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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 28


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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★★★★★ $40
Atlas Brookings
The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings

"Seriously, this is underpriced...A vast amount of theory and applicable content is squeezed into this... After I get it all integrated, this is going straight into my naked repertoire... This has a huge amount of information to digest, but it's 100% workable, and Atlas has brought many, many new ways to work with this to the table. I think that many don't use this principle simply because a work this all encompassing has never before been written on the topic. This really fills a previously gaping hole in mentalism and opens up many doors. This is incredibly underpriced in my opinion. I...

★★★★★ $32
Atlas Brookings
The Real Thing by Atlas Brookings

What do other Mentalists think?

"At last a routine where you really are doing what you claim! This is a fantastic concept that Atlas has expanded greatly. It has the feeling of real mentalism because it IS real mentalism." - Marc Paul

"Page seven of your manuscript is worth whatever you end up charging for it." - Dave Arch

"I really enjoyed 'The Real Thing'...The core of the effect uses pure psychology which is just the ticket. The way in which this has been used to create a nice little lie-detector routine is very clever indeed." - Derek Heron

"Rather than a physical peek, your method...

★★★★★ $34
Sean Waters
Reflections: a collection of realistic mentalism by Sean Waters

"Sean Waters material rides at the top of Mentalism's 'New Wave'." - Bob Cassidy, Performer, Author and Co-Founder of the P.E.A.

"Reflections" is, like all of Sean's work, thought-provoking, powerful and practical. It is a marvelous collection of material, and highly recommended." - Gabe Abelson, writer and performer

"In short, if you're already a fan of Sean's work, I'll bet you a cookie you'll be a fan of this book. If you're not familiar with his work, I would bet you'll be a fan once you read it." - Joshua Quinn, Creator and Author

"I want to thank you for again sharing your wonderful...

★★★★★ $51
Sean Waters
Wonders by Sean Waters

"The Panacea Process is a brilliant concept" - Thomas Heine of Paralabs

"It is AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, DECEPTIVE, PERFECT! The best investment I have made." - Jose Prager, creator and author (comment regarding The Panacea Process)

"There are a very few people out there who I've come to trust to deliver 'the good stuff' and by that I mean, 'stuff I can use'. If you're familiar with Sean's ebooks you already know he's a thoughtful, knowledgeable guy, who not only shares great ideas but understands (and credits) where these ideas come from. I can say without hesitation that the Panacea Process was totally...

★★★★★ $35
Christopher Bolter
Warrior: 2013 Lecture Notes by Christopher Bolter

Chris' new set of lecture notes includes material to be used in the real world for real people. Warrior is a manuscript including 8 killer effects designed for mentalists and magicians alike.

As a bonus for purchasing "Warrior" you will get Chris' brand new set of close up mentalism notes Phone Box Mentalist for free! Which includes another 6 incredibly fun and easy mentalism routines.


Three Card Opener – a quick opening card effect with a great kicker ending.

Gilbreath Revisited – an impossible experiment in patterns is explored in this fun card routine.

The Tossed Deck – the hoy...

Christopher Bolter
Phone Box Mentalism by Christopher Bolter

Mentalism On-The-Go

  • Crusher - immediately cause a plastic bottle to crush itself
  • Taster - correctly name the chosen flavor of gum just by having them imagine the taste
  • Alarmer - a random time is written down by an audience member and hidden … several minutes later an alarm goes off ... at the exact time predicted
  • Stopper - cause a borrowed, un-gimmicked wrist watch to STOP and START on your command
Effects Using Borrowed Items
  • The Human Calculator - a borrowed calculator is used to total random numbers by the audience – only to total a prediction made by the mentalist days in...
★★★★ $10
Dave Arch
Murder Mystery Party by Dave Arch

carry it in your wallet ... fill a stage

The following effect by Jack Yates was originally published in 1980, by Supreme Magic under the title of "Accusation." The original version is still available from Magic Inc. Dave Arch has simplified the handling, strengthened the mnemonic aids, and consequently dispensed with an additional key card originally needed to guide the mentalist.

EFFECT: After asking the group how many have ever attended a Mystery Party, the mentalist suggests, "For anyone who has never been to one, let's have one right here! You know how it is. When people come to the party,...

