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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 61


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Revelations of a Spirit Medium by unknown

Spiritualistic mysteries exposed by a medium. A detailed explanation of the methods used by fraudulent mediums.

From the preface:

The author of this book does not consider it a "literary gem," by any means, but claims that it accomplishes the object for which it was written, viz.: gives the reader an expose of the methods pursued by the "spiritual medium" in the various deceptions they practice in their "circles," "sittings," and "seances," which does expose. The author has been a working "medium" for the past twenty years, and is not guessing or theorizing in what he has written. He will...

★★★★★ $10
Matteo Filippini
Bold Mentalism by Matteo Filippini

Matteo Filippini's lecture notes dedicated to bold mentalism, the brazen, reckless one. Boldness is a characteristic that, perhaps more than anything else, distinguish mentalism not only from other similar forms of entertainment but also from 'mentalism' that wants to be perfect at all costs. To best explain bold approaches and methods, Matteo describes in detail five routines, simple in methods but absolutely effective for real audiences.


An impromptu duplication of spectator's drawing which can be done using only a bunch of business cards and a pen.


★★★★★ $9
Abhirup Roy
Beyond Heaven by Abhirup Roy

Beyond Heaven is a PDF and video project on a series of effects which relate to the plots of Saint and Sinner divination form photos (close up version) and a Living and Dead Test which is suitable for stage, parlor and close-up acts.

Effect 1 (Basic effect Outline)

Living and Dead Test: stage, parlor and close-up version

Even before the show starts you hand your spectator a picture in a photo frame which is one half of a complete photo and an old newspaper article, which acts as a prediction. Then you hand the other spectator a stack of photos which are torn in half, and the spectator...

Kevin Parker
Oddzoff by Kevin Parker

Who can predict where in the deck someone will shuffle their card, to the specifics, e.g. a certain number of cards down into the deck? Even creepier would be if it relates to something you uttered beforehand as if it made it happen.

Imagine this. You mention a scenario where they are 2 or 3 off guessing the amount of candies in a jar. Then the spectator thinks of any card, shuffles the deck they're holding, then finds that card 2 or 3 off from your written prediction just like the candy scenario. The only other outcomes would be if it's just 1 off or dead-on, but you're covered there too...

★★★★ $8
Henry Ridgely Evans
Hours with the Ghosts by Henry Ridgely Evans

Illustrated investigations into the phenomena of spiritualism and theosophy.

From the preface:

The author has had sittings with many famous mediums of this country and Europe, but has seen little to convince him of the fact of spirit communication. The slate tests and so-called materializations have invariably been frauds. Some experiments along the line of automatic writing and psychometry, however, have demonstrated to the writer the truth of telepathy or thought-transference. The theory of telepathy explains many of the marvels ascribed to spirit intervention in things mundane.

Edwin A. French
Premiere Slate Mystery by Edwin A. French

Here is French's personal method of making a "spirit answer" appear on a borrowed slate ... while sealed inside an envelope and held by a spectator. The spectator's initials may be written on the frame of the slate to prove that there are no switches of any kind employed. This mind-numbing mystery can be worked solo, as a one-man effect, with an ungimmicked slate. Instead of a slate, black cardboard or artist board can be substituted. Complete routine, with three presentations described, for stage, party or séance. Absolutely no flaps, switches, gimmicked slates or chemicals used. No stooges...

★★★★ $5
Abhinav Bothra
Accurate by Abhinav Bothra

An impromptu version of the classic 'Free Will' combined with a short and simple reading that makes it unforgettable.

While the performer is looking away, three borrowed objects - 2 currency notes and a coin, are hidden one under each hand and one inside a card box or a match box. The performer turns back and deduces the location of each of those objects based on the vibe the participant emits and what a stranger (performer) would think of him/her.

  • Easy to do
  • Uses borrowed objects
  • Allows you to hand out business cards
  • It is the reading that hits the ball home
  • A standard reading is...
Gregg Webb
Super Session #7: Thief Scrambld by Gregg Webb

This is for mentalists ... The original version of this effect, "The Key on the String," was first published in Gregg Webb's ebook, The Shade. However, this Super Sessions ebook features an all-new and expanded effect using 13 "thought cards" - no key and string used here, making a simpler and more direct presentation. Gregg's friend Jeff McBride's enhanced version is also explained as a bonus at the end of this ebook. This ebook has hand-lettered text.

