Force Multiplier is a concept where multiple forces are applied to a routine or effect so that the overall impact gets exponentially bigger. So the result is far bigger than just the sum of individual parts. In a way, 2+2 does not remain 4 but becomes, say 20.
And this concept of Force Multiplier is used to create 3 effects that are propless, instant and impactful, at the same time. And you do not need anything at all to perform these effects. Just carry the simple and easy method in your head and you are set to perform these anytime, anywhere to anyone to stun and amaze. You can perform...
Bond Intuition Test is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.
What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a specially designed and beautifully produced plastic wallet card which is about the size of a poker playing card, but thicker and sturdier than a playing card. With reasonable care, this card should last you many, many years, if not a lifetime.
You can play the role of an intuitive James Bond and perform two killer routines with your B.I.T card. In the first routine,...
Enjoy the great mental magic by contributors such as Al Koran, Bill Miesel, Peter Warlock, Dai Vernon, U.F. Grant, Eddie Clever and even T. A. Waters, and of course a good amount by Don Tanner and Jack Dean themselves.
You will receive issues 1 (October 1962) - 33 (September 1965) and the incomplete issue number 34. Includes a foreword by Paul Alberstat.
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
Tryst is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.
What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a set of 14 cards which are specially designed and beautifully produced. They are about the size of regular business cards.
Tryst can be played as a grand piece if you want. It has 3 phases with 3 powerful hits - more like a 3 punch knockout - a prediction, a prophecy, and a premonition. A captivating introductory patter is also provided. An alternative performance is also explained....
The Bicycle Word Test is a think-of-a-word effect that uses common props used among magicians and mentalists. The spectator is asked to think of a word using this prop and the mentalist is able to divine the word successfully.
This uses the Bicycle card box as the prop.
1st edition 2021, PDF 6 pages.
"I really admire Jeff Stone's approach to mentalism. His effects are not only especially powerful but also clear and undeniable. And his presentations provide strong theatrical themes while leaving plenty of room for the reader to bring their own unique style. You're in for a real treat." - Jay Sankey
"Stone Cold Mental has solid usable effects for stage and close up. I’ll be using the effects, and I predict you will too." - Joe Diamond
In this series, I'll share with you my personal collection of mentalism I've built up over the past decade and a half or so. The 13 items to follow...
There are innumerable zodiac sign divination methods out there. So then, why one more? Because, the more tools you have in your toolbox, the more prepared and ready you will be for any type of work situation. Propless SignTist, as the name suggests is a completely propless and 100% surefire method. The process is simple, short, justified, and flows smoothly. You can nail the zodiac sign of a stranger, comfortably and effectively, in less than a minute. You can perform Propless SignTist anytime, anywhere to anyone without anything on you by just carrying this simple method in your head.
"Tarot is a deck of cards but the Tarot represents a person. We are the Tarot and we use the Tarot because we live." (Andrea Mecchia)
I don't know if it happens to you too ... when I particularly love a project, I start to collect elements, I work on it a bit, but it always seems that something is missing ... you leave and resume the project, but that something is always missing ... then, one day, it arrives like that in one fell swoop, and makes everything good.
This is the story of this project, which I finally want to share, with the hope that it will also satisfy your desire to present...
Teletrack is a quick propless effect where the performer impossibly tracks the thought of a participant telepathically. Beginning from the 'fate' of the participant and ending with the 'destiny' of the participant, the performer is able to identify the final silent thought.
Nothing is said or written down by the participant. You can perform this completely propless over a voice phone call, in a virtual show, or face to face in close-up, parlor, street venues, or even over a text chat. The method is easy and self-working but creates wonder for the participant. There are no sleights, not...
Mpeep is short for Mind Peep. It is also an acronym for all the routine names in this manuscript. Based on an innovative combination of classic methods, this novel principle enables you to quickly and deceptively plant a word and then divine it from a participant's mind. 5 routines and a bonus routine are explained. In fact, based on the method, you can create several routines yourself to suit your performance situation or customize for a particular audience or participant. You can perform this completely propless, in a virtual show, or use a couple of your business cards and perform in close-up,...
PERCEPTIONISM - The recognition of audible or visible signals, transmitted voluntarily, or involuntarily, which reveal personal traits and idiosyncrasies. The interpretation of these signals may be used in a variety of ways by the receiver.
The majority of the effects described, are "mental" items, but the psychic approach has been eliminated in favour of the psychological, and the demonstrations appear to be based on natural, rather than supernatural happenings.
The person presenting this routine, is a demonstrator, not a magician, and the articles used should suit the style of the...
