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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 65


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Ken Muller
Sanitized Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application as a variation of Thrifty Telempathy for use in a "no-touch" or social distancing environment, to include senior centers and venues with physical disabilities. It features several mechanical forces in place of Beta Framing including the "Manna Concept" that will be new to many performers.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

Ken Muller
Steroid Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application using a standard book test in a two-phase presentation that can greatly enhance its impact and astonishment. The book test must be of a novel "can be passed out" variety book. This can easily segue into Thrifty or Basic Telempathy. ABAT experience is recommended but not essential.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 19 pages.

Ken Muller
ABAT Telempathy by Ken Muller

Any book - any time

This is a 'stand-alone' application for a completely impromptu demonstration using any novel found at the site or provided by a spectator. This has less potential astonishment impact than Thrifty or Basic but gains in the completely "free choice" area. It features the "Teach Posture" and Beta Framing. This approach is an ideal back-up for the other applications and essential for the completely prepared mystic performer.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

Ken Muller
Thrifty Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application for situations in which no printed novel is common or available. This unique approach gets around the "your book" taint of a standard book test and features the "Mental Test Posture" and Beta Framing. Maximum flexibility for a variety of venues and audiences. The recommended "best place to start" in the Series.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 22 pages.

Ken Muller
Engage Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application featuring the basic application suitable for a home or business impromptu demonstration. It requires performing competence and experience with either Thrift or ABAT Telempathy and those ebooks for reference. This approach allows for the highest degree of audience engagement and impactful experience.

A Novel Thought ebook is also recommended.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 64 pages.

Ken Muller
A Novel Thought by Ken Muller

Not for those who already have Telepathy Once Removed.

This is the "Concept, Theory and Method" companion for the stand-alone ebooks Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy, designed for those competent in one or more of these applications who wants a "Graduate Course" in presentation methods.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 91 pages.

Ken Muller
Telepathy Once Removed by Ken Muller

Telepathy above and beyond a book test. Innovative methods, sleights, and stratagems.

Once Removed offers a novel approach to demonstrating telepathy between two people. It allows a performer to receive multiple mental images from an audience volunteer, based on a freely selected book never read by either person before. Move beyond any book test to an astonishing telempathic experience.

This is the master guide for the Once Removed Series from which A Novel Thought, Engage, Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy evolved.

This ebook includes all of these applications, plus the concepts and theory behind Beta Framing, Imbed, Tritech, Book...

★★★★★ $20
Adam Hudson
Out of My Mind by Adam Hudson
"Most of us only know how to show off with our magic skills, Adam is putting his to worthwhile and inspiring use. Excellent stuff." - Derren Brown

"This book is full of original ideas for the mentalist performer, I wholeheartedly recommend it." - Marc Oberon

Out of My Mind is the fruit of twenty year's hard work in the art of mentalism and mental magic. This ebook teaches numerous brand new effects, never before to have been put in print. The material within utilizes exciting principles that bring incredibly strong moments of wonder.
  • Introduction by Marc Oberon
  • A Named Card in Envelope:...
Adam Hudson
Sum It Up & Out Dated by Adam Hudson

A brand new approach to the ACAAN plot and an exciting way to reveal any spectator's birthday.

Sum It Up

A packet of playing cards is mixed and a spectator freely names any card from within. Next, a small whiteboard or notepad is introduced and the performer writes down sixteen consecutive numbers, inviting the spectator to select four. The four chosen numbers are added together, creating a final total. This generated total is counted to in the packet, locating the one card that occupies that position. The card arrived at proves to be the very one named by the spectator at the beginning...

★★★★★ $20
Jan Bardi
Entropy Dropping by Jan Bardi

Explorations of a 100% hands-off "volunteer as psychic" plot and method.

"I find 'Entropy Dropping' an amazing piece of work. Jan creates a world of new possibilities and I doubt anyone else could have tackled the topic as thoroughly. Every nuance is addressed. Many applications are covered. Accompanying his explanation are dozens of routines. Being a card man at heart, I was especially attracted to the four card magic chapters. Great inspiration all! I envy Jan's clarity and how painstakingly thorough he is in explaining the material and creating so many effects. I know how difficult that...
Brick Tilley
The Chess Knight's Tour by Brick Tilley

The Knight's Tour has been a feature of many renowned performers. Ricky Jay and Reveen made it a masterful demonstration of mental agility. Various methods have been developed to create this illusion. We offer a foolproof device to ensure your success in presenting this fascinating feat of uncanny skill.

This gimmick builds on an idea by Robert Sherman from the 1950s.

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Leonard H. Miller
Thrilling Magic by Leonard H. Miller

From author's note:

The feats of miracle workers - fire eaters, sword swallowers, barehand spike drivers, etc. - have been proclaimed far and wide, but little has been written in explanation of their feats or otherwise detailing the secrets of performance. These secrets have been jealously guarded by the practitioners of these miracles and they have seen fit to pass them on to only a limited few.

Please note that these stunts are dangerous and involve toxic and otherwise harmful substances. We are offering this ebook for historical and informational purposes. Anybody who experiments with...

Vincent Wilson
Digital Perception by Vincent Wilson

For years Vince has been perfecting facial and muscle reading techniques and has pioneered new ways of performing in the digital age. Now, after months of practice and nearly a 100% success rate after dozens of demonstrations, he is ready to share his newest feat of mentalism. Digital Perception allows you to make a startling mind-reading prediction over live streaming video.

1st edition 2021, length 20 min.

Unknown Mentalist
GPS by Unknown Mentalist

GPS stands for Geopsychic Past-Life-Positioning System.

