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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 98


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Peter Pellikaan
Water and Oil 1001 by Peter Pellikaan

You show four red nines and four black nines. Then you interleave them openly and fairly one red, one black, one red, one black, a.s.o. into two piles of four cards each. One simple wave of the hand and the colors have separated themselves, one pile has all the red cards, and the other all the black cards.

1st edition 2021, video 3 min 50 s.

Brick Tilley
The Side Steal by Brick Tilley

This hardcore tool is not an easy thing to acquire. That said, it is, with dedication, within the skill range of anyone willing to devote the time necessary to master it. The drawn-out process of selecting a card has become tedious and time-consuming, causing the audience to lose interest. With this side steal, a card is peeked, transferred from the middle of the pack to the top in an instant. This PDF and video will put the side steal within your skill range.

1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages, video 39 s.

★★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Baxter's Ambitious Card by Ian Baxter

A treasured classic in anyone's language, "The Ambitious Card" absolutely runs rings around most other card effects. Of the versions in print, a few too many are on the difficult side, but not this one.

Ian Baxter has finally released his extraordinary version - a streamlined, baffling approach that he has used for decades. And the best part of this? It is, as you might guess, straightforward and undemanding. No more than basic card skills are required ... Hindu Shuffle, Overhand Shuffle, Double Lift, Bluff Pass, very little else. Guaranteed to please!

1st edition 2021, PDF 10 pages.

Peter Pellikaan
Twisting 2 by Peter Pellikaan

You show four nine of hearts face up. Count them again and one has turned face down showing a red back. Count them again and a grey-colored back is showing. Then a gold-colored back. When the fourth turns over, and reveals a green back, all cards are now face down showing four different backs. Then you turn them face up and they are now all queen of spades. You can go again through the same sequence as before, where one card at a time turns face down showing four different backs. The climax is that at the end all four faces have changed to aces.

It is hard to imagine more color changes mixed...

★★★★ $6
Felipe Suau
Poker Royal by Felipe Suau

An extraordinary magic trick in which the spectators will see four jacks turn face down one by one. For the final climax, the magician explains that sometimes, if poker cards are used for magic, very strange things can happen: That's when the four jacks suddenly turn into a Royal Flush. A trick with which I bluffed the audience and magicians. All you need is a special card, which is very easy to find. But this little effort is really worth it.

An impromptu version of the effect is also described, in which the cards from Ace to Four, one at a time, turn face down and then magically transform...

Peter Pellikaan
Ten by Peter Pellikaan

You show four blank cards and one ten of clubs, five cards in total. They all have red backs. Suddenly the ten of clubs has a blue back. Then you fan the remaining four cards and all the blank faces have changed to a royal flush, an ace, king, queen, and jack. The ten completing the royal flush. As a final climax all cards are turned face down and they all have different colored backs.

1st edition 2021, video 2 min 36 s.

Satish B
Conduction Simplified by Satish B

This is an entertaining, commercial trick bearing a mystery card plot, with the spectator playing the magician and a color-changing finale that packs a wallop.

The spectator shuffles and selects a card from a blue deck under test conditions. This is the prediction. The magician shuffles the red deck, chooses a card, and signs it. The signed card miraculously matches the prediction. As a kicker finish, the magician causes the signature to jump from the red card to the blue card.

1st edition 2021, PDF 11 pages.

Peter Pellikaan
Queens 2 by Peter Pellikaan

You show four queens. The two black queens are placed on the table, the two red queens are retained in the hands. But despite this separation, they change places and the red queens are now on the table and the black queens are in the hands. The next phase is a little 'oil and water' sequence where the queens are mixed black, red, black, red but quickly separate themselves again into two black and two red queens. The startling climax is that all four cards change their back colors.

1st edition 2021, video 4 min 57 s.

★★★★★ $15
Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano
S.E.M.P.E.R. by Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano

What is S.E.M.P.E.R.? (Special Esp Memory Powers Enhanced Radically)

A special trick with a flexible method that offers wide-ranging presentational possibilities. It uses an ordinary deck of 52 poker cards and the trick will be deceptive even for many illusionists, but above all its impact on the audience is devastating.

Two spectators are asked to take a card and put them unseen in their pockets. The magician explains that, under these conditions, it is obviously extremely difficult to be able to identify the cards. Nevertheless, and in order to demonstrate to the public the uncommon...

Biagio Fasano
The Unusual Suspects by Biagio Fasano

How to find the guilty card despite a possible reticent witness!

An effect of mentalism, possible from a distance (in a video chat or even just on the phone), whose story is very loosely inspired by the movie "The Unusual Suspects" and in which the spectator is asked to choose five random cards from the deck. They will represent the suspects of a major bank robbery. Only one will be the real culprit. Despite the free arrangement of the cards and the various shuffles of face-up and face-down cards, in the end the mentalist will always succeed to guess all of these:

  • in which position the...
Peter Pellikaan
Polder Magic by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards blank on both sides. Suddenly one changes to a Jack of Clubs with a regular blue back. One moment later all four change to blue backs and Jack of Diamonds on the front. Barely a moment later they have all red backs and Jack of Hearts on the front. If you haven't seen enough color changes the four backs change to yet another color. The fronts are blank again with one exception, a Jack of Clubs. You end where you started with all four cards blank on both sides.

1st edition 2021, video 3 min 25 s.

Peter Pellikaan
Follow the Hole by Peter Pellikaan

You show four double backer cards, one of which has a big black spot painted on it. You again show the cards and suddenly the card has actually a big black hole and the remaining three cards are double backers as before.

1st edition 2021, video 2 min.

★★★★ $7
Oscar Weigle
Color Scheme by Oscar Weigle

A wonderful self-working version of "Out of this world" with several variations.

