reviewed by Daniel Vicars (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 19 October, 2023)
Love it! Beyond my capabilities (so far...), but I am just picking up magic again after a short hiatus of....oh, about 40 years! Nerve damage in my right hand is somewhat limiting, but I believe I can perform the moves needed. And will need to find proper music.
reviewed by Kevin Bryan (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 18 October, 2023)
This is a great addition to the original effect. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Kevin Bryan (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 18 October, 2023)
Nice effect but does require a secret setup.
reviewed by John D. Bain (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 14 October, 2023)
Thank you for your wonderful service. I have received the digital download that you provided and am enjoying it immensely. The circumstances of my hard copy purchase - you are aware of - but your consideration and generosity have overcome the downside. My greatest gratitude. John D. Bain
reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 14 October, 2023)
I believe that every mentalist needs this. It is a VERY UNUSUAL approach to giving a card reading with a tic sheet and the only memorization needed is pretty much for the scripting of the performance. You don't have to remember playing card meanings or Tarot card meanings. This is only for playing cards. Personally I suggest printing the tic sheets off so the spectator or client can take something personal with them. This isn't for everyone but I give it my highest rating. I don't buy much anymore since I'm retired but it is a nice Birthday present from my wife.
reviewed by Richard Southall (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 13 October, 2023)
This is such a good trick. It's almost totally hands off, with a huge level of audience participation possible. While I have enjoyed performing it for a single spectator and received great reactions this is even better when you have three or more spectators assisting. The way it is described it requires quite a bit of table surface but I have drawn the race course on a page of a notebook for close-up performances and you could use material and velcro and perform it on stage. This could also fit in very nicely in a bunco routine or any gambling routine. I don't normally write reviews but I felt I had to review this versatile gem of a trick. I am not familiar with Toni Koynini or whether they have produced any other ticks but I can't wait to see what else they can come up with!
reviewed by george woo (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 06 October, 2023)
The Helicopter Card taught by D. Angelo Ferri, IMO is the BEST technical card trick ever! Mr Ferri is a great teacher and goes into a deliberate and careful study of this challenging effect but once mastered will have a special trick that will amuse and confuse all that witness it. Highest Recommendation!
reviewed by Dave Arch (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 04 October, 2023)
I really like the fact that you’re showing your spectator a supposed artifact (the postcard) - taking the heat off you as a wonder worker. You’re just showing them an odd curiosity and demonstrating how it tells the fortune surrounding the person’s wish or desire. The follow-up use of actual playing cards for continuing the theme is also a worthy addition. Best shown in a social setting and presented in a conversational style. I am pleased with my purchase.
reviewed by John Kauth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 04 October, 2023)
There is so much possibility here. The recording is old-sounding and scratchy. A woman's voice directs the ritual with the four cards, and her instructions are easy to follow. The person holding the cards gets to make a number of choices along the way to get to the outcome if a wish will come true. This would be great around a table with each person having their own packet of cards. No two people will move the cards the same way as there are many choices. So many ideas come to mind to use the Ritual of Destiny as part of a much larger routine. You would have to add your own story and perhaps not use the recording since different cards would be used. This could be done with four Tarot cards without the recording. I have to be vague here not to give away the method or result. If you are having a Halloween party, as this review is being written in October, this would be a fun little routine. Turn the lights down low, light some candles, and play the Ritual of Destiny. If you are looking for a showstopper, do not get this. It is a nice little routine with an interesting twist - the recording.
reviewed by Andrew Baroch (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 29 September, 2023)
By far the best spoon-bending information on LYBRARY.COM: how to easily acquire some special gaffes and how to present. Gaffes needed are on Amazon for peanuts.
