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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 11


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★★ $29
Allan Ackerman
Advanced Card Control Volume 1: Palming by Allan Ackerman

Palming. Allan Ackerman takes you through a staggering list of palming techniques including Tenkai Palm, Gambler's Cop, Vernon Top Palm, Slydini Fan Steal, Marlo Bottom Palm, Side Steal to Palm, Bluff Control, and many more.

Allan Ackerman is one of the world's foremost experts at sleight-of-hand magic with playing cards. Allan is one of those humble down to earth guys with incredible chops. He executes the moves flawlessly and teaches them in a straight forward easy to grasp manner. On this incredible multi-volume series of DVDs, you will be treated to an instructional course encompassing...

Alan Rorrison
Final Wave by Alan Rorrison

The final wave is a very visual card routine. It requires what is typically called a 'bastard hard move'. I can therefore only recommend this effect to the hard core card experts who are willing to put the necessary work into this move.

Of course, if you like the effect you can exchange the difficult move with other easier moves, but it will be hard to achieve the same clean and direct performance without it.

Rovi's Exclusive Card Secrets by Rovi

Rovi is a Gold Star Medalist of the Inner Magic Circle and a Member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He is an expert with a pack of cards and his particular brand of card magic has an enormous impact on magicians and members of the public. In this exclusive interview he has been persuaded to release several of his remarkable effects.

Featured in this recording are some of the card secrets that have earned Rovi regular engagements on TV and at exclusive hotels and private houses. The secrets he reveals are not for magicians out to amaze each other with manual dexterity but for...

★★★★★ $40
The Blackjack Room by Zandman

This is a true miracle. The description below is true to the last word. It reads like a miracle - because it is one.

With contributions from: Greg Arce, Neil Tobin and Richard Osterlind

The Prediction:

A prediction is sealed in an envelope and held by an audience member the entire presentation. No switches.

The Game:

On stage; a table, 5 chairs and a deck of cards. 5 players (spectators) come up to play a hand of blackjack. Cards are shuffled by a random player and re-cased to avoid any tampering by the performer as he explains about blackjack. No false shuffles. No Sleights. One player deals...

★★★★ $19
David Numen
NUD - Numen's Utility Deck: And other Mental Card Mysteries by David Numen

Imagine a deck that secretly tells you both the identity of a thought-of card and that card's numeric location, either in that deck or in another deck. Think of all the memorized deck applications this would simplify.

No memory work.

No tricky calculations to arrive at the card’s location.

Think of the myriad mentalism applications. A spectator peeks at any card in the deck and you instantly know what the card is and at what number it resides from the top or bottom of that deck or another deck. What's more, you obviously never see the back of the peeked card, which eliminates the...

★★★★ $15
Alan Rorrison
The Linker by Alan Rorrison

You take or borrow a playing card and tear out two frames. Then in full view you link and unlink the the two card rings. This is the cleanest and most visual card linking I have seen.

  • card can be examined at the beginning and end
  • frames can be signed

★★★★★ $4
Paul Curry
Out of this World by Paul Curry

Paul Curry invented this effect when he was just 25 years old. It is one of the most well known and probably most often performed card effects today. A classic through and through. An incredibly strong effect paired with a most simple method. You can't find much better card tricks.

The effect as Curry describes it:

The performer shuffles a pack of cards and starts to deal them into two piles - the red cards in one pile, the blacks in the other. After a few cards have been dealt into each pile the deal is stopped and the performer explains that were he to continue to deal in this manner...

Chris Webb & Titanas
The Return of the Big Flap by Chris Webb & Titanas

Imagine you show any bill or banknote of any value and a playing card which is chosen and marked. In full view with no switches instantly the card changes into the bill and the bill into the card. Give the signed card out as a souvenir!

The strength of this effect is in its visual impact. The transformation happens right in front of your eyes.

On this action packed video you will learn to perform this miracle with ease and yet still have a visual killer. Packed with extra handlings, 3 routines and loads of moves so you can create your own routine.

Performance of "Money Transpo"

★★★★★ $10.50
Peter Duffie
Power Trip by Peter Duffie

A Multi-phase routine where Aces magically reverse, then change to Kings then back to Aces, then the Aces assemble and...

