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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 25


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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★★★★★ $8
Devin Knight
Mental Color Projection by Devin Knight

The magician or mentalist invites a participant up and shows him a packet of cards that contains more than 20 colors. One color is written on each card. The participant selects a card and keeps the color written on it a secret. The performer says that not only will he read his mind and determine the color, but he will also project the thought-of color into anyone's mind that the first participant chooses from the audience. The participant then points to anyone in the audience and that person comes forward.

The performer stares into the second participant's eyes and says he will try to project...

★★★★ $15
Scott Creasey
Envelopology Part 1 by Scott Creasey

The first part of two ebooks exploring the science of envelopes in magic and mentalism.

Inspired by and dedicated to the memory of Alan Shaxon

Over a 20 year period Scott has modified, adapted and developed the humble envelope into a utility tool that should be part of any mentalist or magicians arsenal.

In Envelopolgoy Part 1, Scott provides clear photographic manufacturing instructions which will enable you with nothing more than some envelopes, a glue stick, and a pair of scissors, to manufacture four utility devices, which will spark your imagination.

Also included are full descriptions...

★★★★★ $8
Devin Knight & Al Mann
Autobend Silverware by Devin Knight & Al Mann

This effect is finally available as a Do-It-Yourself PDF. The retail version with the spoons sells for $29.00. However with this PDF you can make up all the spoons you want to for about $1.00 each. Here are the details.

Al Mann and Devin Knight were some of the early originators of self bending spoon techniques. This is the REAL work on self-bending spoons developed jointly by Al Mann and Devin Knight during the mid 80s.

You get the exact method used by Devin in newspaper office through out the years to garner front page publicity. Show two spoons, one in each hand. The spectator is given...

★★★★★ $30
TC Tahoe
In The Play of Shadows: The Tarot Effect by TC Tahoe

29 effects with Tarot cards.

Here is what Richard Webster had to say about it:

In the Play of Shadows" is a goldmine...

Until now, it's been hard to find powerful effects that use Tarot cards. For me, effects with Tarot cards should include a fascinating story, and any moves need to look natural.

Complicated sleights and Tarot cards do not go well together. I have seen magicians destroy all credibility by performing feats of finger-flinging with Tarot cards. T C Tahoe obviously knows all this. His book is full of powerful effects, created with simple moves, and every one of them has a delightful...

★★★★ $6.95
George B. Anderson
Let The Audience Do The Show by George B. Anderson

You know how very successful those tricks are in which seemingly the spectator "does it all himself." He gets a kick out of it, his friends love it because they hope he will mess it up, and you get all the credit for having a fun show. Here's an ebook full of mental tricks and stunts that the audience does. All you have to do is give them the first push or so. Let 'em do it!

Effects taught:

  • The Floating Table
  • Burning Four of Five Envelopes
  • Rabdomancy
  • A Daylight Darkroom Seance
  • A Few Words About the Cordless Microphone
  • Poker Chip Prediction
  • An Uncanny Divination
  • The Proper Balance ...
★★★★ $10
Bolivian Brain Bafflers by Marvoyan

Particularly noteworthy is Marvoyan's headline prediction which is fully explained in this ebook.

  • Publisher's Introduction
  • Author's Foreword
  • Hypnotic Geometry! Spectators think they signed a square, but instead find it was the circle. Great for business card magic.
  • Triple Alternative: magician ends up with the money
  • Mental Poker: remove the four aces from a borrowed deck while blindfolded
  • Minds in Control: woman selects the message written by her significant other
  • Pocket Psychometry
  • Mind Over Matter
  • My Bold Prediction: headline prediction
  • Science Fiction Prediction
  • Impossible Money ...
★★★★ $8
Paul Voodini
The Ghost of Sherlock Holmes by Paul Voodini

A compendium of Sherlock Holmes inspired bizarre and story-telling magic utilizing playing cards, pendulums and other common objects. This collection of four routines will take you and your audience to a world of London fog, Victorian mystery, and self-working wonders.

Written in Paul's usual engaging and entertaining manner, the routines featured use nothing but self-working techniques which allows you to concentrate on performance and setting the right atmosphere.

Routines featured are:

Dr. Bell's Party Piece: Arthur Conan Doyle's inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Joseph Bell was...

Paul Romhany
Dream Prediction Updates by Paul Romhany

This ebook does not teach the actual Dream Prediction effect but it is filled with bonus routines and ideas for those that own Paul's original Dream Prediction routine. If you perform any type of confabulation routine then you will certainly get ideas from this ebook, but not the working or method used for Dream Prediction.

1st edition 2010, 30 pages.

