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ACAAN in Cards: page 1


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★★★★ $20
S. Brent Morris PhD
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Faro Shuffle: but were afraid to ask by S. Brent Morris PhD

Dr. Brent Morris covers the faro shuffle in minute detail from a mathematical analysis, to the history, applications, tricks with the faro shuffle and variations of the faro. If you want to become an expert on the faro shuffle this is a must have. Any card expert will cherish these notes because they are authoritative and exhaustive.

All ACAAN fans rejoice. You will find in this ebook the first ever published solution to this effect with faros. The effect is as follows:

The magician commits to doing exactly six perfect shuffles—no more, no less, and all perfect. The spectator names a...

★★★★★ $15
Tommaso Guglielmi
Dark Thief and Entanglement by Tommaso Guglielmi

Dark Thief

Two spectators think of a number between 1 and 10. With their numbers, a card is mentally selected. With the first spectator, the magician performs a mind reading effect guessing his thought of card. With the two spectators together, the magician introduces a deck of playing cards and explains that he wants to try an ACAAN effect. In order to do this, the magician asks the first spectator to think of his card and to the second one to create a random number between 1 and 52. (This number is created using the two spectator's numbers: The second spectator tells his number to the first...

★★★★ $7
Dave Forrest
ACAAN Again by Dave Forrest

Dave just can't leave this plot alone. Here, on this 12 minute video download you'll learn perhaps his boldest method to date. A regular deck is thoroughly examined and shuffled by a spectator. A freely chosen number between 1 and 52 is written on a business card. A freely chosen card is written on a second business card. Both of these are locked inside the card case. The performer takes the deck and deals until the number is reached. Sure enough, the chosen card is found at the freely chosen number. The best news? There is a very cool gimmick in play which makes this whole thing practically...

★★★★ $5
Raphaël Czaja
ACOCAVAN by Raphaël Czaja

From the creator of the best-seller SCAMP comes a new effect based on the ACAAN plot. Although it is not the "Grail", it is direct to the point with a minimum of sleights and a few subtleties for a maximum impact!

EFFECT: The magician shuffles a deck of cards and asks a spectator to cut the deck a first time to determine a suit and a second time to determine a value (the suit and the value of the cards he cut to, let's say a Diamond and a 4). Then, the magician asks the spectator to imagine where his card may lie into the deck and thus, to think of any number. The spectator reveals he's thinking...

★★★★ $15
Daniel Madison
The Advocate: the ultimate playing card index by Daniel Madison

The best and most practical card index ever created.

The Advocate is by far Daniel's most favorite discovery and deceptive tool and was for many years his best kept secret, and it has been a monster of a reputation maker for him. This is his 4th edition of this book; where the predecessors were written with the magician and the effects in mind, this edition keeps due focus on the device itself for deceptive use. Although 'tricks' have not been removed from this edition they have been simplified and reduced to suggestions as opposed to focal points of the book. Much deserved extra attention...

Daniel Madison
Four by Daniel Madison

A shuffled deck of cards is cut in half. The performer and participant each select a half and shuffle. The performer tells the participant a number between 1 and 26 and invites them to count to that card in their half. The participant is invited to do the same; to name a number for the performer to count to. This is repeated until both the performer and participant have three cards each. One by one the cards are turned over to reveal three perfect matching pairs.

The performer and participant each have a different colored deck. Each deal four cards face down randomly from...

Aldo Colombini
Double Decker Two by Aldo Colombini

When Aldo published his book Double Decker (routines with two decks of cards) little did he know what he was getting into. He really enjoyed studying the routines and consequently he went into a frenzied quest for more. It is amazing how many he found! Here’s a new collection of routines using two (or three) decks of cards. Have fun studying the routines and, above all, performing them all for your audiences.


  • COLORS CAN’T MIX (Karl Fulves)
  • THOT CARD TO POCKET (Martin Gardner)
  • PACKED BAGS (Aldo Colombini)
  • TURN BLUE (Ken Krenzel)
  • DOUBLE CLOCK DECEPTION (John Yeager) ...
★★★★★ $12
Mat L’Anoire
Nevermind by Mat L’Anoire

"When I first read 'Scribble' I had a huge smile on my face for the entire time I was reading it. I've just spent the past half an hour trying it out and an even bigger smile appeared! So cleverly constructed, it's a creation of genius!" - Iain Moran

Mat's 'Invisible Deck with a regular deck' opener. A cased deck of cards is placed on the table. A spectator names any card - a completely free choice. The deck is removed from the case and the named card is shown to have been impossibly predicted ahead of time.

Mat's 'take everywhere' coin effect. Four different...

