Werner Miller continues with his fifth volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.
Mathematical magic has its own curious charms. It combines the beauty of the mathematical structure with the entertainment value of a trick. - Martin Gardner, from the preface of Mathematics, Magic and Mystery, 1956.
1st edition 2010; 36 pages.
Table of Contents
Werner Miller continues with his fourth volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.
The way that a magic trick works can be just as amazing as the trick itself. - Persi Diaconis, from CMI Annual Report 2006, p. 4.
1st edition 2010; 36 pages.
Table of Contents
This is volume 5 of The New Conjurors' Magazine.
This is volume 4 of The New Conjurors' Magazine.
This is volume 3 of The New Conjurors' Magazine.
This is volume 2 of The New Conjurors' Magazine.
The first Conjurors' Magazine made its appearance in 1792 in London under the editorship of Henry Lemoine. This, the first monthly periodical ever devoted to the art of magic, featured "singular deceptions, philosophical amusements, curious experiments, mathematical operations and sympathetic secrets."
Then in 1906 Harry Houdini together with his brother Theo Hardeen revived this almost forgotten publication under the title of The Conjurer's Monthly Magazine (spelled with an 'e' instead of an 'o').
In 1945 Walter B. Gibson and Julian Proskauer gave this title another shot at life and started The New Conjurors' Magazine...
Three spectators choose a card each. The cards vanish from the deck to later reappear face-up in a face-down spread. As long as you can count and do a double undercut you can perform this effect. Since there is counting and displaying of cards involved this effect requires a captive and moderately intelligent audience to play well.
runtime 9min 40s
This is to certify that on December 4, 1974 at the Sumter County Jail, the Amazing Randi was fastened in two pair of regulation police handcuffs (double-locked) and one pair of special-issue handcuffs with pin-tumbler locks plus a pair of ratchet leg-irons, and then locked into a maximum-security jail cell. Within thirteen minutes, without assistance of any kind, Randi freed himself, walking out of the jail cell minus the handcuffs and leg-irons, all to the popular acclaim of the several people gathered at the jail. This was Randi's 28th jail break.
Randi was a great addition to our Crime...
A collection of effects that deal directly with thoughts. Only three of them need anything tangible, and only one requires writing; the rest can be performed naked. Combat with your thoughts, divine birthdays, scam bar mates, use two different cold reading presentations, make your spectator see words they never saw, verbally force cards in seconds, psychologically force thoughts, bend the wills of an audience; let your spectator read your mind, another spectators mind, or even speak life into being.
You will learn how to prepare and gimmick two different kinds of bottles which allow wonderful lie detector and murder mystery effects or which can be used as adjunct in a one on one 'psychic reading.' With typical Cassidy genius one bottle allows you to glimpse colored marbles dropped in and the other bottle allows you to force a certain color of marble dispensed from the bottle. This opens the possibility for many routines. Bob describes two.
1st edition 2002; 4 pages plus video
This was Bob Cassidy's first publication and appeared in 1977 as the second supplement to Invocation. You will find a great photo of a very young Bob Cassidy from 1973. The ebook is a reflection of who Bob was way back then. It contains the seeds of the ideas that gradually evolved into the act he presents today. A real treat for all Cassidy fans and anybody interested in mentalism.
1st edition 1977; 22 pages.
Table of Contents
A Presentation of Original and Famous Tricks in Conjuring Accomplished by the Use of Chemicals
A. C. Gilbert published an entire line of books and kits for boys to do science experiments as well as magic. This title deals with liquids, smoke, fire and chemicals.
From the foreword:
Here’s real fun! Tricks with chemicals which will mystify and amuse your friends! Gilbert’s Chemical Magic is a new idea in conjuring. We have our Gilbert’s Tricks with Coins, with Handkerchiefs, with Cards, the Miscellaneous Magic Tricks, and now we have Tricks with Chemicals. There is really double...