A spectator forms a pattern of face-up and face-down cards which unaccountably separates the colors. This happens despite the spectator shuffling the cards repeatedly. An astounding color-divination effect, done in the spectator's own hands with unprepared cards. Nothing extra required. Complete with "in depth" notes and several variations in effect and presentation by Weigle himself, Martin Gardner and Clayton Rawson.

  • Quick. A packet of about twenty cards is used.
  • The spectator can freely cut a bunch of...
Peter Pellikaan
Dr. Hole 4 by Peter Pellikaan

You start with three cards one of which has a big hole. Mixing them up a bit and suddenly the card with the hole has two holes. One moment later it has three holes. Another mixing and everything is back to where it started, one card with a hole, the other two regular cards.

1st edition 2021, video 3 min 42 s.

Satish B
Couples CAAN by Satish B

ACAAN (Any card at any number) is regarded as the holy grail of card magic. Every magician out there has a version or two of his own. Couples CAAN is my addition to the plethora of work already existing on the subject. This trick is best done for a couple on any special occasion such as their anniversary or birthday. John chooses a card from the deck and Nancy thinks of a number. The chosen card is shuffled back into the deck and lost. The cards are dealt one by one. John’s chosen card is found at the number Nancy is thinking of. The magician congratulates the couple on being well connected. ...

Ali Foroutan
MindCAAN by Ali Foroutan

A hands-off card prediction at any number.

"No other method can achieve what your method achieves." - Dan Harlan

"To be honest, I would have more than one method to achieve the same effect, but - and this is a big BUT - Ali doesn't use any of them! So, it is indeed very clean and very fooling." - Jan Forster

Do we really need another 'Card At Any Number?!' We already have so many! So why would you be interested in this? It is a completely hands-off card at any number.

The deck of cards is in the spectator's hands. At no point do you touch the cards. You ask the spectator to think of any number between...

★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Thot Card Xchange by Unknown Mentalist

The effect as seen by the audience: The performer displays a red-backed deck and a blue-backed deck. Two participants each choose a deck freely. Then both participants mentally think of a different playing card each. They need not announce which card they are thinking of. Surprisingly, when each participant deals down their respective deck, they find their thought of card missing from that deck. As a kicker twist, each participant's thought of card is found in the other participant's deck.

Another effect as seen by the audience: The performer displays a red-backed deck and a blue-backed...

★★★★ $14.95
David Jonathan
Threesum by David Jonathan

From a borrowed and shuffled deck a spectator finds his own selection by summing three randomly selected cards.

David Jonathan has completely restructured and reworked an old math principle to make it very deceptive. He removed most of the spectator card counting sequences and thus turned a counting and procedure-heavy trick into a stunningly effective and hard-hitting card routine.

"What David has done with THREESUM is nothing short of incredible! Seriously, no smoke blowing here. How he managed to take an old principle in card magic, remove all the procedure and dress the diabolical...
David Jonathan
Precise Premonition by David Jonathan

A twist on the premonition plot with a multiple kicker finale.

Precise Premonition draws inspiration from Eddie Joseph's staple Premonition effect, but packs in many new magical moments that crescendo with an incredible firework finale. Best of all, it's super practical, very easy to perform, and consistently delivers incredible reactions.

The Effect:

A spectator is given a red deck to hold that contains your prediction. A blue deck is now shuffled and used to create both a playing card and a number. Let's say they settle on the number 10 and the Queen of Hearts. The spectator looks through the deck to retrieve...

George Ernest Arrowsmith
Royal Progress by George Ernest Arrowsmith

All the court cards are found in a borrowed deck repeatedly and genuinely shuffled by the spectators. The performer first produces the Kings, then the Jacks, and lastly the Queens.

The deck is shuffled by a member of the audience. The cards are inserted in a trouser pocket. One at a time the Kings are produced. The spectator shuffles again the pack of cards. The performer puts it behind his back and produces the four Jacks. Again, the cards are genuinely shuffled by the spectator. After making the spectator check that his pocket is empty, the performer inserts the cards into it. Despite all...

Brick Tilley
Card Rise Through Finger by Brick Tilley

A card is selected, returned to the deck, replaced in the box. The performer holds the box facing outward, his fingers positioned so that they encircle it. There seems no possible way for the selected card to escape. Despite this, the selected card is seen to rise up out of the box, right through the performer's index finger. Once the card protrudes from the box it is removed, spun on the finger, taken off the finger, and exhibited with a hole through the card's center.

(This idea was originally developed by Clayton Rawson in the 1930s and published in the Sphinx. Later Pete Biro unearthed it in...

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 18 by Werner Miller

Small packet tricks, ESP tricks, spelling tricks, magic squares, and more ...

  • Déjà-vu
  • 4 times 4 for 4
  • Bingo!
  • Trinity
  • Converging Point
  • Spellinary I
  • Spellinary II
  • Penta rhei
  • Semana
  • Where's Gandalf?
  • Pick Me!
  • Attracting Butterflies I
  • Attracting Butterflies II
  • Clairvoyance Test
  • Ro-Ma Spiral 1
  • Ro-Ma Spiral 2
  • Tessera
  • Instant 4x4 Magic Square
  • Instant 5x5 Magic Square
  • Instant 7x7 Magic Square

1st edition 2021, 33 pages.

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Ghost Riser by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A selected playing card rises out of a packet that is inside a bottle. The rising takes about 8 seconds. The rising card can be handed out as a souvenir. The bottle can be inspected before the rising takes place.

1st edition 2021, video 40 min.

Peter Pellikaan
Colour by Peter Pellikaan

You start with four cards that are blank on both sides. A magic gesture and they have suddenly backs and faces.

1st edition 2021, video length 3:12s.

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