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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 20


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Displaying 1436 to 1459 (of 1915 products)
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★★★★★ $10
Michael Daniels
Three Easy Pieces by Michael Daniels

Three Easy Pieces is a collection of three self-working mentalism effects for close-up, especially one-to-one, presentation.

The first effect, The Prisoner, is a variation on a trick and principle first published by Howard Adams. Two sets of five ESP symbols are shuffled and dealt into two face-down piles. The spectator successively eliminates pairs of symbols by spelling out a key phrase as cards are moved from the top to the bottom of either pile – switching piles whenever, and as often, as the spectator wishes. The last pair of symbols is found to be a match. The other four eliminated...

★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Tri-Sight by Devin Knight

The performer calls attention to three face-down envelopes that are on a table in full view. He says these contain three predictions. The performer then has a playing card freely selected and signed while he looks away; there is no force of any kind. The selected card is then lost in the deck. The deck is given to the participant, who cuts the deck at random and deals three cards face down onto the table. The performer then shows three more envelopes. He places the three dealt cards into these three envelopes, without looking at them. Neither the performer nor the participant knows the identity...

★★★★★ $50
R. Shane
Pentalogy by R. Shane

"This is the best thing in bizarre magic to have happened to me in years. I am quite taken by the effects, the methods, the props, the presentations and the advice on performing. The results are novel, thoughtful, funny and scary. To be blunt, I wish I had created it all myself."
- Robert Neale, Creator, Author, Life, Death, and Other Card Tricks, Tricks of the Imagination, The Magic Mirror

"Shane is one of the most original and creative writers of practical bizarre material around. Like me you will be enchanted with Shane's imaginative presentations. His stories range from high comedy to subjects...

Fraser Parker
True Mysteries by Fraser Parker

"I just finished editing Fraser Parker's book 'True Mysteries'. I can honestly say I would put this right up there with Luke Jermay's '7 Deceptions' without question. Fraser Parker is about to become as recognized for making the impossible possible as Luke Jermay. I am proud to call Mr. Parker my true Student. Anyone who studies or appreciates my work needs to have this book and read it more than once!" - Kenton Knepper

High praise indeed, and yet possibly understated, given what is in this new work. It's nearly impossible to overstate what is in this ebook.

You may already know Fraser Parker...

★★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Impossible DEVINation by Devin Knight

Devin Knight's Impossible Devination has the Mentalism community up in arms. It is, quite simply, one of magic's greatest secrets finally revealed after 15 years! A trick that has fooled almost every magician who saw it performed.

Introducing Impossible DEVINation! With it you can reveal a playing card or duplicate a drawing on a business card hidden completely under an opaque plate under test conditions. A spectator selects a card while your back is turned and it is concealed under a plate. You are still able to divine it simply by placing your hands over the plate. There is nothing concealed...

★★★★ $40
Twins by Nefesch

"Nefesch's new book, Twins, is wonderful. It is a great impromptu plot that makes sense and looks like real mentalism. More importantly, Nefesch gives you 13, yes I said 13, ways of doing the effect! You will find your favorites, but you will also have the knowledge on how to fall back on other methods should the need arise. Do yourself a favor. Forget any props this time around and just go after knowledge." - Richard Osterlind December, 2011

"TWINS is a fantastic piece of truly impromptu mentalism which will only be performed by fearless performers. Highly recommended!" - Keith Barry;...

★★★★★ $6
Werner Miller
E-Z Square 4 by Werner Miller

"The hallmark of all the E-Z Square is their clarity of magic square instruction, as well as a selection of variations that's enough to start your mind racing with presentational possibilities." - Scott Cram

Giving a performance the appearance of difficulty and effort sometimes adds to the success of an artistic feat. Even if you are only constructing a magic square you can benefit from this phenomenon...

1st edition 2011; 16 pages.

★★★★★ $6
Werner Miller
E-Z Square 3 by Werner Miller

How to complete a 4x4 grid to get a magic square, when the four center numbers or the four corner numbers are given? You will learn two methods, applications and an interesting take on the birthday square based on an idea by Nico Reuter.

1st edition 2011; 21 pages.

★★★★★ $40
Devin Knight & Al Mann
The Glass Box Revisited and Other Predictions by Devin Knight & Al Mann

If you already own The Glass Box Prediction PDF this expanded version will only cost you $25 instead of $40.00.

