This is a very powerful two-spectator coincidence effect, where one spectator selects (and loses) a card under very fair conditions, and then a second spectator impossibly locates the card.
The magician introduces a deck of cards - he spreads it face-up to display that all the cards are different. He then hands the deck over to one of the spectators and asks them to thoroughly shuffle the deck. (They can shuffle in any way that they want.)
The magician then says, "I want you to make a free choice of any card in the shuffled deck. Simply spread the deck face down across the...
The common element in all three of those effects is the use of a scalloped short card (a special short card that was popularized by Dai Vernon). It is a gimmick that I rarely see used. A few people use a short card nowadays - even fewer use a scalloped short card.
If you're interested in learning three distinct applications of this tool (a pseudo-memory effect, a telepathy effect, and a prediction effect), then this e-book is for you.
Note: If you're only interested in one of the three effects, then you're just better off individually buying that one (as it would be cheaper). But if you're interested...
An incredible new "Any Card At Any Number" effect that magically comes to fruition, despite the fact that the card and a set of numbers are chosen by a spectator, in a carousel of cards turned face to face and back to back.
An A.C.A.A.N. that develops into a dance of cards, realizing itself on the edge of the impossible.
Twisting the AC...AAN is a new card magic effect themed "Any Card At Any Number," in which the magician, shown and quickly shuffled a deck of cards, holding the deck face-up in his right hand, begins to drop the cards into the palm of his left hand, performing a dribble...
Un incredibile nuovo effetto di Carta al Numero che magicamente si realizza, nonostante la Carta e una serie di Numeri vengano scelti da uno spettatore, in una giostra di carte rivoltate faccia contro faccia e dorso contro dorso!
Un A.C.A.A.N. che si sviluppa in una Danza di Carte, realizzandosi al limite dell'Impossibile!
Twisting the AC...AAN è un nuovo effetto cartomagico a tema "Any Card At Any Number", in cui il prestigiatore, mostrato e mescolato velocemente un mazzo di carte, tenendo il mazzo a facce in alto nella destra, inizia a far cadere le carte sul palmo della sinistra,...
Two different versions of an effect, incredibly impromptu and practically self-working, which stages a play at an imaginary poker game with strange rules that always make the spectator the overwhelming favorite, but where, in the end, the magician will win against all odds, closing the game in a true Triumph of the four Aces.
A truly amazing card magic effect that will leave both you, when you try it the first few times, incredulous (it still happens even to me who came up with it, I guarantee) and your audience, as soon as you manage to propose it to them.
You will learn two versions,...
Due versioni differenti di un effetto, incredibilmente Impromptu e praticamente Self Working, che mette in scena una Partita ad un Poker immaginario dalle strane regole che rendono sempre lo spettatore come il grandissimo favorito, ma dove, al termine, incredibilmente il Mago vincerà contro ogni probabilità, chiudendo la partita i n un vero e proprio Trionfo dei 4 Assi!
Un effetto davvero STUPEFACENTE di Cartomagia che lascerà increduli tanto voi, quando lo proverete le prime volte (accade tuttora persino a me che l’ho ideato, ve lo garantisco!), quanto il vostro pubblico, non appena...
When Ed Marlo expressed his wish that his material be kept available "For the Guys," it was not his intent that the cost be prohibitive. That was not Ed's way. Ed didn't publish his material for the small amount of money they produced. He never received payment for most of the material he contributed. In keeping with the spirit of Ed's pricing, Wesley has decided to offer special pricing for those who purchase the full set of Marlo In New Tops.
In the month of October 2024, in recognition of the passing of the self-proclaimed "King of Cards," Harry Houdini, and the birth of the true, modern "King of...
"As a total newbie, I've always wanted to explore swami or nail writing, but there were too many choices so I had no idea where to start. I also love the list of tricks. I think I'll proceed down the lie detector route too. Thanks a bunch Hal." - Bill Peterson
Swami Theory 101 is a workshop-style swami writing tutorial for true beginners to this form of magic and mentalism.
The swami writer magic and mentalism trick is a classic effect where the magician appears to predict or reveal a thought-of piece of information, such as a number or word. The trick relies on a small, concealed...
These two TT vanishes are beginner vanishes, but they are oh-so different.
These are real foolers. Fit whatever you want in vanish one. It is a full gimmick vanish. Vanish two will hold just about anything as well. You will need a TT gimmick from your magic shop as described in the video. These are absolutely unmodified gimmicks. You probably already have one.
These two vanishes are angle-proof, close-up, easy to learn, and very deceptive. Perform these right in front of your spectator's eyes. No one, I mean no one sees the gimmick.
Vanish one is a deceptive play on the old beginner...
"Oh Hal, this course is amazing. I've been a magician for 24 years and just like you, I thought there was a void in beginner Sanada training. You have very nice handling and down to earth teaching." - Nick Williams
"This (Sanada) training is very good. I highly recommend it. A great starting point and loaded with good information. My favorite tricks you teach are the wormhole and faux hypnosis routines! Very well done and I love your thinking outside the box." - Matt Hilton
The Sanada Gimmick is an amazingly magical tool. And folks, it's available at your magic shop for well under...
The Gimmick-Less Bank Vault Vanish is an EDC impromptu stunner.
This is a challenge effect you will win every time. This is 100% gimmick-less mind-blown EDC (Every Day Carry) magic. Close-up, angle proof, fast, easy, impromptu, EDC, instant full-view reset. Perfect for beginners and seasoned magicians.
This is a phenomenal example of separating the steal from the reveal. The steal happens well before the vault/fist is opened revealing utter emptiness. This effect absolutely destroys any other "Where is it? Which hand?" effect. The reactions are amazing. I literally have spectators that...
This is the first of three parts. It is by far the most thorough compilation of rope tricks ever created. From the preface by Percy Abbott:
To those who have eagerly awaited its publication, we believe we are giving them a work that was worth waiting for. In producing this volume, we have striven to make it a real compendium of rope tricks - not merely a collection of rope effects, but rather a reference work as complete and informative as possible. This we feel confident has been achieved.
Many months have been spent in research and the compilation necessary to give workers in the realm of magic...
If you want to break into the TV market you have to listen to this. Anthony Owen is currently the most successful TV magic producer in the UK and has worked on the Derren Brown shows, Monkey Magic, Dirty Tricks, The Real Hustle, and many more. And even if you are not trying to become a TV magic star you will hear a lot of great advice for anybody who wants to make a living with magic.
"I thought CDs were out as a way of learning about magic, but this one by Anthony Owen proves I was wrong. You just have to hear him speak to get the full inspirational effect of his amazing story. This is...