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Lewis Ganson
Zombie: The Floating Ball Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Supreme moves, Will Ayling's routine, Luis Gavilondo's "Sacred Sun Ball". Photographed and written by Lewis Ganson. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1977; original 35 pages; PDF 44 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Supreme Moves
  4. - Requirements
  5. - Set-Up
  6. Performance
  7. - The Get-Ready
  8. - The Ball Rises
  9. - The Ball Rises Into View
  10. - The Ball Floats Along The Arm
  11. - Around The Body
  12. - The Ball Suspends...
★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
Three Chinese Rings Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Rex Taylor's routine plus linking and unlinking moves plus Aldo Colombini's moves. Photographed and written by Lewis Ganson. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1977; originally 20 pages; PDF 23 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Foreword
  3. The Twisting Move
  4. Linking Two Rings
  5. Spinning the Rings
  6. Unlinking Two Rings
  7. Three Ring Routine
  8. - Introduction
  9. - Requirements
  10. - Set-Up
  11. - Routine
  12. Aldo Colombini's Linking Ring Moves
  13. - Two...
★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
The Floating and Dancing Cane Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Including R. C. Buff's original routine for the Floating Walking Stick and Lewis Ganson's routine for the Dancing Walking Stick. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1977; original 27 pages; PDF 34 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. The Floating and Dancing Walking Stick
  3. The Stick Dances
  4. The Stick Floats
  5. The Floating Walking Stick
  6. - "The Balance"
  7. - The Floating Moves
  8. - The Stick Rises And Falls
  9. - The Stick Floats ...
★★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
A new look at Card Fans: Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Lewis Ganson, himself a card fan expert, teaches his bits and pieces on that subject. Learn everything from how to treat your cards for perfect fanning, one hand fans, giant fans, etc. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1978 by Supreme; original 32 pages; PDF 37 pages.

  1. Appreciation
  2. Introduction
★★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
The Hindu Thread Trick or Gypsy Thread Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

The Gypsy Thread trick is one of those classic effects in the same league as a linking ring or cups and balls. A thread is broken into several short pieces and then magically restored into one long piece of thread. Many of the best magicians have made the gypsy thread a feature of their performances: Fred Kaps, Dany Ray, Ricky Jay, Billy McComb, Ali Bongo, Hans Trixer, Marconick and Eugene Burger to name just a few.

Lewis Ganson teaches in detail with text, photos and illustrations the ins and outs of this routine.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned...

★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
A new look at the Okito Box Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

In 1911, Okito was in partnership with Joe Klein in a magic shop on Broadway, New York. Joe suffered from indigestion and kept his boxes of pills in a drawer in the shop. Okito often handled the pill boxes and noticed that the lid would fit on both bottom and top and in each case, the box looked the same. He had some made up in metal instead of cardboard, of such a size as to take coins and so the "Okito Coin Box" was born. Since they were first marketed by the Bamberg Magic and Novelty Company, dealers all over the world have manufactured and sold these boxes. Different ideas have been incorporated,...

★★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
The Gil-Gan Swindle by Lewis Ganson

What a lovely, simple, but hugely effective coin routine this is. Although an Okito Box is used, none of the regular Okito Box moves are employed .... there are virtually NO SLEIGHTS involved in this effect! Lewis also gives credit to BOB SWADLING for his subtle idea which is incorporated and which makes the effect possible .... and what an effect! A close-up masterpiece!

A small piece of plastic the size of a playing-card is shown and placed across the mouth of a tumbler. A 2p piece (or USA 5 cent piece) is placed on top of the plastic and covered by the lid of a small brass box. On tapping...

★★★ $4
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Lewis Ganson
Fan Finale by Lewis Ganson

In 1949 Lewis Ganson published his first work on card fans with Arcas Publications. Later he wrote a series of articles for The Gen. Ultimately Supreme published a revised version which was Fan Finale. You should also check out Card Fans Teach-In.

1st edition 1976; 17 pages.

★★★★★ $5
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Lewis Ganson
The Three Card Monte as Entertainment: Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

This was the publication that taught me the Three Card Monte many years ago. It has all you ever need on this wonderful performance piece - and then some.

Erdnase writes in Expert at the Card Table:

"There is not a single card feat in the whole calendar that will give as good returns for the amount of practice required, or that will mystify as greatly, or cause as much amusement, or bear as much repetition as this little game!

