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ACAAN in Cards: page 3


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Abhinav Bothra
Self-Working ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra

An effortless ACAAN that the audience performs for themselves.


  • Completely self-working
  • Can be done Close-up, Parlour or On-Stage
  • Uses a regular pack of cards
  • No memorisation, mathematics or improvisation
A deck gets divided into 2 halves of 26 cards each. Spades and Hearts and Clubs and Diamonds. In short, both halves have ace to king of both red and black colours.

Participant 1 deals down one of the halves and stops anywhere he/she desires, the card gets turned over. To make things random, the participant again deals down to the value of the turned over card. Now that...

Abhinav Bothra
Audacious ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra

An ACAAN for stage and parlor performers.

In short: The performer asks 3 participants to name a suit, a number and a value. Next invites one of the participants to deal down the cards. And like it should be, the named card lies at the named number.

Here are the details:

1. The performer asks an audience member (1st participant) to name a suit. The participant does so.

2. Next, the performer moves towards the 2nd participant to name a number (value) between 1 and 10 he unboxes the deck. But then he suddenly remembers that he needs to give out a notepad and pen to record the choices...

Abhinav Bothra
The Fortuitous ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra

A virtually self-working ACAAN with plenty of audience involvement.

We all know whenever the audience tries to reverse engineer or recreate a trick and fail at it; they conclude with a common statement - He must have done something sneaky.

The Fortuitous ACAAN works to counter just that. It brings wonder out of the hands of the performer at the same time ensures that the control always rests with him. Here is how it goes:

A deck gets shuffled by 4 people while 3 other people decide on the Number, Value and Suit. The shuffled deck gets collected and the cards get dealt face-up and the...

Abhinav Bothra
Caantastic by Abhinav Bothra

For decades magicians are on a quest to perform Any Card At Any Number from a borrowed and shuffled deck; which isn't always possible so they often settle for Card At Any Number.

The problem is that Card At Any Number when presented as a one-time feat can be mistaken as a co-incidence or the skill of the performer which takes away the feeling of it being pure magic. Caantastic counters just that by creating a mother of all co-incidences moment for the audience. Card At Any Number not just once or twice but thrice and when it happens the third time it dilutes any skepticism and evokes the...

David Jonathan
Wrong Turn by David Jonathan

Wrong Turn is a fun and baffling approach to ACAAN that adds a kicker ending your spectators will never see coming. While most effects in this plot are telegraphed, this surprising twist strengthens the climax of the effect, further engaging your audience, while delivering even greater impact.

A deck of cards is displayed as the performer mentions he made a prediction in the deck. The spectator cuts to a card, remembers it, then returns it anywhere in the deck. The participant then thoroughly shuffles the cards so their selection is genuinely lost in the deck. Any number from 1 to 52 is...

★★★★ $9.95
Abhinav Bothra
The Empirical ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra

Love it or hate it but most of the numerous versions of ACAAN out there end up in the same ball park -- look what I can do or I manipulated your choices without your knowledge or simply as a coincidence. The Empirical ACAAN drifts from all of that, here is an ACAAN that makes people connect to each other. An ACAAN that is not about you but about the audience with virtually no sleight involved.

What’s great is that 70% of the times you'll have a hands-off / clean ACAAN and for the rest 30% you have to do something logical which is covered by the presentation to make it look like a hands-off...

Raphaël Czaja
Toucan by Raphaël Czaja

As he shuffles a deck of playing cards, the magician talks about how cards and numbers have been used for centuries to predict the future and how it translates into his art. He writes down two predictions on the face of a random card and tables it face down. He grabs the deck and deals the cards two by two — top and bottom card together. At the stop of the spectator, he removes and tables the two selections.

Then, he reveals what he wrote on the prediction card: "27" and "35". The spectator combines the value of one selection (eg: 5 of Clubs) with the suit of the other one (eg: Queen of...

David Jonathan
Arbitrium by David Jonathan

Why do ACAAN with one deck when you can up the apparent impossibility with two decks? That's the beauty of Arbitrium.

Imagine removing a prediction card and placing it in your pocket. You then bring out two decks, one with numbered cards and one standard deck. The spectator makes an actual free choice from each deck, selecting one number and one playing card. The performer removes his prediction to show it not only matches the freely selected card, but it also has the chosen number boldly drawn on it. A double prediction and ACAAN combined.

The 50-minute video download covers multiple...

