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Entropy Dropping

Jan Bardi
Entropy Dropping by Jan Bardi... objects. The method exploration quickly diverges into a multitude of unprecedented applications with items and act plots rarely associated with Paul Curry's celebrated card magic masterpiece.

Seemingly just following their intuition, your volunteers will mysteriously separate not just playing cards, but also words, dice, business cards, drawings, crime scene reports, poker hands, terrorism suspect lists, toy objects, gift boxes, astrology charts, wallets, ESP symbols, lottery forms, card decks, poems, eggs, and even other spectators.

The text offers much more than just routines where...

★★★★★ $20
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UK Lecture Tour Notes 2013

Jozsef Kovacs
UK Lecture Tour Notes 2013 by Jozsef Kovacs

"Really interesting combination of principles in there. I especially liked Eight Envelopes, Asymmetric Oil & Water, Yet 2 and Coin and Card ESP. The Plaid Eared Rabbit contains a very clever use of an old Tenyo prop." - Raphaël Czaja


Appreciation: Jozsef thanks those who have helped him.

Amazing Prediction: You table a prediction deck. A lady randomly (and fairly) chooses two cards from another deck. The two cards generate a card and a two-digit number. You hand her the prediction deck, and she deals down to her randomly generated number. All the cards dealt are face down except...

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Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #2

Biagio Fasano
Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #2 by Biagio Fasano... amazing automatic "Any Card At Any Number" effects.

These are the simple rules that all my effects obey in this project:

  1. The deck in use could be stacked or gimmicked, but anyway it must be possible to show it to the audience (and in case, to be quickly examined by a spectator).
  2. Once the cards have been (falsely) shuffled, the deck is given to a spectator and the performer will no longer touch it until the effect ends.
  3. The performer will simply provide all the instructions that the spectator will follow and the effect will happen in his own hands.
  4. Viewers will truly believe they...
★★★★★ $15
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Stone Cold Mental 2

Jeff Stone
Stone Cold Mental 2 by Jeff Stone

After nearly two years since volume I was released, the long-awaited sequel is finally here. In this second volume, you'll find ten effects in five different categories, namely ESP, Tarot, "Words", "Spirits", and "Luck". Plus 3 bonus ideas including an effect specifically for magicians as well as my presentation for Max Maven's brilliant effect B'WAVE, and a brand new take on the PATEO force.

Also included you'll find 16 QR Codes with links to video footage, a secret website full of all kinds of goodies and downloads, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Plus, you'll get full access to 4 custom...

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Unknown Mentalist
Businessassins by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can purchase Businessassins 2 for half price.

The extraordinary art of 'killing'. With just your business card. You can choose to 'kill' instantly. Or you can choose to 'kill' remotely over phone. You can even 'time the kill' for many weeks or months later. Actually just one business card is handed over to the 'victim'. But the impact in the mind of the 'victim' will be far bigger.

Businessassins is especially for the mentalist to hand out his business cards. No 'magicky' methods. Appears like some unfathomable 'mind thing' to the 'victim'. And you will appear like a true mentalist. ...

★★★★ $12
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R. Shane
Symbolics by R. Shane

These are three self-working routines with ESP cards with the general theme 'impossible coincidences', facilitated by a cyclic stack. (Two effects are based on work by Werner Miller from his Ear-Marked book, and one routine is from Shane's book Automata.)

As always with Shane, you don't just get a routine and method, but the reasons why these routines work, what is important and how you can change or alter them to suit your needs and make them your own.

In Search of Synchronicity
A deck of ESP is shown, shuffled, and cut. The spectator cuts the deck several times, finally stopping whenever she wants, and removes the...

★★★★ $6
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793.8: Where is The Magic?

Jeff Stone
793.8: Where is The Magic? by Jeff Stone... and astonishment.

"Where is The Magic? Between the pages of this book, that's where." - Jay Sankey


Spectator's Choice:

Magician's choice without the magician's choice. The spectator makes up all the rules and procedures. Yet in the end, you still were able to predict what ESP symbol they would choose.

