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Magicseen No. 43 (Jan 2012)

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 43 (Jan 2012) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2012; 72 pages

Cover: Teller

  1. Welcome – editor's letter
  2. Reader's Letters
  3. In The News
  4. Help! There's More Magic on the Telly! – "Help! My Supply Teacher is Magic", a BBC magazine show for kids
  5. Hans Klok Competition – win tickets for his show
  6. It Ain't All Magic - Final Part – Punch and Judy
  7. How To Perform Magic! – interview with the author, Tony Middleton
  8. Celebrity Magic – Chris Isaak, Steve Halliwell & Chris Chittell
  9. Under the Hammer at Potter & Potter – interview with president Gabe Fajuri
  10. Chris Rawlins, Half Mentalist, Half Man – interview...
more than one
type to choose


printed issue

Mind Realities 1

Ulrich von Etzenbach
Mind Realities 1 by Ulrich von Etzenbach

Ulrich Von Etzenbach's Mind Realities Vol 1 will give you new routines, ideas, techniques and a interesting point of view for your own development as performer.

Classic plots in mentalism, structure and new options with simple methods and engaging performances. Learn how to make people fall with your influence (great finesses added), read minds without worries, impromptu and no gimmicks Bank Night and much more!


  1. Card Miracle - A four-phase miracle with a deck of cards. Perfect closer, very strong piece of card mentalism
  2. Kiss From a Rose - Take your spectator on a journey through...
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ESP Brain Busters

Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
ESP Brain Busters by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Not one, but a complete series of thought-provoking mental routines with ESP cards.

These sensational effects give you, the psychic entertainer, the ability to add punch to your program. One effect alone is worth a ten-dollar bill. Sufficient routines and material are included for a complete act of Extra Sensory Perception tests. Full patter presentations for many of the effects are given, too.

New to this edition are camera-ready master images of the ESP symbol cards, allowing you to print your own, all the way up to jumbo size for stage presentations. And, we didn't stop there. Each...

★★★★ $10
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Miracles of the Mind Act

Robert A. Nelson
Miracles of the Mind Act by Robert A. Nelson... match. No mirrors or impressions. Nothing written down previously.

MASTER EFFECT No. 4. The actual answering of spectators' written and folded questions. The spectators write their question on cards, then fold and place their initials on the outside. The mentalist takes the folded cards from a punch bowl or other visible container in plain sight, and answers each folded card, one after the other.

Yes, this reputation-building routine is the answer to any mentalist's prayers. Each and every step has been carefully conceived, tested and time-proven. No suspicious moves. Everything appears...

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Unknown Mentalist
Tryst by Unknown Mentalist

Tryst is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.

What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a set of 14 cards which are specially designed and beautifully produced. They are about the size of regular business cards.

Tryst can be played as a grand piece if you want. It has 3 phases with 3 powerful hits - more like a 3 punch knockout - a prediction, a prophecy, and a premonition. A captivating introductory patter is also provided. An alternative performance is also explained....

★★★★★ $36
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gimmick & PDF

Beyond the Mississippi

Albert Deane Richardson
Beyond the Mississippi by Albert Deane Richardson... area produces. Overall it is quite readable and the more than 200 illustrations add to that.

The primary reason this book is interesting for magicians is that Richardson describes several encounters with gambling. They are detailed and well-described. In particular, he describes a Three Card Monte performance. For those who would like to perform this con game authentically, this is a very good resource. (All gambling sections are highlighted in yellow and bracketed in double-square brackets so that they can be easily found.)

Excerpt from the Prefatory:

TWENTY years ago, half...

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Moment's Notice 4

Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 4 by Cameron Francis

"Cameron has done it again! His Moment's Notice series just goes from strength to strength. All six routines in this latest (fourth) installment are carefully structured and each one packs a punch." - Peter Duffie

"With all of the material in the Moment's Notice series I can launch a full on magic assault that is guaranteed to obliterate the senses. Thanks for keeping me prepared to maim at a moment's notice." - Donny Orbit

Six more totally amazing, totally impromptu, easy-to-do card effects from the mind of Cameron Francis!

  • Ace Thang - A completely impromptu variation of Richard Sanders' amazing...
★★★★★ $12
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A1 Magic

Ian Adair
A1 Magic by Ian Adair

First class magic from Ian Adair. In this ebook there is something for everyone. A lot of children magic, general magic, mental magic, card magic and close-up magic, all in the classic Adair's style. All the tricks described in the ebook are easy to do.

Here is a list of the tricks explained in the ebook:

  • INKED!
  • 3 FROM IAN ADAIR ...
★★★★★ $10
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A Nite of Dumb Poker

Dale A. Hildebrandt
A Nite of Dumb Poker by Dale A. Hildebrandt... a plot line that goes through each of the routines, I have come up with a powerful way of structuring these old workhorses.

Section Two: Various Other Items

These are effects and/or plot-lines that don't flow from one to another, but instead are various effects and/or plot-lines that pack a punch all by themselves.

This starts with "BLOT", a routine where you get credit for knowing a person's 4 digit PIN number, even though you only reveal one of the numbers. This is included as a thank-you bonus for people who buy "A Nite Of Dumb Poker". In the right hands, you will be creating a...

