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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 23


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Larry Becker
Standing Ovation by Larry Becker

Larry Becker is an internationally recognized power house of mentalism. He has created some of the most baffling and amazing mental miracles and has performed his brand of mentalism all over the world. His innovations and creations are many. In these videos he will perform and teach several of his masterpieces.

  • Tri-Coinetic: Three envelopes each contain a different coin. An audience member names what coin he thinks is in each sealed envelope. When the envelopes are opened the named coins are dumped out.
  • Visual Aid: A spectator holds a twenty-dollar bill while you read their mind and write...
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MP4 (video)

Dee Christopher
Black Heart and Bourbon by Dee Christopher

Black Heart and Bourbon is the latest collection of Dee Christopher's tricks, techniques and thoughts for magicians and mentalists.

With ten brand new, never before seen effects; this collection is full to the brim of amazingly versatile methods, well crafted routines and clever psychological elements that will not only give you enough workable material to fill a full show, but your creative juices will start to flow too as you learn the secrets within!

List of effects: ?

The spectator is asked to think of two thoughts and changes their mind several times. A coin is tossed...

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David Devlin
Sight Unseen by David Devlin

Sight Unseen will earn you a reputation. If you already have a reputation, it will make it bigger. The effects in this eBook contributed greatly in earning David Devlin his IBM Entertainer of the Year Award in 2003.

This eBook comes with two presentations and two methods for the same effect. The basic effect is that a deck is shuffled by spectators until they are content. The deck is spread face down. The spectator slips a joker face up into the deck anywhere she wishes. The second joker is placed face up above the face down card above the other joker, thus trapping a single unknown card...

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Gerard Zitta
Quantum Leap by Gerard Zitta

A bunch of numbers from 1 to 52 are presented to a spectator. Some are written in red, some are in black. From now on, the performer will not look or touch anything. A spectator thinks secretly of one of the numbers, and has to lie when she names the color of the number among a few other ones. There is absolutely no force.

Then she shuffles a deck of cards (that can be borrowed or even imaginary!), and deals the cards face up, just saying if they are red or black. When she reaches her card, she has to lie. The performer immediately stops her at this card, even though he did not look or touch...

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Devin Knight
Tri-Epic by Devin Knight

If you are looking for a large visual stage mental effect, then look no further! Tri-Epic is an updated mental epic type effect, but without the old fashion chalk boards, and WITH NO ONE-AHEAD method. Tri-Epic is new, novel and different! This effect sells from magic dealers for over $300 new with all the props. You can make it for a fraction of that.

(Although similar to the smaller, In The News, the method and handling are different. This is designed for stage work. In The News was more for close-up and parlor work.)

If you liked David Copperfield's Graffiti Effect then you will love this. Creates...

★★★★★ $7
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Gerard Zitta
Clue by Gerard Zitta

This clever mathematical principle allows you to find a thought item among any number of items, even though you do not know the initial order. You don't even need to know what they are. You see nothing. It is entirely hands off and improvised, and can even be done over the phone. It works with any number of flat objects (cards, index or business cards, coasters, etc.) or usual objects (key, coin, lighter, pen, etc.).

Two practical examples are provided, but it is so easy that you'll be able to improvise your own mentalism effects with borrowed objects or cards, or with your own business...

★★★ $10
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Abhinav Bothra
Audacious 2 by Abhinav Bothra

Stop your pulse, Plant thoughts, Influence Choices and Demonstrate the most impossible coincidence.

Asystole - A one of a kind Impromptu pulse stopping effect where your palm can be face-up all the time with nothing covering it.

Note: If you have never seen or known any pulse stopping effect, then kindly get yourself acquainted with one, because it is only after that you will be able to use ASYSTOLE.

Bonus: Your heart beat gets synchronized with a song someone sings/plays or even with a mobile ringtone.

Time Frame 2.0 - Force any time without the help of any prop or preparation....

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Robert A. Nelson
Psychic Mysteries by Robert A. Nelson

Impromptu mental mysteries for the psychic entertainer. This is an updated version of the original.

From the introduction by B. W. McCarron:

Psychic Mysteries is one of Nelson's earliest works. Original copies are as rare as the proverbial hen's teeth. That it deserved to be made available again to performers and historians was an easy decision to make. The harder question was whether to produce a "warts and all" release, leaving intact the grammatical errors and typos of the original, or to provide some amount of editorial refresh that would make it more attractive to modern audiences. ...