Gerard Zitta
CANOE: Card at Any Name or Expression by Gerard Zitta

This effect is a variant of the Card at Any Number plot, but with a full routine and a very commercial and entertaining presentation, with gags, a prediction, or divination, with a puzzling final surprise revelation, and more potential. It can be adapted for any events like Christmas, New Year, Thanksgiving, Halloween, weddings, carnival, birthdays, conventions, etc.

It needs a one-time preparation that you can keep in your wallet or jacket, and can be used as an opener or a closer, for strolling, close up, parlor or stage.

1st edition 2017, 15 pages.

★★★★★ $7.95
Raphaël Czaja
Accans Family by Raphaël Czaja

EFFECT: A spectator shuffles a packet of number cards as much as he wants and deals through it to create a random number. Then, he deals through a blue-backed deck of playing cards (in which the magician put a red-backed prediction) and stops at his number. Let's say his card is the 7 of Clubs. Unbelievably, the red-backed prediction is the 7 of Clubs!

NB: The deck is always dealt face-up. Self-working. Happens in the hands of the spectator. Examinable. Quick reset. No gaff. Uses one regular deck and one red-backed card only. Includes a handling to perform it anytime during your act with...

Rick Silberman & Wesley James
The RiSiSi Deck: a synergy of synergies by Rick Silberman & Wesley James

The combination of special cards and sleight-of-hand is far more powerful than either alone. When the two are combined with inside knowledge, the resulting magic can be astounding in ways that enable you to leave audiences speechless and dumbfounded. The combination is synergistic: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

When the minds of Rick Silberman and Wesley James combine with William Coffrin, Jean Hugard, and Fred Braue, you have a level of knowledge and experience rarely equaled in magic's long history. The whole is far greater than the sum of its parts.

When special cards, sleight-of-hand,...

★★★★★ $19.95
David Jonathan
RudiMental by David Jonathan

This is a collection of five self-working, or semi-automatic, effects that share the key underlying theme that the spectator becomes the star, getting all the credit for the small miracles they just seemed to perform. RudiMental contains a variety of unique effects, most of which are hands off, and are very deceptive, yet simple in method. At their core, the foundation of each piece uses a practical, time-honored method that has been modernized, re-worked and applied in unique new ways.

Each effect is supplemented with a presentation script, multiple detailed photos and many additional tips,...

Tom Phoenix
ACAAN of Worms by Tom Phoenix

This is a collection of 10 ACAAN and plot variation methods. It covers subconscious predictions, Si work, and other such shenanigans.

Here is a list of the contents:

Predestination - A deck is shuffled by the spectator, and a card is thought of. The participant deals cards until they find the one they thought of. You have predicted the exact position it was found in. No forces involved, and nothing is said out-loud by the participant. Oh, and you can perform this blindfolded.

True ACAAN - No stooges, forces, trick decks, etc. It requires work, but it's not hard to do, and is entirely...

Abhinav Bothra
Simple Sleightless ACAAN 2.0 by Abhinav Bothra

One of the simplest methods to perform the holy grail of card magic - Any Card At Any Number (ACAAN) with a regular pack of playing cards without any sleights.

This is what happens: You introduce 3 cards with 3 simple questions:

  • Q1. Name a number
  • Q2. Name a suit
  • Q3. Name a value
That get answered alternatively by the participant and the performer. You unbox the deck of cards and demonstrate to the participant to deal down the cards to their number, the participant does the same and it is his/her named card at the named number.


  • no forces
  • no pre-show
  • no dual reality ...
★★★★ $30
Unknown Mentalist
Deckless ACAAN by Unknown Mentalist
"Thank you for your kind hearted support. The royalties share received on this sale by me has been sent to Tim Rose to support him with his fight against cancer. I have never known Tim Rose. Came to know about his illness only through Lybrary newsletter. I feel that irrespective of whether performers are well known or unknown, they deserve our community's support equally." - Unknown Mentalist.
A collection of 16 stunning routines based on the ACAAN theme.

The best part is that several of these routines do not use a physical deck at all. Some of these routines do use a physical deck...

Abhinav Bothra
Dyad by Abhinav Bothra

A deceiving card control + an intrepid card move = An audacious card at any number

AMBIENCE CONTROL : A single card control from the middle of the deck to the top. Originally put out in The Blind Faith Collection (2015). It can also be used as a phase in an Ambitious Card Routine.

SAY STOP : A Selected Card At Any Number where you don't really need to know the number before hand. Originally put out in Audacious (2013) and as a bonus in C.I.A (2015).

