The name of this ebook partially comes from the fact you will learn nine amazing routines involving mentalism. You will also discover a method that possesses unique possibilities. It is the power of this system that creates the magic behind each routine and thus the true reason for the title IX.
I. Corporate Thoughts - Out of a list of 100 major companies a spectator makes a selection. A free thought is developed based upon the company chosen. In an astonishing display of ESP you are able to draw a design that is directly related to their very thoughts!
II. 52 Thoughts - A super strong...
Issue 4 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
Issue 3 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
Issue 2 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
Issue 1 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
In this second part of two ebooks exploring the science of envelopes in magic and mentalism, Scott introduces three more brand new tried and tested routines utilizing nothing more than some envelopes, a glue stick, and a pair of scissors.
For the sake of clarity the clear photographic manufacturing instructions for two of the gaffed envelopes which appeared in Envelopology Part One are reproduced here for the benefit of those who don't own the first ebook, along with an extra gaffed envelope and manufacturing instructions for a variation of Scott's very own Shaxonless flap, this variation is being shared here...
Three unusual gimmicks for PK mysteries.
This is Gerard's take on the classic bending spoon effect, but just between two fingers: the spoon visually melts. You will need to buy something you won't find in magic stores. (It will cost you just a few dollars.)
A borrowed beer mat is torn and folded in half by a spectator. The performer writes "ALCOHOL BREATH ANALYZER" on it. The beer mat will bend when approaching a pint of beer or a glass of wine but not with a glass of water for instance! Very versatile method that can be very useful and bring something...
As we explore the meanings of doodles and drawings, Doodleology is the perfect ebook for someone who is interested in the way people think and would like to be able to define a person's personality based solely on their drawings and doodles.
The ebook is complete with in depth explanations of the different types and styles of doodles, mini articles, examples and sample doodle readings and ideas to profit from doodle reading.
By the time you've done reading you'll understand how to read people's drawing and doodles, how to apply the flow to create a seamless structured reading and more. ...
Psientific Pseudo Psi, Mountebankery, Monstrosities and Horrors. Weird tricks for the magickal story-teller.
1st edition 1988, 87 pages; 1st digital edition 2012, PDF 62 pages.
Table of Contents
A compilation of select pet effects and touches. These notes are a precursor to Kannon's upcoming physical book "Nothing To See Here" and include some select pieces of his work, to introduce himself.
For readers and those wishing to make their performances more emotional and personal: You'll find the highly praised "Happy Place" script, a way of forming deep rapport and connection with your participants and people you share your mentalism with.
"I LIKE IT! and you can quote me on that" - Bill Montana
His "Coin Oracle", you haven't seen anyone use anything like this, it's highly...
Jiggery Pokery is a self-working three-phase Texas Hold 'em routine for mentalists and card workers and develops a principle by Ben Harris which he published as Psi Poker. This ebook is fully endorsed by Ben Harris
"This is great. I am thrilled. BRILLIANT." - Ben Harris
"A great self-working audience-participation routine. I like this ebook very much." - Peter Duffie
"Interesting and clever" – Gianfranco Preverino
"I appreciated your work (particularly the first part about the Prediction effect which looks excellent) … not only and simply for the work itself but for the passion I found in it. Only with research can...
Here, Chris Wardle explores the use of long and short cards (Svengali Deck style) for mental magic presentations. Whilst initially he gives some background to the Svengali deck and how to make and handle one, some routines use variants on the deck and several don't use playing cards at all. There are thirteen routines from Chris plus some additional commentary and a bonus routine from publisher Paul Hallas. Chances are after reading this you'll not think of the Svengali deck in the same way again.
Since the appearance of this booklet (his third) Chris authored Magic For Everyone (2006) and...
These are three of the best routines Bob Cassidy has ever created:
1st edition 2003, 15 pages....
The EBOOKS in MONSTERBOX #3 cover a wide range of MENTALISM techniques and approaches. MENTALISM with CARDS, WATER BOTTLES, DRINK BOTTLES, SHARPIE PENS, and your FINGERS! Some world-famous manuscripts are included such as the ENTIRE SILENT RUNNING TRILOGY!
MONSTERBOXES are simply the best and most cost-effective way in which to explore Ben Harris' 30 year's worth of contributions to the art. By dividing the vast range of EBOOKS into genres, you can obtain EXACTLY the type of material you are after. Be it CARDS, CLOSE-UP, MENTALISM...
