ARCAAN is an ACAAN with two decks of cards that is not only very easy to do but a complete miracle. It works every single time and always with a different card. For fans of the theme, it is certainly a gem to try.
Two decks: one blue and the other red. The spectator chooses one. Let's say the red deck. The spectator cuts from the deck a completely random number of cards and then he counts them. Then he shuffles the deck and puts a Joker into the middle of the deck. The card on the right of the joker will be the suit and the card on the left will be the value. Now we have a random number...
Update on the 'Azlan' Card At Any Number.
"F**k me!!! This is ridiculous! Mate it's so, so, so fooling! Even after knowing the original method and watching it play out countless times." - Nathan Chandler
"Just watched the demo you sent for the Card At Any Number and I have no idea how it works." - Dreygon Hibbler
"I can't wait to learn it. Owning your previous work on this, I feel like I should be able to work it out but can't get my head around it LOL." - Matt Overd
This is not the same update for 'Azlan' which was taught in God Mode Sui Generis 2.
A prediction envelope...
This effect is undoubtedly a fooler. The magician will be able to cut to three cards that reveal the exact position of the spectator's card. Conditions are really impossible. A true miracle with a normal deck. Always great reactions from both magicians and laypeople. Always a different number.
After the magician gives the deck a shuffle, the spectator is asked to cut the deck about in half and to take from the lower portion some cards, shuffle them, remember the top card, and put them back on top of the lower portion of the deck. Then the spectator shuffles the top portion of the deck and...
Please note that this is deckless. And that does not mean propless. Two double blank business cards are used in this effect, with something written/printed on them of course, as you will get to know in this manuscript. This ACAAN is notoriously unknown as DAD ACAAN. And this is completely different than the earlier Deckless ACAAN.
3 different participants freely and randomly choose a card value, a number, and a suit. All are fair choices...or so it seems. And you read all 3 minds with a uniquely stunning impact. You can even perform this to a single participant or even in a virtual show or a video call....
The spectator shuffles the cards, and magi removes one card as an open prediction for all to see. A three-digit number is called by the spectator and the magi deals cards to the table to match each digit, leaving a random card to the side for each number. The three cards placed aside are then added up to the random number they achieve. With the deck now face down, that number is counted down to, and miraculously it reveals the mate to the prediction card initially laid on the table.
No dupes, no gimmicks, no tape, no magnets, no smoke, no mirrors, spectator shuffles, any 3 digits named. ...
This effect has such a subtle method. If you want to destroy your spectator with a killer effect, this is the one. This effect is a mix of impossible location, ACAAN and impossible revelation. Joseph has often used this effect as an opener and always got great reactions. You have all the material at home to construct the deck.
You introduce a deck of cards and instruct a spectator to cut about a third of the deck and place it to the side. The card cut to is remembered by the spectator and also put aside. The spectator shuffles the part cut off and the performer shuffles the remainder of...
This is an incredible ACAAN with two completely normal decks of cards. Really powerful and semi-automatic, so easy to do. A very important point is that it only takes 5 seconds to reset.
The spectator has the choice of one of two decks. She thinks of any card (totally free choice). This card is taken out of the deck, signed, returned, and the deck is cut several times. Then the second deck is shuffled and cut. The spectator cuts this deck into four piles which are arranged around the other deck of cards. The spectator has a free choice to either turn face-up two packs, and for the other...
This fifth part of my card project (each volume is, in any case, totally independent of the others) includes 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands:
It's a new series of hands-off self-working card magic effects, that will all happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing... In this third...
This fourth part of my card project (each volume is, in any case, totally independent of the others) includes 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands:
It's a new series of hands-off self-working card magic effects, that will all happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing... In this third eBook you will find a colour Pdf that will allow you to perform amazing automatic "Any Card At Any Number" Effects.
These are the...
This third part of my card project (each volume is, in any case, totally independent of the others) includes 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands:
It's a new series of hands-off self-working card magic effects, that will all happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing... In this third eBook you will find a colour Pdf that will allow you to perform amazing automatic "Any Card At Any Number" Effects. ...
An impromptu ACAAN with a borrowed deck.
The most interesting elements of this effect are:
1st edition 2021, video 28:56
This second part of my card project includes 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands:
It's a new series of hands-off self-working card magic effects, that will all happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing.
In this second eBook you will find a color PDF that will allow you to perform amazing automatic "Any Card At Any Number" effects.
These are the simple rules that all my effects obey in this project: ...
The first part of a new card project including 3 new A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands: C.O.C.A.I.N. ACAAN, Touchless C.A.D.N. ACAAN and X-MEN ACAAN. A new series of self-working card magic effects that will happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing...
In this first eBook you will find a PDF that will allow you to perform amazing simple and self-working "Any Card At Any Number" Effects.