★★★★ $9.95
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Mike Kempner
Brain Bracking by Mike Kempner

Brain Bracking represents my innovative take on the "Think of Any Word" plot, and unlike the traditional methods, with Brain Bracking you can immediately perform with a 100% success-rate after reading this manuscript. Also, unlike the traditional method which involves a "process" requiring a tremendous investment of time and energy, Brain Bracking is done without any fishing and without any questions - questions apparent to the audience that is. The method involves an instant stooge and you will have to ask the instant stooge a question.

This is the powerful "think of ANY word" plot, done...

★★★★★ $4.99
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Gerard Zitta
Cheat Hand by Gerard Zitta

Have you ever played "Which hand" with somebody, and they hid the coin behind their back? Here is a way to overcome this problem.


A spectator takes one of his coins, and puts it in any hand behind his back. You won't look either. They can even hide it in their back pocket, or on the chair, if they decide to cheat. You find out where the coin is (which hand, or which pocket).

100% improvised and hands-off.

(The method here is different than in Coin Games or in Bluff.)

1st edition 2014, 7 pages.

★★★★ $12
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Mike Kempner
Verbal Amnesia by Mike Kempner

From the creator of Mathematical Amensia comes its creative counterpart, Verbal Amensia. How would you like to cause any spectator lose the ability to speak? I have studied hypnosis for quite some time, and this is the easiest application of a secret principle that I consistently use with 100% success, and you will be able to do so also immediately after reading this manuscript.

You give a piece of paper to the spectator (not a stooge) on whom you will perform Verbal Amensia with some very simple instructions on it. You have another spectator (again, not a stooge) confirm that what is written on that piece of...

★★★★ $4.99
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Mike Kempner
Face Up Face Down Mentalism by Mike Kempner

You ask the spectator to blindfold you, or you turn around so that you can't see anything that the spectator is doing. You really do not see anything! You ask the spectator to create 5 piles of 10 cards each, so that 50 cards are in play. You tell her to make sure that there are 5 cards face-up and 5 cards face-down in each of those 10 piles. They can be in ANY order, and she is to do all of this ordering in ANY way she wants, without telling you (and, of course, you can't see anything that she is doing).

You then let her know that you are going to separate each pile of 10 cards blindfolded...

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Mike Kempner
Cerebral Connection by Mike Kempner

Would you like to be able to connect with someone on a purely mental level? Monks in India have reportedly been able to meditate and attain a trance-like state that allows them to tap into someone else's consciousness. With cerebral connection, you will be able to display your monk-like properties, and in the process, amaze your spectator with something that cannot be explained.

You write something down on a piece of paper. It is a number between 1 and 100. You leave this paper face down on a table. You will not touch this paper, ever again...and it will not be switched. This paper is your...

★★★★★ $4
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Cedric Taylor
Mammon by Cedric Taylor

From the mind behind the mind of Fly on the Wall, is a Russian Roulette effect minus the actual element of danger but packs all the psychological risks and even more cringing suspense.

Imagine having to use the power of remote viewing to recreate in your mind detailed actions done by someone in the past. Someone hides their highest denomination of dollar bill (lets say a 100 dollar bill) and place it in a free selection of five envelopes without the performer looking. They even go as far as mixing the envelopes up unbeknownst to the performer. Using his mental acuity, the performer shows concrete proof...

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Gerard Zitta
Mimosa by Gerard Zitta

MIMOSA simply allows your smartphone to be smarter!

  • You can predict the future. You can predict virtually anything. You will now have a way to do it WITHOUT knowing or forcing the outcome.
  • Your phone can also become your memory. It can be a new type of crib sheet or index, but now, it can be huge, and access to the information will be instantaneous. There is a secret move that lasts a fraction of a second.
  • MIMOSA will also allow you to always carry with you a multiple and virtually unlimited number of outs.
  • It can be used as a safety exit for your existing routines. You can predict...
★★★★★ $30
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Gerard Zitta
Bluff by Gerard Zitta

This is a fantastic principle to know. You need nothing. Just your brain and some easy acting skills. You can improvise anytime anywhere. It is hands off, practical and the method is very simple. And most importantly, it is fun for the participants, for yourself and for the audience. What else do you want?

You will be able to detect liars in a group of people and identify which one has selected a specific card or ESP symbol for instance. You can show your psychometry skills with borrowed objects. There are tons of applications.

You just ask the same question to some of them.

It does...

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Cedric Taylor
Danielle's Heart by Cedric Taylor

[Note: This is part of the Fly On The Wall ebook.]

Danielle's Heart is Cedric's interpretation of a direct mind-reading system. When he say system, don't think this is some sort of psychological, one trick pony. What kind of things can you guess? ANYTHING!