Glass through table is a classic of magic that is at least a hundred years old. You can even find it described in children magic books. The key to this effect is misdirection which requires a good amount of showmanship and spectator handling. Otherwise it is pure simplicity. With the tips and presentation by J.C. Wagner you will turn this classic into a modern and entertaining miracle.
runtime 6min 30s
Neue und gute Illusionen sind heutzutage schwer zu finden. Timo Dante, Magic Consultant und Illusions-Designer, veröffentlicht mit diesem Manuskript eine Illusion aus seiner Kollektion.
Als Magier möchte man immer zauberhaft dastehen und ebenso auf der Bühne erscheinen. Air Dream ist eine Erscheinungs-Illusion, die sogar Zauberkollegen täuscht. Eine dünne Plattform, auf der ein Rahmen steht, und nach nur kurzer Abdeckung mit einem Tuch erscheint der Magier auf mysteriöse Weise.
This download DVD contains an amazing collection of routines for close-up and walk-around using just a regular deck of cards and with minimal sleight of hand (some of them are self-working).
This 60 minute recording includes the very best of the great Sid Lorraine. This is a happy mix of talk about magicians, how he got started in magic, heavily interspersed with magic you can do. There is a substitute for the pass, a gold fish bowl production (without the bowl), a card trick that baffled Blackstone.
Craige Snader in Magic Sounds said: "...it is great value as you get a magic lecture by one of the greats that you can listen to over and over. A great tape for study or just pleasant listening."
This is a digitally re-mastered (MP3) version of the original MagiCassette™ released...
Tips on performing and presenting the chair suspension illusion
This ebook is jammed full of information, tips on presentation, safety, routine ideas as well as step by step coverage of the best way to perform this illusion. This is one of the ONLY books in the history of magic devoted solely to helpful information on the performance of this classic illusion.
Find out how to add this illusion to any show and to add value to your client in the process. This illusion has been a classic of magic and can add tremendous value to your show at a fraction of the cost of some of the larger illusions...
The Fouray envelope is a utility device which was born out of the necessity of having a 4-way out and showing it empty. Specially designed for those close-up performances. It has been a well guarded secret for the past 2.5 years now. It's here for the working mentalist who wants 4 outs in one envelope without using himber wallets! So get out the glue and paper-cutter and make as many as you want in less than 15 minutes per envelope.
1st edition 2010; 12 pages
This is the most beautiful magic book ever published! I know, this is a pretty strong claim, but read on and judge for yourself.
"I've just had a chance to spend a couple of hours with this book. Wow, Chris. This is an amazing book. Not only does it look incredible, it is of immense historic value." - Ben Harris
"A terrific work, a must have for anybody who thinks of him- or herself as a magician." - Max M.
Before I tell you why I am convinced this is the most beautiful magic book ever published, allow me to give you a bit of history on how this book came to be.
In 1954 Claude Klingsor...
An effect from Raymond's former show...
Shocked by a Miracle is a realistic demonstration of voodoo-like powers where one picture gets pierced or scorched and one person is marked out by either her screams or a physical mark.
The ideal effect for hypnotists employing pre-show hypnosis but also just as effective for non-hypnotists.
1st edition 2010; 5 pages (excluding cover and blank).
A borrowed credit-card vanishes and reappears between the layers of a marked playing card.
Effect: (Basic routine)
A credit-card is borrowed from a member of the audience. It is put into an envelope. The envelope is destroyed. Another spectator is asked to come forward to the working area or on the stage. He selects a card from a normal deck of playing cards and marks it with his name. The card vanishes out of the deck and is found in a sealed envelope.
This is Val's own life story. Val is one of magic's most prolific writers and he draws from his vast magical experience as he recounts the story he knows best - his own. To people who know magic and the Show-Biz scene this is a marvelous recording to listen to.
This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette series created by Martin Breese - now owned by Lybrary.com.
runtime 1 hour
Only one routine but what an effect - and completely self working! This must be one of the strongest self-working effects there is. Based on the Eddie Joseph principle “Staggered” you have here a unique, fantastic routine in five phases, one stronger than the other where the cards match even though everything appears controlled by the spectator. The finale is a ‘staggering’ match of all the cards! You will have fun learning it and you will make a reputation out of this routine. Uses any deck of cards.
It is quite an achievement for Aldo to take a strong effect and make it even stronger by streamlining...