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Beyonce and Elton ... and more

Graham Hey
Beyonce and Elton ... and more by Graham Hey

Beyonce & Elton is a new ebook featuring several excellent self-working card tricks for close-up. Also included are a few excellent visual gags and one-liners to help you add a bit of humor to the presentations. So, what's in this ebook?

Beyonce & Elton: Two cards are freely placed into the deck (no forcing) - and they end up right next to the only other two matching cards. When the deck is shown, all the other cards are Rolling Stones cards. An updated version of an old classic.

An Invisible Card Trick: A prediction is placed on the table in advance. The spectator is asked to select...

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Mind Blasters

Peter Duffie
Mind Blasters by Peter Duffie... Segal, and David Penn.
  • AAA Serial Number Divination (Marc Paul) Marc divines the serial number on a borrowed bank note - ANY time - ANY where - without ANY preparation. New to Marc's AAA series - never before released!
  • Shuffle Challenge Too (Marc Paul) A hands-off miracle! You show a deck of cards to be all different. These you then shuffle and then set in front of the spectator. You do not touch them until the end of the effect. The spectator is asked to think of a number between 1 and 52, this number is a free choice and is never revealed to you. While the spectator is concentrating on their number you make an open, verbal prediction of a playing card,...
★★★★ $24.95
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Club 71: 1996

Geoff Maltby
Club 71: 1996 by Geoff Maltby...
  • ... Lovell
  • THE MARK OF SATAN. Mental Magic from the prolific Steve Jones
  • SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION, together with details and current rates
  • ETHICS: Dr Rodney King with a controversial view on a controversial topic
  • THE SEVEN SAMURAI: Kennedy Smith with a different and entertaining effect with Jumbo cards
  • HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR BOOKINGS in one easy lesson. A clever approach by Brian Lead

Issue 84
  • News and Reviews in and around the studio with Geoff MaHby
  • The Mr Men Meet the Magician by Club 71 regular Steve Jones
  • Untouched Card at Any Number. Another reputation making miracle from Barrie...
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Kalendar Clairvoyance

Unknown Mentalist
Kalendar Clairvoyance by Unknown Mentalist

This is a collection of clean, crisp and cool calendar routines which will baffle and startle your audience. They can live in your wallet or pocket and are ready for anytime and anywhere performance.

There is nothing to memorize and no complex math. All the systems are easy and self working. You...

★★★★ $18
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Amazing Magic Volume I

Paul A. Lelekis
Amazing Magic Volume I by Paul A. Lelekis

This ebook is the first of a series of ebooks that will "tackle" the intricacies of magical performance with a 'teach-in' of direct venues and many excellent effects. Stay 'close' to this series for a beautiful array of performable magic. This first ebook focuses on ESP.

6 included videos explain the moves.

In this first of a series ... the slant is on mentalism and ESP, a beautiful impromptu coin effect, and excellent card magic. Ever been asked to do a trick and you "have nothing"? Now you will always be ready ... to read their minds.


DIRECT COLLECTORS - This puzzling...

★★★★ $12
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The Little Green Lecture

Pit Hartling
The Little Green Lecture by Pit Hartling

Pit Hartling's Little Green Lecture describes five of Pit's favorite card effects. Each is clearly and completely described and illustrated. One trick, Chaos is a virtually self-working trick involving two freely selected cards that completely stumped the experts at the FFFF gathering. The effect is extremely funny and the method is so clever that there is nothing you need to hide. You say exactly what you do, actually you describe the method in your patter but nobody will believe you, because actions and words create a hilariously conflicting situation that will have your audience laughing. ...

★★★★ $12
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Four Told

Devin Knight
Four Told by Devin Knight

Read four minds at once!

