Displaying 25 to 48 (of 375 products) ★★★★★ $10 Perfection Crystal Gazing ActGeo DeLawrence
A rare book for the stage mentalist that originally sold for the equivalent of $88.00 in today's money. When we say rare, it was no longer listed after its appearance in the Nelson Enterprises Catalog No. 6 in 1927.
Covers the best equipment for psychic entertainers to use in their act, seven psychic tests for stage performers, the namesake Perfection Crystal Gazing Act itself and how to perform it, requirements for presenting the act, a sample Q&A reading, and a good amount of professional advice.
Also includes the all-important introductory lecture that sets up the act and gets the audience in a receptive mood for... ★★★★★ $10 Palm Reading for MagiciansWilliam W. Larsen
This psychological reading allows most anyone to present a convincing demonstration of palmistry, even if they've never read palms before.
Thayer originally sold this Larsen title as a manuscript in their catalog (Item No. 1394). Now once again available in this expanded and updated book edition, the original content has been supplemented with new features to make it even more complete.
Understand, this is not a trick, but a stock reading that you can easily memorize and give to any person without further study. Use it to supplement, dramatically, your usual readings. Or if you're entirely... $10 Vaudeville HypnotismDavid J. Lustig You, too, can be a stage hypnotist!
A monumental work devoted to the performance of stage hypnotism, written by a close confidant of Dunninger. Contains not only individual tests, but a complete two-hour show, as well. Written by an experienced operator (and owner of a stage hypnotic show), this course provides authentic instructions for performing a complete evening's entertainment.
The libraries of many seasoned professionals are incomplete, as they do not have this book in their collection. With this new revised edition, it's priced so reasonably that now virtually any interested magician, mentalist... ★★★★★ $5 Power of ThoughtJohn Scarne
Over the years, many have (incorrectly) assumed that the "Power of Thought" effect that Scarne enjoyed performing uses the same method as the version described in the Scarne On Card Tricks book. This is not the case, as you'll be pleased to discover if you buy this ebook. This is the version Scarne himself used and (unlike the version in the mass market book), this method doesn't rely on swapping cards in your pocket. Indeed, you need not wear a jacket at all; you can perform this effect in your swim trunks if you're so inclined.
This method was originally offered by Scarne to magicians in a 1950 pre-publication... ★★★★★ $10 First Call to CardsStewart James
Here are twelve remarkable card tricks invented and performed by Stewart James in Canada, England and the U.S. So many magicians asked to learn these tricks that Stewart decided to reveal them for the first time in this book. Most all of his card magic is done without difficult sleights or trick cards, using subtlety instead.
MIKE AND IKE: — The famous look-alike detectives capture a gang of criminals and identify their leader. A spectator (witness) doesn't tell how the sleuths are disguised until the case is closed.
SEVEN WONDERS — No preparation is necessary to illustrate... $6 Musson's MagicClettis Musson
A dozen, practical effects for stage, club and platform from this well-respected author. Finally, back in print once again. This fine collection of tried and tested effects that will have your audiences applauding. Why spend a fortune on your magic effects when you can easily make them yourself at home or on the road for pennies on the dollar?
Partial contents:
- Supreme Color Change
- Diabolical Card Location
- Color Tag
- The Work of the Spirits
- The Appearing Pip
- Genuine Mental Telepathy
- Balls of Mystery
- Glass and Needle Trick
- The Travelling Watch
- Transposition Extraordinary
- Mystic...
★★★★★ $8 Don Alan's Bowl RoutineDon Alan
Just as Don presented it on TV. The move is so good you'll fool yourself. This trick had a lot to do with Don Alan's success on TV and in countless personal appearances. In fact, the very first time Don had a chance to do a trick for anyone connected with TV - in this case the director of a new show - he performed this effect. He was hired at once and began his long and sensational career. It's that good.
This beautiful routine uses a brass bowl (not supplied), or a single cup from your regular Cups and Balls set. The cup is not gimmicked in any way. Also needed are four sponges, which... ★★★★★ $10 Frank Garcia's Sponge BallsFrank Garcia
The sponge ball routine, in the hands of a capable performer, is one of the most astounding feats one can do, as the magic happens in the hands of a spectator. Garcia's routines are among the best of the best. Illustrated by Harvan with 17 drawings to show you how to master the routines and moves.
The booklet includes The First Routine, Lesson in Misdirection with the Magic Count, Garcia's Krazee Sponges, Perfect Sponge Vanish, Basic Routine for Beginners, Color Change Routine, Square and Cube Routine, plus suggestions by a working pro.