"The Glass Box Revisited is a fascinating must read addition to the classic headline prediction story. The many tips and bits of business Devin has revealed will be of great interest to mentalists from neophyte to professional, especially the tech age information that brings everything up to date." - Larry Becker

This is the Glass Box Prediction on steroids! New and exciting techniques that take the original glass box far beyond anything you imagined possible. Almost double the size of the first release...

★★★★ $25
Devin Knight & Jerome Finley
Cloud Busting Secrets by Devin Knight & Jerome Finley

Make clouds vanish, appear and more. With a preface by Paolo Cavalli and a foreword by Enrique Enriquez.

Two of the world's foremost 'Cloudbusters' reveal their inner secrets of cloud magic!

In this ebook the authors strip away the veil of secrecy, revealing cloud secrets only known to a select few. Learn to make clouds vanish and appear. Sculpture them into images of selected playing cards, thought of numbers, ESP symbols, faces, and even animals.

Nothing is held back. Apparently change the weather by delaying rain or snow or even by making it warmer. Believe it or not you can do a...

★★★★ $15
Aire Allegro
Behind the Mind by Aire Allegro

Within this ebook you will find five routines that are for intermediate mentalists. Do you want working material that can be performed in any situation? Then look no further,

Ask two subjects to mentally design a dictionary, imagine to look inside and to think of any word they would like. After both subjects say out loud a word they have selected a cloth is pulled off the easel to display what they selected in an obscure fashion.

No preshow, dual reality or instant stooging and the easel is on display the entire time. This routine really is as close to mind reading as it gets.


★★★★★ $19.99
Peter Turner
Snap: A Treatise on Drawing Duplications by Peter Turner

If you are looking for stunning, practical and direct drawing duplications this ebook is for you.

I am Peter Turner and I am happy to present a compilation of drawing duplications from my previous published material Devious Realities and Dare to Be BOLD. If you are looking for clever drawing duplications that require no peeks, no preshow and are as clean as they come look no further. If that wasn’t enough, there are additional ideas and a drawing duplication from Pablo Amira.


1. Mind Plant: A subject thinks of a word, number or picture and you are able to reveal it. Nothing is written down and no preshow. ...

Dee Christopher
Cronos: the impossible prediction act by Dee Christopher

"Dee is not only giving you an effect here. He is giving you a full routine that packs so small but plays so big, hits hard and leaves them with no where to go. An astouding little routine which lets you seem like a true time lord." - Alan Rorrison

You hand a small box to an audience member at the start of your show. You have never met them before and they need not even leave their seat. You just tell them that the box will prove important later on.

As your show is coming to a close, you call out for your box holding spectator and ask them to join you on stage. You ask your spectator what the...

Devin Knight
The Blindfolded Car by Devin Knight

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

Enhance your magic career with one of the most amazing publicity stunts ever created. The Blindfolded-Car Drive is unsurpassed for getting front page publicity.

This isn't your normal blindfold drive. Not only do you drive a car blindfolded, but the WINDSHIELD IS COVERED WITH NEWSPAPER at the same time! People may suspect you could see through a blindfold, but how can you drive with the windshield covered? Yes, you can even have a reporter ride in the car with you and have no clue as to how you are driving the car sight unseen.


★★★★★ $9.99
José Prager
Evil Twin by José Prager

It’s a peek wallet…without the wallet!

Evil Twin is an easy-to-make / easy-to-use gimmick that allows you to obtain information in a super-clean way. You will need some blank business cards or other small cards one can write on.

"It is a very clever idea and will be making one up straight away." - Carl at The Magic Café

"This is an excellent, portable p**k device that will be on me at all times." - Anthony Brandonissio

"I like my mentalism simple and the more I play about with this effect the more I like it." - NeilS

"Jose just keeps putting out those …Wow, I wish I thought...

★★★★★ $29.95
José Prager
Swipeit by José Prager

Remote viewing, mind reading, song revelations, predictions and more... All with an iPhone or iTouch. (Some Android phones can be used for this too).

Swipeit is impromptu, can be performed with a spectator's phone and no special apps or software are needed. Absolutely no funny or illogical moves are involved.

Also featuring additional creative routines and ideas from the minds of Ran Pink, Mauricio Jaramillo and Paul Carnazzo that will give you plenty of concepts to experiment with.

Have an easy remote viewing routine and some very powerful mind reading effects at hand any time you meet someone....

★★★ $9.99
José Prager
Mind Veil by José Prager

A deviously clever drawing duplication using an ungaffed, store-bought pad.