Vernon performed it reciting:

"A little game from Hanky Poo, the black for me, the red for you - all you have to do is to keep your eyes on the little lady - ten gets you twenty - twenty...
★★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
Matching the Cards Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

When Lewis Ganson asked Dai Vernon what he considered to be the best card effect, he replied that in his opinion "Matching The Cards" would be difficult to beat, particularly when performed for lay audiences. His opinion is shared by many of the world's leading card experts, who have often featured one version or another in their acts.

The granddaddy of this effect can be found in Magician's Tricks by Hatton and Plate. The effect of Vernon's version is as follows:

A card is selected by a spectator and placed face down on the table without the face being shown, then the performer endeavors to cut to the three other...

★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
The Sympathetic Silks Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Colorful, visual magic - certainly The Sympathetic Silks is a real classic of effects with silk. Performed by most of the old top-of-the-bill magicians on the variety stages around the world, it can be just as big a hit today as it was then. From a program dated 1926, we see that Houdini performed it in his full evening show - he often declared that this was his favorite trick. Chris Charlton opened his show with it; Cecil Lyle featured it; Jane Thurston performed it beautifully in her spot in the Thurston Show and it was certainly a masterpiece in the hands of Horace Goldin.

This was part of the...

★★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
Two in the Hand and One in the Pocket Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Routines using the extra object principle.

Three small objects are shown, two are placed into the left hand and the third one into a pocket. On opening the left hand, not two but THREE objects are seen. This is repeated a few times, the effect becoming more bewildering as the routine proceeds. In some versions, the objects eventually vanish or are transformed into something different.

From this basic theme, a whole range of tricks has been evolved, the objects employed being almost anything of such a size that can be concealed in the hands.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In...

★★★ $9.50
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Lester Watts & B. W. McCarron
Collected Mental Mysteries by Lester Watts & B. W. McCarron

Here's a rare book of 16 mental effects, brought back to life for a new generation of performers and audiences. The tests in this unusual book run from mediumistic effects where the spirits do the work, to design duplication tests to billet reading to two-person mental mysteries.

Experienced psychic entertainers will find novelty in the methods used to perform the various effects. They will definitely capture your attention and get you thinking. Each of the effects is examined in detail with an "afterthoughts" section that provides alternate performance ideas, substitute methods and new material...

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Lester Lake & T. A. Whitney
The Talking Skull Book by Lester Lake & T. A. Whitney

It talks, it answers questions, it floats, etc. The most complete treatise on the talking skull ever published. The Talking Skull is an entertaining and versatile effect that will find a place in any magician's act. It's as much at home in a Midnight Spook Show as it is in a straight magic routine. It plays as well on a nightclub floor as it does on television. The Talking Skull can be performed as seriously as the occasion requires, or it can provide much-needed comic relief in between the more serious effects in your show.

There have been a number of methods for the Talking Skull released...

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Les Sharps
Sharp Sorcery by Les Sharps

Routines for the stand-up magician.

From the introduction by Wm. G. Stickland:

If necessity is the Mother of Invention, we have the answer to the volume of offbeat magical effects which have emanated from the brains of these two enthusiasts in recent years, for living so far from magic activities (except those they have themselves organised) and magic dealers, they have been forced, in their desire to keep up-to-date, to originate their own effects. For several years the contribution of Les Sharps have been features of the British Ring Parade in each Christmas "Linking Ring", and in addition...

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Les Sharps
Sharp Sorcery (used) by Les Sharps

Hardcover book with dust-jacket in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Leopold Figner
Geheimnisse der Kartenkunst by Leopold Figner

Aus dem Vorwort:

Seit 50 Jahren ein ergebener Jünger der Magie, hatte ich im Laufe dieser Zeit Gelegenheit, vieles zu sehen, manches zu lernen und einiges selbst zu erfinden. Ich habe mich entschlossen, dieses seit einem halben Jahrhundert gesammelte Wissen zum Nutzen und Frommen der Anhänger dieser schönen Kunst niederzuschreiben.

Den hier vorliegenden Band habe ich den Karten gewidmet, jenem bunten Völkchen, welches, unbeschadet dem Wandel der Zeiten, sich die Gunst von alt und jung, von arm und reich erhalten hat, und für den Adepten der Magie stets eine unerschöpfliche Quelle...

