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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 58


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
ESP by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Here is a straight forward effect which is enabled by a clever gimmick. You ask somebody to think of any one of the five ESP symbols. Then you look deep into their eyes, read their mind, and commit by writing what you read in their mind on a little notebook. Then you ask them to reveal their thoughts. You will be able to show that you wrote down the same symbol.

  • No force. Any one of the five ESP symbols can be selected.
  • You are not limited to the ESP symbols. Any other small number of symbols, numbers, etc. can be used.
  • The notepad is gimmicked. It can be shown but not handed out.
  • A bit...
★★★★★ $8
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David Hoy
ESP According to Hoy by David Hoy

David Hoy was a mentalist who later billed himself as genuine psychic. In this audio recording he tries to teach you how to develop your own psychic abilities.

Here is the original back cover text:

Dr. David Hoy, one of America's foremost authorities on extrasensory perception, is a scholar of extraordinary psychic capacity. He has conducted a lifetime study of mind-to-mind communication and is world-renowned for his ESP experiences and research conducted under scientific conditions. He is also the author of several books on ESP, read by a large following in seven languages.

Dr. Hoy's...

★★★★★ $10
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Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
ESP Brain Busters by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Not one, but a complete series of thought-provoking mental routines with ESP cards.

These sensational effects give you, the psychic entertainer, the ability to add punch to your program. One effect alone is worth a ten-dollar bill. Sufficient routines and material are included for a complete act of Extra Sensory Perception tests. Full patter presentations for many of the effects are given, too.

New to this edition are camera-ready master images of the ESP symbol cards, allowing you to print your own, all the way up to jumbo size for stage presentations. And, we didn't stop there. Each...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 1: Nick Trost Part 1 by Aldo Colombini

This is the first in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 1 features routines by Nick Trost. None of the tricks require any gaffed or gimmicked cards.


  • TRIPLE ESP DIVINATION: This is a two-phase routine. First, after the deck is shuffled and divided into three packets, three spectators pick a card each. You reveal the three selections. Then, these three cards find three matching pairs.
  • THE ULTIMATE CIDENTAQUIN: The deck is shuffled and a spectator picks a card. The deck is then separated into two piles. The cards are mixed according to...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 10: Howard Adams Part 4 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with a regular deck of ESP cards and with no sleight of hand whatsoever. All tricks explained here were created by Howard Adams.