Bringing out your deck, you offer to show the audience a wonderful Ace trick, and so you remove the four Aces and hold them face down. One by one the Aces magically turn face up. Then you say, "If you think that's a good trick - I know an even better one with the four Kings." At that, the Aces in your hand change into the four Kings.

A spectator now cuts the deck into four piles, and you deal a King onto each pile. Just as you deal the last King, you have second thoughts...

★★★★★ $26
Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lighter by Roberto Giobbi

Roberto Giobbi's newest survey of sleightless card magic, Card College Lighter, gives the famous Giobbi treatment to 21 baffling card tricks by some of the craft's greatest masters, including Vernon, Annemann, Leech, Maven, Fulves, Hummer, Vollmer and Krenzel. These tricks do not require sleights, but they all show the cunning perspective of a professional performer, guaranteeing astonishing and entertaining results.

Following in the footsteps of his Card College Light, Roberto Giobbi teaches the secrets of professional-caliber card magic, providing insights into the presentation, psychology and routining that make these simple tricks into...

Luca Volpe
Thought of Card in Balloon by Luca Volpe

Here is something amazing! Get ready to predicting things before they take place, and not only that, but having the prediction inside a balloon, which is the ultimate symbol of 'intact' as nothing can pass in or out. Luca and Titanas bring you the fundamentals and many bonuses for this incredible mind boggling concept!

You proceed to a complete stranger and hand them a balloon, ask them their name and also to name any card they want. They do so and you ask them to give the balloon a shake. They will hear something inside. You burst the balloon and inside there is only one card, which of course...

★★★★ $7
Erick Castle
Busted by Erick Castle

The performer proposes an imaginary game of Blackjack. The stakes are high because the performer has made a sealed prediction which is kept in full view the entire time...

The cards are freely chosen - only thought of by the volunteer.

A sealed envelope is opened showing a prediction matching 100% correctly with the volunteers selection.

1st edition 2007; 8 pages.

★★★★★ $22
Daniel Madison
Madness Volume 1 by Daniel Madison

22 minutes video - 19 page PDF ebook - 8 powerful effects

This is best described as 'contact juggling with cards' - incredible. You will learn cuts, tosses, slides, as well as some magical effects such as transformations and transpositions. Great music by Daniel himself. Very gritty, powerful material for the hard core card handler.

Many of the 'pure magicians' might not like this. It is essentially all flourishes. But it is wonderfully acrobatic. I love this kind of manipulation. It is one direction modern card magic is going to follow. If you want to learn something impressive, something...

Cameron Francis
Duped by Cameron Francis

Looking for a killer card effect that's practical, that instantly resets and can be done completely in the hands without a table? Then Duped is the trick you've been searching for!


A card is selected, noted and lost in the pack. We'll say this card is the Eight of Clubs. The magician then pulls out a packet of four cards. He turns over the top card, a Two of Hearts, and slips it into the middle of the packet. It instantly rises to the top. This is repeated two more times. The magician says, "When I do this, people assume that I use duplicates. Well, they're right." All the cards...

★★★★★ $25
Luca Volpe
Horus by Luca Volpe

Horus contains some of Luca Volpe's best kept secrets from his professional repertoire. Mixing a blend of clever thinking and easy to do methods, which creates stunning effects. Each routine is audience tested and contains everything you need to perform the effects, from the script to plenty of bonus tips.

No complicated props to build or expensive items to buy, but just pure mentalism that is suitable for stage and intimate performances. Also included is a special graphic design which allows you to perform one of the effects that Luca Volpe has never revealed... until now!

  • THE "HORUS"...
Lee Smith
Fifth Element by Lee Smith

Two strong card effects with a mentalism theme.

The Third Degree
The first spectator thinks of a card, the second spectator picks a card which is placed on the table under a glass, and then the third spectator selects a card which is removed from the deck and then visually changed into the card on the table, and the card under the glass becomes the first spectator's thought of card.

Fifth Element (thought of card to pocket)
The spectator is shown five cards and asked to think of any one of them. The five cards are placed one at a time into the spectators hand and he is challenged...