★★★★ $10
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Aces in Deception or "How Right You Are"

Lewis Ganson
Aces in Deception or "How Right You Are" by Lewis Ganson

An easy and effective multiphase routine with a Svengali deck. A spectator is correct continually in finding a previously selected card which the performer underlines with the punch line "How Right You Are."

From the introduction:

Here is one of those card routines in which the happenings are inexplicable to the uninitiated. The handling of the cards is so natural and each move is performed so deliberately, that trickery appears out of the question, yet a series of effects take place which really are uncanny.

To begin with, I will confess that a Svengali pack is used throughout and...

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Peter Duffie
MonuMental by Peter Duffie

MonuMental is a new multiple prediction effect that packs a punch. The routine is fully explained in a 40 minute video presentation that you can download to your computer. Includes two versions.

Also included on this video is Beyond. A spirit writing effect where a spectator initials all six sides of three blank business cards. Despite this, a message or prediction magically appears on one of the sides while he is holding the cards. And he can keep this as a memento. See demo on your left.

Video format is WMV and requires Media Player, Media Player Classic, or any other program that will...

★★★★★ $19.95
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MP4 (video)

Let's Get Small

Cameron Francis
Let's Get Small by Cameron Francis... with a killer ending.

Circular Salad – A variation of Aldo Colombini's "Nice Salad".

Thanks To Walton - A smooth blend of two Walton classics.

Threes - A teleportation effect with a surprise ending.

Hold That Ghost – A variation of Roy Walton's Ambitious Ghost with a one-two punch ending.

Courtesy Flush – A killer transpo that happens in the spectator's hands.

Cheating Cards – Four Jokers turn into the four Kings, then two perfect hands of Blackjack.

Small Time – A great small packet assembly routine.

Getting Evener – A small packet "Out Of This World"...

★★★★ $15
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Flat Pack

Cameron Francis
Flat Pack by Cameron Francis

"Flat Pack packs quite a punch!" - Stephen Tucker

"Flat Pack is cool as Ice. Love it!" - Tony Chris

Inspired by David Regal's "Sudden Deck" and Stephen Tucker's "Tardis Deck".

You display an unfolded card box, and clearly show it inside and out. You then proceed to fold it up, snap your fingers and slide a full deck of cards out of the box! It's that simple. It's that effective.

Flat Pack is great for close-up as well as stand-up work. It's super easy to make, and the angles are great.

1st edition 2014, length 20 min.

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MP4 (video)


Tom Phoenix
Connections by Tom Phoenix

This is a two phase mentalism/card magic effect, involving a couple transpositions; both begin in the mind, then manifest into the physical. It's a fun and fairly simple routine that packs a punch and will have your participants wondering.

The first phase is an in-the-hands transposition of two spectator signed cards, and the second phase is a mental transposition of thought and a physical transformation of material.

  • No duplicates
  • No gimmicks
  • No dual reality
  • This is 100% clean
Additional presentation ideas are included, as well as tips and subtleties to apply to the rest of your...
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The Lexicon Phenomena

Al Mann
The Lexicon Phenomena by Al Mann... Phenomena. The system used in the Lexicon Phenomena test has already been applied to a number of foreign languages..."

Note that this manuscript comes unbound in a package of loose sheets, the way Al Mann stored them. You can bind them anyway you like, or leave them unbound, perhaps only hole punch them and put them in a binder.

20 pages

Reviewed by Charles Stylesmith

$80 for the instructions and a bit of hard labor. BUT... You'll have the most astounding audience knockout of your act!!!

Reviewed by Charles Stylesmith

$80 for the instructions and a bit of hard labor. BUT... You'll have...
★★★★★ $75
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Marketing Magic: a guide to getting the gigs

Stephen Ablett
Marketing Magic: a guide to getting the gigs by Stephen Ablett...
  • ...
    1. ... Super Show
    2. Being an Illusionist
  • Side Selling
    1. Opening a Magic Shop
    2. Face-Painting
    3. Bouncy Castle Hire
    4. Toastmaster
    5. Magic Bus Parties
    6. Quiz Master at a Wedding
    7. Sell Quiz Pack
    8. Buying and Selling Magic
    9. Becoming an Agency
    10. YouTube Video Series
    11. Opening a Magic Bar
    12. Psychic & Palm Readings
    13. Punch and Judy
    14. Selling Balloons
    15. Party Bags
    16. Selling Your DVD
    17. Back-of-the-Room Selling
    18. Taking on an Apprentice & Selling your Business
    19. Wedding Add-Ons
    20. Writing and Selling Books & Videos
    21. Convention Circuit
  • Specialised Shows
    1. Lost Luggage Show
    2. Educational Magic
    3. Reading Show
    4. Summer Reading...
★★★★★ $40
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Psychic Sniper

Unknown Mentalist
Psychic Sniper by Unknown Mentalist

Using a couple of classic principles and an unusual presentation, a unique moment of mystery can be created for your participant at any time and anywhere. These routines work best one-on-one or to a small group. With nothing but a couple of blank business cards, which just need a simple one-time preparation, you are always ready to mystify anyone.