Here's your chance to add new moves, ideas and... $10 It Can Be MagicJ. Stewart Smith This collection includes 13 baffling card mysteries. Close-up magicians who know their craft rave about Smith's work, both for its presentation and its methods.
- A Cocksure Choice
- Topsy-Turvy
- Without Doubt
- Invisible Power
- A Weird Event
- A Surprising Revelation
- A Transformation
- In Like Manner
- The Survivor
- A Magical Restoration
- Hide and Seek
- At Ease
- An Interchange
"Within these pages the reader will find many new effects. He will also discover a few oldies in new dress. But most of all he will find good, effective card tricks that he can perform with a minimum... ★★★★★ $6 Irv's Triple TranspositionIrv Weiner
Add to your arsenal of outstanding close-up effects with this hard-to-find manuscript from a recognized master of deception. The effect is simple and direct: Four Aces change places with four Kings, which are later found face-up in the deck.
Meanwhile, in the pile formerly occupied by the Kings, are cards that match one previously selected by a spectator.
Or, as Canadian reviewer Sid Lorraine says:
"Aces in one pile, Kings in another. The Aces and Kings change places; then the Kings jump into the deck face up and the four remaining cards on the table turn out to be the four Queens."
Let... ★★★★★ $6 The Queen's Soiree: Pet Effects 1Dai Vernon
A remarkable transition effect using unprepared objects and little sleight of hand.
Four Queens from any pack are placed on the four corners of a square cloth. Two of the Queens are covered with squares of paper. One at a time, the Queens are put beneath the cloth thru which they penetrate and come up under the square of paper. It is amazing to see the identical card make the passage and appear under the paper along with the others, until all four are assembled under one paper.
Vernon's original methods and several puzzling variations - different from anything ever offered, no extra... $8 It Just HappensJ. Stewart Smith
J. Stewart Smith continues with his professionally-praised run of card magic routines, this one containing seven appealing card mysteries. Like his previous releases, all the work is accomplished without knuckle-busting sleight of hand. Only a few simple moves are necessary, easily within the grasp of the average magician. Smith strives to strip down his creations so every move is logical, from an audience's perspective. There is no confusion as to what happens. It looks like pure magic.
- A Transformation
- The Nostalgic Trio
- The Unseen Passage
- Two Faces Up
- Pure and...
$10 Still More HummersBob Hummer
Here are 12 more mind-blowing Bob Hummer close-up and parlor puzzlers that will entertain most any audience. From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer comes this tasty helping of magic and mental mysteries using cards, a spoon, and even a 6 x 6 checkerboard. Some of these offerings were originally sold as separate manuscripts and are now out of print.
Also included in this volume are the effects that made up Hummer's 3 Trix booklet in 1947, which has been out of print for decades. Now you can add these great tricks to your performing arsenal before the other magicians in your area get them.... $8 Spirit Mediums ExposedS. S. Baldwin & F. C. Florence 
A revealing look into the psychic manifestations of bogus spirit mediums, as revealed by a noted stage entertainer.
Bold? Yes. Daring? Sure. So much so that one can't help but be impressed by the audacity and methods that psychic charlatans employed to fleece their victims. Like Houdini, Prof. Samri Baldwin was not only a gifted showman in his own right, he also led crusades in the USA and Australia to expose the methods of fraudulent clairvoyants and spirit mediums, several of which are revealed in this ebook.
If you're into real-life ghostbusting, or you're a magician or psychic entertainer... $8 Further Thought on CardsJ. Stewart Smith
J. Stewart Smith presents more of his mystifying card effects, accomplished without knuckle-busting sleight of hand. The author was something of an enigma, eschewing public performances in favor of fooling magicians and mentalists at magic conventions. After a process of continual refinements from demonstrating his effects under the critical eyes of magicians, he would assemble a small number of his latest creations and issue them in small, limited-edition booklets. To say that his books are hard to come by is a gross understatement. This is a shame since the magic is priceless.
Smith was... ★★★★★ $12 How to Develop Mental MagicPaul R. Hadley
This coursebook teaches how to build a two-person mentalism act, allowing names, dates, personal effects, and more to be quickly and effectively transmitted and described without the use of electronics or gimmicks.
Audiences will gasp in amazement as they witness your sensational and uncanny demonstration of apparent psychic ability between you and your "medium" or "telepath." Spectator questions, personal articles, birthdates, pocket change, jewelry, and more are revealed by the on-stage psychic.
