two spectators to help in this experiment. You remove a deck of cards casually show them face up while you remove the joker. They are placed face down on the table. You ask one of the spectators to cut off a block and look at a card. Not to remove it, just THINK of it. You really don't know what card the person is thinking about! The selection is made in the spectator's hands. The magician isn't touching the cards. The person doesn't write the card down, he merely thinks of it.
The deck is then picked up by you and mixed...
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller. All of the effects make use of ESP cards. In some cases a non-ESP alternative is presented.
1st edition 2012, 28 pages.
sub rosa – Latin for "in the strictest confidence"
Welcome to the launch of a new multi-volume series on original semi-automatic ("self-working") tricks, mainly with cards. Enjoy this compilation of easy-to-do, mathbased magic without any sleight of hand, created to amaze and to intrigue both the performer and the audience. Have fun!
A Lightning Rod to the Spirits contains four exciting new routines, routines that are proud to have their feet planted very firmly in the world of Bizarre Magick! Utilising the most common and simple props (a thumb tip for example and a magic colouring book - not to mention a frying pan!), these routines will take your audience on a genuinely freaky journey. There are no half measures here - these routines are designed to actually spook an audience!
The routines feature at their core common, everyday items such as a watch, a sachet of salt, a child's colouring book and yes, a frying pan....
Un pintaje es la transformación instantánea de una carta en otra ante los ojos del espectador. Es decir; no haces nada raro, como poner la carta en una cajita, cerrar la caja, volverla a abrir y sacar una carta diferente. La carta se transforma ahí mismo, ante la vista de todos.
Descarga tu muestra gratis del libro aquí:
Crispin Sartwell recoge en este libro 93 pintajes y técnicas "puros", en los que no se usa ningún adminiculo ni cartas especiales.
Aunque se podría pensar que debe haber más de 93 pintajes y técnicas relevantes para el pintaje, en...
Effect: Four cards are selected from a deck and tabled face down in a row. The first selection is turned face up, it is the 10S. The magician explains he has previously turned one card over with the same suit in a four-of-a-kind packet. An odd-backed packet is introduced as the magician says he was actually so sure of the spectator's choice that he replaced the other cards with Jokers. He displays one face down card between three Jokers. The card is turned face up, it is a Spade! The card is replaced into the face up packet that is placed momentarily onto the deck. The card has changed into...
Auto Hue
Two spectators each select a card from a packet. The selection procedure happens in the hands of the spectators, you have no influence over the procedure. First, the cards separate into reds and blacks. Then the selections magically appear among the cards of opposite colour. All this happens without the performer touching the cards.
Not Wrong
You offer to demonstrate your ability to cut to certain cards with great accuracy. You give the deck a couple of cuts, placing a packet face down on the table. You turn over the top card of the tabled pile to reveal the Ace of Hearts. This...
An older publication, but a good one with valuable information. Charlie Miller, one of the world's most knowledgeable magicians, designed a modern form of Card Index, which is fully explained here. Among various routines and efffects included in the book is an article on the most famous of all "index" magicians, Arthur Lloyd, written by Chet Karkut, who now owns this act.
Everybody owns a card box. Many magicians own several. Seldom are they used for anything more than vanishing a card. Now here's a whole new breath of life for them - fifty ways to put them to work. You will find complete routines here, or effects which can be used alone or in combination with other effects. This kind of reading stimulates your thinking, so that you will see places in your show where a card box is just the right answer. Reference ebooks of this type belong on every magicians digital shelf. They are the recipe ebooks of our trade.
Created by Cameron Francis. Performed by Aldo Colombini. You introduce a packet of four cards blank on both sides. You split the cards into two piles of two cards each. Two cards are selected from a deck. You push the top card of one pile and on the lower card a message is revealed which reads, SPREAD THE DECK. The deck is spread and in the middle a face-up selection appears. The top card of the second pile is pushed forward and there's a message on the second card that says, TURN OVER THE TOP CARD. The top card of the deck is NOT the selection, but in turning over the top card of the pile a...
This is a weird book that mixes black magic, superstitions, charms, divination, signs, omens, hypnosis ... and conjuring. You can find next to each other things like "how to make persons at a distance think of you" and "how to perform the Davenport Brothers' Spirit Mysteries". Probably it is most useful for finding interesting story lines.
1st digital edition 2012, 63 pages.
These tricks originally appeared 2006-2012 in the print magazines The Magician, Abracadabra, The Mystery Magazine, and in the online journal Visions.
The list of effects:
1st edition 2012; 31 pages....
These tricks originally appeared 1999-2010 in the print magazines Club 71 (later The Magician), Abracadabra, The Mystery Magazine, and in the online journal Visions.
The list of effects: