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★★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Marlo's Chameleon Aces by Jon Racherbaumer

The basic plot of the "Chamele Aces" was developed in the late 40s by Edward Marlo, who shared ideas about this motif with Neal Elias in 1949. Elias wrote notes regarding the methods they explored, which he and Marlo then filed away. Neither published the "work;" however, Marlo performed an impromptu version at a Pittsburgh magic convention in 1955. Earlier the same year, Roy Walton published his version of "Chamele Aces" in The Gen (February-1955: Volume 10 - Number 10).

The basic Chamele Aces plot is four red-back and four blue-back Aces transpose one at a time.

1st edition 2008; 80 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. A World About Problemists ...
★★★★★ $5
Jon Racherbaumer
Olram Aces by Jon Racherbaumer

"The Filet Mignon of Ace Assemblies." - Ed Marlo

Olram Aces is a tribute to the genius of Edward Marlo which shows how Marlo's lifetime work steadily influenced Jon.

The presentation makes maximum use of the gaffs and the Aces in the non-leader packets disappear in different ways that are successively stronger. It has been audience-tested on laypersons and magicians.

In typical Racherbaumer style you also get a history on the Ace Assembly plot starting with The Discoverie of Witchcraft.

1st edition 2009; 10 pages.

★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Synergistic Sandwiches by Jon Racherbaumer

Sandwich tricks, long popular with cardmen, are nothing more than glorified locations. What makes them a little different is that the selections are found at specific places: between two other cards. Perhaps the best way to present these stunts is to perform a few in a rapidfire, successive way—each phase following the preceding one in a logical, progressive way. Also, each phase should be stronger than the preceding one. When such phases unfold in this manner, the overall impression will likely have more impact and be memorable.

And this is exactly what Racherbaumer has engineered in...

★★★★ $10
Stephen Ablett
Body Tricks (Video) by Stephen Ablett

Body Tricks is a collection of 64 magical effects using nothing but the human body.

Learn to remove your own thumb, stretch your fingers, twist your hands and levitate of the ground. This is the ultimate in impromptu magic, tricks that can be performed instantly without the need of any searching for props.

Whether you're a professional magician, hypnotist, psychic or just looking for some interesting stunts to amuse your friends, there is something here for everyone.

Thumb Tricks

  • Travelling Thumb
  • Moving Thumb
  • Stretching Thumb
  • Restrained Thumb

Tricks with your Fingers ...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Grand Prix by Aldo Colombini

A closing routine with multiple climaxes. You produce the four Aces and place three of them in an envelope leaving out the Ace of Spades. Then you produce ten Spade cards in order. You then try to produce the Jack of Spades, Queen of Spades and King of Spades but the three Aces appear and the three face cards are found in the envelope. Then, all the Diamond cards appear in order, then the Club cards and the Heart cards. Amazing finale. Uses a regular deck of cards.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Contact Colors by Aldo Colombini

This is a classic Colombini trick - very strong effect, very easy to do. It has served Aldo very well for the past decades and was often a feature item in his lectures and performances.

A three-effect routine with a “killer” ending. The deck is shuffled and cut. You place a card face up in the middle. A spectator FREELY selects a card. You shuffle the deck again and then you cut the deck into two. Dealing the cards at the same time from both piles, the spectator’s card appears at the same time as yours. You then turn over the top card of each packet to produce the four Aces and finally...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Magic of Rachel Colombini by Aldo Colombini

16 commercial routines using cards, balls, money, books and other props.

  • Card Control: A card chosen by a spectator matches a card previously placed face down on the table by the magician.
  • Blank-Mazement: Following the numbers of two dice, a spectator finds the only two printed cards in a packet of all blank cards.
  • Hats and Rabbits: You place a prediction on the table. While your head is facing away, a spectator places five cards with hats and a rabbit in any order, holding the packet of cards in his hand. You give the spectator some instructions, and at the end the cards are apparently...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen (2011) Volume 7 by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

All six issues of 2011 for a reduced price. The cover personalities are Ali Cook, John Bannon, Yann Frisch, Richard Sanders, Brynolf and Ljung, and Cyril.

Dale A. Hildebrandt
The Cramp: Volume 1, Number 1 by Dale A. Hildebrandt

THE CRAMP is ten times worse than any other newsletter! Don't expect much! You've been warned!

While this is a bit of a parody, you may find something useful - or not. In volume one number one February 2011 issue, you will find the following:

  • THE JOSE EFFECT: One Wallet. One Card. No 'OBO'. Totally unauthorized.
  • AACAAANBLFITAO52NAATIFTTATISNTBEYLF: Almost Any Card At Almost Any Number Because Let's Face It There Are Only 52 Numbers Available And This Is Funnier Than Tommy's And This Is Not The Berglas Effect You're Looking For
  • MULTIPE THOUGHT-UP CARDS: Several people think of cards...
Cameron Francis
Holy Hofzinser by Cameron Francis

A stunning new packet effect by Cameron Francis.