What's the Deal with the Down Under Deal:

Take this utility move and use it in a way that gives meaning to the move and gives the sense that you truly are clairvoyant as you merely sense (by touching the cards) which ESP symbol they are thinking of.

Luke and...

★★★★★ $29.95
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Train Bricks

Cameron Francis
Train Bricks by Cameron Francis

"Cameron's 'Creation' is worth the price of the download!" - Stephen Tucker

Get ready for six new new mental magic effects from the fertile and slightly deranged mind of Cameron Francis. All of these effects are well within the range of most magicians. No knuckle-busting sleights. No gaffs or gimmicks. All of the tricks use a normal deck.


B'WAVY GRAVY - The spectator takes five cards from a shuffled deck, shuffles them, and then discards all but one. The magician instantly knows which card was selected.

CREATION - A card is "created" by a spectator. The magician reveals the card...

★★★★★ $15
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MP4 (video)

Incredible 3-Way Match

Devin Knight
Incredible 3-Way Match by Devin Knight

EFFECT: The performer shows five playing cards that are cut in half width-wise, making a total of ten half cards. He shows that there is a matching card half within the small packet of cards. The performer invites two spectators to help. We’ll refer to as Spectator A and Spectator B. He gives the packet to Spectator A and has him shuffle the cards thoroughly so no one knows the order of the cards.

The performer turns his back and says to Spectator A, “While my back is turned, please deal to the other person; face down, as many or as few cards as you wish. What cards you get is unimportant....

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Card Control

Arthur Buckley
Card Control by Arthur Buckley...
being devoted to principles of card conjuring and the other third to their application in the form of complete tricks. Chapter 1, entitled Sleights, runs 83 pages; Chapter 2, Conjuring at the Card Table, 27 pages; Chapter 3, Manipulation, 27 pages; and Chapter 4, Forty Experiments with a Pack of Cards, 63 pages.

In the first chapter, Mr. Buckley explains 75 card sleights, some of them quite difficult and others very easy, using 170 illustrations to make clear every detail of position and action. The force, glimpse, slide, pass, shift, palm, false shuffle, principles are described here...

★★★★ $5
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Sleightly Mental

Bob Cassidy
Sleightly Mental by Bob Cassidy... in low resolution, 320 x 240 pixels, and not of the best quality. Those were the early days of adding videos to ebooks.]

While each of the moves can be applied in a multitude of effects, the following, if presented as described in the text, comprise a complete routine of close-up mentalism:

  • ESP Card Matching
  • The Quarter Bend
  • The Koran Center Tear
  • Out of Pocket Writing
  • The Erdnase Bottom Deal
These effects are described in the text accompanying each move.

1st edition 2003; 21 pages; 9 MP4 video clips.

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick

Way too many mentalists--especially those not coming from a straight magic background--overlook the use of sleight of hand in mentalism effects. If you are a good performer, an arsenal of a few good sleights...
★★★★★ $25
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The Magician (Club 71): 2005

Geoff Maltby
The Magician (Club 71): 2005 by Geoff Maltby

Issue 163
  • A different perspective—a spectator's nightmare is related by Amanda R. Hyatt
  • Malcolm Yaffe makes a record for future reference
  • Magic Moments as Walt applies the psychology of Tommy Wonder
  • Eddie Dawes reports on the New England Magic Collectors' Association and discovers a rare postage stamp
  • JJ's wagon rolls into view and he tell two salutary tales of regret
  • Fred Castle explains the use of the Ascanio Spread with jumbo cards to perform a four queen transformation
  • Ian Adair again treats us to a double dose. Firstly with a version of magic painting and secondly with a tick...
★★★★★ $10
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Sub Rosa 2

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 2 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller. All of the effects make use of ESP cards. In some cases a non-ESP alternative is presented.

  • Empty Net Goals
  • Another ESP Twizzler
  • 1, 2, 3!
  • Triplet
  • Rainbow
  • mm-aa-tt-cc-hh
  • Color Twins
  • Color Clue
  • 100 Percent
  • Chased
  • Old Maid
  • Parallel ESPlus
  • The Last Pair(s)
  • Latin ESP Square
  • Identidem
  • Identidem Light
  • Mirimodis
  • Two-Way ESP
  • Consonus
  • Deciens

1st edition 2012, 28 pages.