  • ELIMINEIGHT: From a deck you predict the selections of four ESP symbols.
  • COMPUTERA: A spectator selects three cards. You pick three cards under a napkin. These three cards prove to be duplicates of the spectator’s selected cards.
  • PACKETEN ONE: You locate a duplicate of a selected ESP design from a pile covered by a napkin.
  • NO OBJECTS: You predict several symbol cards that spectators select.
  • ESP NAME 6: Using the name of a...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 11: Nick Trost Part 4 by Aldo Colombini
  • THE THIRD DIMENSION: In this triple-barreled test, you discover three thought-of symbols in a baffling manner.
  • SYM-SATIONAL: Three spectators each peek at a symbol. The performer reads their minds and names each symbol.
  • MILLION TO ONE ESP: One of the strongest routines with ESP cards. Five spectators each select five face-down cards apiece. At the end they find out they have selected one each of the five symbols.
  • SYMBOL DISCERNMENT: In spite of not seeing the cards, you reveal how many of the spectator's selected symbols have been dealt and you are able to detect if a packet contains a...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 12: Various Authors Part 3 by Aldo Colombini
  • WILD ESP-RESSIONS (Aldo Colombini): You show two sets of ESP cards. You predict a choice of an ESP symbol (say the Star), then four different symbols change to blank cards and four letters appear on the back of four cards to spell the selected symbol: S-T-A-R!
  • PERFECT (Jozsef Kovacs): Five (say) red-backed cards are used as predictions and are dealt onto five blue-packets, at random. If the red card is a Square, the other cards are all Squares, etc. Perfect match.
  • ESP-ABILITY (Aldo Colombini): A deck is shown all shuffled and a spectator deals the cards switching pairs (or triplets) of cards. When the...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 13: Nick Trost Part 5 by Aldo Colombini
  • DESIGN BY ACCIDENT: A card is selected. A packet is dealt into four piles and the top card of each pile matches the selection.
  • ESP PARADOX OF PAIRS: A spectator picks three pairs while you deal the cards. These pairs are the only ones containing two matching symbols.
  • DUAL ESP TEST LOCATION: Two symbols are selected under very fair conditions, yet, you can announce them.
  • TRIPLE MATCH BY DESIGN: A spectator shuffles the deck. You take a prediction card and the spectator finds two more matching symbols.
  • SYMBOL SENSE: A deck of cards is mixed and three spectators think of a card each. You...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 14: Various Authors Part 4 by Aldo Colombini
  • SUPERIMPOSED (Arun Bonerjee): A spectator selects two symbols by cutting the deck. You predicted those symbols in a very original and funny way.
  • ESP BUNDLE (Jozsef Kovacs): A spectator cuts the deck and places a face-up card in the middle (say a Cross). Then he makes packets of cards. At the top of each packet the same symbol appears. Finally, you find the fifth matching symbol.
  • COLORIFIC (Felix Greenfield): A truly sensational effect. Five spectators freely select five cards each from the top or bottom of the deck at random and each find five different symbols.
  • DOUBLETAKE (Max Maven): With the cards...
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 15: Howard Adams Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • QUINCIDENTA: A spectator freely selects a design. Two other persons select a design each. The designs match. A deal leads to two more designs and they all match.
  • FACEY ESP: A freely selected symbol finds its matching sign. All is done in the hands of a spectator.
  • REPEATOTEST: You find three designs a person is concentrating on. Then you reverse two cards which prove to be duplicates of two more designs he has selected.
  • THIRTEAM ESP: Great routine and a new principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs...
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 16: Various Authors Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • PERSONALITY TEST (Ken de Courcy): You show a chart with ESP symbols. A spectator names his (or her) month of birth and on the same chart the symbol that corresponds to the month is selected. You predicted that symbol.
  • STRICTLY STRAIGHT ESP (Aldo Colombini): A spectator (or more) picks five cards each time forming four packets of five cards each. Each group contains the five ESP symbols.
  • ESP ASSOCIATES (Peter Duffie): A spectator deals two packets of cards at random and finds two matching...
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 17: Various Authors Part 6 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • HENRY CHRIST & ESP (Arthur Carter): The deck is cut by a spectator and he then picks a card. You have predicted that card.
  • CASE FOR ESP (John Yager): A spectator freely picks a symbol from five. You show that you knew in advance what the selected symbol would be.
  • THAT’S THE ONE (W. Rory Coker): A self-working effect where a spectator finds the four symbols similar to your prediction.
  • STRANGE ESP (Max Maven): A spectator cuts a packet of cards and picks the top...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 18: Werner Miller Part 2 by Aldo Colombini

Werner Miller is certainly one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • MIXED DOUBLE: Two spectators pick a card each and they lose it in the middle of two packets. At the end of the routine, they find their own symbols.
  • 1,2,3,!: A matching symbol routine.
  • TRIPLET: After a spectator freely picks an ESP card, you find two more symbols matching the selection.
  • EMPTY NET GOALS: Two spectators pick a card each. You place two packets on the table and turn over cards at the same time. Only two pairs match,...
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 19: Werner Miller Part 3 by Aldo Colombini

Werner Miller is certainly one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • IN MEDIO: You reveal a freely selected symbol in a very dramatic way.
  • ESP ROLL: You flip and roll cards on each other until one card is face up and it matches a freely selected one.
  • NEIGHBORLY HELP: After a spectator freely picks an ESP card, he eliminates all but one card and it matches the selection.
  • ESPECIAL COUNTDOWN: A matching symbol routine using a freely selected number by a spectator.
  • ESP SANDWICH: Two cards trap a symbol...
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 2: Nick Trost Part 2 by Aldo Colombini

This is the second in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 2 features routines by Nick Trost.


  • THE POWER OF THREE: Three predictions are placed on the table. A spectator deals the deck into three packets and the top card of each packet matches the predictions.
  • ESP DO AS I DO: A deck is shuffled and cut into two. A spectator picks a card from his half and you a card from your half. They match. You repeat this two more times.
  • THE ODD SET: You place six ’sets’ of ESP cards on the table. Even though the spectator has a free selection...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 20 by Aldo Colombini

This is the last download DVD of the series! 20 DVDs, 200 tricks and routines with ESP cards. A unique, complete collection. This is the twentieth in the series of DVDs dedicated to effects using ESP cards. A tribute to Howard Adams, Werner Miller and Nick Trost that are certainly the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards.