Here, Doug MacGeorge presents a streamlined version of his famed "30 Second Memorized Deck." Demonstrate to your audience that you can memorize a deck of cards in about 30 seconds:
A multi-phase telepathy or telempathy routine that is unique, entertaining, and profound.
A volunteer selects several random objects on which to focus attention and memory. Sitting back-to-back with no possibility of visual cues of the objects or body language, the performer reveals glimpses of information received through mind-to-mind communication. There are multiple sensory events with different depth and clarity, always different in each presentation. The audience members are participants and not just observers and also serve as referees.
This is a stripped-down version of a routine...
The mentalist invites four spectators for a drawing experiment. Three of them are asked to draw while the fourth spectator acts as a medium between the mentalist and the other three spectators. The mentalist is able to identify the owner of the drawings, including the chosen drawing of the fourth spectator, and then finally, the mentalist demonstrates his skill in drawing duplication.
Honestly, I have not been able to trace the author of this principle, which I think is lost in the mists of time. My Master of Mentalism Valerio Bovolenta taught me, and I want to give credit to him. I have done nothing but study it and try to indicate a method to be able to propose it with any number of cards.
The procedure is very simple: the spectator chooses how many cards he wants to use, puts away the remaining cards (they will not be used further), shuffles the cards he chose and, on the instruction of the performer, chooses a number, looks at a card, and reassembles the deck; even...
Fogel's original patter, presentation, handling, and routine are all here. It's an effect that helped take Fogel to the top. It can do so for you.
A trick that took Fogel into many newspaper headlines. This is Fogel's original creation. You walk into any room and ask any person present to collect a few different newspapers ... any type ... any date. Whilst this is being done you write a prediction on a slate, board, or piece of paper according to the conditions under which you are working. This prediction is left in the possession of a spectator. They now select one of the newspapers...
In many mentalistic effects, the spectator answers the performer's questions in a sincere way or not, without the performer knowing the choice made.
The concept of "lie or truth" makes the effect stronger and the idea that the illusionist guesses however reinforces the memory of an effect as an exceptional event, almost a miracle.
In the effect presented here, a further degree of freedom has been added: after the first response, the viewer can decide whether to maintain the same behavior (lie / truth) or if he prefers to change it.
In practice, the two answers can be LIE / LIE, TRUTH...
Owning Pretty N Propless, although advisable, is not necessary to understand and use the principles and effects in this Nxt Gen version.
At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer divines a word being thought of by a participant.
But the true power is in its mind-boggling range of possibilities. You can literally plant any one of several different possible words in a participant's mind and seemingly read their mind to exactly divine that word. The...
"I think it is very good" - Marc Salem
"Amazing" - Ever Elizalde
The spectator hides an imaginary object and the mentalist is able to determine its location.
1st edition 2021, PDF 9 pages.
Cumberland was a muscle reader who did not claim to possess any psychic abilities. In this work he recounts many such 'thought-reading' encounters with notable people.
From the introduction:
I have visited many courts and travelled in many lands and have, from time to time, been brought in close contact with the world’s rulers and those who have made their mark in the world’s history. With a great number of them I have performed actual experiments, whilst others I have read without the direct application of any experiments at all.
Upon the correctness of my reading in connection...
"Brilliant" - Marc Salem
"I love the style of thinking in using your brain to the extra leg work to create something fun and engaging for your spectators!" - Ben Cardal
The spectator plays a "Charades" like game with the mentalist. And in every round of the game, the mentalist always gets it right. Lastly, the mentalist performs a mind-reading effect that identifies objects that the spectator is thinking of.
This was originally published under the title Hummer's Dial A Date Deal.
Where will you go on your dream vacation? Paris? London? Madrid? Come Fly With Me is a stunning psychic mystery using Bob Hummer's ingenious method to name a mentally selected vacation destination with no questions asked and nothing written down.
A spectator lays out a number of cards - some face-up, some face-down. The choice of cards and positioning is up to him. A second row of cards is also laid out. The performer does not at any time see the order of cards. The spectator then selects the name of one of a number...
The effect as perceived by the participant: The participant freely chooses a vaccine mentally from among several options. The participant also decides on a country that will get the vaccine doses first from among a dozen competing countries. The mind reader plucks out the country from the participant's mind effortlessly. This can be repeated several times with different outcomes.
At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, video call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer...
The mind reader begins by saying "Let's play an interesting game. Imagine you are a 'psychopath' on the run and I am a 'psychic detective'. We will use 4 continents and 4 directions...." And ends the effect by absolutely stunning the participant with an impossible-looking divination.
At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer divines the exact personality trait of a psychopath. The entire routine can be performed in about a minute. ...