★★★★★ $40
Sean Waters
Tailored Suits: Card Routines Befitting a Mentalist by Sean Waters

"I want to crawl up your nose and take a sample of your brain so I can clone it." - Iain Dunford

"It's a great book from cover to cover." - Don Theo

"Every time Sean describes a new card effect to me it feels like coming home to that place where 'Out of This World' is brand new and I wonder what's waiting on the next page." - Mike Ince

"A real treasure chest" - Felix Schellenberg

"An Exceptional Book" - Jan Forster

"If you've ever doubted whether cards have a place in mentalism, READ THIS BOOK!" - Gabe Abelson

"Cards DO have a place in mentalism. Here is over 100 pages that further proves it." - Bryn Reynolds

"I could...

★★★★ $10
Avik Dutta
Oblivion by Avik Dutta

Ever wanted to read minds of others in a hassle-free way? There have been hundreds of excellent methods in existence for extracting thoughts from people's minds. Mentalists have been "nailing" the thoughts of others, "tearing" into others' brains, having a "peek" into peoples' minds for a long time now. Imagine what it would be like if there's no need to resort to such methods. Imagine what it would be like if you are looking for the information just where you need to look? Here's something revolutionary for you.

Imagine requesting a spectator to take part in a demonstration on Thought Projection....

Christopher Bolter
Close-Up Mentalism Part 2 by Christopher Bolter

Drawing Man: a very fun and funny routine designed to get the audience involved. Using a classic artist's mannequin the mentalist predicts the outcome of an impossible to know pose.

Partners: this is a clever two person card routine that uses 2 decks, and comes with a surprise kicker ending! Mentalism with cards at it's finest.

The Magic Square: Chris unleashes all of his work on the classic magic square. With looks at the easy to the complicated you'll learn how to build, code and perform your own magic square.

Don't You Know It: A totally impromptu routine using some cards you're...

Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 18: Werner Miller Part 2 by Aldo Colombini

Werner Miller is certainly one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • MIXED DOUBLE: Two spectators pick a card each and they lose it in the middle of two packets. At the end of the routine, they find their own symbols.
  • 1,2,3,!: A matching symbol routine.
  • TRIPLET: After a spectator freely picks an ESP card, you find two more symbols matching the selection.
  • EMPTY NET GOALS: Two spectators pick a card each. You place two packets on the table and turn over cards at the same time. Only two pairs match,...
Christopher Bolter
Close-Up Mentalism Part 1 by Christopher Bolter

The Lottery - a frightening adaptation of the classic psychometry routine using a premise you might not have known existed. All based off of Shirley Jackson's famous short story "The Lottery"

Invisible Dreams - a clever adaptation to a prop you probably already own.

Gilbreath Revisited - this card effect is utterly baffling, so much that it's gone by some of the brightest minds in magic!

Psychic Art Thief - a drawing duplication routine that you can do during a walk around performances or even seated at a table.

Intuition - a foolproof cards across routine that never fails!


Christopher Bolter
Extreme Magic Square by Christopher Bolter

The mentalist walks on stage holding 2 foam poster boards (or dry erase boards) with a grid of 16 squares on them. Two easels reside on stage. He places one board on top of each easel and walks towards the audience. Claiming to posses the power of impossible lighting fast calculations he boldly challenges the audience to think of a two digit number. In which he will not only display amazing mathematical and memory skill, but he'll also read their minds!

He hands out a piece of card stock to two volunteers from the audience and has them secretly write down their thought of 2 digit numbers....

Christopher Bolter
Fortune and Intuition: two mentalism card routines by Christopher Bolter

Effect 1: A Fortunate Ending

An audience member is asked to come up and participate in a demonstration of fortune and possibility. A deck of cards is introduced, displayed, shown to be all different and shuffled by the audience member. He/She is asked to then begin to deal cards into rows and at any moment deal one card forward, a specially chosen card. Then continue dealing until he/she feels compelled to stop.

When the audience member stops the chosen card is revealed (for example the 7 of Diamonds). A small envelope is handed out to the audience member, it is opened and a small hand...

Alfonso Bartolacci
Remote Viewing Miracle by Alfonso Bartolacci

"Remote Viewing Miracle uses a very clever principle to learn a thought of city in a very disarming way. Nothing is written down, yet the mentalist gets the thought from across the stage! Highly recommended." - Richard Osterlind

The performer invites on stage five people. Four of them sit in front of the audience while the fifth is given a list of names of ten different cities. The performer asks the spectator to mentally select one of the cities and to communicate his choice to the four seated. When everybody knows the chosen city, the mentalist distributes to each spectator an envelope...

Alfonso Bartolacci
Boxed Clairvoyance by Alfonso Bartolacci

"Alfonso Bartolacci's Boxed Clairvoyance is a great principle. I tried it with a number of different style boxes and it works as explained. You will have to practice a bit to get it all natural, but once you have it down, it looks great! You need to have this tool in your arsenal." - Richard Osterlind

This is a Gellerish experiment, which should not be part of a regular program, but could be an extraordinary event during a show or, better, an impromptu performance.

