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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Manuale di Ipnosi e Cold Reading by Giochidimagia

Guida Pratica all'apprendimento della Lettura a Freddo e dell'Ipnosi

La possibilità di poter leggere nella mente di una persona sconosciuta e vedere eventi della sua vita passata e futura ha sempre affascinato enormemente.

C'è una tecnica che viene usata da varie categorie di persone, tra cui i mentalisti in ambito illusionistico ma da tanto tempo da cartomanti, divinatori, sensitivi, ecc, questa tecnica si chiama "Lettura a freddo" in inglese "Cold Reading".

In questo manuale vedremo approfonditamente come imparare questa tecnica e come applicarla al fine di essere in grado di fare...

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Jason Enygma
Manuale di Escapologia by Jason Enygma

Tecniche Segrete per fuggire da qualunque costrizione.

Vi piacerebbe fuggire da una camicia di forza?

Da 30 metri di corda legata attorno al vostro corpo?

Oppure da una Cassa piena d’acqua con il corpo a testa in giù come il Grande Houdini?

Questo e molto altro imparerete, attraverso pratici disegni vi svelerò i segreti dell’Escapologia, potrete così seguire le istruzioni ed imparare i vari segreti, e ricordate che la pratica rende perfetti.

Non esibitevi mai in pubblico finché non avrete acquisito la sicurezza necessaria che vi permetterà di concentrarvi sulla presentazione...

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Hamilton Floyd
Manual of Show Stunts by Hamilton Floyd

Stunts of the stage and big top from starting to starring.

An ideal lesson and source book for obtaining information on acquiring show skills. Learn them and perform at fairs, traveling circuses, rodeos, "in one" before the curtain at magic shows, on cruise ships, or on TV. Let's face it. Audiences love show stunts, such as juggling, balance feats, acrobatic demonstrations, and the like. They appreciate the level of skill and dedication that these artists possess.

Because these acts are somewhat of a novelty, they fit in well with other entertainments, making an extravaganza that is a...

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Robert A. Nelson
Manual of Publicity and Exploitation by Robert A. Nelson

This revised and updated handbook is Nelson's answer to your insistent demand for vital information on publicity and exploitation.

The Manual tells you a score of ways how to get free front page publicity - effective newspaper and magazine tie-ups - question and answer columns - merchant tie-ins - radio and TV guest appearances - publicity and exploitation stunts that mean more and better bookings at higher fees.

Learn how to properly sell your act to the Public - The Bookers - The Theatres Clubs and All Buyers of Entertainment. After all, without proper advertising, publicity, exploitation...

★★★★★ $8
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Manual de Magica Blanca by unknown

This is a Spanish 19th century magic manual describing mostly effects based on clever mechanical, chemical, optical, acoustic and physical principles. It also contains earlier versions of card and coin tricks based upon simple sleight of hand and mathematical principles.

You will notice the ebook is not written in modern Spanish. A great work for historians, collectors or simply if you feel curious about bizarre magic methods of the 19th century.

1st edition 1881; 339 pages.

★★★★ $9
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Sam Dalal
Mantra by Sam Dalal

Mantra continues where Swami left off with fascinating mix of traditional Indian magic and western style magic. Sam Dalal writes in his introduction:

...One of the reasons for the popularity of these magazines is that much of it is devoted to a branch of bizarre or geek magic, not normally covered in the regular magic publications....

I am delighted with the way Chris Wasshuber ( has produced this electronic version of the Swami and Mantra magazines. When Chris Wasshuber asked me just a few weeks ago if he could produce the magazines as an e-book for circulation through his,...

★★★ $11.50
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Brick Tilley
Mansions of Glory by Brick Tilley

The elusive matchbox.

A favorite of Dai Vernon. A matchbox sleeve vanishes from the performer's hand and returns to his pocket. Requires some construction but not difficult. See video below.

1st edition 2017, 4 pages.

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Unknown Mentalist
Manosutra by Unknown Mentalist

Manosutra in Sanskrit means 'Mind Principle'. This is a stunning piece that you can include in any of your performance sets. Using just a few blank business cards, you can impossibly read the minds of your participants. The reactions will please your heart and boost your ego. Everything happens in the mind of the participant and yet the performer is able to divine the thought of the participant in the most direct manner.

There is a one-time preparation of a few double blank business cards which will take all of 3 minutes and you are then set for many performances - until these cards wear...

★★★ $12
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Daryl Easton
Manly Matrix by Daryl Easton

This is a wonderful version of the classic matrix effect - four coins and four cards. Each coin starts under one card in 4 different places. Eventually all coins assemble magically one by one under one card. The description includes a beautiful display move which allows you to show a card in one hand while you hide a coin in the same.

length 5 min

★★★★★ $5
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MP4 (video)

Robert Kaldy-Karo
Manipulationsideen (gebraucht) by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Dieses Exemplar ist gut erhalten.

