Contains 17 Amazing Effects:
runtime 1h 40min
Contains 19 Amazing Effects:
Contains 23 amazing effects:
Contains 20 amazing effects:
Contains 38 amazing effects:
Like the title says, this collection of excellent effects will inspire you to become a better magician. Magic author and dealer Chas. Eastman has compiled a dozen great magical mysteries that you will enjoy performing. There's something here for performers of all skill levels. Contributors include Bob Weill, Harry Valcarte, Will Ross, R. S. Bailey, James D. Taylor, and more.
From the introduction by T.A. Whitney:
Eastman has embraced his role as compiler by including only top-notch effects; there’s no filler here. While you'll no doubt have your own favorites among them, the ones that...
From the introduction:
I think Edwin has been a little presumptuous in billing this lecture as 'Originalities'. Most new ideas and twists spring from something that has gone before so I lay no claim to the basics but enjoy playing around with them to produce 'new' material etc. to entertain. Time is short so let's get on. Descriptions are brief and condensed mainly printed here to serve as memory joggers to the demonstrations in the lecture. I hope they help you to make up and perform something that you have found to your personality. You have my permission to make a 'one-off' for your own...
The best routines of a french magician well known for his creativity and efficiency.
Duraty says: "The effects gathered in this book represent more than 40 years of close-up performances. Endowed with just an average skill, I always gave preference to the most practical and easiest methods for I consider that effects are the only part that counts. I perform magic to amaze and surprise lay audiences rather than showing off in front of other magicians.
In my opinion, skill must remain hidden, flourishes and magical juggling demonstrations are not compatible with the idea I formed of magic,...
This ebook is filled with practical stage and parlor effects, includes patter for a number of well-known routines, plus numerous tips and ideas to enhance older classic effects. The focus is on commercial tricks that will appeal to the working magician who places emphasis on entertainment.
You will find a mix of old and new items, original tricks, twists on old routines and ideas to tweak your current favorite effects as well as those gathering dust in your cupboard. From silks, jumbo cards, crosswords, ropes, newspapers, illusions, gags and predictions to restorations and comedy.
It's Not Just About the Cards is a brief look at performance skills for the magician.
It covers:
1st edition 2017, 28 pages.
Six different effects, coins, cards, drugs, money, tarot cards, plus 8 "rapid fire" ideas to take old props and ideas to a new level.
Quarter Bird
An update on the classic "pen behind the ear" vanish where the signed coin ends up in a nest of boxes that appears in the magician's hand.
The Target Card
A signed card across where the deck of cards becomes a makeshift weapon as the spectator fires the gun (with sound effects and all) causing his card to appear across the table.
Gift Vision
After seeing this, you'll dig our your Color Vision out of your magic drawer and actively begin...
A brand new lecture for 2022. This set of notes brings the live lecture footage directly to you with nearly 20 video clips and live performances.
Bermuda Box: A fun way to use a Gozinta Box set as something more magical than a mere puzzle.
The Man with the two Dollar Hands: An easy two in the hand, one in the pocket presentation.
Money to Burn: Make a drawing of a chosen coin turn into a real coin with no...
A New Year, and new set of lecture notes from Jeff Stone. Dive into 14 effects and ideas ranging everywhere from gags to stunts to powerful, baffling, and visual magic. Everything in this set of lecture notes has been in Jeff's repertoire for several years, and in most cases, over two full decades.
Included is access to over a dozen video clips to create (as closely as possible) that in-person live lecture experience, plus multiple QR codes / links to other resources along with nearly 50 footnotes to get your history and resource juices flowing. It's time for you to "attend" the 2024 Stone...
In February-March 2020, Pascal Marc sent Michael P. Lair on a 13-city magic lecture tour of Europe. Michael created his lecture notes Journey for this tour. They include 10 of Michael's standup magic routines featuring a mix of old favorites and brand-new effects.
If you enjoy standup magic with a poker chip, sponge ball, Red Bulls, a Jack in the Box, Fantasio candles, matches, a Fortune Teller Fish, rope, a ring, dimes, big coins, and a torn and restored 24 x 36" map, then you will love Journey. The notes are fully color photo illustrated.
87 Tricks, routines, ideas, developments and bits that will help you get the most out of the magic you now own. Lee Snyder is a "thinking magician" and you can easily apply the magical thoughts he has come up with.
Karl Fulves' legendary magazine The Chronicles was limited to 36 issues, from 1978 to 1988, during those ten years some of the finest close-up magic of the period was explained in its pages. From the magazines, with permission from Karl, Aldo has selected ten routines; just a small portion of that outstanding collection.
This is an excellent cross-section of some of Karl Norman's best routines.
From the introduction:
During a very exclusive lecture for about one hundred magicians Karl demonstrated the impact and the value of his routines. That day he was nearly 75 years old and at about the same time, David Copperfield received standing ovations at his opening performance in the Deutsche Theater in München, only a few miles away from that place Karl received standing ovations for his commercial and entertaining close-up magic.
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused eooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key magical areas. The eooks are written in an easy-to-understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
Volume 5 sets out to discover whether there is one key element that contributes more than any other to making a performer a success. The conclusion is that CONTROL is a factor that if properly harnessed can exert a huge influence on the life of any performing magician.
With this in mind, I examine...
This ebook is filled with classic routines and effects performed by Ken Brooke.
From the introduction:
He was a rare magician, born with a wonderful sense of humour, good looking, with the 'gift of the gab' tinged with a Yorkshire accent that was his trademark. A quick mind, which could retain much information and a sharp and ready wit enabled him to climb up the magical ladder in leaps and bounds.
Of course many would say that Ken was blunt to the point of rudeness, pig-headed, short-tempered and a very difficult man to get on with.
They would be right! He almost certainly did have...
A new look at some favorite topics in mentalism. From the favorite confabulation done with a phone, but needing no app all the way to a game of Russian roulette with a paintball gun and another with a glass of liquid!
Scott Xavier will take you through several mentalism effects he's added into his new resort show in key west.
1st edition 2016, 18 pages.
The Effect: The magi removes his house key from his key chain and entrusts the spectator with the remainder of his keys. The magus then promptly causes the house key to vanish and reappear on the key ring in the spectator's hand. Sleeves up, no holding out, completely clean vanish. Watch the Demo. This was another big hit of Jeff's on Underground Jam. The particular vanish (a Richard Ross idea) used for the key is the big killer that really inspired a lot of magicians. You don't want to miss this one!
Fun Side Note by Jeff: This effect was actually a dream that I had. I needed five effects...
One of America's finest close-up men has written a fine book on his work. Illustrated with excellent line drawings by Steranko. Makes all the tricks clear and easy to follow. Additionally there are a couple of photos of Milt demonstrating certain moves.
You will enjoy: