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Magic Medley

Paul A. Lelekis
Magic Medley by Paul A. Lelekis... "fools" the magician performing it. Easy to do and impossible.

COIN(S) PRODUCTION - A cool production of four coins. Includes a video of performance and explanation.

A BLENDO EFFECT - Use your Blendo silks for a routine that gets your audience involved. 3 differently colored silks blend into one the spectator's hands.

MIRACLE SANDWICH - This is an "impossible" effect by Marlo. This one will fool magicians.

COIN GONE! - Want to make a coin vanish...completely? Then this is for you. The method is one never seen any more.

EYE IN THE SKY - This mentalism routine is absolutely...

★★★★★ $12
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Kalendar Clairvoyance

Unknown Mentalist
Kalendar Clairvoyance by Unknown Mentalist

This is a collection of clean, crisp and cool calendar routines which will baffle and startle your audience. They can live in your wallet or pocket and are ready for anytime and anywhere performance.

There is nothing to memorize and no complex math. All the systems are easy and self working. You will be able to start doing these within 15 minutes of reading the instructions. The routines are as follows.

1. Roman Enigma - The performer claims to have photographed an ancient rock engraved inscription from recent secret Roman excavations which gives him the weird and inexplicable power to...

★★★★ $18
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Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic

Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

This is the first part of Vernon's famous Inner Secrets of Card Magic series. It includes notable work on color changes. In "Dai Vernon's Colour Changing Pack" Vernon provides the proper motivation for the use of the Hindu Shuffle: showing the back color of the deck. "Emotional Reaction" is an example of a subtle and cunning use of a key card. Probably the best effect in this volume is the "Notis Stop Trick".

1st edition 1959; original 76 pages; PDF 59 pages.

  6. - Emotional Reaction
  7. - Cocktail Cards
  8. - The Bent Corner...
★★★★★ $9.90
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Close-Up Utopia

Paul A. Lelekis
Close-Up Utopia by Paul A. Lelekis... Paul adds some touches that make this effect easier to "get into" and end totally clean.

THE PHANTOM BILL - This impromptu effect is a terrific, solid-thru-solid effect with two borrowed bills. It will shock your audience. There are two phases in this routine that uses no cover, with one bill openly passing right thru the other. Everything can be examined.

PRESTO CHANGO AGAINO - This T. Bearden effect was a favorite of Mike Skinner. A copper and silver coin change back and forth from silver to copper in an incredible way. The patter is very engaging and makes this effect so...

★★★★ $12
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5 Ways to Stop Your Pulse

Devin Knight
5 Ways to Stop Your Pulse by Devin Knight

Please know that some of the methods taught in this ebook may pose a health risk to you, particularly if you are not in top health. We are supplying this information for educational purposes only and to explain how the fakirs do this. Use of these methods is done on your own risk.

This is the definitive work on the subject. Many magicians may know one method using a gimmick, but this PDF gives you five different methods for stopping your pulse. This can be a very effective effect for lay people and never fails to amaze. The psychic, Jason Michaels, used these effects for reporters to garner...

★★★★ $5
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Clock Your Boston Qualifier: By Running Less, and Running Faster

Enrico Varella
Clock Your Boston Qualifier: By Running Less, and Running Faster by Enrico Varella
"I have finished reading your book and I am EXTREMELY impressed, Enrico! Your advice and observations are meticulous. Your book is fantastic! LOVE THIS BOOK ENRICO!" - Paul Lelekis, Author.
The prestigious Boston Marathon is respected as a race, and as a metaphor in this ebook. It represents any big goal or dream that you have. You can certainly apply the life-hacks and strategies in this ebook to help you achieve your Boston Marathon goal.

One may not want to necessarily become an 'Ironman Triathlete' or Boston Marathon finisher, but an 'Everyday Athlete'.

The information within this ebook can...

★★★★ $10
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Card Tricks Without Skill

Paul Clive
Card Tricks Without Skill by Paul Clive

This collection of card tricks is really wonderful with very nice routines and simple effects. It is surprising that this book has not seen more attention and is hardly known. Take a look. You will be surprised. One of those hidden gems. It has been described by others as a "minor classic".