"WOW, I just got this today and really like it. It is so simple and to the point that I can’t believe no one has thought of this until now! I have played around with this and think that I like this better than my IMPs pads. No kidding!" - Ray Noble

"Thanks Jose, you have come up with another gem." - NeilS

"Nicely done J. Prager, this is some clever stuff, a great lil peek device." - jaybest

"Love your stuff! Bob Nelson and Al Koran, both very dear friends, would have enjoyed your thinking a great deal....

★★★★★ $45
David Numen
The Abnormal Lift: and other abnormalities by David Numen

One could hardly ask for a more visual demonstration of unusual mental powers. For an astonishing few moments, the universal laws of physics are seemingly displaced. Four volunteers, using only two fingertips each, somehow lift a seated adult from his chair high into the air as though he were made of Styrofoam. And no one is more astonished than the lifters themselves, considering that moments before the sitter was as immovable as a couple hundred pounds of dead weight ought to be. What's more, the phenomenon is completely under the control of the performer who can turn the power on and off...

★★★★★ $150
Dale A. Hildebrandt
Hand Bluffs and More Stuff by Dale A. Hildebrandt

Warning: The author, publisher, editor, seller, and/or anyone else connected to this ebook in any way, shape, manner, or form, shall not be responsible for your use or misuse of the information in this ebook! This leaves you, and only you, as the sole person responsible for your use or misuse of the material in this ebook! You agree to check local laws, and to obey said laws at all times--before implementing this material! This ebook is not intended as medical advice or as hypnotherapy advice! This ebook is only for informational and entertainment purposes! This ebook is not for the faint of...

★★★★★ $21
Dee Christopher
Belief by Dee Christopher

A collection of thoughts.

Belief is the new ebook on mentalism by Dee Christopher. In this ebook, not only will you find some versatile techniques and a devestating full close up mind reading act, you will also find several essays on creating the most powerful demonstrations possible and making the demonstrations that you already do ten times more powerful.

The ebook also contains the full explanation of 2009's The Isolation Experiment video. A demonstration Dee devised using a readily available but under used prop to create the illusion of bending a fork while it's completely isolated....

★★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
More Headroom by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis presents seven more self working mental magic miracles using playing cards, business cards, bills, coins, envelopes, Sharpies and discount cards. There's a little something for everyone in this collection of super commercial, high octane material.

  • RED LIGHT - An ungaffed version of Cameron's bestselling effect Red Hot Prediction.
  • OUTLET - Four Sevens are shown. The spectator names one. You prove you predicted it. Clean and simple.
  • CHANGE IT UP - A freely chosen number matches the amount of change in your pocket.
  • MAGICIAN'S HOLD 'EM - A very easy to do and effective prediction...
★★★★ $5
Sam Dalal
Magic with an ESP Deck by Sam Dalal

The original Magic With An ESP Deck was written in 1972 as an “instruction manual” to go with an ESP Deck marketed as a magic prop. The mimeographed manuscript contained a hand full of good self working effects with an ESP Deck, written and produced over a couple of days. Sam Dalal thought no more of this than the hundreds of similar manuscripts and instruction sheets he has written over the years for commercial magic items.

He was delighted when he found the book had achieved the status of a reference book on the subject. Republished by Micky Hades, references to this manuscript popped...

★★★★★ $14.95
Devin Knight
Double Clip Line by Devin Knight

Devin Knight's Closely Guarded Secrets is a new series that will include never revealed secrets that he developed over the last 30 years. The first release in this new series is Double Clip Line.

This is not the old Snip-Snip Want Ad test. This is Clip Line on STEROIDS! Closely guarded secrets that take Clip Line to a new level. Here are the effects included in the first release of the series.

CLIP LINE EXTRAORDINARY - Two different newspaper columns are shown. One column is marked with the number 1. The other column is marked with the number 2. This is so the audience can tell the columns...

Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 7: Nick Trost Part 3 by Aldo Colombini

This is the seventh in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 7 features routines by Nick Trost.


  • FACE-TO-FACE COINCIDENCE: You place three cards on the table and these are inserted into the deck by spectators. They find the same symbols.
  • ESP SWINDLE: A spectator shuffles the deck at random, yet he’s able to pair all the cards (two Circles, two Squares, etc. all the way through).
  • THREE ODD COUPLES: The cards are dealt on the table in pairs and a spectator picks three pairs by placing three coins on them (free choice). These are the only...
Displaying 1436 to 1459 (of 1915 products)
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