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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 70


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Fraser Parker
Gestalt: Propless Cue EMOG Principle by Fraser Parker

Gestalt is a groundbreaking new propless principle that allows you to secretly obtain a cue from your spectator. It stays completely hidden from the conscious awareness of those who you perform for and is modular in nature, which means it can be utilized in other effects.

Inside this ebook is taught a propless star sign utilizing this principle, as well as other various applications for it. You will be able to guess someone's star sign in literally 20-30 seconds with very little process or scripting.

1st edition 2021, PDF 34 pages.

Fraser Parker
Oculus 2: propless date of birth by Fraser Parker

Oculus 2 is an updated handling on the prop-less date of birth divination. Included are various direct prop-less methods, as well as a streamlined handling with playing cards.

1st edition 2021, PDF 38 pages.

Renzo Grosso
Mentalism Experiments: Kinesics and the Art of the Lie by Renzo Grosso

The content of this publication collects the notes of a conference held some time ago to friends and colleagues, dedicated to the problem of "truth / lie". The book, published in Italy, has had a flattering success in bookstores: I think it is right to share the content also in the English language.

A good mentalist must necessarily acquire a good knowledge of the messages of the body and interpret the moods of the viewer to best conduct the effect. An excellent mentalist is always able to understand if the viewer is sincere or if he is lying, often leaving him the possibility to choose...

Boyet Vargas
Out of the Box by Boyet Vargas

"I think your approach and method are brilliant." - Marc Salem

"I think it is a fun effect." - Mike Vance

The mentalist hands out a billet containing different objects. The participant then makes a series of choices and moves between objects while the mentalist eliminates different objects along the way with their help. In the end, the participant ends up with an object that matches what the mentalist has written before the start of the routine.

  • You do not know how many times or how the participant moves in between objects.
  • The participant is somehow involved in the elimination...
★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
The Art of Mentalism 2 by Bob Cassidy

A complete performance of mentalism exactly as performed by Bob Cassidy in nightclubs and lounges all over America. This ebook is intended for the advanced performer who is well versed in the basics of the art.

  • Part One
    • An Overview of the Act
    • The Logic of the Program
  • Part Two
    • Performance Details
    • The Psychological Forces
    • The Book Test
    • The Three Envelope Test
    • Card Memory
  • Part Three
    • The Challenge Tarot Card Reading
    • The Card Through the Window

1st edition 1995, revised 2003; PDF 45 pages.

Bob Cassidy
Techniques of Mentalism by Bob Cassidy

These are the 2002 lecture notes by Bob Cassidy. As the nature of lecture notes often is, not everything is necessarily explained in detail, but many things are. For example, you will learn why Bob always has black lipstick in his go-bag, and many other wonderfully practical and effective methods and routines, some with detailed patter.

  • My Mentalism Kit
  • The Black Lipstick
  • The Psychokinetic Pen and Keybending
  • The Rainbow Pad
  • The Three Envelope Test - the inside dope
  • Card Memory
  • The Enigma of #23

1st edition 2002, PDF 16 pages.

★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Aether #12: Polaroid Princess II by Gregg Webb

Turn a card trick into something much more relatable - a stack of instant photographs taken just minutes ago.

Polaroid Princess was an effect Gregg kicked around for hours on the phone with the great mentalist Bob Cassidy. He liked the idea. This is a further development of the same idea. You will need some form of instant camera, be it a classic Polaroid camera or any regular camera with a Zero-ink portable instant photo printer.

1st edition 2022, PDF 3 pages.

★★★★ $8
Graham Hey
Superstars 'R' Us by Graham Hey

The performer hands a prediction envelope to a member of the audience and then asks people to call out the names of any members of the Beatles, the Bee Gees or ABBA. (*You choose any bands). The performer writes down a selection of the names as they are called out until he's got seven or eight of them. He then reads them all out again to make sure he's got every person's selection, which they confirm. The papers are then folded and thrown into a bowl. A spectator selects any one and takes a secret look at it.

The performer then proceeds to read the spectator's mind correctly - telling them...

Unknown Mentalist
Psychic Connections by Unknown Mentalist

Psychic Connections is a complete system. Right from a one-off quick effect, you can perform up to an entire act of 15-20 mins. You can read a single mind repeatedly or you can read a group of up to 5 minds at a time. There are 5 routines that are included.

