In the first version of this terrific packet trick, the four queens are removed from the deck, and are held face down. One at a time and in turn, each queen turns face up as in the "Twisting the Aces" routine.
After all of the queens have had their turn face up, and are all face down once again, the magician asks the spectator to name any one of the queens. He explains that whichever queen is named, it will magically turn face up. Let's assume that the named queen is the Queen of Spades. The performer snaps his fingers and says, "Would you be amazed if the queen you named is now face up?" ...
An intriguing selection of card effects, A Spell Of Cards is not wholly concerned with spelling tricks. There are more than several offering a sideways glance at the concept. They take the spelling genre a little bit off the usual well-beaten track.
Among the non-spellers, there are a few move-related fragments. Nothing to run and hide from, though faro shuffles and bottom deals get a look in along the way; as well as established favourites like the Braue Addition, Double Undercut and the odd false shuffle.
Anybody who likes cards and is not completely allergic to spelling effects should...
Projected Answers from the Q&A Master
The late Paul Kara galvanized audiences with his remarkable feats of crystal gazing and mindreading. Yet for all of Kara's remarkable stage presence, staging, and costumes, audiences and critics alike said it was his answers that kept them coming back, night after night.
Now you can learn from the master with this amazing collection of over 300 of Kara's answers to questions, just as audiences would have received them back in his day. Not only that, but the questions themselves can be used for practice purposes, to hone your own answering abilities...
"What a creativity in your book!" - Flip
"...this treatise is a steal for $25!" - Robert E. Neale, MUM March 2006.
Magical Rope Artistry is a wonderful text on rope sculptures, rope routines, and rope and ring effects. If you do rope magic, you will want this ebook.
Rope Sculptures - Learn how to turn a piece of rope into a rope rabbit puppet, then animate, levitate and vanish the creature. Totally impromptu. Change a piece of rope into mouse or rat. You can perform powerful routines similar to Dan Garrett's Judy the Mouse or Quentin Reynolds handkerchief mouse impromptu and then...
"Far from 'killing' some of the classics of card magic... József breathes new life into them! A superb collection of "KILLER" magic!" - Stephen Tucker
25 % MA vs. GA
The magician cuts the deck at the four Tens. The Tens change into the Fives. Meanwhile, he finds the Royal Flush in Spades as well. He produces the vanished Tens from three different places (from his pocket, from his wallet and from the empty card box). At the end he proves that he didn't use extra Tens by showing that all the cards in the deck are blank!
The effect is the marriage of a triumph and a transposition. The...
..."I consider Eddie Joseph one of the magical geniuses of this age." - John Braun (editor of the Linking Ring).
"Eddie Joseph's material isn't only's great." - Lloyd E. Jones writing in Genii
"His originations have won him world acclaim and a niche in Magic's Hall of Fame." - Eddie Clever
"Just how one man can be so good in so many fields, we don't know. We do feel, however, that the world of magic can consider itself lucky that there is such a person. At one time, we remember Joe Berg arguing with us that there wasn't such a person, that it was a phoney name dreamed up to mask some top professional." - Sid Lorraine
[Note: This effect was already part of Mentalism games.
Effect: A spectator names any card, and you immediately produce it from your pocket.
Or: You write two cards on two business cards, put one in each pocket, and the spectator has to guess at least one of them. (It can be repeated right away if you want).
The method is 100% surefire and practical. There is no math, no probabilities, a little bit of memorization, but it is almost "intuitive". It is not difficult but needs a bit of rehearsal at the beginning, like for everything. It looks casual, completely impromptu, or even improvised, but you will have to do a onetime preparation with...
This edition contains feedback and variations from creative and wise people on the Twice Shy principle.
1st edition 2015, 5 pages.
This tiny ebook file contains 125 words and a revolutionary, never before thought-of, never before revealed, never before published principle that allows you to give amazingly accurate readings. With this principle alone, you could go to a psychic fair, set up shop, and let client do all the heavy lifting for you. (Okay, those two last sentences were hype!) This ebook may be shorter than others, but it provides you with the essential principle.
I offer this file to inspire people. I would be greatly interested in hearing your thoughts on the principle. You can reach me at the following email:...
Issue 13
Issue 7
"We have been readers of Vanish Magazine since day one and love watching it's continued success and growth since its inception. We love the ease and convenience of downloading each issue, yet it has the feel and layout of a real magazine. What more could you ask for? MORE VANISH MAGAZINES!!!" - Michael Giles
"ALL the Vanish magazines are with me everywhere I go (on my laptop and mobile devices) so that I can read them while I'm on the road and refer back to all the great articles whenever I want to. Vanish magazine is the best collection of articles by working professionals. It gives...
The Monty Hall problem is a famous one in probability. It is based on a TV game from the USA called "Let's make a deal" (1963). It is named after the original host of this show. Inspired by this game, here is an original effect and a great plot for stage, parlour or close up. This unpublished method is easy to do and costs nothing. There is no maths or memorization or difficulty of any sort. It does require some one-time preparation, but just with some index cards, a sheet of paper (for the list of prizes), and a normal pen, nothing else. It can be adapted to your style, venue, weddings, birthday...
The Art of Magical Entertainment is an e-book with six beautiful routines...and Paul's good friend and master magician, Dan Tong has graciously provided his full Egg Bag Routine in this e-book. Included is a video of Dan performing this routine for a live audience. Paul also provides a detailed and rich history of the Egg Bag.
Paul's good friend Mike Powers also has donated a video of a very important sleight - plus access to his moves section at his website.
**BONUS! You're going to love this. Paul has included a large essay explaining, "The Real Essence of Magical Entertainment". Paul...
There has always been a shortage of books on billiard ball routines, but here is one on that subject you will enjoy using. Not only has Garcia set forth many facets of ball material, but they are clearly and beautifully illustrated by Harvan, who is an excellent manipulator himself. The material on routining is followed by handling of the ball and shell, then a Master Routine, The One to Five Slow Motion Production, Bilious Balls, Strictly One Hand, One to Four With Solid Balls, Advice and Thoughts on Balls, Simple Golf Ball Routine, all very well explained. Many illustrations.
1st edition...
A world famous silk magician designed this beautiful finale to his show. Based on the use of a tube like a Phantom Tube, these clever and subtle methods create a great act. Anyone interested in silk work can make up the act and do it. Many clear sketches, photos, careful explanations teach you how.
1st edition 1962, 64 pages; 1st digital...
This ebook is almost an encyclopedia of Indian, Chinese and Japanese magic. It consists of two parts. The first part is an index, reference and bibliography compiled by Sam Sharpe. The second part, researched and written by Will Ayling, describes all 101 effects from Sharpe's index.
You will learn about fantastic effects such as buried alive, sword swallowing, pulse stopping and snake charming. But it is not all about geek magic. There is also a lot of close up magic, stage magic and illusions. The 101 effects described are:
This routine incorporates a system that conceals the torn pieces automatically, eliminating all angle problems. This means it can be performed surrounded, and that makes it truly practical and easy to perform.
The download video contains over 60 minutes of detailed instructions with all the secrets of this wonderful routine that has made its way into the repertoires of many professionals.
It was created by Antonio Romero in 1983 and first published in his book La Magia de Antonio Romero in 1992.
This video has an English voice over by Rafael Benatar.