These are the simple rules that all my effects obey in this project:
A new strategy to perform the legendary ACAAN effect. A fascinating principle that will allow you to perform a surprising effect without sleight of hand, completely self-working. A deck of cards with some numbers written on the back. One spectator chooses any card, another spectator chooses any number! Joseph B has received excellent feedback from the magic community for this effect.
1st edition 2021, video...
A C.A.A.N. Duel is a pair of incredible card magic effects of the 'Card At Any Number' theme. In the first effect, which gives the eBook its title, a complete deck of 52 cards, possibly also borrowed, is shuffled at will by a spectator who will take part in a challenge. The challenge is to guess which card is located at a given number between 1 and 52. After giving an initial example, we move on to the actual challenge: the magician begins, demonstrating his great skill in the matter by announcing (and writing on a notepad) the card, even before knowing the number that the spectator is going...
ACAAN (Any card at any number) is regarded as the holy grail of card magic. Every magician out there has a version or two of his own. Couples CAAN is my addition to the plethora of work already existing on the subject. This trick is best done for a couple on any special occasion such as their anniversary or birthday. John chooses a card from the deck and Nancy thinks of a number. The chosen card is shuffled back into the deck and lost. The cards are dealt one by one. John’s chosen card is found at the number Nancy is thinking of. The magician congratulates the couple on being well connected. ...
A hands-off card prediction at any number.
"No other method can achieve what your method achieves." - Dan HarlanDo we really need another 'Card At Any Number?!' We already have so many! So why would you be interested in this? It is a completely hands-off card at any number."To be honest, I would have more than one method to achieve the same effect, but - and this is a big BUT - Ali doesn't use any of them! So, it is indeed very clean and very fooling." - Jan Forster
The deck of cards is in the spectator's hands. At no point do you touch the cards. You ask the spectator to think of any number between...
Two semi-automatic ACAANs.
In the main effect, the spectator mentally moves an imagined card into the deck in an imagined position only. All this happens without the mentalist touching the cards and without knowing which card and what number the spectator has thought of.
In the second ACAAN, the spectator generates a random card and number then counts to the generated position and will find the card. All this happens without the mentalist ever touching the cards.
The two effects are very easy to perform and do not require any sleight-of-hand.
1st edition 2021, PDF 8 pages.
A brand new approach to the ACAAN plot and an exciting way to reveal any spectator's birthday.
Sum It Up
A packet of playing cards is mixed and a spectator freely names any card from within. Next, a small whiteboard or notepad is introduced and the performer writes down sixteen consecutive numbers, inviting the spectator to select four. The four chosen numbers are added together, creating a final total. This generated total is counted to in the packet, locating the one card that occupies that position. The card arrived at proves to be the very one named by the spectator at the beginning...
A self-working and examinable ACAAN effect with two decks.
EFFECT: The magician thoroughly shuffles a deck of cards. Then, the spectator cuts the deck to split it into two piles. Only now is he asked to create a random number in his mind. After a very quick and simple procedure, he writes his number down on a Post-it note - let's say, "13". He sticks it onto the card he cut to - let's say, the King of Diamonds. From a second deck - on the table from the start - he deals the cards one by one. Amazingly, the 13th card is the King of Diamonds!
Self-working. No gimmick. No extra card. Both...
The methods and presentation are new and different from those given in Propless ACAAN (Vol 1). Again, this is absolutely propless ACAAN. No deck. No props at all. And this is an almost self-working propless ACAAN. Just you the performer and the participant on a voice call. That's it.
The effect from the participant's view: The performer and participant send some thoughts back and forth silently between them about a number and a playing card. The participant then imagines a deck of playing cards, shuffles the deck a couple of times and hands it over the phone to the performer (its an imaginary...
A killer predicted card at any number effect.
A deck of cards is introduced. The magician claims that there is a prediction in the deck which he will reveal in a moment. The spectator then names any number between 1 and 52. Say the number is 34. The magician deals down to that number and out-jogs the card. As the magician points out that any number could have been named, other cards are shown with totally normal backs. The selected card is then removed from the deck and turned over. Drawn on the back of the card is the number 34.
Simple. Direct. Powerful.
This is a knockout...
"I really like how you made a psychological force more surefire. It is really an interesting concept. Well done." - Luca VolpeThis is absolutely propless ACAAN. No deck. No props at all. And this is a self working propless ACAAN. Yes, you've read it right. Just you the performer and the participant on a voice call. That's it."At it's core this is a VERY direct way to verbally make a spectator think of a specific number. It's a useful and clever idea to know and an important contribution to the area of propless mentalism." - Marc Paul
The effect from the participant's view: The performer sends some...
An effortless CAAN that the audience performs for themselves.
Honest Note: While you don't touch...