The performer shows a chart consisting of five colored ESP symbols. He invites four people to participate. Each participant is asked to just think of an ESP symbol shown on the chart. The participants write nothing down, they just think of a symbol. There are no restrictions. Each person could be thinking of a different symbol, or they all could be thinking of the same symbol. They do not share their thoughts with each other. The performer begins to get impressions and calls out three symbols. He says, "If I have called out the symbol you are thinking of, please close...

★★★★★ $25
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Dee Christopher
InsaneWave by Dee Christopher

"Dee Christopher has taken the Brainwave effect to new heights with his new effect. I looked for the R/S... There was nothing. He fooled the hell out of me." - Alan Rorrison

InsaneWave is Dee Christopher's evolution of the BrainWave effect. The classic effect is that a named card is the only card in the deck with a different coloured or contrasting back design.

Dee wanted to take the effect further. Dee loved the image of spreading a deck and having multiple cards with different backs. He began work on forging a solution with several thoughts in mind.

  • He wanted this deck to be normal, so...
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Spell-Binder Part 3: 10 effects from volume 1

Aldo Colombini
Spell-Binder Part 3: 10 effects from volume 1 by Aldo Colombini


  • KARATE (Stephen Tucker): A Chinese coin (or any kind of coin) is split into TWO by a karate chop.
  • SQUARE DEAL (Basil Horwitz): An ESP card is predicted using some 'data' from the spectator (age, address, shoe size, etc).
  • WIPE OUT THE ACES (Roger Curzon): A spectacular way to produce the four Aces (or any four cards, even selected ones).
  • MATE (David Britland): Two cards placed in the middle of the deck by a spectator find their mates.
  • MY MISTAKE (Stephen Tucker): A playing card is predicted in a most unusual manner.
  • ESP (Stephen Tucker): A stunning routine in three phases using two sets of ESP cards. Classic great Tucker thinking.
  • COINED (Bill...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)


David Devlin
Brainstorm by David Devlin... the last 25 years!

Effect: The performer produces three small envelopes of the Pay variety. It is explained that each envelope contains a prediction. These are laid out in a row on the table according to the whim of the spectator.

Next, the performer shows the audience a deck of the standard ESP Testing Cards. The deck is mixed and placed before a spectator. The spectator then legitimately shuffles the cards. The spectator is asked to call out a number between one and six. Suppose he calls out "four". Four piles of three cards are dealt, and the spectator picks any one of the four piles...

★★★ $10
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Sub Rosa 11

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 11 by Werner Miller

Learn how to exploit the ternary number system to your advantages. There is a new version of the old MUTUS DEDIT NOMEN COCIS or "The Pairs Repaired", as it was called in Prof. Hoffmann's Modern Magic. You will also find tricks with ESP cards and applications for the diminishing count...

  • From Binary to Ternary
  • Flexa-Nums
  • Ups & Downs
  • Ternary Cubes
  • Royal Jungle Jam
  • Atop
  • I Knew It
  • Every "Stop!" an Ace
  • The "Anti-Card"
  • Thai Hits
  • 4tune
  • Another Challenge
  • À la Tantalizer
  • A Matter of Logic
  • ESP Simplicity I
  • ESP Simplicity II
  • ESP Simplicity III
  • ESP Simplicity IV
  • Surprise Match
  • A String of Clusters

1st edition...

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Stone Cold Mental 3

Jeff Stone
Stone Cold Mental 3 by Jeff Stone

Join me as I continue to share with you my personal collection of mentalism effects and routines from the past decade and a half or so.

In Volume Three you'll find a wide variety of routines, including effects with ESP cards, Tarot cards, and themes relating to fate, dreams, celebrity crushes, jellybeans (yep, jellybeans!) and a whole bunch more.

Plus, you'll get full access to a custom web app that lets you create your own forcing matrix along with an anagram generator, and a couple of other goodies including printouts of one of the props you'll need.

Continue with me on the journey...