  • ESP CHOICE (Aldo Colombini): An ESP symbol selected among five, is the only one having a different colored back.
  • STRANGERS (Howard Adams): Three persons, after each has selected a card, find duplicates of their designs using a number they freely decided upon.
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 3: Howard Adams Part 1 by Aldo Colombini

This is the third in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 3 features routines by Howard Adams.

Cidentaquin is one of my favorite ESP routines. In volume 4 you will find a variation that adds yet another climax. Also, remember that you do not have to use ESP cards for these effects. You could use sets of identical business cards (even possibly impromptu after a business meeting where most people have a stack of business cards with them). Or perhaps use postcards - sets of five cards from well-known cities such as Paris, New York, Sidney, Moscow, Rio -...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 4: Howard Adams Part 2 by Aldo Colombini

This is the fourth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 4 features routines by Howard Adams.


  • PAKATRIA: A spectator picks a card and places it into an envelope. He then shuffles the cards and removes seven cards. You place the envelope on one card. It matches the selection.
  • RECYCLER: You remove five cards from the deck. A spectator chooses the order of another set of five symbols. You have predicted the actions of the spectator.
  • NAPKAN: Two spectators remove two symbols at random. They then cover one packet with a napkin and from it,...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 5: Various Authors Part 1 by Aldo Colombini

This is the fifth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 5 features routines by a range of famous authors.


  • SYMBOLICLUE (Werner Miller): A spectator picks a card. The other cards are dealt in four packets and assembled randomly. When you turn over the cards in pairs only four cards match (say four Squares), the fifth symbol is the selected one (Square).
  • WHITEWASH (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson): Four cards with numbers shuffled by a spectator are used to find four symbols (say all Square), that match your prediction. At the end all the other cards are blank. This...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 6: Various Authors Part 2 by Aldo Colombini

This is the sixth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 6 features routines by a range of famous authors.


  • QUINTUPLICATE COINCIDENCE (Arthur Carter): The deck is shuffled and dealt into five packets. Five cards are placed as predictions. Five spectators shuffle each packet and pick a card each: They match the prediction.
  • MENTAL TEKEL (Max Maven): A spectator freely picks a card from a red-backed deck. Your blue-backed card matches the selection.
  • A CUT ABOVE (Marcello Truzzi): A 'paper sleeve' containing a piece of paper with...
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 7: Nick Trost Part 3 by Aldo Colombini

This is the seventh in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 7 features routines by Nick Trost.


  • FACE-TO-FACE COINCIDENCE: You place three cards on the table and these are inserted into the deck by spectators. They find the same symbols.
  • ESP SWINDLE: A spectator shuffles the deck at random, yet he’s able to pair all the cards (two Circles, two Squares, etc. all the way through).
  • THREE ODD COUPLES: The cards are dealt on the table in pairs and a spectator picks three pairs by placing three coins on them (free choice). These are the only...
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 8: Howard Adams Part 3 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever. The were originally created by Howard Adams.


  • DUFOBESP: From a packet of cards two symbols are selected. The matching symbols appear face up in another packet.
  • ESP 15: You reveal symbol cards selected by two spectators totally at random.
  • FOURTEENTOLD: A person selects a symbol. A prediction envelope containing some coins leads to the discovery of a duplicate design.
  • VOGNERIAN: Four matching pairs are found by a spectator from a shuffled deck; plus another selected symbol is revealed at the end of the routine.
  • PENCOIN:...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 9: Werner Miller by Aldo Colombini

Werner Miller is one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • ESP TWIZZLER: A symbol is selected and you find a duplicate in a packet of cards.
  • MEETING ONE’S MATCH: A card is selected. Two packets of cards are dealt at the same time and only two symbols match and they also match the selection.
  • QUAD-CUT VARIATIONS: A beautiful routine (totally impromptu) where you and the spectator find five matching symbols from a shuffled deck.
  • AEOLIS PRELUDE: Using a compass you find five different symbols in...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic: all 20 volumes by Aldo Colombini

This is the greatest series of ESP card tricks ever published. It features tricks from Nick Trost, Werner Miller, Howard Adams, Max Maven, and many other of the great trick creators. They are all easy to perform, and sometimes routined, and streamlined by Aldo himself to make them even better.

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