1st edition 2020, 4 pages.

Silas Linden
Birthday by Silas Linden

Any person in the world has a unique moment ... that moment in which everything started ... Silas Linden's Birthday is a unique system to the Date-of-Birth revelation. A masterpiece that he was holding for a long time is finally available.

  • 100% propless
  • No language restriction
  • No math procedures
  • No psychological forces
  • 100% reliable and practical
Just in a casual interaction and conversation, you will be able to reveal that intimate and personal information. You will be able to reveal not just the participant zodiac sign in a direct and simple manner, but also pushing further and be...
★★★★ $8
Maurice Fogel
The Houdini Seance: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 4 by Maurice Fogel

Fogel's presentation is impressive, a fascinating story which unfolds in front of the very eyes of the audience. The routine consists of a block penetration effect, spirit knots, and a spirit slate effect using two ungimmicked pieces of blackboard. Additionally you will need candle, candlestick, and a photograph of Harry Houdini.

From the foreword:

The story is so compelling that Maurice told us he had, in fact, used this many times on its own without the magical effects and he once broadcast this story over the radio from the Middle East.

PDF 15 pages

★★★★ $8
Maurice Fogel
The Fortune Formula: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 2 by Maurice Fogel

In this second manuscript in Fogel's Top Secrets series, he explains his system of how to develop a new routine, what he calls "The Fogel Formula". It is a system of how to structure and proceed with your training and development towards a particular goal. Fogel is using his success system for things he wants to achieve in general not just magic.

Fogel demonstrates how his formula operates by applying it to a question he often received after his shows: "Can you tell fortunes?" To address this frequent question he developed a particular routine involving a zodiac chart. The chart, the routine,...

★★★★★ $8
Al Baker
This Will Open Your Eyes: Al Baker's Exclusive Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript by Al Baker

Add to your arsenal of outstanding mental and card effects with this hard to find manuscript from a recognized master of deception. These exclusive secrets will serve you in good stead throughout your performing career, no matter whether you're a professional, semi-pro, or hobbyist.

Contains ten effects, plus as many as four methods for performing each one, all patiently and painstakingly explained. You may, in fact, chuckle to yourself as you read the practical, yet diabolical methods -- they're so darned clever. They all have the "Baker Twist", where gimmicks and ruses are used on the off...

Maurice Fogel
The Gambling Ghost: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 1 by Maurice Fogel

In this publication Fogel reveals his famous rope tie technique. From the foreword:

It is a routine which can be adapted to be performed either solo, or with a partner; entirely surrounded by an audience in a small room, or from the stage of a large hall; as an entertainment at a function or banquet, or even as a demonstration-lecture before Occult Research Societies and Scientific Circles.

  • Foreword
  • Introductory Address
  • The Routine
  • Requirements
  • Explanation
  • The Fogel Rope Tie in Action
  • Production of the Whisky Bottle
  • Summary
  • Concluding Observations
  • Finale

1st edition 1961,...

Paul Stadelman
Secrets of Sandu by Paul Stadelman

Two books in one, containing the secrets of a professional's act of club and mental magic, plus his favorite card effects.

We love it when a working performer tips the actual methods from his act. And that's what you get in the first half of this enjoyable ebook, which was originally released as a limited edition. The second half contains Sandu's favorite card effects. While not all of the effects in this section are self-working, they rely on sleights that the average performer already knows.

Inside you'll find described a pair of excellent livestock effects that you can make yourself;...

Daniel Rowan
Democrats 2020 by Daniel Rowan

Democrats 2020 is a topical political drama in which your spectators get to role play as presidential candidates.

The effect: A spectator secretly picks a democratic presidential candidate. The magician is able to divine the spectator's selection after questioning one or more other spectators who become other political candidates. No sleight of hand. Simple method which allows the magician to concentrate on the presentation of a mini election. All the needed materials are provided in the PDF for printing. Your spectators have the fun of participating and play acting as a candidate for the...

★★★★★ $35
Tite by RedDevil

A new principle for business cards.

"I was badly fooled!" - Matt Mello

"I HAVE NO IDEA! This principle can be used in so many routines and ways, it's making my head spin!" - Phedon Bilek

"I would give a testimony to this effect, but I don't want you guys having it. IT FOOLED ME - I grinned from ear to ear when RedDevil shared the workings and I just don't know if I'm ready to let RedDevil share this. It's too bloody cheeky! (Said in my best British accent). I love it!" - Peter Turner

"With T.I.T.E., RedDevil has taken something that many of us have played with (no, not - get your filthy mind...