★★★★★ $35
Paul Romhany
Performing Mentalism for Young Minds Vol. 2 by Paul Romhany

Volume 2 is larger and has more routines, tricks and advice than volume 1. This has over 55 routines direct from professional performer's repertoires. Everything from walk-about to stand-up shows. Many with props you can make yourself, or have in your cupboard.

"When Paul asked me to contribute to volume 2 I jumped at the chance .So here we are with another volume chock full of advice, tips, scripts, routines and tricks to entertain children and families with. Use them well." - Bill Abbott

This completes the two volume set for performers who want to add some mentalism in to their show. Anybody...

★★★★★ $35
Paul Romhany
Performing Mentalism for Young Minds Vol. 1 by Paul Romhany

Paul Romhany has produced the most comprehensive collection of material for the performer who wants to add mentalism in their show from pre-schoolers to high school students. Everything from walk-about routines to birthday party routines to parlor and even stage routines for the family entertainer. Over 265 pages which include a collection of essays on how to perform mentalism for children, plus over forty effects from performers around the world including: Mark Strivings, David Kaye, Tim Mannix, Paul Romhany, Richard Webster, Andrew Gerard, Wayne Rogers, Tony Binarelli, Bev Bergeron, Jim Kleefeld, Keith Field, Danny Archer, Jack Dean, Greg Arce, Anthony...

★★★ $19.99
Bill Dekel
Direct by Bill Dekel

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see this employed as standard practice with psychological forces in the years to follow – It would be ridiculous not to use it. If there is a PS4, this deserves a chapter in it." - MagicAtlas from the Magic Cafe

"Bill was kind enough to send me a copy of Direct, and I must say I like it very much. I tried it few times and it worked each time." - northerwarrior from the Magic Cafe

"Well thought out. I think it's one of those things that many can put into their arsenals and use at the appropriate moments." - Greg Arce

"I enjoyed reading through Direct...

★★★★★ $20
Paul Romhany
Bearly Impossible by Paul Romhany

This has been the opening routine for Paul's Mentalism show for corporate events and cruise ships. Included are two different methods, one for stage and the other for the solo performer. Includes diagrams of props, the complete script and full instructions.

The magician shows a gift box, and talks about how he bought this gift for his four-year-old niece for her upcoming birthday. He then talks about 'coincidences' and wants to try an experiment. Audience members are asked to call out any color, any amount of money, a ladies name and a 'gift' is selected. The selections are written on a...

★★★★★ $45
Paul Romhany
Mental Epic Compendium by Paul Romhany

"You only have to look at the list of contributors to know this book is special. I'm thrilled to find that they all love this effect as much as I do. I don't think a book paying so much attention to a single effect has ever been published before." - Richard Webster

Mental Epic is one the most powerful effects in the mentalist's repertoire. Compiled and edited by Paul Romhany, Mental Epic Compendium, is packed with over fifty-four routines and ideas for this classic effect. Hen Fetsch invented the board in 1954, and over the past five decades it has undergone many different variations, however most...

★★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Retro-Sight by Devin Knight

Two different effects in one!

One of the most novel effects you will see. Something totally unique...combined with a new principle in mentalism that will delight even seasoned pros. This is release five in Devin Knight's Psychic Sight Series.


The first effect is one that Devin has used to fool well informed mentalists in the past. Two spectators are brought on stage. Neither is a stooge nor has there been any pre-show work.

The first spectator freely selects a word from the stack of word cards. There is no force of any kind and the mentalist really does not know...

Rob Chapman
Llyfr o Cythrawl a Awen by Rob Chapman

An ebook about Chaos Magick and Druidry.

In this ebook you will find a creative fusion of Druidry and Chaos Magick, inspired writings and ritual. All of this is necessary, none of it is needed! Julian Vayne author of Now Thats What I Call Chaos Magick says: "Okay perhaps 'the magick that can be written about is not true magick' but Rob Chapman comes closer than most to successfully describing the indescribable."

1st edition 2012, 45 pages.

★★★ $25
Rob Chapman
The Lesser Key: a goetic seance by Rob Chapman

King Solomon bound 72 spirits in a brazen vessel, the Babylonians let them out again. Now you can demonstrate the mysteries of the Spirits of the Brazen Vessel.

  • Let your audience feel the power of invocation
  • Communicate with the guardian spirit of a magic mirror
  • A volunteer becomes transfixed by the mirror, and starts to describe visions
  • Spectator makes an impossible revelation

[Please note that for one part of the routine, a glass moving effect, you will need to buy a particular product. This manuscript does not explain how this part of the routine works.]

Concerning the Spirits of the Brazen Vessel:

Solomon the King of Israel, according to a well-known legend, shut up in a brass vessel seventy-two spirits and cast the vessel into a deep lake. When the vessel...