I found out THIS SPOON BENDING PDF. WAS THE BEST METAL BENDING offering on this site by reading the hardback book, "Bend it Like Geller." The technique and handlings explained here for $8 are explained in MORE detail than in the $45 book. You owe me! You owe me! :)
reviewed by John Kauth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 27 September, 2023)
I am a 74-year-old Buddhist and amateur mentalist who mainly performs for older audiences. Sometimes, I give talks on Buddhism and incorporate a little mentalism if appropriate. Other times I perform a 30-minute or so mentalism routine. My performance persona when doing a mentalism routine is what you would expect from a Buddhist doing mentalism. Low key in a Max Maven sort of way. Mentalism does not rely on flashiness or card flourishes, or sleight-of-hand skills. Most mentalism relies on simple methods. Presentation is far more important than method. Listen and It Will Speak is 100% presentation. If you are not an excellent storyteller, this effect is not for you. If your mentalism style is not the quiet presentation style of a Max Maven, this effect is not for you. But if you are that rare individual who can act and tell an interesting story, then this may be a good opening effect. At its heart, it is a simple card revelation, simple and really nothing but add the story to it, and it really becomes something. In addition to the script, a few interesting false cuts are explained that may give this some extra value.
reviewed by John Kauth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 27 September, 2023)
I am a 74-year-old amateur living in a senior apartment building and enjoy occasionally performing for the residents. The most asked question first: Is it worth the price? Yes. The postcard is nicely designed to look like something out of the 1920s. It can be printed as is, but with some arts and crafts, it can be antiqued to look genuinely old. The method is simple, clever, and easy to learn. The card reading is simple and easy to memorize. It is a nice little routine around a table for one person or an intimate group. Since the reading with the postcard is personal to the person being read, the choices made with the postcard can be hidden from other viewers. The routine can then be performed for others at the table. There is no equivoque, and the choices are straightforward. The reason for hiding the postcard choices if the effect is to be repeated is not to influence the choices others make at the table. The effect certainly is not a closer, but it is worth the price as an icebreaker.
reviewed by Andrew Baroch (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 27 September, 2023)
I feel insulted. He had the frickin' gall to sell this. You can't see what look like literal baby spoons. He has no entertainment skills, uses the word "amazing" multiple times -- when he doesn't know a thing about presentation, misdirection -- and he's got one expression on his face. He's not amazed. Dee Christopher stands beside him -- looking ...not amazed. Terrible. If I could get a refund, I'd ask for it.
reviewed by Andrew Baroch (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 25 September, 2023)
reviewed by Darius Acuna (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 23 September, 2023)
Pretty cool concept! I'm more experienced as a close up mentalist - an amateur who has frequent experience with impromptu demonstrations and readings - not minding making the big claims, so this is something more my style. I don't think it takes guts, as much as it takes speed.
You NEED to be fast in your answer, and you gotta be very comfortable doing this sort of thing regularly outside of mentalism. I wouldn't say this is for the bold as much as it's for the quick-witted mentalist who can operate without a script, since, that IS what you're doing.
Also, to those being mad about this being reused work, it says so in the description who is credited. I really didn't mind that especially since that's a very uncommon thing in our community. I appreciate the lack of plagiarism and transparency in the ad copy. For those who know about it, you're just getting someone's commentary, and I think that's worth $8. You might not, but we can't deny the main idea is pretty dang cool.
reviewed by Alexander Crowley
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 21 September, 2023)
Bhe che dire... Prodotto interessante che merita di essere letto. Nonostante vengono spiegati dei metodi classici del mentalismo che chi mastica un po' sa, comunque ho trovato interessante lo schema presentato da Emanuele. Naturalmente come ogni effetto richiede un minimo di preparazione per essere padroneggiato, quindi non perdete le speranze voi che acquisterete questo materiale.La cosa che ha più suscitato il mio interesse è stato la presentazione originale presentata da Emanuele, perché non è la classica presentazione fine a se stessa che spesso siamo abituati a subirci, ma bensì si lavora molto con la fantasia degli spettatori che se hanno una buona immaginazione, riescono anche a sentire e percepire i suoni e i luoghi da loro pensati, come se fosse una sorta di "ipnosi". Quindi è una cosa VERAMENTE STRONG per chi assiste. Bravo Emanuele!
reviewed by Christian Mach (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 17 September, 2023)
A little disappointed because I bought this PDF for the false shuffle, and I think it is not well explained. By watching the video on Lybrary, I saw that it looked like a shuffle I already knew, but I supposed there was an extra subtlety, and indeed, there is an extra subtlety. But I do not understand the explanation. So I captured the video and I watched it in slow motion, but from what I saw, it seems that there are 2 cards that are really shuffled. So, I'm going to contact Mr. Bob Farmer for more explanations. However, the "super closer" routine is well explained and contains some good ideas from Bob Farmer.