Daniel Madison
Collateral by Daniel Madison

Collateral contains 12 new effects of magic and sleight of hand from leading underground magician Daniel Madison. Including a powerful transposing Torn & Restored card, two brand new Color Changes, and what is being deemed in the industry as "the best card blister effect ever."

Trip Signed - Torn - Transpo - Restored
A card is taken from the deck and folded in half. Half of the card is signed by the spectator. The other half is signed by the performer. The card is torn in half and the spectators half is placed in the spectators hand. The other half - signed by the performer - is waved above...

Andrew Loh
The Loh of Attraction by Andrew Loh

A collection of Andrew's all time favorite routines. Three card effects which have been in Andrew's repertoire for years. They entertain any audience.

The Sandwich Keepers
Three Kings perform a visual miracle which incorporates the vanishing and sandwiching sequence that will delight your audience.

A card is freely chosen, signed and lost in the pack. Two Kings are removed and held in performer's hands. The pack is shown - their selection is neither on top nor at the bottom. Some gestures, the Kings visually vanished and magically transformed into the selection. The...

Peter Duffie
The Duffie Diary by Peter Duffie

This is a very commercial, practical, and effective diary effect. (Works with any diary.)

You begin by shuffling a deck and placing it on the table. You never touch the deck again. You now give the spectator your pocket diary which he may examine before placing it in his pocket. You never touch the diary again.

The spectator will now create a random date. He cuts the deck – this is a free cut – and turns over the card cut to. The value of this card will represent the month. This can truly be any value. He counts the cards that he cut – this will represent the day. This can truly...

Peter Duffie
Pronto Print by Peter Duffie

A card is selected from your deck and placed face down on the table. You now show four cards that are clearly blank on all sides. These are placed on the table and the spectator places his hand flat on top. You wave the selection over his hand – he then lifts his hand – the packet is spread and a duplicate of his card has mysteriously appeared in the middle of the four blanks. But the image doesn’t last long and suddenly disappears leaving a totally blank card. Finally you drop the selected card onto the packet – again the spectator places his hand flat on top. This time, when he lifts...

Peter Duffie
Vortex by Peter Duffie

You show a set of JUMBO cards (or you can use regular cards) which you mix and give to a spectator, face up. The spectator, with the cards in his hands, now selects any one. This is a completely free choice! No Force.

Meanwhile you have been telling the audience that this packet of large cards contains both positive and negative energies. With a card chosen, you take the remaining cards and turn them face down and clearly show the backs of these cards - printed in bold lettering on each card is: NO - NO - NO and NO! .... All negative!

The spectator turns over his card revealing the only...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Troublemakers: A Strange Printing Effect by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis brings you a twisted packet trick that will blow your spectators away.

Effect: The magician displays a packet of six Jokers and asks the spectators if they have ever heard of marked cards. Assuming they reply in the affirmative, the magician continues, "Well, most people don't know how to really mark cards. Especially in a subtle fashion. But I do. And I'll show you right now using this packet of jokers." Noticing two blue backed jokers in the packet, the magician sets them aside, claiming they are "troublemakers". The other four Jokers are shown to have normal red backs....

★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
Matching the Cards Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

When Lewis Ganson asked Dai Vernon what he considered to be the best card effect, he replied that in his opinion "Matching The Cards" would be difficult to beat, particularly when performed for lay audiences. His opinion is shared by many of the world's leading card experts, who have often featured one version or another in their acts.

The granddaddy of this effect can be found in Magician's Tricks by Hatton and Plate. The effect of Vernon's version is as follows:

A card is selected by a spectator and placed face down on the table without the face being shown, then the performer endeavors to cut to the three other...

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson & Rovi
Rovi Reveals Teach-In by Lewis Ganson & Rovi

Al Koran convinced Rovi that it was the easy-to-follow plot with a strong magical impact for which there appeared to be no explanation, that had the greatest impression on audiences. Rovi has followed that dictum with great success, devising routines of his own, all of which are styled to entertain. Those readers who expect to have to learn difficult sleights or memorize long sequences of moves, can breathe a sigh of relief. Rovi's magic is not like that, it is based on simplicity and subtlety.

These are all card effects except one, "Watched Coins" a marvelous coin routine.

This was part of the...

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