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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Antonio Romero
Los Cubiletes Transparentes by Antonio Romero

Una rutina impresionante y un talento sin igual. Con este efecto, Antonio abre nuevas puertas en la magia de cerca. ¡Vaya idea! ¡Qué gran presentación!

"A lo largo de mi vida, he visto algunas de las mejores rutinas de cubiletes como las de Dai Vernon, Michael Ammar, John Thompson, Johnny Paul, y muchos otros con rutinas y pases brillantes. La increible rutina de Antonio me dejó atónito. Para hacer la rutina no necesitas unos cubiletes caros ni mucho menos. Antonio lo ha simplificado todo ¡y de qué manera!" - Joe Stevens

"Una rutina asombrosa, de una originalidad única: una...

★★★★★ $0
Antonio Romero
Sin Limite by Antonio Romero

Más de 50 efectos con la Romero Box.

★★★★ $0
Antonio Romero
Sans Limite by Antonio Romero

Plus de 50 effets avec la Romero Box.

★★★★★ $20
Antonio Romero
The Transparent Cups by Antonio Romero

A stunning routine of unparalleled talent! The cups and balls with clear glasses - transparent cups. Antonio breaks new ground in close up magic with this effect. What an idea and what entertainment.

"Antonio breaks new ground in close-up magic. What a fabulous idea." - Arturo de Ascanio

"In my lifetime, I've seen some of the greatest "CUPS N BALL" routines performed by Dai Vernon, Mike Ammar, John Thompson, Charlie Miller, Johnny Paul and the many others with brilliant routines and moves & sleights. Antonio's routine is smashing and completely blew me away! You don't need an expensive set of cups for the cups and balls routine!...

Robert Kaldy-Karo
Tips, Ideen, Routinen mit dem MAK by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Was ist ein MAK? Ein MAK ist ein Mini-Aktenkoffer so gross dass gerade einmal ein Stapel Visitenkarten hineinpassen. Robert Kaldy-Karo nimmt sich diesem Utensil an und entwickelt in diesem PDF eine Vielzahl von Ideen und Routinen die Sie effektbringend in Ihr Program einbauen können.

Erste PDF Ausgabe 2015, 17 Seiten.

★★★★ $9.95
Devin Knight
Improved Invisible Deck by Devin Knight

Note: These are PDF instructions to make your own deck. You will NOT get a deck mailed.

#1 In The Super Deck Series

"I can say that it is absolutely brilliant!" - Cody S. Fisher

This is the invisible deck on steroids and many magicians are saying this will make the old invisible deck obsolete and everyone will want this new and improved version. It allows you do things not possible with the standard invisible deck such as showing the deck on BOTH SIDES - showing both faces and backs. Now that we have your attention, read on.

There is only ONE DECK used and it is in full view...

Dustin Dean
Hand Which by Dustin Dean

PHASE ONE: You borrow some change from a volunteer, write down a prediction, and have them keep the prediction in their pocket. They make incredibly fair choices with this change, deciding which hand each coin should go while your back is turned. (No, there is no equivoque or magician's choice.) After all choices are made, they open the prediction and it matches perfectly! (While the prediction will always match, a segment of phase one can lead to a wrong call, but Dustin provides a way to handle this gracefully.)

PHASE TWO: They randomly select one of the coins and place it in either their...

Alexander Anthony
Seeking: a triple prediction by Alexander Anthony

This is a triple prediction effect. It requires intermediate sleight-of-hand including second dealing. The routine includes additional handlings (impromptu and set-up versions) and two bonus effects/ideas. Some presentational tips are included, too.

Keep these points in mind:

  • Impromptu (the deck is set up only once and you're ready to perform it as many times as you want!)
  • Spectator shuffles the deck at the start.
  • Spectator can even shuffle the cards during the trick.
  • You can deal the cards while being blindfolded.

1st edition 2015, 10 pages.

★★★★★ $37.50
Martin T. Hart
Piddington's Secrets: We know How They Did It! by Martin T. Hart

We know how they did it! The Piddington's were a 1949 husband and wife telepathy act who seemed able to transmit their thoughts to each other, even across vast distances. They could do this without talking.

Finally, the unfathomable mystery behind the world's most baffling telepathy act is revealed after 70 years of silence. Martin T Hart takes us on a fascinating and detailed journey into the lives of 'The Amazing Piddingtons' and deep inside the cunning methods that fooled a global generation. To this day no magician or scientist has ever discovered how Sydney was able to transmit his thoughts...

★★★ $0
Antonio Romero
Limitless: more than 50 effects using the Romero Box by Antonio Romero

The Romero Box is a cleverly gimmicked card box, turning it essentially into a switching device. This ebook describes the way the gimmick works and then describes more than 50 effects with it. Based on the information given you could either make your own or purchase it from Antonio Romero directly.

"The ROMERO BOX reflects on the intelligence, precision and the efficient and effective magic that always comes from its creator, the amazing Antonio Romero" - Roberto Giobbi

"The possibilities of the Romero Box have no limits. Only the mind of Antonio Romero could devise this wonderful tool, and only...