reviewed by Terry Terrell (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 September, 2023)
D. Angelo Ferri's aka Dennis Barlotta is one of the few qualified to teach Slydini's material. This material compliments the Slydini Concepts course
reviewed by Terry Terrell (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 September, 2023)
I really like the way he has adapted the paper balls to sponge balls!
reviewed by Terry Terrell (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 September, 2023)
D. Angelo Ferri's aka Dennis Barlotta is one of the few qualified to teach Slydini's material. This should be studied along with the Coins Through the Table.
reviewed by Terry Terrell (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 September, 2023)
D. Angelo Ferri's aka Dennis Barlotta does a great job of bringing Slydini's teaching forward to continue his legacy.
reviewed by Terry Terrell (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 September, 2023)
D. Angelo Ferri's aka Dennis Barlotta is one of the few qualified to teach Slydini's material. In addition, he is a true gentleman and a man of his word.
reviewed by Jan Siebold (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 14 September, 2023)
The video is 1:46 min
The convincing control cannot be explained in that amount of time. So what is the content? Ackerman shows his way of doing the convincing control as if you already know how to perform the convincing control.
The 2. way he is doing it, is more or less the way I already was doing it (probably learned from a script from Racherbaumer).
You cannot learn the convincing control from this download! If you research for different versions of the convincing control go for it: the price is low ;-)
The convincing control itself is imho in general and for most cases the BEST slide to control a selection to the bottom of the deck (without other action)!
However, if you want to learn the slide, search for other sources (e.g. "Versatile Card Magic" by Frank Simon). I saw there is a download from Racherbaumer "Cull-Mination" on this platform. I haven't read it, but probably it's a good start to learning the convincing control, too.
reviewed by Christopher M. Reynolds (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 12 September, 2023)
You may not know me, but I know you. You are unique. You pride yourself as an independent thinker and only accept others' statements with satisfactory proof. You have a strong sense of curiosity. You have much-unused capacity, which you have yet to turn to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you can generally compensate for them. If you are reading this review to see if it is something you should buy, then do it right now. I know you better than you know yourself. You need this book. Buy it.
It's a bitter pill for magicians to swallow, but most people would rather pay to have their palm read by a cheesy fortune teller than watch a free magic show. Why? Self-interest is the answer. Dale Carnegie wrote in his 1936 self-help book How To Win Friends and Influence People: "Talk to someone about themselves, and they'll listen for hours."
Psychics can earn a decent living listening to others talk. The only job requirements are making people happy and mastering cold reading techniques.
In his pamphlet "Palm Reading for Magicians," William W. Larson, Sr. provides a method for magicians to make extra money by offering palm readings after performances.
If you don't know anything about palmistry, don't worry. You don't have to. After a few rehearsals, you can give a convincing reading to any person without further study.
This script provides a psychic reading from "cradle to grave," offering practical advice but saying very little.
Larsen and editor T.A. Waters provide tips on enhancing your performance and reveal covert (and possibly unlawful) methods for gathering information on potential clients, establishing your reputation as a reliable psychic.
I've seen firsthand how powerful this stuff can be. While working as a bartender in 2003, I read palms to pad my tip jar. My only psychic power was the ability to recite psychologist Bertram Forer's classic 1948 cold reading vignette, some of which I used above. Some women break down and cry after a reading. The belief is genuine, even if the analysis is tongue-in-cheek.
For an experiment, I tried out Larsen's palmistry material at work. After tweaking the language to suit my style, I cherry-picked bits and pieces from the script that applied to most people, such as:
"What I saw when I first started to read your hand was a tendency to allow your heart to govern your mind."
My co-workers now think I'm the main character from Stephen King's The Dead Zone. But on the bright side, I've made $20 during my lunch breaks, giving readings. That's double the price of the book.
Buy this script and practice it. The learning will be time well spent. You won't be sorry for adding palmistry to your bag of tricks.
reviewed by Leslie Warren (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 11 September, 2023)
The video is about one minute and 30 seconds. Everything takes some practice. This double lift move is simple and practical and I am sure can be learned quickly.