With Danielle's Heart, here's what it doesn't happen:

  • No Writing
  • No Pre-Show
  • No Electronics
  • No Assistance
The possibilities are endless.

1st edition 2014, 8 pages.

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Cedric Taylor
Omniscient by Cedric Taylor

[Note: This is part of the Fly On The Wall ebook.

Omniscient is a mentalism theory created by "The Urban Entity", Cedric Taylor that works as a Q &A. It unique in its approach because it:

  • allows the performer to do a mass reading while walking around in the audience without ever needing the stage.
  • can be performed for 5 or 5,000
  • billet-less. (Billets are used only for pre-show work. You will also need a deck of cards.)
  • can be performed at a "kisser's length" away from your spectator.
  • can be adapted and used for drawing duplications, predictions, direct mind reading, hellstromism reveals, warm and cold reading, automatic writing,...
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Mike Kempner
Mathematical Amnesia by Mike Kempner

A little math brain teaser turned into a mental effect...

Would you like to be able to make someone (even a Harvard graduate!) forget basic math? I'm talking math that even an elementary school student could do, like 545 + 5? Well, this manuscript is perfect to seemingly induce your spectator with mathematical amnesia.

After you "hypnotize" your spectator, he or she will forget basic math functions. For example, he or she won't even be able to figure out what 545 + 5 equals. We all know, it equals 550, but the spectator WILL be stumped. Your audience (you can perform this one-on-one...

★★★★★ $4
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Cedric Taylor
Fly On The Wall by Cedric Taylor

Fly on The Wall is Cedric's most ambitious work to date. What you are getting are 5 of Cedric's pet routines that he use everyday.

1. Omniscient: This is a mentalism theory created by "The Urban Entity", Cedric Taylor that works as a Q & A. It's unique in its approach because it:

  • allows the performer to do a mass reading while walking around in the audience without ever needing the stage.
  • can be performed for 5 or 5,000
  • billet-less. (Billets are only used for pre-show work. You will also need a deck of cards.)
  • can be performed at a "kisser's length" away from your spectator.
  • can be...
★★★★ $20
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Devin Knight & Frank Velasco
Predictionary by Devin Knight & Frank Velasco

"Predictionary incorporates a very clever idea that I have not seen used in this way before. It is a great utility device that creates some fantastic mysteries. It should find great favor with many mentalists." - Richard Osterlind

This new utility gimmick will allow you to transmit your thoughts and make near impossible appearing predictions. You can do all of this without the aid of nail-writers or any other secret writing devices. If you saw Devin demonstrate this in his first lecture, you know it fooled all the magicians. However, Devin only showed the basic idea; this e-book gives...

★★★★ $9.95
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Mike Kempner
The Perfect Lotto Prediction by Mike Kempner

How would you like to be able to predict the winning lotto numbers, anywhere? The odds of being able to achieve such a feat are astronomical. With this devilishly simple approach, you will be able to create the illusion of having predicted the winning numbers in advance of the drawing, without ANY sleight of hand. In fact, this is a hands-off miracle that will allow your spectator to swear that you are truly psychic. Once you give your spectator your prediction, that's never have to touch it again. It will contain the winning numbers!

[Note: this effect requires an assistant and a smart phone.]

1st edition 2014, 2 pages....

★★★★★ $4
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Cameron Francis
Train Bricks by Cameron Francis

"Cameron's 'Creation' is worth the price of the download!" - Stephen Tucker

Get ready for six new new mental magic effects from the fertile and slightly deranged mind of Cameron Francis. All of these effects are well within the range of most magicians. No knuckle-busting sleights. No gaffs or gimmicks. All of the tricks use a normal deck.


B'WAVY GRAVY - The spectator takes five cards from a shuffled deck, shuffles them, and then discards all but one. The magician instantly knows which card was selected.

CREATION - A card is "created" by a spectator. The magician reveals the card...

★★★★★ $15
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MP4 (video)

Dee Christopher
Linguistic Deceptions by Dee Christopher

Anate: The full work on Dee Christopher's Anate force, many routines and other techniques that will allow you to force a number, card, or other object by using your words alone. Also featuring work from Titanas, Chris Lafferty, Lloyd Barnes and more. (Anate has been released as individual ebook before.)

Linguistic Bending: The full work on using linguistic techniques to strengthen or create metal bending and psychokinetic effects. Also featuring work from Ireland's Sean McCarthy. (Linguistic Bending has been released as individual ebook before.)

Falling Coins: An amazing effect that shows your powers of influence over matter...

★★★★★ $30
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