Psychic Connections is a delicious combination of multiple principles, methods, and tools which together create mystery and wonder for your audiences while it will be a pleasure for you to perform these 5 routines. These 5 routines are as follows.

  1. The BLESS Routine
  2. The HIGH Routine.
  3. The CIVILIZATION Routine which has 3 different...
★★★★★ $10
Graham Hey
Mental Movies by Graham Hey

From a paper bag, you remove a ball of paper which is then thrown over your shoulder into the audience. The person who catches it is going to assist you. You show them a selection of movies written on to the faces of playing cards. These are turned face down and the spectator mixes them behind their back. You say you're going to try and use your manipulation skills and make them select a certain movie. After they have mixed the cards, you invite them to take the top card. It's 'Jurassic Park'. You then instruct them to open the ball of paper used to freely select them - it's a poster for Jurassic...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Telepathic Memory by Unknown Mentalist

Telepathic Memory is a dual combination effect where you can demonstrate both your telepathic abilities as well as your super power memory.

From a random list of over 50 cities and their population figures, a participant chooses a city and its population figure. Using your telepathic ability, you divine the population figure in the participant's mind and then using your super power memory, you also declare the name of the city related to that population figure.

Three different routines are explained. And these effects can be performed in close-up, street, parlor, stage scenarios, and...

★★★★★ $22.50
Mark Stone
The Peek Project by Mark Stone

After a long time of experimenting and searching for the best and easiest way to peek at the spectator's deepest thought written on a business card, Mark has come out with two completely different and deceptive methods fully described in this eBook, with crystal clear photos and step-by-step instructions.

The Perfect Peek

The Perfect Peek allows for a secret full card peek, without folding or tearing. Uses only a very few steps, is clean in the execution, and is highly deceptive. The effect takes advantage of old principles combined with clever handling to create a lethal peek. Easy...

S. S. Baldwin & F. C. Florence
Spirit Mediums Exposed by S. S. Baldwin & F. C. Florence

A revealing look into the psychic manifestations of bogus spirit mediums, as revealed by a noted stage entertainer.

Bold? Yes. Daring? Sure. So much so that one can't help but be impressed by the audacity and methods that psychic charlatans employed to fleece their victims. Like Houdini, Prof. Samri Baldwin was not only a gifted showman in his own right, he also led crusades in the USA and Australia to expose the methods of fraudulent clairvoyants and spirit mediums, several of which are revealed in this ebook.

If you're into real-life ghostbusting, or you're a magician or psychic entertainer...

Graham Hey
One Dead Celeb! by Graham Hey

A mentalism effect with drama, humor ... and death! What's not to like?

Four people are asked to write the name of a living celebrity on a piece of paper, while another person writes the name of a dead celebrity on theirs. The papers are folded and put inside five unmarked tablet bottles which are then placed into a bag and mixed up. The performer brings out the bottles one by one, holding each against his forehead dramatically. He can instantly locate the dead celeb.

This is a simple but hugely effective mentalism routine with lots of laughs. You get the full routine with original one-liners,...

★★★★ $9
Heather Jay
Betting Hands by Heather Jay

A simple and powerful display of intuition.

Imagine making an instant connection with a stranger by testing their intuition. Now, Imagine performing this test of intuition with a simple prop that you can make from almost anything.

From the mind of Heather Jay, Betting Hands is a simple and impactful demonstration using nothing more than two poker chips and your spectator's hands. Carry this in your pocket, and be prepared for a fantastic moment of synchronization and intuition.

This ebook will give you a full performance for the "Betting Hands" routine and detailed instructions on how...

★★★★ $12
Paul R. Hadley
How to Develop Mental Magic by Paul R. Hadley

This coursebook teaches how to build a two-person mentalism act, allowing names, dates, personal effects, and more to be quickly and effectively transmitted and described without the use of electronics or gimmicks.

Audiences will gasp in amazement as they witness your sensational and uncanny demonstration of apparent psychic ability between you and your "medium" or "telepath." Spectator questions, personal articles, birthdates, pocket change, jewelry, and more are revealed by the on-stage psychic.