Karo kombiniert hier seine Kreativitaet mit seiner Fingerfertigkeit. Dieses Werk ist mitlerweile ein Klassiker und behandelt Seile, Tuecher, Muenzen, Baelle, Feuer and wie sie Blitz und Nebel erzeugen koennen.

Erstausgabe 1979.


  1. Inhalt
  2. Vorwort
  3. SEILE
  4. Faerbe Knoten
  5. Knoten Test
  7. Halter
  8. Falten
  9. Tuch Sprudel
  10. Penetration
  11. Smooky
  13. Halter
  14. Gone
  15. Nice 1&2
  16. Gigant coin
  17. BAELLE
  18. Halter
  19. Da - Wo?
  20. Ohne Titel 1 & 2
  21. Fooler
  22. Colour
  23. Gag
  24. Silver
  25. Smarter Krims Krams
  26. Exklusiv
  27. Elegant
  28. FEUER
  29. Feurio
  30. Super candle
  31. Perfekt ...
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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Manipulationsideen by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Karo kombiniert hier seine Kreativitaet mit seiner Fingerfertigkeit. Dieses Werk ist mitlerweile ein Klassiker und behandelt Seile, Tuecher, Muenzen, Baelle, Feuer and wie sie Blitz und Nebel erzeugen koennen.


  1. Inhalt
  2. Vorwort
  3. SEILE
  4. Faerbe Knoten
  5. Knoten Test
  7. Halter
  8. Falten
  9. Tuch Sprudel
  10. Penetration
  11. Smooky
  13. Halter
  14. Gone
  15. Nice 1&2
  16. Gigant coin
  17. BAELLE
  18. Halter
  19. Da - Wo?
  20. Ohne Titel 1 & 2
  21. Fooler
  22. Colour
  23. Gag
  24. Silver
  25. Smarter Krims Krams
  26. Exklusiv
  27. Elegant
  28. FEUER
  29. Feurio
  30. Super candle
  31. Perfekt
  32. Plexi
  33. Smokefan
  34. Coka Cola
  36. Nebel Maschine ...
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Manipulationen mit Karten by Peki

Von der Einleitung:

Sie finden in dieser Broschüre ausschließlich Griffe und Tricks der sogenannten "Drehkarte" und damit verwandte Effekte. "Ziergriffe", wie das "Fangen von auf dem Unterarm ausgebreiteten Karten" zum Beispiel werden Sie vergeblich suchen. Der geneigte Leser möge mir verzeihen, wenn ich davon nicht allzuviel halte.


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Manipulation with Cards by Peki

Peki, a highly decorated magician, explains here how you can create and learn a successful card manipulation routine for stage. This video is a German video dubbed by Peki to English.


  1. Peki's entire stage card manipulation act (performance)
  2. Vanish a single card (back palm)
  3. Produce a card (2 methods)
  4. Showing your hand empty
  5. Vanish multiple cards
  6. Produce multiple cards (3 different methods)
  7. Vanish a card fan
  8. Produce a card fan
  9. Continuous production of card fans
  10. Combined card production
  11. Gimmicks and holders for stealing cards secretly
  12. Peki-Twist including vanishing a card,...
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MP4 (video)

Manipulation with Balls by Peki

Top stage magician Peki reveals in this video several of his well kept secrets for billiard ball manipulation. Peki was German Champion, European Champion and was awarded second and third place at FISM in manipulation in 1979 and 1985 respectively. He is considered one of the best stage manipulators in the world. Additional to the tips he shares you will be able to see historic footage of some of his performances.

1st edition 2015, length 16 min

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Manipulation mit Kugeln by Peki

Von der Einleitung:

Schon immer waren Kugeln für den Zauberkünstler ein beliebtes Requisit. Die Kugel ist ein abstrakter Gegenstand, sehr handlich und von großer Entfernung auch als solche zu erkennen. Ihre Beschaffenheit läßt unglaublich viele Variationen zu.

Sucht man allerdings in der Literatur etwas über die Manipulation mit Kugeln, so wird man bemerken, daß doch recht wenig über dieses, eigentlich recht ergiebige Thema, geschrieben wurde. Um dem Wunsch vieler Magier nachzukommen, habe ich in diesem Büchlein alles Wissenswerte über diese Art Manipulation zusammengestellt....

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Manipulation Balls Lecture by Peki

This is Peki's full fledged lecture video on manipulation with balls. It was originally released in German in 1994, but Peki has dubbed it himself in English. If you want to learn how to manipulate balls this is the video to learn it from. Jeff McBride has very good lecture videos on the market, but keep in mind that Jeff McBride started with stage manipulation seeing Peki perform.

