You will receive four sets of 5 ESP cards (circle, cross, three wavy lines, square, star), a total of 20 cards. Two sets have a red Bicycle back and the other two sets have a blue Bicycle back. These cards were manufactured by USPCC on their standard air-cushion cardboard.
All cards are marked on the back in an easy-to-read way. A short glimpse is all you need to know which symbol it is. The Bicycle back design wonderfully camouflages the markings if you do not know where to look. These cards match regular Bicycle cards allowing combinations of effects with ESP symbols and standard card symbols. ...
A spectator is asked to think of an animal of virtually any kind. After concentrating on both its name and its image, the thought-of animal can be immediately revealed.
What you get with the PDF only version
You receive an instructional PDF that explains the secret, performance, tips and the history of the concept. You will also receive the design files in SVG (vector graphic format) and PDF to print out the necessary cards yourself. Please note that you will not receive any cards in the mail. You will have to print and cut the...
Easy packet tricks performed with regular cards and with virtually no sleight-of-hand.
The ability to read a thought from the mind of a spectator is just the beginning. Imagine being able to transmit a thought from one spectator to another. Not only a thought, but also the thought of all five senses. Taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing can all be transmitted by the mentalist/magician using psychokinesis, hypnosis, or what ever presentation you see fit! This is a collaborative work from mentalist Scott Xavier and magician Mark Bond.
1st edition 2011; 17 pages
A 12 lesson course to introduce the beginner to the art of ventriloquism. George Schindler teaches all sounds to create the entire alphabet in 12 lessons. Listen to hear how the sounds are made. Includes a comedy script. Suitable for young people and adults.
In addition to the 12 lessons in MP3 format you also get a PDF where each lesson is described in words.
runtime: half hour
PSI-POKER is the latest creation from Ben Harris (co-creator of 2010’s hit X-RAY).
This new effect is totally self-working, requiring no skill or gaffs. (Unless you are calling 'peeking the bottom card' a move.) The secret is ancient, but it’s never been used in this manner before. Magic’s leading historians and card experts have confirmed this claim. (To be precise, it is a new property of an old principle. Very clever indeed.)
So, what is PSI-POKER?
The effect is a multiple prediction of how a game of “Texas Hold ‘em” will play out from a shuffled deck. You hand a prediction...
Dark Thief
Two spectators think of a number between 1 and 10. With their numbers, a card is mentally selected. With the first spectator, the magician performs a mind reading effect guessing his thought of card. With the two spectators together, the magician introduces a deck of playing cards and explains that he wants to try an ACAAN effect. In order to do this, the magician asks the first spectator to think of his card and to the second one to create a random number between 1 and 52. (This number is created using the two spectator's numbers: The second spectator tells his number to the first...
Aldo's favorite 10 rope routines.
This recording includes a radio interview with Mark Lewis where he demonstrates his palm and cold-reading methods. After that Mark describes how he got into cold reading, the most important resources he used, and his opinions on various questions related to cold reading, such as giving advice, moral and ethical issues. Mark extensively credits and recommends Richard Webster's work.
runtime 1h 11min
[Note: In Jinx #103, page 624, fourth paragraph, Annemann states that he never published this manuscript. He calls it a fakeroo.
Annemann’s Stop Trick
Performer removes pack from case and shuffles cards. The spectator is asked to cut the pack in half and keep either part. A card is chosen from one of the piles, and the spectator replaces it in the same pile. The performer deals from the other pile, asking the spectator to stop the deal whenever he chooses and to turn over the card at which he stops the performer. Assuming the stop card is a six, the cards immediately before and after the six are shown...
Twelve wonderful card routines and one non-card memory feat bonus effect: Mental Shopper.
Almost all the sleights employed herein are basic, therefore easy to do. The exception is the Faro shuffle, which is used in two effects. There is little mention of patter included, as the effects do not require set patter. It is left to the reader to use patter that fits his particular personality.
Some of these effects have previously appeared in Apocalypse, The Linking Ring, and The Minotaur. The balance are appearing here for the first time. Doug's two personal favorites are: Midnight Speller, and The Cardician...
After Aldo's success with his first DVD on rope, Roped In, by popular demand here’s another DVD with ten new rope routines. All of them use regular rope (no gimmicks, no magnets, etc).
Here's another collection of packet tricks. Using only a few cards you can perform very strong, baffling, visual magic. The main feature is: TOTALLY IMPROMPTU EFFECTS AND NO SET-UPS!
"ACE really is A Cunning Effect and A Clever Enigma!" - Stephen Tucker
"A new classic of impromptu magic in my opinion. I'll use it until I can't hold playing cards anymore!" - Raphael Czaja
"A.C.E. is one of my favorite new impromptu card tricks. An absolutely brilliant way to handle cards." - Jeff Prace
"Wowwwwwww!... This is the best thing you have released so far in my opinion." - John Carey
Cause a signed card, which is fairly pushed into the center of a cased deck by the spectator, to appear in your pocket or virtually anywhere else!
A.C.E. (Anytime Card Extraction) is a totally impromptu utility system...
"I really enjoyed all of these routines! Very nice. The White House is especially cool!" - Cameron Francis.
"You have some very nice thinking in these variations." - Peter Duffie.
As one of Martin Breese's customers I recently received a newsletter from him that drew my attention to a routine of Peter Duffie's called IDEAL HOLMES. It's a really great self-working routine, and this is what happens...
A regular deck of cards is shuffled and then cut by someone a couple of times. You take back the cards and spread them between your hands and have one FREELY selected by someone. He places the card directly...
"Brilliant and clever indeed. Shades of Clearly Predictable and Casino Royale. I'm sure many of us old-timers have incorporated various facets of this gem in our work, but this gentleman has forged a total masterpiece. If I were still in the saddle I would put this puppy to work. It could be used as an opener, however it's a little long winded. As a closer I think it would truly be a standing ovation masterwork of mentalism. I'll keep it close to the vest." - Larry Becker
This is much more than just a mental effect. Mes(s)merize by Stefan Olschewski is a brand-new application of an ingenious principle...
You will get a 1/8 color page of advertisement in the next issue of magicseen.
Issues typically appear March, May, July, September, November, January. Artwork deadline is one month in advance. This means 1st of February for the March issue, 1st...
You will get a quarter color page of advertisement in the next issue of magicseen.
Issues typically appear March, May, July, September, November, January. Artwork deadline is one month in advance. This means 1st of February for the March issue,...
You will get a half color page of advertisement in the next issue of magicseen.
Issues typically appear March, May, July, September, November, January. Artwork deadline is one month in advance. This means 1st of February for the March issue, 1st...
You will get a full color page of advertisement in the next issue of magicseen. (If you contract a page ad for 3 issues or more we offer a 10% discount. Please email for details.)
As your welcome gift you will receive the wonderful ebook Masterclass: the first four years. These are all the masterclasses from the first 24 issues. It...
Featuring mostly unpublished material and other rarities from some of America's Finest Creators. 49 contributors - 80 routines and moves.
My Opening Act:
Deciding to show off your ESP skill and having only a deck of cards and a rubber band, you hand your deck out to be shuffled to a nice man named Ted. After he is finished shuffling, you ask Ted to place the rubber band around the cards to make them tamper-proof. You ask Ted if he will stop you on a card as you riffle them past his eyes. To prove to Ted that all is on the up and up, you offer to stare at his girlfriend Mary...