This ebook covers both the first and expanded third edition.

  • Introduction to the Third Edition
  • Introduction
  • Chapter I: Conjurers' Terms And Artifices
    • False Cuts
    • False Shuffles
    • Forcing
    • Locators, And Key Cards
    • Shuffles
  • Chapter II: Beginners' Tricks
    • Three Odd Heaps, No. 1
    • You Do As I Do....
★★★★★ $15
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The Gaff Factory: A comprehensive dry-mounting tutorial

Craig Matsuoka
The Gaff Factory: A comprehensive dry-mounting tutorial by Craig Matsuoka...
There was nothing new in it for me. I made a Hofzinser card back in the late 60’s early 70’s. I’m sure I ruined hundreds of cards over the years learning the hard way. This publication would have been great back then. To all those wishing to learn about Gaffed cards, take it from an eighty one year old magician, $20 well spent.

Reviewed by Fredrick Turner

I found this ebook extremely helpful in learning the dry mount process. It’s thorough and detailed to get you started. You’ll need to experiment and practice to get the quality of cards you’ll want to use. Since the book’s publication, some of the specific materials are no longer available however you can quickly...
★★★★ $20
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The Sphinx Volume 35 (Mar 1936 - Feb 1937)

John Mulholland
The Sphinx Volume 35 (Mar 1936 - Feb 1937) by John Mulholland


NO. 1: MARCH 1936
Dr. A Wilson. By Joe G. Lightner.4
Five Hands. By Nate Leipzig.5
The King's Crown. By Hardeen.6
A Glass for Coin Tricks. By Herman Hanson.6
A Useful "Number" Trick. By Edward Victor.7
Message From Beyond. By Al Baker.7
Sympathetic Reverse. By Wilfrid Jonson.8
Di-Divisor. By Royal V. Heath.8
Publicity and Magic. By Carl W. Jones.8
Next Month.8
Personality and Presentation. By Tommy Martin.9
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.10
- The Magic Bookcase. By Joseph Rukus.10
- Confetti To Flowers. By George Dryden.10
- The Wandering Dollar Bill. By Joseph...
★★★★★ $5
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Stunners! Plus! Two Decades of Mental Magic

Larry Becker
Stunners! Plus! Two Decades of Mental Magic by Larry Becker... following Stunners! Outstanding professional stage and close-up material is explained in great detail by their originator. And as if that isn't enough to whet your appetite, imagine peering into the inner workings of Larry's many commercial effects. The presentational ideas alone would make this one of the greatest educational journeys you've ever taken. Effects like Chameleon Chest, Versadex, Blockbuster, Incredible and Insight wallets. PsiClops, Casino Light, Zenneristic and more.

The Stunners! material is re-typeset and all original art and illustrations are preserved and updated....

★★★★★ $69
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The World's Best Psychic Book Tests

Burling Hull
The World's Best Psychic Book Tests by Burling Hull...
  • ... by VOLTA)
  • Alternative Method for All-Fair Dictionary Test
  • Volta's Rajah Telephone Book Test
  • The Hull Mentalist's Pencil
  • Grant's Horoscope Book Test Mystery
  • Predicto Book and Card Test
  • Volta's Master Book Test Mystery
  • Premier Magazine Book Test
  • Standard Book Tests
  • Standard Book Test Number 1
  • Standard Book Test Number 2
  • Standard Book Test Number 3
  • Standard Book Test Number 4
  • About the Author
From the Introduction by B. W. McCarron:

Standalone book tests for the professional mentalist can sell for hundreds of dollars apiece. With the release of this 'lost classic' manuscript,...

★★★★ $12
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Victory Bouquet

Francis B. Martineau
Victory Bouquet by Francis B. Martineau

This is a manual of how to make your own flower bouquets. Sure you can buy a beautiful bouquet, but if you want to save some money and do a little home project, this is the right ebook for you. By doing it yourself your bouquet won't look like the standard one every magician seems to use.