The performer shows a menu card from a restaurant listing various foods. Anyone is invited to come forth and secretly write the name of any food from the menu on a blank index card and drop it face down on a plate.
NO FORCES OR RESTRICTIONS. The performer says the special of the day at the restaurant is two for the price of one. To get the special the performer has to order the same item. Performer than secretly writes down his choice from the menu on another index card and drops it on another plate. Once this has been done the performer and participant exchange plates and both show the...
Seance for the Undead: a Duet of Unusual Magicks features two new routines from the slightly disturbed mind of Paul Voodini. Both routines combine elements of the psychological and the esoteric with more traditional (but very simple) conjuring techniques. This is bizarre magic that is designed to entertain, enthrall and, yes, scare a parlour audience!
The first routine is entitled Raising the Dead. This is a seance-based routine that combines both the psychological elements that Paul Voodini is famous for along with some small pieces of illusion.
The vampire has long been a source of fascination...
This manuscript describes how you can use sound covertly for mentalism and magic. With a bit of practice you can make it as useful as a nail writer. This is a unique method that gets little mention in the mentalism literature. Here you have a complete course that will show you how to practice and how to turn it into an entire act.
1st edition 1970, 1st digital edition 2012.
Tarot Chairs is a strong, entertaining Chair Test, combined with the Tarot.
"I love it! A great, simple routine for stage or parlour involving the Tarot that is both entertaining and engaging! There is a lot of scope here for the performer to inject his own personality which is always great. There simply aren't enough good quality routines out there that utilise the Tarot, and this is a great addition to that small collection. Simply fantastic!" - Paul Voodini
"I love Tarot Chairs. It's a great idea, and one that could be performed in almost every type of situation." - Richard Webster
1st edition 2012, updated...
#10 in the Psychic Sight Series
A new and greatly expanded version of an effect described in Three Mind Miracles. More methods, more ideas. Even if you have the original ebook you will want this to get all the new expanded idea.
An ungimmicked pack of 78 tarot cards is shuffled by a participant. He ensures that the cards are genuine and all different. After the cards are shuffled, three more participants are asked to come forward and join him. One of the participants removes the top five cards from the SHUFFLED tarot pack. He places the cards face up on a table so the cards are concealed from the performer's...
The origin of the center tear is unclear. Some say it was used by mediums for a long time before magicians found out about it. Theodore Annemann was the one who made it popular among mentalists. Others believe that Martin Sunshine invented it, who passed it on to Theodore H. Arnold who shared it with Annemann. Either way, the principle is one of the most powerful at the disposal of mentalists.
This ebook describes in detail the various phases from the steal, to reading the center as well as other applications and tips.
PDF 11 pages.
Dee Christopher's best selling device just got even more devilish.
The Beast contains several well thought out features and various handlings...
In September 2012, Dee Christopher lectured for over 300 magicians at the LADs convention in the UK. He taught several of his signature effects, alongside material that the magic world had never seen before.
The unpublished material, including his chair test and the the "Kill Scene" effect from his working stage repertoire created much buzz at the event and since.
This package contains a no frills video version of Dee's full hour long lecture, alongside a 40 page PDF with easy to read step by step instructions for each effect taught.
The effects and routines taught are as follows: ...
Here's something you will put to immediate use, and continue to use it for fun and/or money. Presented by any two people, without any special scenery, costumes, props or conditions. Read the ebook, and you are ready to start. Great for clubs, lodges, fun nights, schools, Scouts, Senior Citizens, P.T.A., you name it. Very funny act with lots of built in laughs. (You can show a friend how to do it in minutes, so you don't need a regular assistant. Great for married couples.)
This is a compilation of three sources
Ben Harris combines old school methodology with digital magic in a way that opens up a lot of presentational possibilities. The manuscript is complete with artwork to easily print out the QR code cards required. Here's the effect:
A small packet of about a dozen cards is introduced. These are "Pre-Cog Test Cards" that the performer had acquired at a recent "Minds in Progress" seminar.
One card is white with Pre-Cog test instructions printed on both sides along with a SINGLE QR CODE. The performer explains that this code can be scanned to reveal the outcome of a precognitive test. The performer...