Peki has a beautiful soft and lyrical style and reveals all his tricks and tips and ways to practice, including the various gimmicks he uses to achieve seamless transitions, wonderful color changes and other highly...

★★★★ $25
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MP4 (video)

David Devlin
Manifestation by David Devlin

A couple of years ago David Devlin published an eBook titled, The Haunted. It was a collection of Bizarre Magick presentations that he likes to perform from time to time.

In this eBook, David has chosen to revisit a couple of effects from the original The Haunted eBook, and has updated them in such a way that they fit into a séance style presentation. The two effects are "Saucy Jack" and "Spirit Writing" (renamed "Connection"), but we assure you that this is not a simple "Cut & Paste" job. The two routines have been greatly expounded on. These two effects work nicely together, can be performed back-to-back,...

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Simon Lovell
Man of Danger Volumes 1, 2 and 3 by Simon Lovell

Remastered from the original digital footage, this is the substantially improved quality compared to the original VHS product. It is Simon Lovell at his magical best.

All three Simon Lovell "Man of Danger" videos bundled together at a bargain price. This is Simon Lovell offering extremely strong routines certain to delight any audience . . . performed and explained.

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MP4 (video)

Simon Lovell
Man of Danger Volume 3 by Simon Lovell

In this final volume, we begin with the "Packed Wallet Set." As before, Simon begins with the spontaneous magic and audience interaction as only he can do. Included are striking performances of "Lovey Dovey Sandwich","Elmsley Cut Elmsley," "The Packed Wallet," and Simon's show-stopping story deck routine, "Who Killed Lilly Longlegs?"

On all three volumes, after the performances we sneak away to the sanctuary of Bat Cave Studios where Simon breaks down all the performing details and tips the real work. Then, in a new analysis session, Simon gives you the why, the reasoning behind everything...

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MP4 (video)

Simon Lovell
Man of Danger Volume 2 by Simon Lovell

Simon Lovell at his very best, performing (and teaching) Heartless, Another Departed Point, Sleight-of-Tongue, Paper Roses, and much, much more.

Volume two begins with "The Heartless Set." Again, full blown non-stop unrehearsed action with an incredible audience and incredible magic. Included are excellent performances of Simon's finest handlings of "Heartless," "Another Departed Point," "Sleight-of-Tongue," and Simon's wonderful, poignant and memorable "Paper Roses." The performance is laced with jokes and gags the entire way. The audience reaction for this performance leaves nothing to...

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MP4 (video)

Simon Lovell
Man of Danger Volume 1 by Simon Lovell

In this, the first part of Simon's accoladed three volume video package, we begin with "The Wobbly Wombat Set." This is full blown, non-stop unrehearsed action, where the audience and the magic are both the real deal.

Included are sterling performances of Simon's latest and greatest handlings of "Fingered Number Three," "Card To Wallet," "The Lemming Ace Exchange," and Simon's stunning multiple selection routine: "The Wobbly Wombat."

The performance is spiced with gags and bits of business too numerous to mention. The audience reaction will make you a true believer in Simon's high-impact,...

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MP4 (video)

Dave Arch
Man Becomes His Own Grandpa by Dave Arch

"I pause my magic show to bring you a special public service announcement. It has come to my attention that someone has regretfully become his own grandpa. Needless to say he has become the laughing stock of all far and wide. This should never happen to anyone. Consequently, through the help of this diagram, I am going to explain how it happened so you may not ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation."

For forty years this interlude has proven itself an enjoyable diversion for the middle of my magic show - demonstrating the versatility of the performer. No singing ability is required...

★★★★ $7
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Cedric Taylor
Mammon by Cedric Taylor

From the mind behind the mind of Fly on the Wall, is a Russian Roulette effect minus the actual element of danger but packs all the psychological risks and even more cringing suspense.

Imagine having to use the power of remote viewing to recreate in your mind detailed actions done by someone in the past. Someone hides their highest denomination of dollar bill (lets say a 100 dollar bill) and place it in a free selection of five envelopes without the performer looking. They even go as far as mixing the envelopes up unbeknownst to the performer. Using his mental acuity, the performer shows concrete proof...

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Aldo Colombini
Mamma Mia by Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini has selected eighteen wonderful card effects for his first ebook. Most of these are completely new and have never been published before. Some have seen print in largely unknown periodicals. Aldo is a master in creating strong effects with little finger flinging. We also included some interesting snap shots from Aldo's magic life.

1st edition, 2002,

  1. 4' Wave
  2. Carousel
  3. Confusing Sevens
  4. Cut It Out
  5. Don't Joke Around
  6. Fire Down Below
  7. Inside Moves
  8. Investigations
  9. Narrow Margin
  10. Nowhere
  11. The Comancheros
  12. The Great Escape
  13. The Kings And I
  14. Triumphant Triumph
  15. Ultra...
★★★ $15
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