1st edition, 1944, New York; 17 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Blossoms
  4. Outside leaves or petals (calyx)
  5. Springs
  6. Spring reinforcements
  7. Stems
  8. Stem leaves
  9. Stem wrappings
  10. Folding the blossom
  11. Preparing the stem
  12. Cutting and shaping the spring
  13. Mounting the spring on stem
  14. Fitting the blossom on...
★★★ $3
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Daniel Young
Compendia by Daniel Young...
  • ... is very nice.
  • Memoria - A pseudo-memorised deck. It can be borrowed and shuffled. Someone thinks of a card. You memorise the deck and can tell him/her it's exact position as well as other convincers.
  • Any - the original version of Daniel's ACAAN effect, plus a super clean variation (although that one isn't 100%)
  • Any v 2.0 - This is the effect that appeared in MOM magazine, it's Daniel's favorite out of all these effects. The deck is borrowed, shuffled, someone thinks of a card, deck can be shuffled again, someone names a number and a third person counts down to that number. Surprise surprise,...
★★★★★ $38
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The Sphinx Volume 19 (Mar 1920 - Feb 1921)

Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 19 (Mar 1920 - Feb 1921) by Albert M. Wilson


NO. 1: MARCH 19201
Dr. James William Elliott Obit3
Magic Past And Present By George Schulte3
The World Of Magic4
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner4
- Philadelphia S.A.M. Walter B. Gibson4
- Chicago S.A.M. Dornfeld4
- Golden Gate S.A.M. H. Syril Dusenbery5
- Varety Night At The Mysic Circle Laurence B. Hoyt5
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski5
- I.M.F. Indiana Magical Society Raymond F. Amuso6
- Spot Lights From Hartford Clarence T. Hubbard6
- New York Notes And News Maurice Bliss6
- New York Notes And News Clinton Burgess7
- Magic News From Wheeling Paul R....
★★★★★ $5
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Something Else

Cameron Francis
Something Else by Cameron Francis...
wand card is waved over the spectator's hand. Nothing seems to happen. When the spectator unfolds the business card, he discovers that he has the drawing of the wand. The magician turns over his card. The spectator's initials are on the back!

Although super simple, I think you will really like this one. It's very easy to understand, and brings sense to why two things transpose. Something that working magicians will really enjoy is that this instantly resets; so if you work table-to-table you should have no problem. A nice point about this, which solves something that always has bothered me,...

★★★★★ $15
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Introduction to Card Magic

Roberto Giobbi
Introduction to Card Magic by Roberto Giobbi

In 14 clearly organized lessons you will learn how to handle a deck of cards like a pro. And along the way you will acquire some amazing, yet simple card tricks, which will allow you to successfully perform a little card act for an audience.

  • Lesson 1: Tools and Instruments
  • Lesson 2: Getting Acquainted With Your Instrument
  • Lesson 3: Your First Techniques: Basic Shuffles
  • Lesson 4: Your First Card Trick: "The Mystery of the Triangle"
  • Lesson 5: Ordinary Cuts
  • Lesson 6: A Small Card Miracle: "The Cards Know"
  • Lesson 7: More Auxiliary Sleights and Review
  • Lesson 8: A Few Simple Flourishes ...
★★★★★ $7.95
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U. F. Grant's Lost Illusion Secrets Revealed

Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
U. F. Grant's Lost Illusion Secrets Revealed by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is the largest collection of U. F. Grant illusions and illusionettes every assembled. It took Devin Knight several years to compile this collection. Grant wrote a few books on illusions such as: 15 Great Illusions, Chinese Magic and Illusions, Modern Levitations, Victory Carton Illusions, Grant's Illusion Secrets, and many others. However, most of the illusions in this PDF were not included in those manuscripts.

Over the years, Grant sold many manuscripts that just contained one illusion along with building plans in most cases. (Some of these were released by Percy Abbott in his catalog without credit to U. F. Grant.) This compilation is a collection of those plans released by Grant and also in the early...

★★★★ $35
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Pasteboard Revelations

Paul A. Lelekis
Pasteboard Revelations by Paul A. Lelekis... the reds are still separated from the blacks. Four of the eight videos provide you with a powerful routine and a great lesson in magic. This is a magician-fooler - I guarantee it!