★★★★ $6.95
Deepak Mishra
NP Technique by Deepak Mishra

One advanced coin move - three awesome applications

NP technique is a coin move with three applications:

  • TRACELESS VANISH - An Impossible looking Coin vanish at your finger tips.
  • BRUSH CHANGE - Your fingers act like a brush for a color change.
  • COIN BEND - A visual coin bend. (NOTE: No wire/gimmick/no sleeving. This is 100% pure sleight of hand.)
[Note: You will need to wear a shirt with a shirt pocket to perform this move.]

1st edition 2014, length 14 min 40 s.

Aldo Colombini
Roped In (Italian) by Aldo Colombini

(doppiato in traduzione simultanea in Italiano su autorizzazione dell'autore)

Siamo orgogliosi di presentarvi il primo video di Aldo Colombini interamente in traduzione simultanea in Italiano. In questo VIDEO potrai imparare le 10 routines PROFESSIONALI con le corde preferite dal compianto Premio FISM Aldo Colombini - 2 volte "Mago dell' anno" al Magic Castle di Hollywood!

Materiale altamente professionale da aggiungere ai tuoi spettacoli piccoli o grandi.

  • Rope Puzzle - 2 corde di differente lunghezza diventano uguali e poi si fondono in una sola.
  • Missing link - due corde di diverso...
Gregorio Samà
Vita E Opere Di Padre Cimò by Gregorio Samà

Questo libro, che vede la luce in occasione del trentesimo anniversario della morte di Padre Salvatore Cimò, vuole essere un omaggio alla sua memoria poiché Egli è stato uno dei protagonisti più significativi del secolo scorso per l’enorme contributo che, attraverso i suoi tantissimi libri, è riuscito a dare alla letteratura magica italiana.

La prima parte del libro illustra il percorso sacerdotale e magico di Padre Cimò, mentre nella seconda parte viene riportata la bibliografia completa e commentata dei suoi 28 libri (alcuni dei quali pubblicati in Italia e altri in Spagna).


Cameron Francis
Five Alive by Cameron Francis

Five awesome card tricks using a completely normal deck!

IN YOUR FACE TRANSPO -- An Ace of Spades trapped between two Jacks transposes with a selection. Super clean!

ALL THREE KINGS (with John Guastaferro) -- A four of a kind revelation that happens completely in the spectator's hands!

RED HOT ANNIVERSARY -- Red Hot Mama meets Anniversary Waltz. Totally impromptu!

COLLECTION KICKER -- A clean "Collectors" routine with a great kicker ending.

SLEIGHTLESS SIGHTLESS -- Mind reading, clarivoyence and precognition rolled into one amazing effect!

Five Alive is a PDF which includes...

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #28 by Gabe Fajuri

The Collection of J.P. Jackson

Featuring American & European Magic Apparatus, Cups and Balls, Books and Vintage Posters. Complemented by a Selection of Collectible Magicana from other Consignors.

1st edition 2015, 115 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #27 by Gabe Fajuri

Fall Magic Auction

Featuring Personal Artifacts and Memorabilia From The Career of Channing Pollock and The Library of James B. Alfredson. Complemented by a Selection of Collectible Magicana.

1st edition 2014, 93 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #26 by Gabe Fajuri

Houdiniana Auction

Featuring Personal Artifacts, Posters & Playbills, Handcuffs & Escape Devices, Books, Programs, Challenges, Correspondence, Ephemera, Scrapbooks, Autographs, Photographs Apparatus & Associated Magicana.

1st edition 2014, 91 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #25 by Gabe Fajuri

The Devil's Picturebook

Featuring Rare Playing Cards, Games, and Artwork; Antiquarian Books; Ephemera and Advertising; Tiles, China, Royal Bayreuth Porcelain; Cheating Devices, Dice, and Chips; Gambling Memorabilia & More.

1st edition 2014, 145 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #24 by Gabe Fajuri

Spring Magic Auction

Featuring Posters and Playbills from the Collection of the late John Salisse, MIMC.

1st edition 2014, 81 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #23 by Gabe Fajuri

The Collection of Burton S. Sperber

Rare Conjuring Books & Periodicals; Magicians' Tokens and Mirror Cards; Trade, Cigarette and Throw-Out Cards; Complemented by offerings from private collections.

1st edition 2014, 103 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #22 by Gabe Fajuri

The Magic Collection of William E. King

Including Vintage & Collectible Conjuring Apparatus; Association Items; Ephemera & Posters; Magic Sets, Toys and Puzzles; Complemented by Posters, Ephemera, and Apparatus from Private Collections.

1st edition 2013, 99 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #21 by Gabe Fajuri

Magic Memorabilia

Including Apparatus, Books, Ephemera, Posters and Conjuring Curiosa.

1st edition 2013, 19 pages.

★★★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #20 by Gabe Fajuri

Shelf Sale

Including Contemporary & Collectible Conjuring Books; Ephemera & Posters; Modern & Vintage Magic Apparatus; and More.

1st edition 2013, 77 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #19 by Gabe Fajuri

A Selection of Collectible and Unusual Gambling Memorabilia

Including Rare Books; Early Playing Cards; Crooked Gambling Devices; Roulette & Gaming Wheels; Loaded Dice; Poker Chips; "Juice" Joints; Decorative Objects and Posters; Trade Stimulators; and More.

1st edition 2013, 63 pages.

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