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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 4950 to 4973 (of 10397 products)
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★★★★★ $8
Edward Victor
Further Magic of the Hands by Edward Victor

This is volume three in the classic sleight-of-hand trilogy. From the foreword by Douglas Craggs:

In this volume the reader will find a valuable and varied collection of magical effects with something to appeal to all tastes and styles. Whatever selection the reader ultimately makes from the book to enlarge his programme, may I express the hope that he will pay the author the compliment of thorough rehearsal before public presentation. Good tricks, cunning subtleties, need to be learned with care; otherwise the author's time and the reader's money are wasted, and the public is disappointed....

★★★★★ $8
Edward Victor
More Magic of the Hands by Edward Victor

This is volume two in the classic sleight-of-hand trilogy. From the foreword:

Since many branches of Magic are again represented in this volume, a close study of it will, I sincerely hope, assist the reader in perhaps making some little change, addition or improvement in an existing 'move' or effect in which he may be interested.

I have included in this book my method of working and presenting "The Chinese Rings," mainly for those of my readers who have not up to now performed this effect, and who may desire a reliable and effective method of presentation for this "classic" trick.

★★★★★ $8
Edward Victor
Magic of the Hands by Edward Victor

This is a classic in sleight-of-hand magic. From the foreword:

This BOOK is mainly on the art of sleight-of-hand and it is my earnest hope that these pages will afford practical help to both the specialist and the amateur magician.

During the period of over twenty-five years of practical magic I have formed the conclusion that in all conjuring, no matter how cleanly a trick may have been worked, it is the effect that counts.

A magical effect that one desires to "get over" must be definite and surprising. By definite I mean an easily followed plot or routine. By surprising I mean that...

★★★★★ $5
Robert E. Bernhard
Publicity for Magicians by Robert E. Bernhard

From the introduction my Ormond McGill:

Few people are more fitted to discuss publicity for magicians than Robert Bernhard. I say this not because as a publicity man he has brought fame and fortune to waitresses and elevator girls who are now movie stars or because he has been my good friend for many years, but because he himself was a magician and knows the peculiar problems of the profession.

Under pressure, he is usually willing to admit he was probably the worst performer to ever inflict himself on a long suffering yet patient and forgiving public. Nevertheless, for several years he...

★★★★★ $4
Wayne R. Wissner
Handbook for the Theme Park Magician by Wayne R. Wissner

The amusement park and theme park business is an interesting opportunity for magicians. If you have ever wanted to experience this performing venue ... now is the time ... and this is the ebook. The Handbook For The Theme Park Magician will tell you all you need to know: how the parks operate, how they book their attractions, what to expect (both personally and professionally) and more.

You will be given sound and practical advice from a man (Wayne Wissner) who has made his living for many years in this lucrative field. Advice on your act, your assistants, your daily life (both on and off...

★★★★★ $6
Unknown Mentalist
Suit Order Systems 4 by Unknown Mentalist

This series of Suit Ordering Systems is probably the world's first 'super store' for ordering suits. The main purpose of these various Suit Ordering Systems is to create a random sequence of suits while retaining a secret pattern visible only to the performer. The applicability of these SOS methods is for various stacks like memorized, algorithmic, mnemonic decks including Karma Deck, Rasik Deck, Yogik Deck, or Fun Stacks etc.

Initially SOS Vol 1 and SOS Vol 2 were released. Subsequently, SOS Vol 3 was released as part of Karma Deck Pro 11-ebook bundle. And now this latest volume contains a very easy method of randomizing...

★★★★★ $4
Joe Karson
Further Tips on Zombie by Joe Karson

The original book Tips on Zombie was published in 1946 and has long been out of print. The Abbott Magic Company acquired the rights to this book. Neil Foster compiled the additional material and the book has been revised and greatly enlarged. Magic's Number One illustrator, Sid Lorraine, contributed the more than sixty detailed illustrations. If you are interested in performing the famous "Zombie" effect, you must have this ebook. The contents include:

  • Zombie
  • Zombie Gimmicks (6 different types)
  • The Start on the Arm
  • Zombie Vanish (4 methods)
  • The John Calvert Story
  • The No-Gimmick Zombie
  • Will Desmond's...
★★★★ $10
Eddie Joseph
Eddie Joseph on Cups and Balls by Eddie Joseph

This ebook is a compilation of the following titles:

  • A Practical Lesson in Cups and Balls
  • Advanced Lessons in Cups and Balls
  • Last Word on Cups and Balls
  • My Favorite Routine with Cups and Balls
Four great books on one classic subject in one great volume. It contains all the material and all the illustrations of the four older books, but in an edited and slightly abridged form. Also, the material has been re-formatted so that all the moves and sleights are in one section, all the novelty effects and special apparatus cups are in another section and all the routines are together in the final section.