The RIVERBOAT STACK (aka Mark Twain stack; see for example New Card Tricks with the Mark Twain Stack) - No one knows this stack anymore and it goes back to the Riverboat Gamblers of the is the best cyclical stack out there. Paul provides two unbelievable routines that will teach you the power of this stack:

1) In the first effect, you will freak them out with your "powers" of ESP. Everything...

★★★★ $12
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Palm Reading for Magicians

William W. Larsen
Palm Reading for Magicians by William W. Larsen

This psychological reading allows most anyone to present a convincing demonstration of palmistry, even if they've never read palms before.

Thayer originally sold this Larsen title as a manuscript in their catalog (Item No. 1394). Now once again available in this expanded and updated book edition,...

★★★★★ $10
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The MagiCIAn: John Mulholland's Secret CIA Life

Ben Robinson
The MagiCIAn: John Mulholland's Secret CIA Life by Ben Robinson

The only biography of the master magician and spy instructor John Mulholland including his work for the CIA.

"John Mulholland is surely one of the most fascinating personalities in magic history. For his work to advance conjuring as a recognized art, he deserves tremendous respect, and no serious student of magic will want to skip this book." - Michael Claxton, Magic Magazine, Feb 2009.

"I can even imagine him up in heaven huddling with Christopher, Houdini, Blackstone and Thurston as they discuss your biography. Their applause is loud enough to be heard on planet Earth." - Maurine Brooks Christopher

"I am an avid reader of books, all...

★★★★ $19.99
more than one
type to choose



Blue and Gold: The Complete Guide to Working The Scout Market

Kyle Peron
Blue and Gold: The Complete Guide to Working The Scout Market by Kyle Peron

This ebook is jammed full of the most relevant information you could ever ask for in regards to working not only Cub Scout Blue and Gold Dinners, but also how to work any scouting program and event. This is one of the only ebooks that is devoted solely to giving you the information you need to work a market that can generate income for you in the slow times of the year and year round.

If you are already performing for children, work a family-focused show or if you are even a strolling magician, then Blue and Gold Banquets are a perfect extension of what you are already doing. You can learn...

★★★★ $30
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The Instant Memory System

David Malek
The Instant Memory System by David Malek... within a few minutes be able to remember anything you want, retain it for as long as you want, and recall it instantaneously.

When you learn the secrets of memory fitness you will instantly increase your value as an employee or business owner and enhance the quality of your life. In less than one hour by just actively listening you will improve your memory by at least 83% or more guaranteed.

The Instant Memory System is an eighty-minute (1 Hour and 20 minutes) personal and professional audio development solution that will enable you to train your memory so you can:

  • Make more sales,...
★★★★ $9.95
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WAV (audio)

Rank Your Act on Google's First Page in 24 Hours

Devin Knight
Rank Your Act on Google's First Page in 24 Hours by Devin Knight

This is ebook #1 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".

If you need bookings now and you have not worked on your website SEO (search engine optimization) you will benefit from this ebook.

"How To Rank Your Act On Google" is simply outstanding! It's streamlined, impactful and actionable. Mr.Knight has made an often difficult and complex subject easy to understand and provided simple steps one can follow in order to optimize Google rankings. An essential read on the topic, and not to be missed! - D. Ulin, Los Angeles, California

Devin's most anticipated ebook in years is finally...

★★★★ $35
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The Dr's Billet Tear

Dr. Bill Cushman
The Dr's Billet Tear by Dr. Bill Cushman... if you wish. The peek may be instant or delayed. Your choice.

"The Dr's Billet Tear gets my highest recommendation and final endorsement as the best, most practical and undetectable center tear in history. Yet another amazing addition to the new generation of ultra-smooth billet work, this one is simply too good to miss! I've been using TDBT exclusively in my own private shows and public performances and several months in I'm still unable to find even a single fault in its psychology, timing, construction, execution and nearly infinite applications to everything I do." - Jerome Finley...

★★★★★ $35
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