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Leopold Figner
Höhere Kartenkunst by Leopold Figner

Hundert erprobte und effektvolle Kartenroutinen. Aus dem Vorwort:

Während der drei Jahre, die seit dem Erscheinen meines letzten Werkes über Kartenkunst verstrichen sind, haben sich mir viele neue Ideen aufgedrängt und ich habe mich entschlossen, diese zu dem vorliegenden Werk zu verarbeiten. Ich hoffe, daß es ebenso günstig aufgenommen wird wie seine beiden Vorgänger, umsomehr, als es ihnen gegenüber eine wesentliche Steigerung bedeutet.

Aus der Einleitung:

In Laien- und teilweise auch in Fachkreisen ist die Ansicht verbreitet, daß es ohne Beherrschung der diversen Kunstgriffe...

★★★★★ $10
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Leopold Figner
Offenbarungen aus dem Reiche der Kartenkunst by Leopold Figner

Eine Sammlung 100 auserlesener Kartenkunststücke.

Aus dem Vorwort:

Die außerordentlich günstige Aufnahme, die mein Werk Geheimnisse der Kartenkunst gefunden hat, veranlaßt mich, dem Drängen meiner Zirkelfreunde nachzugeben und in vorliegendem Werk meine bisher sorgsam gehüteten Geheimnisse, zum Nutzen aller Freunde der höheren Kartenkunst, zu veröffentlichen.

Meine Leser finden eine große Anzahl von mir erdachter oder wesentlich verbesserter Kartenkunststücke und wird jeder, sei er Berufskünstler oder Amateur, sehr viele effektvolle, für die große Menge unerklärliche Piecen finden, womit er sein...

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Leonard H. Miller
Thrilling Magic by Leonard H. Miller

From author's note:

The feats of miracle workers - fire eaters, sword swallowers, barehand spike drivers, etc. - have been proclaimed far and wide, but little has been written in explanation of their feats or otherwise detailing the secrets of performance. These secrets have been jealously guarded by the practitioners of these miracles and they have seen fit to pass them on to only a limited few.

Please note that these stunts are dangerous and involve toxic and otherwise harmful substances. We are offering this ebook for historical and informational purposes. Anybody who experiments with...

★★★★★ $10
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Leonard H. Miller
Thrilling Magic (used) by Leonard H. Miller

Booklet stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Leon Nathanson & Tony Slydini
Slydini Encores by Leon Nathanson & Tony Slydini

This volume can be considered the continuation of The Magic of Slydini. Here, Slydini reveals for the first time two devilish sleights the Imp-Pass and the Revolve-Vanish. These enable some of his most characteristic routines.

Excerpt from the editor's preface:

Slydini is a superb performer not only because he has an inspired imagination and the infinite patience to practice until he can perform automatically - one could say by reflex - but because he is a first class psychologist, a student of human nature. The knowledge he has acquired of how and why people think, feel and react, he has applied to his...

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Leo Leslie
Triple Colour Cups and Balls by Leo Leslie

From the Foreword

When the manuscript arrived from Denmark, Edwin asked me to look through it and give him an opinion. I was intrigued when I read it; whilst the moves appeared to be based on the old "Cups and Corks", Leo had added tremendous impact to it by the introduction of COLOUR. The whole routine seemed to 'live', and there's not a single sleight involved.

Admittedly, the 'Cups and Balls' has been done before in colour, but not with the clean simplicity of the present routine. So rake out that set of cups you have in the cupboard (or nip out and buy three plastic beakers), obtain...

★★★★★ $5
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Leo Boudreau
Spirited Pasteboards by Leo Boudreau

Max Maven writes in the introduction to Spirited Pasteboards:

There is an ancient Chinese curse which goes, "May you live in interesting times." Bearing this in mind, it is not without some playful malice that I inform you that you are now holding a tome which is extremely interesting.

As with the author's previous book, Psimatrika, the work in this text is primarily based upon stacking arrangements which generate information via binary codes. The principle is by no means new, but in its seventy-year history as a conjuring method it has remained little-known and woefully under-explored.

Mr. Boudreau...

★★★★★ $29
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