There are 2 routines explained and with some interesting variations. All the routines are easy and self-working but pack a solid punch in terms of impact. The unique feeling which your participant experiences will remain with them for a very long...

★★★★★ $18
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Of Gifts and Talents

Al Mann
Of Gifts and Talents by Al Mann

The knowledge in this manuscript allows the mentalist to very convincingly demonstrate the ability to read sealed messages and posses the art of thought-transference! The spectator is told to take his business card out and write out a question and turn the card writing-side down. The card is then sealed in a envelope which the spectator signs and holds. After the mentalist divines the thought, the envelope is opened and the card is taken out for a handwriting analysis and then both the card and the envelope are returned to the spectator! Contents:

  • The Essence Of Thought
  • Threshold Three...
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Don Theo III
Teardrop by Don Theo III...
  • ... his or her directions, and memorizes a word. When that person exits the store with that word in mind they can speak it out loud or keep it to themself. That person is given the appropriate fundage to open the adjacent newspaper machine. The chosen word is seen to be circled in permanent red ink.
  • Card Through Person: Just what it sounds like.
  • Rapport Apport: A card trick. Yep. Two people think of the same card and then are brought to a breathtaking moment of revelation.
  • Clock: A person thinks of a time. They then hold out their hand as though they were standing in the middle of a clock....
★★★★★ $14
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The Gen Volume 19 (1963)

Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 19 (1963) by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson...
  1. ...
    • Murray on Mentalism
  2. Psychojazzology - John Bragoli
  3. Just a Few Words and Bits and Pieces - Val Andrews
    • Introductions - Follow-Ups
  4. Lewis Ganson Explains - series
    • Close Up On China - Rink
      • 1. Chinese Grandmother's Necklace
      • 2. The Lessons of Buddha
  5. Card Magic
    • Take Two or Another Double-Lift - Robert Hamilton
  6. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
    • Once Again
    • Great Difficulties
    • Magic Castle
    • California Gen
    • For Many Years Past
    • Faucett Ross
    • Cylindro
    • Thanks

  1. Volume 19, Number 2, June, 1963, 28 numbered...
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Suit Up!

Marcus Gordon
Suit Up! by Marcus Gordon

Marcus Gordon hails from Aberdeen, Scotland. He is the grandson of Ron Gordon; a true Wizard of the North! This is Marcus's first publication and contains an eclectic collection of 12 card effects using both, sleight of hand and sleight-free principles. While not for the beginner, the intermediate to advanced card handler should find much to enjoy and think about in this ebook.


  • Triumphant Return: An in-the-hands Triumph for walk-a-bout
  • The Hoff: A direct approach to the Hofzinser Ace Problem
  • The Clockwork Shift: Learn a Pass that won't break your knuckles!
  • Complex Colours:...
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Jack Hughes World of Magic Volume 1

Derek Lever & Jack Hughes
Jack Hughes World of Magic Volume 1 by Derek Lever & Jack Hughes...
  • ... Axes Suspension
  • The Master Dove In Balloon Table
  • Dove Carousel Vanish
  • Cage Vanish
  • Attaboy
  • Coins In Glass [Tray Method]
  • Visible Coins In Glass
  • Ten Second Remote Control Visible Coins In Glass
  • Roll On Table
  • Can And Ball
  • Locking Jap Boxes
  • Ghost Glass
  • A Star Production
  • New Giant Rising Card Trick
  • Vanishing Telephone
  • Snake Basket
  • The Golden Shot Joker
  • How To Make A Spring Hinge
  • Sammy The Sweep
  • The Illusive Stop By Will Blyth
  • Improved Television Card Frame
  • Double Television Frame
  • Brief Case To Table
  • Penetra-Spheres
  • The Cagey Budgies
  • Dickory Clock
  • Girl To Pony
  • Whirling Microphone Suspension
  • Triple Tray Trunk
  • One Minute...
★★★★★ $45
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Dorny's Comedy Blackouts

Werner C. (Dorny) Dornfeld/Dornfield
Dorny's Comedy Blackouts by Werner C. (Dorny) Dornfeld/Dornfield

The only ebook of it's kind! A great collection of comedy blackouts for magicians and others, to add variety and spice to shows. A "Blackout" is a quick bit of stage business, usually verbal, that ends in a snappy punch line on which (if possible) the lights go out.

These are all audience tested, guaranteed laughs. Valuable for use between other acts on any kind of show. Adds comedy, bulk and novelty to any programs, provides necessary time for the next act to get ready, etc. For school work or adults.

  • Wants to get on show (two men)
  • Never ending rope stunt (one man)
  • Dressing...
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Multiplying Holes

Mario Tarasini
Multiplying Holes by Mario Tarasini

There are different tricks which use a hole in a card. Mario Tarasini presents one of the smartest and simplest methods to perform this effect. Just punch one hole on the selected card and the hole will multiply. The best part is that after the trick the card can be given to the spectator.

1st edition 2020, length 6:40.

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MP4 (video)

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