Using nothing more than a single double blank business card and a piece of paper, you can accurately divine the place of birth of a participant either in a past life or a future life, as per her choice.

The only inputs you will be taking from your participant are her place of birth in this life and details of her birthmarks if any. The result will not only be stunning for the participant but also will be verifiable for her.

Most of the effect is self-working and very easy to perform. But the presentation is key and all the necessary...

Natural Mentalism: a treatise on natural navigation by Zanetti

Imagine being able to tell someone the direction of their house when you are both stood in the middle of nowhere that you have both never been to before.

Imagine being able to get from one location to another via walking or driving without the use of maps, GPS, or compasses because you just "know where to go".

Imagine being driven to a city you have never been to before. You get out of the car and are blindfolded and taken to a new location within the city. Upon removing the blindfold you can then instantly begin walking in the direction of the car and eventually return back to it without...

Biagio Fasano
R.E.A.C.T. Reloaded by Biagio Fasano

A mentalism effect, also possible at a distance (in video chat or just on the telephone), in which you will incredibly succeed to guess, at the end of the experiment, where the card thought by the spectator is found among four ones freely chosen by him, even though you will never see the cards and never know if he decided to lie or not when answering the three simple questions you will ask him.

Key points:

  • Simple and fun to perform in any situation, including remote phone call
  • It does not require any memory effort
  • A visual and immediate method always allows the performer to identify...
David Devlin
Flipper by David Devlin

Here is the effect: a spectator has a packet of 5 cards. For argument's sake, let's assume the five cards used are simply numbered 1-5 (the actual make up of the cards is up to your imagination). The spectator goes through a procedure in which cards are turned face up, face down, left as they are, the packet is cut, some-times the spectator decides whether the cards are turned over or not, sometimes the performer decides. But in the end, no matter who made the decisions, or which decisions were made, only the center card is face up and it is the 4. Not only that, but no matter what decisions...

★★★★★ $20
Dibya Guha
Card Mentalism by Dibya Guha

Card Mentalism is a collection of simple but effective mentalism effects with cards. These effects have been field tested and require no complicated moves to execute leaving you, the performer, to concentrate solely on your presentation.

The effects included in this PDF are:

ANIMAL PREDICTION: A cute mentalism effect involving cards bearing animal pictures on them. Although the cards are mixed by the spectator both he and the mind reader end up on the identical animal card as if by coincidence.

ESTIMATION: A deck of playing cards is introduced and shuffled. A spectator is instructed...

★★★★★ $29
Julien Losa
Billets for the Modern Mindreader by Julien Losa

5 novel techniques, 4 variations. A crash course on billet reading/peeking techniques. You get a full peek of the billet every time.

"I can confirm, it contains the best full peek done with a folded billet that I am aware of." - Nestor Dee

"Julien's work with billets is sensational! His techniques are beautiful, elegant and extremely deceptive. This is some of the finest billet materiel available today." - Marc Paul

"Julien has made significant advanced to billet work. This video course contains what I consider to be real breakthroughs. If you are proficient with classic peeks and switches...

★★★★★ $14.90
Julien Losa
[S]witch by Julien Losa

[S]Witch is a great impromptu billet technique, created by Julien during years of performances on cruise ships and in theatre shows. The effect is simple: You ask someone to draw or write anything on a small paper/business card. In only two very fair moves, you can duplicate their thoughts.

Yes we're talking about a switch, but such a good one. It's done in front of your spectator's eyes, and even though you magicians know there is one in play, you can't see it. It is that strong. This method is a real worker, performed hundreds of times by Julien for real audiences. A powerful secret kept underground...

★★★★★ $12.99
Abhirup Roy
Mentalism Bundle by Abhirup Roy

Effect 1: Impromptu Pin Guess

Imagine walking up to a random spectator and instantly reveal the PIN Code that they generated, moments back, without any funny business, the spectator never says or writes any digit of the pin code.

  • Totally impromptu pin Reveal.
  • A relevant plot, no pre-show involved.
  • Zero memory works
  • Spectator never says or writes any digit of the pin code
  • 100% correct all the time
  • Less memory work for spectator
  • Practical to perform
Effect 2: Impromptu Index

After a bit of chatting with your participant, you take the cards from the card case and hand it to your...

★★★★ $9
Unknown Mentalist
Ezorb by Unknown Mentalist

Ezorb stands for "Easy to Absorb Zodiac Resource Booklet". It contains several special tools, ideas, and inputs for improving, polishing, or embellishing your performances of zodiac-related effects and routines. No routines are included.

1st edition 2021, PDF 17 pages.

★★★★★ $50
Ali Foroutan
Voiceless by Ali Foroutan
"A fascinating, practical new technique for deciphering people's thoughts without them even saying a word. I love it! And all mentalists need to learn it." - Dan Harlan

"What a wonderful entertaining way to perform a horoscope divination. I was captivated by the entire presentation, the principle is wonderful, and I'm looking forward to using it." - Richard Webster

"When I watched Voiceless demonstrated by Ali I was baffled. When I read the book It opened a whole world of possibilities. This is something you want to keep in your arsenal of knowledge and pull it out when you need. Great for virtual or real in...

Dibya Guha
Countries and Numbers by Dibya Guha

Effect: A few cards bearing names of different countries are handed over to a spectator. He is instructed to mix the cards in a face down manner and to place the cards face down on the table. After the spectator has completed shuffling, the performer places an envelope containing a prediction on the table and hands over a playing die to the spectator. The die is rolled and the top spot on the die is noted. The cards are now picked up by the spectator and based on the top most number on the die all the cards are discarded except one. The prediction is now taken out from the envelope and it is...

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