Over sixty...

★★★★★ $5
Eddie Joseph
The Last Word on Cups and Balls by Eddie Joseph

From the introduction:

Every piece of information - idea - suggestion and routine has been independently created, developed, exploited and tested by the author some time or other. The reader is therefore assured, he is not getting any "second-hand" material in consequence.

The colossal amount of material crammed between these covers, will provide the progressive manipulator with a wealth of valuable assets.

The book has been divided into three parts. The first supplies detailed explanation for nearly forty new moves and passes. The second is kept apart for the creation of novel effects...

Absorb by Sofl

Please note that this video is in English but with a heavy Vietnamese accent. However, just following the visual instructions you can construct the gimmick and perform this miracle.

A coin gets absorbed into a notebook turning into a sketch.

1st edition 2016, length 13 minutes.

★★★ $10
Fred C. Baumann
Milestone in Coin Magic by Fred C. Baumann

This ebook brings the art of sleeving into reality, and combined with his new approaches to old sleights and many sleights, which have never appeared in print, make this treatise on coin magic one every magician should have in his library.

Fred Baumann, who through Tannen's Stars of Magic series has released his "Metalogic," Magic Spoon Bending, which has already become a classic. This was followed soon after by his "Magician's Dream," an unbelievable coin vanish. This ebook imparts his many new ideas and routines of all practical magic on coin assemblies, vanishes and productions. Also in...

★★★★★ $5
Senor Torino
Kardyro's Kard Konjuring by Senor Torino
  • T. K's Master Deal Supreme
  • T. K's Master Utility Sleight
  • The Peek
  • The Count
  • T. K's Kard Kontrol No. 1
  • T. K's Kard Kontrol Supreme
  • T. K's Master False-Cut Supreme
  • The T. K's One Card Drop Supreme Or The One Card Flip-Over Switch
  • T. K's Hole Card Switch Supreme
  • The Hindu Shuffle Throw-Off
  • Controlling A Selected Card
  • T. K's Hindu False Shuffle Or "The Slap Shuffle"
  • T. K's False Shuffle And Kard Kontrol
  • Using The Top Card As A Locator For The Selected Card
  • Controlling A Selected Card To The Bottom
  • T. K's Simplified Count Shuffle
  • T. K's Flip-Over Force No. 1
  • T. K's Hindu Shuffle...
Gordon Miller
Strange Secrets Addenda by Gordon Miller

This completes the series with

  • Character Reading by R.S. Glover
  • Astrologia by Howard P. Albright. A "sealed message" psychic routine completely detailed and incorporating the Automatic Prompter--an invaluable aid in delivering a convincing and unusual psychic reading. Techniques and presentations that appear nowhere else.

1st edition 1984; PDF 72 pages

Gordon Miller
Strange Secrets 2 by Gordon Miller

This is a collection of the following titles:

  • Needle Routine by M.S. "Doc" Mahdendra
  • Super Psychic Mental Effects by Howard Albright
  • Sand Painting by Howard Mel Melson
  • Simplified Memory Act by Samuel Shapiro
  • Dwarf Act by Richard Merry
  • X-Jargon by Wallace Lee
  • Thought Wings Onward--Part Two by Eddie Clever

PDF 123 pages

Gordon Miller
Strange Secrets 1 by Gordon Miller

This is a collection of the following titles:

PDF 122 pages

★★★★★ $15
George B. Anderson
Magic Digest by George B. Anderson

The original ad read:

Secrets for the tricks in this book, if purchased separately from magic supply houses, would cost well over $1000. Here, in non-technical language, are hundreds of tricks that require no special apparatus; tricks that can be performed with simple, common objects to be found anywhere. Tricks with coins, rope, handkerchiefs, cigarettes, rubber bands, pencils, playing cards - objects completely free of trickery. Includes complete routines for a close-up act, a mental act, a children's show, and a catalog of magic and merchandise.