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Craft Store Conjuring

Dave Arch
Craft Store Conjuring by Dave Arch...
  • ... Nest of Boxes
  • Five Little Tic Tacs
  • Super Bowl Halftime Show Magic
  • Blank Dice
  • Fake Dice
  • Uber Woofle Dust
  • Crowd Power
  • Poor Man's Sword Box
  • New Close Up Pads?
  • A Card Box for Your Card Box
  • Kissable Kards
  • Comedy Card Stab
  • One Card Trick
  • Sight Gag #2
  • Magic Spray
  • Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)
  • The Trick That Fooled Einstein
  • Alternative Cards
  • Four Card Animal Monte
  • Three Bell Monte
  • It's a Small World
  • Three Bill Movement
  • Four Bill Movement
  • Five Bill Movement
  • Sawing a Person with Ropes
  • Poor Man's Koornwinder Car
  • The Appearing Elephant
  • Utility Vanisher
  • Burlesque Magic
  • Appearing...
★★★ $20
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Andy Cannon
404 by Andy Cannon... spot on).

S.O.L jumps in now - Again kind of the working idea and what I want to get across in 404 is how tweaks and our own personal fingerprints and style can disguise the effects we are doing and make us stand out to our audience. S.O.L is my rethink and presentation for the tired-out ESP cards that are seen being used by everyone, everywhere.

AC-BT v1 & AC-BT v2 - Two great billet tears ideal for instant access or a delayed read. There are no fiddly moves and the peek pops into view and disappears just as quickly.

Perceptional bender - Demonstrate the ability to uncannily...

$42.50 $39.50
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Extra-Sensory Perception

Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine
Extra-Sensory Perception by Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine

This is the publication where J. B. Rhine coined the term Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) and reported on the results of his experiments at Duke University using the Zener symbol cards (today known as ESP cards) designed by his colleague Karl Zener during the early 1930s. The results Rhine reported were remarkable and suggested that ESP existed.

However, other academic institutes could not replicate the results. There were many problems with the experimental design Dr. Rhine used. The remarkable results he achieved were likely a combination of sensory leakage and outright cheating. One of...

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Karma Deck Pro

Unknown Mentalist
Karma Deck Pro by Unknown Mentalist... 9 stunning routines with the Karma Deck are included. All of them are easy to do with high impact levels. The only requirement is the knowledge of the Karma Deck. Of course most of these routines can also be performed with other stacks.

A simple 3 step method to learn all the 7 Karma Deck stacks in under 21 minutes is explained. This introduces a new concept of Karma Pairs. You will be surprised at how easily you will be able to learn these stacks.

An essay on the psychology of stack magic is also included.

The first few cards of one of the Karma Deck stacks are as follows: 2S, AC, 9H, 5C, 4S, QD, 8D, 7H, 3C, JH, 10D

The first few cards of another Karma Deck stack are as follows: JD, 4C, 9H, 2S, 7S, QD, 5H, 10D, 3C, 8C, AH

The first few cards of yet another Karma Deck stack are as follows: 4S, 5C, 9H, AC, 2S,...

★★★★★ $30
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Paul A. Lelekis
Osmosis by Paul A. Lelekis

This e-book is LOADED! There are 16 full routines with cards, bills, coins, ESP, food (a levitation), hilarious gags, comedy, science magic, and much, much more. There are many color photos explaining every move and videos of two different switches that you will love to perform.

Below is a preview:

2002 Simplicity Aces - An easy to do version of Elmsley and Jennings' killer classic. This is very direct and ends clean.

COMBO Bill Penetration and Bill Switch - You're going to love this hilarious 8 minute routine for close-up or cabaret. This routine plays very big and will get that applause. ...

★★★★★ $12
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My Favorite Easy Mental Card Magic

George B. Anderson
My Favorite Easy Mental Card Magic by George B. Anderson
  • Subliminal Parapsychology
  • Mental Elimination
  • The Great Lottery
  • Mental Count Formula
  • A Quickie
  • Fortune Telling By Cards
  • A Human Lie Detector
  • Hi, There, Princess!
  • No Carbon Impression
  • The Unaware Confederates
  • Reading Cards Behind Your Back
  • Think Of A Card
  • A Playing Card Book Test
  • Enough Of A Good Thing

1st edition 1980, 24 pages; 1st digital edition 2017, 20 pages.

