From the Introduction:
Within the pages of this volume, the reader will find many effects which may easily be incorporated into a program of exposes, or as part of a manipulative act. None of the effects discussed in the first section require sleights more difficult than the doublelift. Many a performer will want to credit the occurrences to his own skill - even though none is involved. While at no time should the Lecturer attribute the happenings to "magic", a fairly plausible cause is sleight-of-hand.
Included in Section II of this volume, I have given the reader an illustrated...
From the lost files of Jason Michaels comes one of the most devious and baffling psychic card routines every invented!
It is a four-phase routine in which you locate selected cards SIGHT UNSEEN. It was one of the most talked about feats of Jason Michaels and even fooled the skeptics. This appears in print for the first time.
Jason never liked using blindfolds except for blindfolded drives and even then he put newspaper over the windshield. The reason for this is that no matter how clever or deceptive a blindfold is, there are always people who still think somehow you can see through it....
PDF 49 pages
Spook Crooks! is Julien Proskauer's searing expose of the world of phony prophets, fake mediums, and other con artists who fleeced innocent victims of their cash, dignity and in some cases their lives.
Proskauer, a friend of Houdini's, took it upon himself to nearly single-handedly rid the radio airwaves of fortune tellers and psychic swindlers in the early 1930s, much to the chagrin of honest mentalists who were caught in the crossfire.
A slick billet switch, the gypsy money switch, and many other secrets are revealed in crystal clear text and illustrations.
Robert A. Nelson, owner of mentalism's most esteemed...
From the Preface:
An actor who has always been an inspiration to me once said:
"There are plenty of $400 magicians out there who are only worth $75 and there are plenty of $75 magicians out there that should charge $400."
That is a harsh, cold but very true fact. They all have the skills and potential. Still some do not take their performances up to the levels they should. The ending result is an audience that only gets parts of their show. The cheap $400 magicians shut out part of their audience. They do not allow the entire audience to listen to what they say. And they have serious...
On November 26th and 27th 2010 the first European Close-Up Magic Symposium, focusing purely on coin magic, brought 16 magicians from all over the world to Milan for two days of non-stop coin magic, with lectures and performances, private sessions and gala shows. The routines in this volume among the best and shot live at the symposium, are very impressive and strong. Expect some knuckle busters as most of the contributors in this volume are the best names in the coin magic genre. All routines, except two (as noted), are complete with performance and explanation.
AKIRA FUJII: "Grown Up Coin". Beautiful...
The master of the Spanish coinmagic presents one of the best routines of the symposium. Pure sleight of hand, pure magic and total enjoyment. A coins thru glass routine with seldom seen technique. A perfect lead in to a matrix or a four coin routine. Routine work at the table. Intermediate level.
length 10min
A fun, short and original routine whereby one of the two half dollars changes to a quarter and the other half dollar changes to a silver dollar. Student of Shigeo Takagi, Shigeo is now considered the dean of Japanese coinmagic. Beautiful routine to work at the table. Beginner/Intermediate level.
length 9min
This is his version of a classic routine, without the use of a wand. Many useful techniques are taught here, but it will be a challenge to accomplish. A very well constructed routine that shows the hand empty from time to time. Plenty of subtle convincers here. Advanced level. For stand-up workers.
length 22min 30s
A complete mental act with an impossible object!
You present a bottle with a full deck of cards inside. (You can hand out the bottle for examination). The spectator selects one of five playing cards (no force!). With the heritage from your grandpa you are able to reveal any selected card.
You can perform this on stage and even close up. Build the routine up to 4-5 minutes.
You will learn:
Oracle is a multi phase performance piece with a pendulum and deck of cards by Simon Caine.
To demonstrate the powers of the pendulum, first it is used to divine a freely selected card. Next, the pendulum is able to answer questions from the audience, completely out of the hands of the performer. The selected card is then lost and mixed face down into several others by the participant, and still, the pendulum is able to 'dowse' the selection, using nothing more than the participants unspoken thoughts. Finally, a card is merely thought of by another audience member. The pendulum reveals this...
Somebody hides a coin in one of their hands, and the mentalist has to guess or predict which one: Left or Right?
This method uses classic techniques and is probably the simplest, the most direct, the safest, and probably the boldest one! It can be done separately, or embedded with other methods, or used as an out. Its major advantage is that it will not be perceived as a logic puzzle, and will really leave an impression of free choice. It will kill all previous solutions of potential methods (logic, electronic, gimmicked, etc.) that Cartesian spectators might suspect.
Erich Juhn war von 1927-1929 der Manager des Hellsehers Erich Jan Hanussen (mit wirklichem Namen Hermann Steinschneider). Diese Zusammenarbeit ging jedoch in Brüche und Juhn schrieb diesen Enthüllungsroman der Hanussens Tricks und Methoden verrät. Juhn gibt sich auch als ehemaliger Sekretär Hanussens zu erkennen. Hanussens Anwalt erreichte dieses Buch aus dem Handel zu ziehen. Um 1933 machte Juhn Hanussens jüdische Herkunft bekannt was vermutlich mit ein Grund für dessen Ermordung durch ein SA-Kommando war.
You will not only learn how to float balls but many other objects including balloons, boxes, bulbs, blocks, eggs, kites, puppets, canes, cards, microphones, telephones, heads, hats, hands, horns, ...
1st edition 1987, 47 pages.
The Gemini Motif is an apparently fair-looking, semiautomatic dealing procedure that forces two, three, or four cards, depending on its application.
1st edition 2016, 31 pages.
Here is another ploy to the Monty Hall problem, one of the most unexplored plots in magic and mentalism.
In this version, the mentalist plays the role of the candidate, and the participant plays the role of the host. As many people nowadays know the Monty Hall paradox or can search for it on the net, the game is made slightly more complex, in order to avoid any probabilities: The player can also play the role of a corrupt presenter if they wish. He can secretly steal the prize behind the third door, making it impossible for you to win the Ferrari! All this will allow you to mix mentalism...
The owners of this ebook can buy Star Signature for half price.
There have been many methods for divining the star sign of a participant. Most of these have used the principles of BA's or PA's. Such methods make the process longer and sometimes tedious. Here is a simple and smart idea for reducing your work by half but at the same time doubling the payoff and impact.
A cool principle called POWERGRAM is used to divine the target star sign within an average of asking just 3-4 letters only. In addition, a kicker revelation is also possible. This can be done impromptu face to face or even remotely over...
Learn how to exploit the ternary number system to your advantages. There is a new version of the old MUTUS DEDIT NOMEN COCIS or "The Pairs Repaired", as it was called in Prof. Hoffmann's Modern Magic. You will also find tricks with ESP cards and applications for the diminishing count...
1st edition...
Werner Miller is a retired math teacher living in Austria. He has created literally hundreds of math based magic tricks which you can study in his more than 50 ebooks. He publishes his material in English and German. He has written for many magic magazines and continues to create and write new material.
This sampler gives you a little taste of what he has to offer. If you like tricks that do not require sleight-of-hand, tricks which are based on math, logic and geometry, then you will certainly enjoy this ebook and the many other ones Werner has written.
1st edition 2016, 25 pages.