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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 27


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Paul A. Lelekis
ESP for Close-Up and Cabaret Performances by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul A. Lelekis presents 8 real-world ESP effects for Close-Up and Cabaret performance. ESP is always a favorite with spectators. With these offerings, you can perform an entire amazing show, out of your pockets!

1) Fantasy Jacks is one of Paul's favorite effects to perform…and it's easy to do. The four Jacks are placed into the empty card case. Two selections are made and lost in the deck. The performer asks the spectator to choose any three of the Jacks…when the deck is spread, the three Jacks are seen "sandwiching" the two selections! But that's not all! When the card box is opened...

★★★★ $25
Rob Chapman
A.O.T. - An Occult Teaching by Rob Chapman

Learn a complete evening of magical mystery entertainment, with only three stones. Take your audience on a journey into a world of strange energies, sacred stones and shamanic journey. Scripts, notes and ideas including some of the ethical questions that performing such work can bring up. This is as close as you will get to real magic for an audience. Your choice is do you stay a performer or become a New Age Guru!

"Rob's AOT is an excellent example of how a professional devises an exciting and highly atmospheric evening of psychic entertainment - and the author's thoughts about the ethics...

★★★★★ $40
Gerard Zitta
Effects with Business Cards by Gerard Zitta

Imagine you are anywhere but on stage, and you are unprepared. Somebody asks you to do a 'magic trick' (yeah, they know who you are!). You answer you would like to, but you have nothing with you, but a pen and a few business cards. You take out your business card holder or box, and you start amazing your audience.

Now, imagine you would take a deck of cards. It would be all different … Nobody would believe you are unprepared!

This ebook is a compendium of Gerard Zitta's effects, that can be done with business cards. They all 'look' impromptu, and most of them are indeed impromptu...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 17: Various Authors Part 6 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • HENRY CHRIST & ESP (Arthur Carter): The deck is cut by a spectator and he then picks a card. You have predicted that card.
  • CASE FOR ESP (John Yager): A spectator freely picks a symbol from five. You show that you knew in advance what the selected symbol would be.
  • THAT’S THE ONE (W. Rory Coker): A self-working effect where a spectator finds the four symbols similar to your prediction.
  • STRANGE ESP (Max Maven): A spectator cuts a packet of cards and picks the top...
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 16: Various Authors Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • PERSONALITY TEST (Ken de Courcy): You show a chart with ESP symbols. A spectator names his (or her) month of birth and on the same chart the symbol that corresponds to the month is selected. You predicted that symbol.
  • STRICTLY STRAIGHT ESP (Aldo Colombini): A spectator (or more) picks five cards each time forming four packets of five cards each. Each group contains the five ESP symbols.
  • ESP ASSOCIATES (Peter Duffie): A spectator deals two packets of cards at random and finds two matching...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 15: Howard Adams Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • QUINCIDENTA: A spectator freely selects a design. Two other persons select a design each. The designs match. A deal leads to two more designs and they all match.
  • FACEY ESP: A freely selected symbol finds its matching sign. All is done in the hands of a spectator.
  • REPEATOTEST: You find three designs a person is concentrating on. Then you reverse two cards which prove to be duplicates of two more designs he has selected.
  • THIRTEAM ESP: Great routine and a new principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs...
Alan Jones
Mostly Mental by Alan Jones

The title of this ebook says it all really. It's 'mostly mental' and as such focuses on the performance of psychological illusion. It's not an ebook full of tricks and new methods, but a series of reflections and thoughts which include sections on NLP, Hypnosis, Linguistic Ambiguity, Performance Analysis, RAW Mentalism (Random Acts of Wonder) and so on. Of course there are some effects within the two-hundred or so pages and they are all drawn from Alan's working repertoire.

"I see your work as an asset to many sincere performers. Your approach is not for the mildly curious, nor should it...

Alan Jones
Transformational Readings by Alan Jones

This ebook offers a framework for psychic readings. Starting with the idea that 'readings' need to be a dialogue between 'reader' and 'client', it explores the idea of 'Transformational Readings' - that is, readings which empower and move 'clients' forward.

The Framework covers aspects of esoteric symbolism drawn from a number of traditions; the use of Tarot cards, Crystals, Colours, Numbers and even Dominoes and cards used for testing ESP (Zenner Cards). Whilst the ebook is aimed at 'readers', 'clairvoyants' and 'psychic entertainers' it nevertheless explores the use of divinatory tools...