A card is selected and lost in the deck, we'll say it's the Six of Diamonds. The magician introduces a packet of four cards. Each card has one hole punched through it. The cards are flipped face up and are seen to be the four Aces. "The Aces are going to tell us the suit and value of the card you selected. First they'll tell us the suit."

The magician gives the packet a twist. He spreads the cards and one of the Aces is now face down. The Ace of Diamonds. "This tells me that the card you picked was a Diamond!" The magician then...

★★★★ $10
John Holt
The First Eleven by John Holt

"All the items are varied and interesting and make a good collection of strong, practical card magic"Peter Duffie

"BSBCS is very clever" – Richard Osterlind

"What the hell is an ebook?" – his mum

If you have read Mind Blasters you will have encountered one effect by John Holt. John became gutsy and released his own ebook with a collection of close-up card and mentalism effects. He also describes two moves, an excellent full deck overhand false shuffle and a double lift.

  • False Overhand Shuffle
  • Twirl Double Lift
  • BSBCS: A spectator shuffles a deck, which can be borrowed, the performer turns...
Andrew Loh
Triu2ph by Andrew Loh

A simple version of a two-phase triumph effect.

Two cards are freely selected and lost in the deck. The performer shuffles the cards face up in a face‐down deck. When the deck is flipped over, the performer confirms whether this card is any one of the spectators or not and the answer is “no”. The performer requests the first spectator to grab this unknown card and treat it as her “lucky card” and gives a light tap on the deck.

Magically, all the cards turn face up except for one card which is the second spectator’s selection which is face up in the middle of the deck. The performer...

★★★★★ $7.99
Andrew Loh
Instant Transposition by Andrew Loh

A visual two-packet transposition card effect.

The performer introduces two packets of cards; the four Aces and Kings. The Ace‐packet is placed on the table and with a magical gesture, the Kings packet magically transforms into the Aces. The Kings are now on the table.

Your version is very visual. I like it! - Mike Powers

It's a lovely handling Andrew! - Harvey Rosenthal

Good Stuff! - Peter Duffie

What amazed me about this trick is that the visual change actually works! When you first read through it with cards in hand, you think, "Wait a minute... This can't be right..." But it's amazing...

★★★★ $10
José Prager
The Bite by José Prager

The Bite is a very useful and subtle principle that allows you to mark billets or cards in a unique and exceedingly clever way. The cool part is that the marking is unknowingly done by the spectators themselves without them knowing what is going on. This is perfect because you can have your back turned to them or even be in another room while they are following your instructions.

This idea is not completely new, but pretty obscure and most likely you will be unfamiliar with it. It was first published by Bob Ostin in his 1974 living and dead test entitled 'Vampire'. Later, Tom Stone published...

★★★★★ $25
Jeff Stone
Tarot Below Zero - Spectral Chill by Jeff Stone


Tarot cards are old, but that doesn't mean they're boring. Tarot cards add an air of mystery and emotion to any performer's arsenal. This ebook will show you a whole new frontier of possibilities with these arcane works of art. Spectral Chill is as much a concept as it is a trick. And the bonus trick, Tarot Below Zero is just one possibility to be found at the tip-of-the-sword in this re-conceived paradigm.

Tarot is all about creating links in the mind of the spectator and Spectral Chill is a system to help do exactly that.

This is a real performer's...

★★★★ $10
Rachel Colombini
A Host of Surprises by Rachel Colombini

Rachel Colombini's first DVD: Card magic, close-up, parlor and stage; tricks for everyone. Included is a special guest appearance by FANTASIO. Here are the routines:

  • ZODIAC CODE (Rachel & Aldo Colombini): You show seven glasses covered with colored bags. One card and one glass are selected. The selected card is revealed in the selected glass. The other glasses are full of money.
  • WILD CARD CASH (Rachel Colombini): Two Jokers shown front and back. A bill (money) appears between them.
  • PERFECT PREDICTION (Rachel Colombini): A spectator deals cards and stops anywhere; you predicted that card....
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Card Magic of Some of My Friends by Aldo Colombini

This ebook contains 16 routines based on gimmicked cards, jumbo cards, regular cards, special decks, etc. Some are almost self-working, some require a little bit of handling.