Notes and Credits: Do not confuse Ambience Control to be same as Bizau Christian's Blind Square. They both are different. Say Stop was inspired from Paul Wilson's Yamfacaan. However...

★★★★★ $4
Ryan Shaw
Thoughtless ACAAN by Ryan Shaw

A brand new take on the classic ACAAN effect that will leave your spectators stunned. This is more than a trick. It's an experience. This effect is powerful with a good presentation and there are so many places you can take the ideas within this short ebook. For $4, you can't go wrong. If you don't like something, feel free to shoot me an email letting me know. I'm very open to new ideas and I'm excited to share this one with you. Oh and if you don't like it at all, it's a money back guarantee. This is Thoughtless ACAAN.

  • Completely hands off.
  • No forcing named cards.
  • No forcing named numbers....
Gerard Zitta
ACAAN'Z by Gerard Zitta

Tons of ideas in this manual...A compendium of effects, principles and methods related somehow to the "Any card at any number" plot, commonly called ACAAN. Even though they are not all 'perfect' ACAAN's, they are interesting, entertaining or original variants from an audience point of view.

  • Some are original, some are based on combinations of old principles, with some 'twists' or new ideas.
  • Most are card tricks, some are not.
  • Some are impromptu or even improvised, some need some preparation.
  • Some are hands off, some need some (easy) sleight of hand.
  • Some are direct, some are more convoluted. ...
★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
52.13 ACAAN by Unknown Mentalist

You will be able to perform the following routines by using the Klear Fate principle/technique. So you already need to know the Klear Fate process.

ACAAN is a very popular plot in card magic and card mentalism. This is a collection of 8 ACAAN routines which are very novel, entertaining and stunning but at the same time extremely easy to perform. Although some of these are not strictly ACAAN in a true sense, they appear so to the audience.

The 8 routines explained are

Rus Andrews
Abacus by Rus Andrews

Imagine being able to predict/reveal a thought of two digit number and playing card without the spectator saying a word, everything exists purely inside their mind. Sounds impossible right? wrong, with Abacus you can do this and a whole lot more, from open predictions to ACAAN style effects. Abacus is a principle that opens doors that no other has done before and is being performed by professionals worldwide.

"Rus has adapted a very clever Max Maven idea and applied it to cards. The result is a very interesting and very easy version of the ACAAN effect." - Marc Paul

"You have created a wonderful...

Timothy Wade
ACAAN Accomplished by Timothy Wade

After fanning the cards to show they are mixed the performer places the deck on a small table or hands it to someone to hold, at which point he never touches or even approaches the deck again. Next, the performer, in order to prove no stooges are being used picks up a box that is filled with paper balls and slings it in an arc over the entire audience asking everyone to catch or pick up a ball near them. When a number of the audience are holding paper balls, the performer reveals that three of the balls have a second red paper ball concealed inside the white. When the three people find...

Nick Conticello
TOCATON by Nick Conticello

What is TOCATON?

TOCATON, the word, is an acronym for "thought-of card at thought-of number." It's pronounced "talk-a-ton." The word was coined by Nick Conticello to describe his new approach to the classic David Berglas effect "Any Card at Any Number." Nick feels the word is more descriptive of his effects because he does limit the choice of numbers and the choice of cards. But his approach has the virtues of speed of presentation and lack of preparation. Like most of his published work, TOCATON can be performed impromptu, with any reasonably complete pack of cards.

TOCATON, the e-book, contains four...

★★★★ $10
Tom Phoenix
Crystal Clear by Tom Phoenix

Turn your card box into a devilishly sneaky peek device!

It takes 3 minutes and 42 seconds to make, and requires no special materials.

Two applications are taught in detail:

  • A 2-phase ACAAN routine, which also includes a presentation idea to make the ACAAN plot meaningful.
  • Two-Behind: You read the mind of their imaginary friend, AND guess the name of their friend.

1st edition 2015, 9 pages.

Nick Conticello
The ACAAN Experience by Nick Conticello

Author and collector Doug Edwards after seeing a performance said:

"That's the best impromptu ACAAN effect I've ever seen!"

If you have ever wanted to do an impromptu version of the David Berglas classic ACAAN but despaired of finding a workable method, rejoice! In his new ebook The ACAAN Experience Nick Conticello offers you four impromptu methods.

Each version of Nick's effect CAAN-Fluence starts from a single premise but uses a different technique each time to place a freely chosen card at a freely chosen location in a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck. None of these versions require any...

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