★★★★★ $6
Werner Miller
E-Z Square 5 by Werner Miller

After seeing a performance of Richard Wiseman's Grid, which shares some commonalities with Chris Wasshuber's The Ultimate Magic Square, Werner Miller was inspired to come up with his take on 'magic squares made from cards' ...

The spectator decides on a number, and you produce instantly a magic square that has the spectator's number as its constant – simply by dealing out 16 or 25 ordinary playing cards.

As an example here is the detailed effect for variation 2: Take out a deck of cards, give it a quick shuffle and then offer the spectator the deck for a cut. The spectator cuts off a portion of the deck and counts the amount...

Gerard Zitta
Twin Peeks by Gerard Zitta

The Addition principle: A novel method to peek, in full view, any information written on business cards or playing cards.

Twin peeks: A mind reading card effect. You find the twin of a thought card that was kept under the spectator's hand.

Quick peek: Find a missing card in a borrowed and shuffled deck in 1 second!

Witness: A puzzling drawing duplication: your own drawing is revealed by a witness, while the spectator's drawing is still under her hands.

Four of a perfect pair: You find a thought card and a selected card.

Invisible book test: An incredible impromptu book test with...

Dale A. Hildebrandt
Dale's Little Red and Silver Book by Dale A. Hildebrandt

Notice: If you have Pre-Ordered Sacred Tricks, then you will be receiving this ebook in your email.

Notice: If you are a subscriber to the What Do You Expect For A Dollar? Series, you will also be receiving this ebook in your email.

WARNING!!! PLEASE NOTE: The author, publisher, editor, and/or seller of this ebook and anyone else connected to this ebook in any way, shape, or manner, shall not be responsible for your use or misuse of the information in this manuscript.. This leaves YOU as the sole person responsible for your use or misuse of this information.

Warning: Many magicians...

★★★★★ $15
Paul Voodini
How to be a Successful Medium: and other bedtime stories for mentalists by Paul Voodini

How to be a Successful Medium: and Other Bedtime Stories for Mentalists represents Paul Voodini's final PDF contribution to the world of mentalism! Centring around the stage performances of mediums, Paul analyses all aspects of their shows and demonstrates how there is much that any mentalist or mind-reader can learn from a good medium (as opposed to a bad medium, of which there are many!).

By combining techniques employed by stage mediums, any mentalist or mind-reader (or even magician) can add new depths or resonance and meaning to his performance. Using the techniques outlined in this...

James Auer
The Spirit is Willing by James Auer

Well written ebook of mental effects, designed to form a completely routined show. Good variety, suitable for most occasions. Presentation, routining, patter and full instructions for Conundrum in Crystal, Numbers Game, Ultimate Miracle, Spirit is Willing, Extra ESPecial, 6th Columnist, Two for TV, American Tel & Tel-epathy. Plus opening lecture, bibliography. All one man routines.

1st edition 1961; 1st digital edition 2013, 49 pages.

★★★★ $15
Scott Creasey
Number 5 by Scott Creasey

Number 5 is the culmination of many years spent searching for a simple to remember, impromptu routine which delivers not only an impossible magical/psychic climax, but also a personal reading which people will remember and talk about.

This routine isn't restricted to close up use. Scott has performed it many times on stage, in cabaret and in a lecture environment using nothing more than a flip chart and a marker pen.

Versatility is something Scott tries to build into every routine he uses as part of his professional repertoire and this routine is no exception, with ideas for multiple readings...

David Numen
Phone Home: Confessions of a Telephone Reader by David Numen

Phone Home is on David's experiences as a telephone reader packed with tips that anyone can use to enhance their readings including a system for generating "Angel Readings" which some would say is worth the price of the ebook alone.

"Great Read…It is way past time for this subject to get back in the reader's domain." - Millard Longman

"Very good thinking on David's part: well done. Angels have been always a popular thing with people as long as I can remember. Doing an angel reading is powerful and memorable and you hardly ever see anyone doing it. David put much thought into this one....

★★★★★ $5
John Rice
Secrets of the TV Psychics by John Rice

Anyone, armed with the basic knowledge provided in this ebook, can perform exactly the same stunts that TV psychics perform on television. All you need is 90% nerve and 10% knowledge.

  • The Show
  • How Does This All Work?
  • Secrets Of The TV Demonstration
  • The Audience As Spoon Benders
  • Should We Care?

1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.

★★★★ $6.95
Bob Somerfeld
Mind Reader's Digest by Bob Somerfeld

Ten one man, no preparation mental effects. Includes

  • Ripping!
  • Nickle for Your Thoughts
  • Divine
  • Centear
  • Impromptu
  • Threediction
  • No Smoking
  • That's the Spirit
  • My Word
  • Supelletive
Easy stuff you will put to good use.