★★★ $15
Michael Paul
Attacking ACAAN by Michael Paul

Attacking ACAAN is a write up on not one, but four wonderfully practical “Any Card at Any Number” presentations, straight out of the working set of Michael Paul. Here's what you'll find inside:

  • Required tools and skills
  • Psychometry Card: a new and different twist on ACAAN that is logical, thematic, and entertaining!
  • T minus 1: A no sleight of hand version for close up or stage. You never have to touch the cards, and there are no gimmicks!
  • ACAAN OCD: Think outside the box as you learn new ways of routining ACAAN into your set. This comedy presentation might just become your new favorite...
★★★★★ $12
Tommaso Guglielmi
Eyes of Darkness by Tommaso Guglielmi

This is an ACAAN effect using two decks.

The performer shows two decks closed within their boxes. A spectator selects one of them and puts it aside (This deck will be used later). The perfomer asks the spectator to remove the second deck from his box and to check if the deck is a regular deck. At this point the performer instructs the spectator to select a number and a playing card using a very clean procedure with this deck. The spectator for example chooses 31 and Ace of Spades. Now, without the performer touching the decks, the second spector removes the first deck from its box and counts...

★★★★ $20
Kyle MacNeill
Wild at Heart by Kyle MacNeill

"Thanks for the amazing response that you had for Wild at Heart! Rachel had her operation in November 2010, and thankfully it went brilliantly. She and Aldo are now having their amazing farewell lecture tour, and all you brilliant people who bought this Ebook helped them lots. So, although this Ebook will not help with Rachel's operation anymore, all the money will still go to Aldo and Rachel, and you will be getting an Ebook full of great magic. Thank you." - Kyle

This is a very special ebook put together by an incredible person who is all but 13 years old and driven by his love for...

★★★★ $40
Tommaso Guglielmi
Subtle Scam by Tommaso Guglielmi

"Truly inspiring." - Ben Harris

"If you are a serious student of card magic and love to delve into the intricacies of one of card magic's greatest plots - the ACAAN - then Tommaso Guglielmi's SUBTLE SCAM was written JUST FOR YOU." - Vlad, Magic Cafe

"Having been a keen follower of the ACAAN plot for a number of years, I was fortunate to befriend Tommy Gugliemi who shares the same passion and is almost obsessed by the plot, this is not necessarily a bad thing as he has shared some of the most ingenious handling's I have ever seen, many completely hands off and impromptu. One handling that stands...

★★★★★ $23
Don Theo III
Broken by Don Theo III

This is the launching point of the journey. Don fuses the essence of powerful theatre with mystery entertainment to open your eyes and ears to a new way to approach your performances.

"Most mentalists know Don Theo knocked it out of the ballpark with his introductory book Teardrop. However, Theo's 'Broken' makes his first treatise now seem like a bunt. 'Broken' is a beautiful, artistic work that forces the actor in each mentalist to rise to the surface and make some very necessary waves within our art." - Mick Ayres

The star of the show, this jawdropping three phase routine...

★★★ $13
Tommaso Guglielmi
Beyond Reloaded by Tommaso Guglielmi

Give a spectator the deck of cards with the promise that you will not be handling it again. The first spectator is asked to simply name a card and the second one to name a number between 1 and 52. The magician instructs the second spectator to deal to his named number. When the spectator reaches his number, the corresponding card matches the first spectator's named card.

If you look for the Ultimate ACAAN this effect is very close. In this pdf Tommaso teaches you his way to have this little miracle with a full routine without pre-show, stooges, force etc. etc.

Bonus Effect: Devilish Prediction...

★★★★ $13
Tommaso Guglielmi
The Magician's Dream: a practical solution for any card at any number by Tommaso Guglielmi

The Magician's Dream is a collection of two practical ACAAN's effects: Random ACAAN, ACAAN on Demand.

With Random ACAAN, you are able to perform ACAAN effect completly self-working: You can perform it without you touching the deck ever (before, during and after the effect). It works with any unprepared deck.

ACAAN on Demand is a full impromptu one to one ACAAN. This method is pefect when someone, in a informal situation, asks you to perform a magic trick. The method is very pratical and in 95% of the cases it works without you touching the deck from start to end.

Bonus effects: ...

Tommaso Guglielmi
Destiny 2 by Tommaso Guglielmi

Destiny 2.0 is an easier and more spectacular version of its predecessor. Now, people with no big experience in magic will be able to astonish their audience with an even more entertaining effect. Besides, if you are just an amateur and have no abilities in magic, you will find enclosed a document that contains instructions to build yourself the "Destiny Deck", a way to perform with no skills at all!

You will also find a copy of Destiny Evolution 2; a trick that merges the original Destiny effect with an imaginary poker hand. Obviously everything will be done with a single deck of cards coupled...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Convergence by Cameron Francis

An incredibly direct Card At Number effect!