  • Coded Card Prediction (Ken de Courcy)
  • Ken's Klock (Ken de Courcy)
  • Noah's Mix Up (Gene Castillon)
  • Odd Man Out (Arthur Carter)
  • Orbital (Trevor Lewis)
  • Prediction Gone Wild (Cameron Francis)
  • Shouting Jokers (Jozsef Kovacs)
  • Sleeve Subway (Ken de Courcy)
  • Stabtastic (R. Paul Wilson)
  • Technicolor Cheeck (R. Paul Wilson)
  • The Choice is Yours (Edwin Hooper and Ken de Courcy)
  • The Magician (Sam Schwartz)
  • The Whitechapel Solution (Ryan Matney)
  • Twister (Sam Schwartz)
  • Vanishing Oil and...
★★★★ $28
Dee Christopher
The Knowledge: Methodology for Fraudulent Mind Reading by Dee Christopher

10 ultra-powerful, stream-lined mind-reading and influence demonstrations for the modern performer. Written in an easy to understand format with pictures throughout. Some are new effects from Dee Christopher some are ones taken from his previous publications.


The performer removes two cards from the deck; upon one’s face he writes “Truth” and the other “Lie.” These cards are to be used in an experiment of psychological lie detection. The performer face holds the cards down. The spectators are invited to say a statement about themselves; this can be either truth or a lie....

Brian Miller
For Your Consideration by Brian Miller

"A splendid lecture which delves into the psychology of tricks and the thought behind them." -Central Connecticut Magicians' Association

"Brian elevates our art to a very high standard." -Ken Maynard, S.A.M. Assembly 16

"Very creative and informative." -C. Parker Swan III, Magic Historian

The unexamined routine is not worth performing.

Brian Miller has performed extensively for colleges, high schools, comedy clubs and theaters with his unique integration of stand-up comedy and magic to consistent adoring critical praise. In addition to his packed performing schedule, he currently...

★★★★★ $5
Henry Bohlen
Bohleno's Mysteries by Henry Bohlen

Five original performance tested routines:

  • Triple Ring-Silk Penetration
  • Impossible Floating Handkerchief
  • Devil's Own Knife-Cut Ribbon
  • Multi-Cut Paper Strip
  • Master Silk Through Ropes

1st edition 1947; original 14 pages; PDF 16 pages.

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 37 (March 2011) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2011; 68 pages

Cover: Ali Cook

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. Angela Funovits, The Surrealist! - interview by Graham Hey
  4. Tenyo Co. Ltd. - article by Mark Lee of Merlins of Wakefield
  5. News
  6. Dealer's Booth Special - - company profile
  7. Magic Seen Online! - Column by George Luck
    • World Magic Store - Wizard Product Review - Wizard FX.TV
  8. Club Land - Mark Leveridge showcases UK magic clubs
    • Leichester Magic Circle
  9. The Last Greatest Magician - Mark Rhodes chats with Jim Steinmeyer about his latest book
  10. News
  11. Ali Cook: Ready Steady Cook!...
★★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Marlo on Card to Wallet by Jon Racherbaumer

This treatise is a compilation of Marlo's methods for performing a card-to-wallet, incorporating his Exclusive Card in Wallet (1961) with methods published in Ibidem, [lc=4446 Hierophant, Card Finesse, Marlo's Magazine, and other previously unpublished but related methods. This material was discovered in a thick folder among Marlo's private effects.

The idea of causing a selection to disappear from the deck and then reappear elsewhere is almost as old as playing cards. Reinhard Müller has painstakingly researched the basic effect classified as "Card Found in Some Object," which was being performed (in some form)...

★★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Muscle Moves: A Crash-Course in Powerful Cardmanship by Jon Racherbaumer

[Note: Despite all the rumors the cover does not show Jon in his younger years.]

This is an ebook about moves, card moves to be precise. If you are already familiar with the basics of card magic then you will find here a lot of advanced moves and concepts to significantly improve your magic. If you are an experienced veteran of card magic you will probably still find some moves you are unfamiliar with. It is also a great reference ebook to have in case you run one day into any of these moves. The moves are described in text and photos with references and sources in the usually meticulous Racherbaumer style.

  • Adding To Vernon (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • The Altman Trap (Art...
★★★★ $5
Jon Racherbaumer
Real-Gone Aces by Jon Racherbaumer

The 'Real-Gone Aces' problem is a side branch of the classic four Ace trick. In the classic you place four aces on the table, then put three indifferent cards on each ace, and magically all aces end up in the same pile. In the 'Real-Gone Aces' plot which was originated by Marlo, after correspondence with Neal Elias, three aces vanish to join an isolated leader ace.

If this plot appeals to you then you will learn a good number of variations on it in this ebook. And I am sure, if you are the kind of guy or gal who enjoys reading such detail filled descriptions of finesses and fine points, then...

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