★★★★★ $20
Devin Knight
Mindvention Lecture 2011 by Devin Knight

[Important notice: these lecture notes contain only abridged directions for the effects. Just the basic method is revealed. The regular PDFs contain more detail and sometimes charts you can print out. Consider these lecture notes as an introduction to the effects. You may wish to buy the full PDF after reading these notes, but at least you will know how the effects work.]

The lecture notes from Devin's lecture at the 2011 Mindvention. Many of these were sold separately as PDFs that would cost you threes the cost of these notes. A real bargain.

  • Blindsight 2 - Give anyone psychic powers instantly
  • Tarot Fold Told - A version of Four Told using Tarot Cards
  • Double Coincidence - A thought of word is found circled in a dictionary
  • Word Sight - Reveal two words just thought of and never written down
  • No Touch ACAAN - A version of ACAAN where you never touch to deck
  • Double Clip Line - An improvement over the old UF Grant idea

1st edition 2011, 47 pages....

Achromatic Prediction by Nefesch

A box is given to anyone you want (the chief of police, the major, a TV producer, etc.) This box is sealed and it will be opened some days later. The box will never be touched again by you or anybody else involved in the stunt.

The day that the prediction will be opened, lets say you are performing at the radio while there are live people waiting to see the box opened, you ask the radio audience to call in to the radio station, they will be taking part in a mind experiment in which they will have to make some decisions that will create at the end a random event, which when the box is opened...

★★★★ $25
Devin Knight
Four Told 2: Modern Symbol Edition by Devin Knight

Devin Knight has created another hit with Four Told 2 the modern symbol edition. This is mind reading at its best, and allows you to read four minds at once. This new improved version is better and has a streamlined method that requires NO secret adding of numbers.

It does away with the pad and uses just a few index cards, which are handed to the participants as predictions. It does away with old fashion ESP symbols and takes the effect into the 21st century by using modern up to date symbols. Two different presentations for both stage and close-up are included in this new release.


★★★★ $15
Paul Voodini
A Lightning Rod to the Spirits by Paul Voodini

A Lightning Rod to the Spirits contains four exciting new routines, routines that are proud to have their feet planted very firmly in the world of Bizarre Magick! Utilising the most common and simple props (a thumb tip for example and a magic colouring book - not to mention a frying pan!), these routines will take your audience on a genuinely freaky journey. There are no half measures here - these routines are designed to actually spook an audience!

The routines feature at their core common, everyday items such as a watch, a sachet of salt, a child's colouring book and yes, a frying pan....

★★★★★ $5
The Book of Forbidden Knowledge by unknown

This is a weird book that mixes black magic, superstitions, charms, divination, signs, omens, hypnosis ... and conjuring. You can find next to each other things like "how to make persons at a distance think of you" and "how to perform the Davenport Brothers' Spirit Mysteries". Probably it is most useful for finding interesting story lines.

1st digital edition 2012, 63 pages.

★★★★★ $35
Larry White & David Goodsell
The Complete Oracle by Larry White & David Goodsell

In recent years magic has experienced a renewed and keen interest in mental, bizarre and storytelling magic. Magic that does more than just fool the eyes and mind, magic that tugs on the heart strings, that stirs arcane fears and longing, magic that grabs the audience and won't let go. Sometimes the experience is light and airy, sometimes it probes a bit deeper and provokes self analysis and even resolve, sometimes it is just plain spooky.

David Goodsell and the late Larry White spent three years of their lives gathering the best of this kind of magic in their unique Oracle Magic Magazine...

★★★ $6
Christian Lavey
Free Choice: a mental effect by Christian Lavey

On the table are 6 cards and a set of cards in a card box. The spectator calls a number from one to six. The magician counts to the associated card and points with the finger to the card. Let's say the spectator chooses the number five and chooses with that the 4 of diamonds. No force required, the spectator has a FREE choice (like the effect name).

Now you open the card box (which was lying on the table) and all cards are blank (or white whatever you want to call them) except for one, the card the spectator chose. The blank cards can be properly investigated by the spectator.

The benefits...

★★★★ $15
José Prager
Watch-ing by José Prager

"Jose has created something wonderful here; using a mixture of subtleties to achieve a clean, realiable piece of mentalism that your audience will remember for a long time!" - Peter Turner

"Jose has melded a neo-classic and classic method and has created a routine which opens the door to manipulating people's memory about what actually happened (and when). This is a great example of a logical disconnect and a subtle presentation that maximizes the effect of both principles. A worker!" - Sean Waters

"So simple and devious! Jose has taken two common concepts, and blended them into an extremely baffling...

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