"Convergence is the best card to number I have ever seen. Its so easy to do yet so deceptive. Great job, Cameron." - Bob Tucker

"Love it! It totally lives up to the description on your site." - Tim Eden

Cameron Francis brings you an amazing card at number effect that plays huge and is extremely practical.


The magician proposes an experiment in fate as he introduces two decks of cards; one red and one blue. The blue deck is placed in front of a spectator and the magician never touches it again. The red deck is removed from its...

★★★★ $10
Stefan Olschewski
The Key to Your Card by Stefan Olschewski

Oh no! Not another ACAAN version! But wait – maybe this one is a version you will use.

Stefan Olschewski took the old premise and turned it into a 5 minute performance piece that plays great in any setting, from close up to stage. And it will fool even magicians.

A chest is seen resting on a table center stage. You hand a key to a lady in the audience. Two spectators select a playing card and a number from 1 to 52 in the fairest manner. They may even change their minds as often as they wish.

Card and number are written on a sketchpad for everyone to see. The lady takes the key and...

★★★★★ $25
Luca Volpe
Horus by Luca Volpe

Horus contains some of Luca Volpe's best kept secrets from his professional repertoire. Mixing a blend of clever thinking and easy to do methods, which creates stunning effects. Each routine is audience tested and contains everything you need to perform the effects, from the script to plenty of bonus tips.

No complicated props to build or expensive items to buy, but just pure mentalism that is suitable for stage and intimate performances. Also included is a special graphic design which allows you to perform one of the effects that Luca Volpe has never revealed... until now!

  • THE "HORUS"...
★★★★★ $17
Stephen Tucker
ACAAN by Stephen Tucker

Any Card At Any Number - You table a cased deck, then remove a small, thin note-pad from your shirt pocket and ask one person to name any card. Let's assume he says, "The Queen of Spades." You record this on the pad. You next ask a second person to name any number from 1 to 52. Let's assume this person says, "22". You record this too, then pick up the cased deck. You remove the cards and show that they are all different. You hand the deck to one of them, and ask that he deals down to the 22nd card... it's the Queen of Spades!

If you would like to inject a little comedy, once the card and...

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 20 (May 2008) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2008; 72 pages.

Cover: Singh

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. She's Got The X-Factor - Ning (Part 2)
  5. News
  6. Joshua's [Jay] Balancing Act - Owen Packard - article
  7. In Search Of The Holy Grail - ACAAN - Mark Leveridge - article
  8. ACAAN Reviews
    • Autobahn - Dave Forrest
    • ACAAN - Stephen Tucker
    • Route 01 - Dave Forrest
    • Number At Card - in Some Tricks - Anthony Owen
    • Meant To Be ... - John Born
  9. ACAAN Masterclass
    • EZ ACAAN - Marc Paul
  10. South Tyneside Leads The Way - convention review by Graham Hey
  11. Amardeep Singh Dahnjal: Dubai Yellowbrick Road!...
★★★★★ $10
Dave Forrest
Route 1 by Dave Forrest

Any card at any number.

At the beginning of your card set you display a blue backed deck and place it into your pocket for later. You then remove a red deck and blow everyone away with all your hottest stuff. Just before you end you suggest an experiment, a long shot if you will. Something that, should it work will guarantee many a sleepless night. You ask a spectator to just think of any card. Then you ask them to just think of any number between 1 and 52. The choices are written on the back of a Joker and left in plain view for all to see. You propose that you will, through shuffling and...

★★★★★ $10
Daniel Young
Polaroid Memories by Daniel Young

This is a very flexible pseudo memorized deck routine resulting from the combination of "Memoria" and "Snapshot".

  • Memoria: This is what it looks like to the audience: Someone shuffles the pack; you let them peek at one card and shuffle it again. The deck is then spread face up on the table. You engage in the memorization process, and after a few moments you claim that you've memorized the whole deck. You gather up the cards and turn them face up, and then you ask them to name their card. You straightaway say that's twenty-three cards down. They count down to twenty-three and deal that card...
★★★★★ $38
Daniel Young
Compendia by Daniel Young

This is a compilation of The Mixed Mind, The Sharp Mind and The Thinking Mind, plus the unreleased The Cerebral Mind (includes three effects for Cerebro, although the routines can be performed without the gimmick, it's only there as an enhancer. Definitely something for the seance worker).

The Thinking Mind
This is all theory, which means half of you won't be interested. No tricks. It's about believability, logic, structure and so on. Well worth a read for the aspiring mentalist, or anyone who might be interested in Daniel's thoughts on the subject of mentalism.

The Sharp Mind

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