A cardboard shoe-box (only the box, no shoes needed) and a deck of cards are borrowed. Everything can be examined and...

★★★★★ $5
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Brain Busters by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Only 4 mental effects are explained by Grant in this old manuscript but they are really strong ones.

Read carefully the effects:

  1. Watch Reading Test: Any three people take ordinary watches to a far corner and set them at any hour, minute and second desired, then seal them in small boxes. These are hung or placed anyplace and you can tell the exact hour, minute and second on each one.
  2. Card & Boards Test: Any number of sealed decks that have never been opened are given to committee. They select any deck, break seals and shuffle same and remove any ten cards and seal them nailing between...
★★★★ $25
Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC
Fourth Dimensional Mysteries by Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC

"Frankly, this is one of the most exciting and inspiring books on magic and mentalism I have ever read for Punx does both magic and mentalism as theatre ... and with great entertainment value .. A MUST READ for the serious magician or mentalist." - Phil Willmarth

Punx shares and teaches his way of performing mentalism. You can't read this without starting to think and apply some of Punx's ideas.

In the late seventies, Punx released material he had been performing for various decades as a series of seven booklets (in German): Experimente mit dem Überraum. In 1980 one of them, Der Wahrtraum, was...

★★★★ $12
Avik Dutta
Confession: The Ultimate Truth/Lie Divination test by Avik Dutta


Have you ever thought seriously about lying? How about catching someone every time they lie? Though this is a bit far-fetched (You'd be considered Superman if you could), offering a serious demo to your viewers wouldn't be that far-fetched. With the New Confession Principle, you can catch just about anyone lying. Introducing a brand new principle in mentalism, with tons of applications, Confession by Avik accomplishes just what the name suggests; let them lie, but the truth behind that will be clear as daylight to you, as if they were confessing their lies. The ultimate Truth/Lie...

★★★★★ $20
Gerard Zitta
The Yin Yang Principle by Gerard Zitta

A novel mental force.

A spectator thinks of a card and changes it to a new one, in his/her mind. You predicted it, or you name it BEFORE the spectator names his/her own card!".

Impromptu - Anytime, Anywhere. Perfect for informal and casual setting, or when you have NOTHING with you (It can be performed naked on the beach!). You can also use this as a "warm up" experiment, to open your mentalism act.

No fishing or "PA" - Nothing needed, no cards, no props. Pure mind reading. Can fool performers as well.

It is not 100%. Most of the time (80% approximately based on probabilities and...

Dee Christopher
413 by Dee Christopher

In 413 Dee discusses four brand new effects that he has not tipped in any other publication. Four working demonstrations of amazing mental power.

Schrödinger's Deck

A presentation and method for the light and heavy deck that will prove your powers of mind over matter. A spectator will easily lift a deck of your hand, then will be unable to do so. Easy to do and completely examinable. You are left with a normal deck of cards and box to move onto another effect. This could be done with a tarot deck if you are against playing cards in your work.

The Devil's Key

The Devil's Key is a...

★★★★ $10
Bev Bergeron
Predicting Time by Bev Bergeron

Master magician Bergeron covers six of his routines involving time.

  • The Miracle of Two Watches
  • The Miracle of A Watch and Paper
  • The Miracle of ‘Mental Epic’ Prediction
  • The Miracle of The Time Machine
  • The Miracle of The Mailed Letter
  • The Miracle of Synchronous Watches

1st edition 1989, 1st digital edition 2013, 14 pages.

Devin Knight
New Improved In The News by Devin Knight

This trick sells for $100 made up, however, using this PDF you can make it up yourself for a low cost and save some money.


Invite 3 people on stage. No stooges or impromptu coaching. Can be any 3 people. One is given an envelope to hold before the trick even begins. This envelope is never touched again by the performer till the trick is over.

Performer has three different newspapers face down on the table. The first spectator freely selects any newspaper. There is no force of any kind! He has a free choice of any one of the three newspapers. The front page of the freely chosen...

Alan Jones
The Fools Journey by Alan Jones

The Fools Journey is a few thoughts about the history and development of The Tarot followed by a comprehensive workbook for exploration of tarot imagery. It is based upon Alan Jones' workshops on The Tarot for Self-Development.

The focus is on using the systems for self-exploration, as Alan believe this is where the real 'power' of the imagery and metaphor lies.

This ebook would be a useful companion to Alan's Transformational Readings ebook.

1st edition 2013, 156 pages.

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