1st edition 1951; 1st digital edition 2013, 23 pages.

Carroll K. Priest
Test Conditions Second Sight by Carroll K. Priest

The material contained within this ebook was first released to an inner circle of mentalists at a price exceeding one hundred dollars. In 1980 the material was organised in the form of a booklet and offered to mentalists on a world-wide basis. In order to eliminate the merely curious from its readership, the booklet was sold at a high cover price. Despite this fact, the book sold out completely. In 1985 Martin Breese reprinted it and now it is available as ebook for the first time.

When presented properly this "SECOND SIGHT" test will have the impact of an atomic bomb. There is no doubt that...

Fred Darevil
Tryptik by Fred Darevil

Fred Darevil is a French professional mentalist and magician. Tryptik is a selection of three effects he's been using professionally for several years with success. Originally sold as a printed booklet by Magic Smith, this ebook version has been updated with more photos, new ideas and subtleties.

Larry Becker said about Taxi Gambler: "I like it very much. Your method is very workable. You have created an excellent piece of mentalism for which you have to be congratulated".
ONE ONLY: Talking about feminine intuition, the mentalist gives an opaque envelope to a woman in the audience. There is a card...
★★★★ $10
Gerard Zitta
Janus V3 by Gerard Zitta

A practical and easy two-way out system.

Janus V3 is a very simple and practical two-way out system. It is impromptu and everything is examinable before and after. It allows you to leave your business card.

To describe it, we can compare it to another system by Scott Guinn called Assertive positive/negative.

  • The reader must also know another principle by Max Maven (in Videomind Volume 2) but the method and presentation are completely different.
  • It also uses business cards (or jumbo cardboard cards).
  • It can be done anytime with no setup. It is impromptu if you have a 'little something' with you (It is not a gimmick, it...
★★★★ $10
Terri Rogers
Word of Mind by Terri Rogers

A spectator is handed a theatrical review sheet and is asked to choose one of the hundreds of words that make up the various articles. There is no restriction of choice and the word is not written down. It is merely thought of by the spectator.

When the spectator is ready the mentalist begins to concentrate and slowly, letter by letter, reveals the mentally chosen word. It is that direct. A spectator things of a word and you reveal it. The spectator can choose a different word and you can repeat the effect right away.

Simple to learn, simple to perform, devastating in effect. What more...

Rob Chapman
Burn the Witch by Rob Chapman

In the Burn the Witch not only will you find four great effects that are inspired by witchcraft, but you will see the creative fusion of approaches to magick that makes Rob one of the most exciting mystery entertainers in the UK. Ideas, technique and inspiration drawing on sleight of hand, mentalism and hypnotism.


  • Protection against Witchcraft
  • The Face at the Grave
  • The Scented Flower
  • The Witches Mark

1st edition 2013, 36 pages.

★★★★★ $18
Paul Hallas
Mindful Mentalism Volume 1 by Paul Hallas

A compilation of over twenty mental routines from U.K. sources, some well known names among them.

  • Stranded (Arthur Setterington and Paul Hallas)
  • Book Test Prompter (Eddie Burke)
  • Roger’s E.S.P. Prediction (Roger Curzon)
  • Blind Faith (Peter Duffie)
  • Symbolic Harmony (Ron and Nancy Spencer)
  • One For Ken (Barry Stevenson)
  • The Predictograph (Terry Liversidge)
  • Lucifer’s Lotto (Dan O'Donoghue)
  • Premon-notion (Jack Jansen)
  • A Letter From Australia (Peter Kane)
  • Con Text (Lewis Jones)
  • A Calculated Experiment (Paul Hallas)
  • Blind Date (Jim Cuthbert)
  • Zenner PK (Paul Hallas)
  • Another Cyclic Prediction (Paul Flory)
  • Eazy Peezy Book Test...
★★★★★ $15
Dee Christopher
Deadly Subtleties by Dee Christopher

This publication is slightly different to a lot of his previous work in that rather than creating new methods for effects, he's honed in on the psychological side of things and is offering some of his favorite techniques to bring effects that you already perform to the next level.

Deadly Subtleties is a collection of subtleties that you can apply to your work to create:

  • Better accuracy during mind reading
  • Fairer conditions when revealing peeked information
  • More realistic blindfold demonstrations
  • More believability in psychokinetic demonstrations
While these ideas are simple in nature,...
Displaying 1267 to 1290 (of 1914 products)
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