★★★★ $12
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A Fix on Six!

Paul A. Lelekis
A Fix on Six! by Paul A. Lelekis...
  1. ... miraculous, self-working effect (it really is!) – but later, they NEVER remember how to do it! This trick "rocked" the magic world when Paul first released it. It is brilliant and VERY EASY to do. Perform it tonight.

  2. B-Fly – Paul's very strange version of the classic, Biddle Trick. Only 10 cards are used from a regular deck. It doesn't seem possible and performer never knows what the card is. Combines magic and ESP. Very E-Z.

  3. Devilish Miracle IIMarlo amazed magicians with this "underground" classic. Paul has re-worked the effect so that it is not only very easy to do, but very...
★★★★ $12
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Janus: The Magic of Kevin Casaretto

Paul A. Lelekis
Janus: The Magic of Kevin Casaretto by Paul A. Lelekis

Long-time Australian pro magician, Kevin Casaretto, has assembled a volume of 10 fantastic effects with as many different themes with patter, using one of three gaffed cards that all magicians already own.

Magicians - you are given an incredible diversity of top-flight magic...transpositions, transmutations, vanishes, appearances, an assembly, gambling themes, ESP, classics of magic, and incredible topological problems - all within this one e-book. 10 amazing effects all eked out after years of performances.

Some may say "Oh I don't use gaffs...I'm a purist!" That's fine...but don't blame...

★★★★★ $14
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Method in Effect

Peter Duffie
Method in Effect by Peter Duffie... then pick up the two black Kings, which you place face up on top of the deck and give the deck a single complete cut. The first selection now vanishes from between the red Kings, and both selections appear between the two black Kings in the middle of the deck.

DIPLOID: Two previously selected cards are revealed by two random locator cards. Wow!

COLD FUSION: You remove the two black Jacks and lay them aside, saying that you will use them in a scientific experiment. Two cards are now selected and each is signed by a spectator. Both cards are inserted face up into the deck. Now for the experiment....

★★★★★ $15
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The Magic Wand Volume 22 (1933)

George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 22 (1933) by George Johnson...
  1. ...
    • ...
    • The Escaping Coin
    • A Tale of Two Silks
    • A Variation in the Tale
    • AN Old Card Effect
  2. Programmes
    • Peter Godfrey at the Gate Theatre
    • Stanley Marelle - Grand Seance Programme
  3. The Magical Miscellany - Contributed by the Readers
    • A Card Change - Tom Sellers
    • Shakespearean Cards - R. W.
    • Your Portrait on a Card - Jules Danby
    • A Straw Paper Trick - Bruce Hurling
  4. Book Notes
    • Tricky Tricks and Telling Talk- Capt. J. E. Stone
    • Mathemagic - Royal Vale Heath
    • Al Baker's Book - Al Baker
    • Patter, Tricks and Quips - MS by Dan Bellman
    • Two Hours with Frank Lane - MS by Frank Lane
    • Cartomancy - card index by Donald Holmes
  5. New Apparatus
    • spring motor for the rising cards - Prof. Edgar
  6. Thayer's...
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More Mind Magic

Michael Daniels
More Mind Magic by Michael Daniels... predicts the outcome of a card-mixing procedure, even though the spectator freely chooses the procedural steps after the prediction is made.

The second effect, Seven Shooter, is a packet trick with a Russian Roulette plot. The seven firing chambers of a revolver are represented by six blank cards and one BANG card. These are mixed and placed in a face-down pile on the table. The spectator then freely chooses a number which determines the cards (chambers) to be fired. Six blanks are fired, leaving the final BANG card.

In the third effect, Cyclops, the mentalist correctly identifies...