★★★★★ $8
Maurice Fogel
Fogel's Million Dollar Pieces of Cardboard by Maurice Fogel

Maurice Fogel was undoubtedly one of the greatest mind-readers in the UK, bringing a panache and dramatic flair to everything he presented.

"Fogel in the Pentagon" is intended as a "test" for publicity purposes. His "Just Call your Number" is his tremendous billet reading masterpiece which formed probably the strongest part of his act over many, many years, - used on-stage, in cabaret, under all sorts of conditions.

  • Preface
  • Fogel As Seen By Edwin
  • Fogel In The Pentagon
  • Just Call Your Number
1st edition 1986, 20 pages; PDF 20 pages.
Paul Hallas
Mind Pieces by Paul Hallas

Paul's first ebook in a while and his first on mental effects since Mentalism with Cards.

Effects included are:

In the Image of Jaks
A quicker version of an old Jaks routine with a couple of presentation options suggested. This is a great routine which has no explanation except that you must be psychic. Some jumbo ESP cards are mixed, some envelopes are mixed, the cards are placed in the envelopes while the performer is well away from the proceedings. The mentalist can now reveal the contents of the envelopes and possibly give information about the people who assisted.

Son of Cidentaquin
Another jumbo ESP...

★★★ $10
Jack Yates
Minds in Close-Up by Jack Yates

A collection of mental mysteries using small accessories.

  • Foreword
  • Clip Line
  • Match Miracle
  • Devil's Die
  • Perfected Publicity
  • Astral Digit
  • Merchant Mentalist
  • Who's Fooling Whom?
  • Object In Mind
  • Murder Most Foul
  • Credits

1st edition 1954, 31 pages; PDF 28 pages.

Scott Xavier
Ultimate Blindfold by Scott Xavier

Welcome to the evolution of the blindfold. Gone is the down the nose peek, and here is the ultimate blindfold - using duct tape. Allowing for exceptional vision. This blindfold adds a level of ingenuity that will fool magicians and laymen alike. Plus Xavier demonstrates several routines you can use with your blindfold. Are you ready to kick your mentalism into the future?

1st edition 2020, length 20min.

★★★★ $8
Abhirup Roy
Impromptu Pin Reveal by Abhirup Roy

Imagine walking up to a random spectator and revealing a PIN code they generated moments back per your instructions. The spectator never says or writes any digit of the pin code.

  • Impromptu pin reveal
  • No pre-show
  • Spectator never says or write any digit of the pin code
  • 100% correct all the time

1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages, video length 7 min 30 s.

★★★★★ $8
Edwin A. French
Master Mentalism by Edwin A. French

A knock-out impromptu mentalism demonstration of answering audience questions. Can be worked solo, as a one-man effect, or by a crystal gazer, with an assistant, for use on the stage. Complete routine, with two methods described, and full opening lecture.

The original manuscript is very hard to find nowadays, being jealously hoarded by collectors. If you've wanted to perform a Q&A (question and answer) type of mental act, this title is one you should add to your library. In our opinion, the tips and suggestions from editor T. A. Whitney are alone worth the investment.

"If you are looking for something...
Satabdo Sengupta
Cold Zodiac Guess by Satabdo Sengupta

Imagine walking up to a complete stranger, having a short interaction with them regarding zodiac signs, and then handing them a black envelope. To their surprise it has their horoscope and also their zodiac sign written.

  • No pre-show
  • No complex anagrams
  • No forcing
  • Deceptive with layers of deception
  • Perform surrounded
  • 100% bang on every time

1st edition 2019, PDF 5 pages, video 18 min.

★★★★★ $4
Edwin A. French
Premiere Book Test by Edwin A. French

Perhaps the simplest and most sure-fire of all book tests, using three unprepared books. Can be performed as a one-person or two-person test.

The original manuscript sold for the equivalent of $19 when first introduced and has been out of print for years. Now available once again at a very reasonable price as ebook. The author claimed that the bold method and presentation created more favorable talk than anything else he presented. You, too, can create a "buzz" of publicity when you perform it. If working as a two-person effect, there are no codes used. Can use any girl as the medium. A great...

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