If you've seen the motion picture "Nightmare Alley," you've had a glimpse at how mesmerizing...

Unknown Mentalist
Enigmatic Economies by Unknown Mentalist


This is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf. Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a specially designed, high quality, gloss laminated postcard sized (approx 4 inches x 6 inches) gimmick which supposedly is based on a United Nations report of 2020 on World Economic Prospects. With reasonable care, this card should last you many years.


  1. You invite a participant to take part in an interesting mind-reading demonstration.
  2. You use the provided gimmick to perform...
Unknown Mentalist
Impossible Number Divination Instantly Anywhere by Unknown Mentalist


This is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf. Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a set of 4 specially designed, high quality, gloss laminated postcard sized (about 4 inches x 6 inches) gimmicks which seemingly contain 'psychological tests' on both sides of the cards on how colors and numbers are perceived by the human brain. With reasonable care, this set of cards should last you many years.


  1. You invite a participant to take part in an interesting demonstration. ...
★★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Cell Phone Premonition by Devin Knight

Directly from Devin's show ... if you like effects that can leave an audience in stunned silence, then this is for you.

Telephone tricks were not very practical in the older days, as you had to have a land-line at your shows. Nowadays, almost everyone has a cell phone, so it's easy to do mind-boggling feats at any show. This is direct from my show and is baffling beyond words.

Magician writes on three index cards and hands them to three different people in the audience. These are random people and are not plants. The three people can see what's on the cards, but are asked to not show...

Daniel Rowan
Aura Royale by Daniel Rowan

This is a complete mentalist act that fits in your wallet as an everyday carry. You give the participant a "chakra resonance" card and provide a simple aura color reading. You finish by reading the volunteer's mind. You tell the participant the day she merely thought of. Nothing is written down. No sleight of hand. Works close-up and surrounded. Trick can be immediately repeated.

All materials needed are provided in PDF's in 3 sizes. Keywords are provided to allow you to easily create aura color readings.

Additionally, you can train your volunteers how to see their own aura as well...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
4go10Mr.E by Unknown Mentalist

As you can see the title is a fancy way of writing Forgotten Mystery. This is highly effective as a quick opener or as a casual one-off effect. You just need to carry a single double blank card (or just your business card with a blank back) and you are always ready to perform this routine.

You can also perform this as an impossible prediction effect if you want. This routine can also be performed as a totally propless effect if desired.

The effect itself is totally self-working and you can start stunning your participants right after reading this manuscript. An innocent-looking list...

★★★ $9
Mystic Alexandre
Listen and It Will Speak by Mystic Alexandre

A minimalist storytelling mentalism card routine.

"This is a truly thoughtful and beautiful presentation - the sort of thing that really warms my heart. The presentation here is the thing. And what's really nice about it, is that it is easily adaptable to other effects if one so desires. I love it!" - Sudo Nimh

A special competition was underway at a famous monastery and all the monks were quite eager to do well. The Master had pointed out a very special tree that lived in the woods surrounding the monastery grounds and the monks had been asked to write a story about this tree. The winner...

Matthew Benjamin
The Numerology Act by Matthew Benjamin

A complete stranger approaches you and requests for you to impress them. Armed with only a few scraps of paper and a pencil you proceed to perform a full Numerology Act for the stranger giving them several extremely accurate personality readings, revealing the name of a thought of person, when they met, and what they were wearing. You even predict the location they met!

For your grand finale, you prove that fate had brought them to you that day with a lightning-fast demonstration of mental acrobatics that relates only to them.

The act can be done completely impromptu or as a full show...

★★★★ $16.66
Mystic Alexandre
The Devil's Game by Mystic Alexandre

Two bizarre playing card routines.

In the Devil's Game you tell the story of a guy named Billy who finds himself in hell, he simply can't believe it. Billy just doesn't belong in hell, he lived his life honestly, he was loyal, he was a good guy, did the right things, played by the rules. What the hell is he doing in hell?! So he asks one of the Devil's minions to please take him to the devil, that he urgently needs to speak to him to figure this thing out. The minion takes him to the devil's lavish chambers, and the devil, smoking a cigar, surrounded by beautiful women, quietly hears him...

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