★★★★ $10
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PRIC: Propless Remote Instant Cartomancy

Unknown Mentalist
PRIC: Propless Remote Instant Cartomancy by Unknown Mentalist

CAUTION: This is so powerful that you could start your own cult. So you must perform this effect with great wisdom, absolute ethics, high maturity and complete responsibility. The author is not liable for any contingent outcomes of your performances, you yourself are solely responsible for it.

SCENARIO : The performer and participant are on both ends of a voice call separated by maybe thousands of miles. The participant is holding an imaginary deck of playing cards and follows instructions of the performer. The objective of the participant is to know the answer to a question she has, related...

★★★ $18
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Tarbell Course

Harlan Tarbell
Tarbell Course by Harlan Tarbell

The Tarbell Course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and most encompassing magic literary work in existance today. It has almost 1300 pages and nearly 2900 illustrations. It covers practically every form of magic: sleight of hand with cards, coins, thimbles, cigarettes, silks, ropes, ..., up to mentalism and illusions. It goes beyond the mere technique and teaches patter, routining, marketing and other often neglected facets of being a magician. There is no other book which comes even close in breadth and depth of the material covered. It is amazing that since the late 1920s nobody has...

★★★★ $24.50
more than one
type to choose

(on disc)


Just Think

W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight
Just Think by W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight... own tips and ideas from performing this for more than 20 years. He includes valuable tips and advice that Magnuson did not include in the original manuscript that only comes from a performer who has spent 20 years performing this.

This is strictly a one-man act. No more hassles of passing out cards and pencils and then having to collect the cards.

  • no gimmicks
  • no clipboards
  • no impression devices
  • no assistants
  • no stooges or instant stooges
  • no preshow work of any kind
  • no fishing or pumping for information
  • spectator never writes the question
The bottom line is that the audience...
★★★★ $8
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Four Told 2: Modern Symbol Edition

Devin Knight
Four Told 2: Modern Symbol Edition by Devin Knight

Devin Knight has created another hit with Four Told 2 the modern symbol edition. This is mind reading at its best, and allows you to read four minds at once. This new improved version is better and has a streamlined method that requires NO secret adding of numbers.

It does away with the pad and uses just a few index cards, which are handed to the participants as predictions. It does away with old fashion ESP symbols and takes the effect into the 21st century by using modern up to date symbols. Two different presentations for both stage and close-up are included in this new release.


★★★★ $25
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The Magic of Michael Skinner

Paul A. Lelekis
The Magic of Michael Skinner by Paul A. Lelekis... FECHTER'S HANKY FORCE - Skinner loved this remarkable Force by Eddie Fechter...because it is very clean. Even magicians will be convinced that no force was involved.

ALTMAN'S '7' LOCATION - Skinner also loved to perform this really cool trick...even when you know how it will still fool yourself. It is brilliantly constructed.

BONUS! - 'James's Miracle'! Stewart James was a favorite "study" of Michael Skinner because of his genius. This ESP effect is very interactive with your spectators, (a big plus!) and the spectators make all the decisions to arrive at an impossible final revelation.

1st edition 2017, 33 pages photoillustrated + 2 videos.

Reviewed by Christopher Weber

The Magic of Michael Skinner by Paul Lelekis is a wealth...
★★★ $12
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Genii Volume 79 (2016)

Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 79 (2016) by Richard Kaufman...
  1. ...
    1. ...
      • ... Dardant
      • Transition - Jamie Docherty
      • Bring It (3-disc set) - Will Fern
    2. Books Reviewed by John Guastaferro
      • Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, Volume 9 - Steve Beam
      • Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, Volume 10 - Steve Beam
      • Kahnjuring: Deceptive Practices With Playing Cards - Scott Kahn
    3. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • RISE - Sean Scott
      • Wordsmyth - Francis Menotti
      • Smoke & Mirrors - Dan & Dave Buck
      • Contained - Jay Sankey
      • Knitting Ninja - Chad Long
      • Sweet 'n Salty - Vernet
  2. Advertisers Index
  3. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 4 - April 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Irene Larsen 1936-2016
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Tom Mullica with Duke
    2. online video file available - Silvan's Collection ...
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