  • Hundreds of self-working tricks that...
★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Ekcentrick Force by Unknown Mentalist

The Ekcentrick Force is a clever utility tool which will immediately find a place in your forcing toolbox. This is not to be seen as a substitute for the Equivoque Force or Pateo Force. Rather the Ekcentrick Force supplements and complements those 2 forces very well.

The Ekcentrick Force is extremely easy to perform and a major part of its process is fully automatic. Its simplicity is what deceives the audience. This principle is very powerful and yet very flexible and can be applied in multiple ways.

Here the Ekcentrick Force is applied to a coin mentalism routine and the result is a...

★★★★ $9.55
Nguyen Long
Change Plastic by Nguyen Long

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. There are some English subtitles, but for the most part you will get the instructions of how to make the gimmick and how to perform with it from the visual contents of the video.

With this gimmick you can vanish and change a range of small items.

1st edition 2016, length 31 minutes.

Label by Sofl

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. There are some English subtitles, but for the most part you will get the instructions of how to make the gimmick and how to perform with it from the visual contents of the video.

The label changes to another one while it is under the plastic cover of the notebook. This is great for the back to school crowd.

1st edition 2016, length 12 minutes.

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Osmosis by Paul A. Lelekis

This e-book is LOADED! There are 16 full routines with cards, bills, coins, ESP, food (a levitation), hilarious gags, comedy, science magic, and much, much more. There are many color photos explaining every move and videos of two different switches that you will love to perform.

Below is a preview:

2002 Simplicity Aces - An easy to do version of Elmsley and Jennings' killer classic. This is very direct and ends clean.

COMBO Bill Penetration and Bill Switch - You're going to love this hilarious 8 minute routine for close-up or cabaret. This routine plays very big and will get that applause. ...

★★★★★ $10
Bill Madsen & Al Forgione
Hex by Bill Madsen & Al Forgione

This is a great collection of tricks from a list of top-notch contributors.

From the introduction:

For six years, Al and I cooperated in a modest venture titled The New Jinx. It was a monthly magic journal conceived out of certain personal ambitions of mine. The first was to attempt a living memorial to the memory of Ted Annemann, creator of the original Jinx and an individual who has captured my interest more than any other single person I can think of. Next, I wanted to express my own personal viewpoints on the existing state of "professionalism" in stage magic and mentalism. Such a journal would...

★★★★ $5
Howard P. Albright
Forbidden Wisdom by Howard P. Albright

Shows you how to do a fortune telling act incorporating magic tricks.

  • Fortune Telling By Cards (Three Methods)
  • The Triple Turnover
  • Out Of The Hat
  • The Mental Wonder
  • Simplified Interpretation Of The Cards
  • The Suits (Indicate The Spheres Of Action)
  • The Values (Indicate Events Of Importance)
  • How To Memorize
  • The Mystic Circle
  • How To Give An Interesting Reading
  • Pseudo-Palmistry
  • A Sample Reading (From Observation And Information)
  • Pseudo-Graphology
  • Pseudo-Astrology
  • The World Of Dreams
  • Fortune Telling With Coins
  • Fortune Telling With Dice
  • Pseudo-Numerology
  • Scribble-Ology (An Original...
★★★ $8
Percy Abbott
49 Easy To Do Card Tricks by Percy Abbott

From the introduction:

Included in the 49 effects are some that are new and some that have been favorites of professional Magicians for years, but all of them have been tested on their merits as entertaining and mystifying tricks.

All of these tricks can be performed with any deck of playing cards, with little or no preparation beforehand, and in compiling them, it has been the aim to include only such tricks as may be performed simply with a pack of playing cards, without the necessity of any extra paraphernalia.

These tricks are easy to do, and may be performed once you have the directions...

★★★★ $7
Eddie Joseph
15 Exciting Minutes with a Borrowed Deck by Eddie Joseph

From the introduction:

The routine comprises five different effects, each able to stand out on its own merit. When combined, you will confuse the sharpest mind, the logical reason being that you appear to be doing the same thing over and over again, but you vary your secret procedure with each repetition.

All sleights have been eliminated and even if one had not done a single card trick before, he will still be able to bewilder and earn the reputation of a highly skilled card worker. The tricks are so designed that at no stage do you appear to be taking any active part — your spectators...

Displaying 4950 to 4973 (of 10397 products)
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