★★★★★ $8.95
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Openers and Closers

Paul A. Lelekis
Openers and Closers by Paul A. Lelekis

"Out of my, 44 books of magic, I am probably most proud of this one...powerful magic that can be used for Openers and Closers! Every detail worked out with pictures, 3 videos, history, and many underground sleights! This is a gold mine!" - Paul A. Lelekis

The ESP effect SHOCK! alone, is worth 10X the price of this e-book. However...all of these effects are priceless. All patter, psychology, history, nuances, and underground sleights are explained in detail.

1) OPENERS - essay of what they are, how they work, how to use them, transitioning, and why they work. ...and then four powerful...

★★★★★ $12
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McDonald's Aces and Freak Out

Paul A. Lelekis
McDonald's Aces and Freak Out by Paul A. Lelekis... elegant routine with a number of revelations, from beginning to end - the perfect opener or closer. You will be proud to perform this beautiful routine.

Also included are 2-1/2 pages of the elegant history of the Jacks, or Knaves for your patter.

FREAK OUT. In addition is this monstrous ESP routine. This is as close to real ESP and mind-reading as it gets - and it is simplicity itself. No sleights. This is definitely a magician-fooler. Here is what the spectator sees ...

An ordinary deck of cards is shuffled. The spectator cuts the deck and the other half is immediately cased....

★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Cull-Mination by Jon Racherbaumer

Culling (cards) is not a particularly fashionable technique. During the past forty years, card magicians started to pay closer attention to various ideas and techniques, especially those having broad application. In this treatise three types of culls will be examined:

  1. Desired cards are secretly culled during the logical and natural course of an effect.
  2. Free selections are controlled (culled) to desired positions during a visible procedure that looks fair and above board.
  3. A cull done during another fair procedure that results in separating the four suits in Ace to King order.
Contents: ...
★★★★★ $15
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The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 3

Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 3 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight of hand.


  • SIMULDU: A person rips five cards in half and splits them in two packets. One card is selected. The two packets are dealt at the same time and only two halves match: The selected card.
  • THIRTEAM: Great routine and unique principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs. Each pair totals 13.
  • REMARKOBO: You predict a number reached apparently totally at random.
  • ENTERFORCE: You reveal a selection under what seems impossible conditions, with a previously written prediction.
  • FACEY: Cards are torn in halves. A freely selected...
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MP4 (video)

Deep Shadows: A Decade of Trickery

Dee Christopher
Deep Shadows: A Decade of Trickery by Dee Christopher... craft, you'll find what you need in Deep Shadows.


Devices & Gimmicks

  • BROKEN WINGS: A gimmicked pad with which you can force information, peek information, create automatic writing effects and much, MUCH more! (Just google for the reviews.)
  • LEGION: An expandable concept with cards that needs to be set up only once and can create completely hands off forces, hallucination effects and more!
  • CRONOS: A full locked box prediction system that also allows you to perform an incredible feat of psychokinesis!
  • CAST: An amazing booktest gimmick that fits in your wallet and is...
★★★★★ $55
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Mind Pieces

Paul Hallas
Mind Pieces by Paul Hallas

Paul's first ebook in a while and his first on mental effects since Mentalism with Cards.

Effects included are:

In the Image of Jaks
A quicker version of an old Jaks routine with a couple of presentation options suggested. This is a great routine which has no explanation except that you must be psychic. Some jumbo ESP cards are mixed, some envelopes are mixed, the cards are placed in the envelopes while the performer is well away from the proceedings. The mentalist can now reveal the contents of the envelopes and possibly give information about the people who assisted.

Son of Cidentaquin
Another jumbo ESP...

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