If you've seen the motion picture "Nightmare Alley," you've had a glimpse at how mesmerizing... ★★★★★ $6 Ghostly SecondsVincent "Vinny" Boyar A version of a strike-second deal that the author calls the "shutter" method, referring to the shutter of a camera.
This version could be easier for some to perform than a classic strike-second because the coordination of the thumbs is built into the method itself. While the author claims that his method is practically self-working, there is some amount of practice necessary to acquire the knack. Still, his discovery has earned the praise of top-flight card experts, who have called it perfect in action and imperceptible to the keenest observer.
The second deal is an indispensable sleight... ★★★★★ $15 Magi Card SystemOscar Hugo
A comprehensive treatise devoted to a brilliant cyclical stack system for professional magicians and mentalists.
This ebook covers the topic in great detail, including ten lessons for learning the system, plus how to use the Magi System to its utmost, including clever false cuts and shuffles that'll hide the fact that a setup is used at all. Also included are mechanical methods that can optionally be combined with the Magi System to make it even better.
The ebook contains a mix of effects that are easy to do and ones that take some skill. All are explained in an easy-to-follow manner,... $10 The Magic of HaskellBob Haskell
Bob Haskell's genius for brilliant story plots and well-thought-out mechanics made him a master of cabaret and platform magic. The inventor of such masterpieces as the Split Deck and the X-Salted Shaker digs deep into his performing repertoire to give you 17 of his favorites. Ranging from effects with cards, rope, a beautifully animated silk mystery, and a pair of mysteries using the "tap-it" principle, there's something within these pages for almost any necromancer worth his (or her) salt.
Here's magic for the performer who's up on basic card sleights and/or who can handle an effect using... ★★★★★ $12 The BlacksRobert A. Nelson
A master secret of the professional psychic that previously sold for the equivalent of $185.00 in today's money. That mysterious, almost mythical billet reading method as used by a select few of the best-informed clairvoyants. One of the most closely held secret routines of the profession, and to the very best of Nelson's information, known to only four living people at the time of writing.
The secret has long been sought by investigators and magicians. In fact, it is alleged that David P. Abbott tried in vain for thirty years to learn the true secret. Originated and perfected by one of the craftiest... $15 Nelson Enterprises Manuscript Collection 7Robert A. Nelson Psychic entertainers, here are six more mentalism treasures for your collection, from the Nelson Enterprises vault. Volume 7 contains five mental magic manuscripts from Robert A. Nelson and a bonus: the "Master Memory" stunt, originally released by Bob Sherman. All were featured in the famous Nelson Enterprises catalog, and have been edited and updated for a new generation of performers and audiences. Here's what's included:
Any Spectator Becomes the Mindreader #512 - Mindreading in reverse. A spectator and unbelievable effect wherein any spectator reads the mindreader's mind. A strictly... ★★★★★ $7 Final Houdini SeanceWilliam W. Larsen
A captivating 45- to 60-minute lecture-demonstration about Harry and Bess Houdini's pact to find a means of communicating with each other after Harry's death. A complete lecture script with suggested effects. Perform it any time of year, but especially during the month of October (since Houdini died on Halloween). This is sure-fire entertainment for adult, college, and high school audiences. Earn money by performing this lecture-demonstration for civic group luncheons, college campus special events, at libraries, haunted houses, spook shows, and more.
This presentation revives the age-old... ★★★★★ $5 32 Impromptu Card TricksArthur P. Felsman
A vintage collection of fine card effects for magicians of every skill level. If you've ever wished you could entertain an audience after dinner, or during a lull at a party or club, you'll soon be able to, once you've learned these easy-to-master tricks. Some of the most eye-popping effects in all of card magic are those performed with a borrowed deck. Most of the tricks described in this ebook fall into this category.
Here's a partial list of what's included:
- The Fifteen Cards Trick
- An Easy Card Location
- A Mind Reading Effect
- Long Distance Mind Reading
- The Seven and Eight Trick
★★★★★ $8 Rough StuffJoe Berg & Al Aldini & B. W. McCarron 
A great ebook for those interested in creating their own mechanical (rough and smooth) trick decks or restoring old ones.
The mechanical decks described in the first part of this ebook were brand new when first published, and represented a value - in today's dollars - of nearly $195 if purchased from a dealer. But that's not all. In this revised and expanded edition, you also get complete instructions for making your own Brainwave and Pop-Eyed Popper decks. While you can buy them ready-made from a dealer, making them yourself allows you to create custom decks, such as with airline or other... Displaying 25 to 48 (of 375 products)