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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $20
Aldo Colombini
Aldo's Finale by Aldo Colombini

When Aldo Colombini unexpectedly died he left behind many unpublished tricks. Rachel Colombini has compiled these together with a number of contributions from Aldo's friends. As such this is Aldo's last ebook. It is a testament to one of the most beloved and prolific authors in magic. Wherever he went he performed, sometimes for hours without break. These are the effects he was working on last ... Aldo's Finale!

Roger Woods
Chris Van Bern: The Busy 'B' by Roger Woods

This is a biography of Chris Van Bern (1872? - 1950) christened The Busy 'B' by The Magician Monthly in 1911 because of his versatility as a variety performer. His presentations were original and he was something of a 'character'. He became a member of so many local magic clubs throughout the UK that it is believed his record has never been surpassed by anyone. He was Honorary Vice President, for example, of The Modern Mystic League (Blackburn & District Society of Magicians), and The Order of The Magi (Manchester). A generous man to all magicians he co-authored A Whirlwind of Wizadry with De...

★★★★ $12
Aldo Colombini
Battuteca by Aldo Colombini

Una esilarante raccolta di 500 battute su una riga indicizzate !

Se sei alla ricerca di materiale provato per far ridere il tuo pubblico, per preparare i tuoi testi per lo vuoi trasformare ogni occasione in una risata, se sai quanto è difficile trovare materiale valido in questo campo, allora non lascarti sfuggire "Battuteca".

Aldo Colombini , il notissimo comico-prestigiatore, ha raccolto in questo agile volumetto la sua decennale esperienza "sul campo" con queste ben 500 battute e one liners . Non solo questo, le battute sono state anche indicizzate in modo da trovare...

Aldo Colombini
Pronto Intervento by Aldo Colombini

Come trasformare ogni difficoltà in spettacolo

Centinaia di battute umoristiche che ti possono trarre d'impaccio in ogni situazione che si possa presentare durante uno spettacolo ! Il primo storico "Pronto Soccorso Scenico" scritto da Aldo Colombini, divenuto un ormai introvabile classico, più attuale che mai.

  • Per rompere il ghiaccio (aperture)
  • Se ti presentano inaspettatamente
  • Quando ti chiedono quale è il trucco
  • Dopo un applauso
  • Quando qualcuno sbadiglia
  • Quando sudo o fa caldo
  • Quando nessuno viene sul palco
  • Se lo spettatore inciampa o cade
  • Quando il cameriere passa davanti ...
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Miracoli con la Clipboard by Ulysses Frederick Grant

La Clipboard ( Blocco note a impressione ) è uno strumento pieno di risorse per il Mentalista. Ma come usarlo con successo? Ce lo spiega U.F. Grant nel suo stupendo lavoro "Miracoli con la clipboard" di cui siamo orgogliosi di presentarvi per la prima volta la versione Italiana di questo classico nella traduzione a cura di Mauro Ballesio. Nel manoscritto Grant dapprima spiega i vari tipi di Clipboard e le loro differenze e poi passa in rassegna una serie di effetti davvero sbalorditivi. Si dei veri Miracoli con la Clipboard! Se fate mentalismo non potrete fare a meno dei preziosi suggerimenti...

★★★★★ $15
Salvatore Cimo
Enciclopedia dell'Illusionismo vol. VI: Prestigiazione Con Palline Ed Uova by Salvatore Cimo

PRESTIGIAZIONE CON PALLINE ED UOVA è il sesto volume della collana, composto da 282 pagine, all’interno del quale troverete un ampio numero di effetti con palle, palline, sfere e uova. Il volume è preceduto dalla preziosa testimonianza di Angelo Mitri.

Questo è, senza dubbio, uno dei libri più belli e interessanti tra i tanti compilati dall’autore. Infatti, qui vi si trovano descritti sia manipolazioni con le palline che stupendi effetti da scena come, ad esempio, la “Palla volante” di Okito (oppure la famosa “Palla Zombie”, ideata nel 1940 dall’illusionista statunitense...

★★★★★ $28
Julien Losa
Sherlock (French) by Julien Losa

Watson (un spectateur choisi au hasard) et Sherlock (crever mentalist) vont enquêter pour découvrir une victime, un tueur et un modus operandi de crime… De l’humour, du mentalisme et plein de possibilités ! Texte complet, démonstration vidéo live, explications complètes, alternatives et idées autour d’un numéro que Julien Losa a joué plus de 400 fois entre mai 2012 et octobre 2013.

"20 minutes de scène… Très drôle, et tout bien expliqué… pour quelques euros! Very Good!" - Gaetan Bloom

★★★★★ $11
Julien Losa
BCT: Brazilian Center Tear (French) by Julien Losa

Dans cet ebook, Julien vous explique pas à pas le BCT (Brazilian Center Tear) mais SURTOUT vous livre des idées de présentation et d’utilisation. En bonus, vous recevez le chapitre « peek à glace » (extrait du livret Conspiration(2) ) qui se veut être un essai sur les différentes manières de peeker une information, ainsi qu’encore plus d’idées de présentation.

★★★★★ $10
Ray Noble
Behind the Mirror by Ray Noble

Have you even wanted to do something that is both fun and scary? This routine can be performed at parties and friends' homes. This is a small séance that plays big and can really be played anytime of the year that you want. It uses a common magic prop that most of us have lying in a drawer and B.O.S (balls of steel).

Mirrors have always held a fascination with people and have always been connected to stories of being a portal to other worlds.

Have you ever wondered as you prepare for bed at night how things may not be as they seem? At night we comb our hair and brush our teeth as we...

Ray Noble
The Cleansing by Ray Noble

In this unique routine you will meet an interesting man named George who happens to be a voodoo priest. This routine is told in story form to enhance the effect and to let you see how powerful belief can be. The Cleansing is a method that uses a pendulum to help cleanse a person from negativity or other things that might be upsetting them. Through the power of a pendulum not only is the negativity or worry removed but a calming takes place within the person. This is a routine that uses the persons own mind to free them of their trouble. It is played as real and those attempting this needs to...

★★★★ $20
Irresistible Close-Up Magic by Duraty

The best routines of a french magician well known for his creativity and efficiency.

Duraty says: "The effects gathered in this book represent more than 40 years of close-up performances. Endowed with just an average skill, I always gave preference to the most practical and easiest methods for I consider that effects are the only part that counts. I perform magic to amaze and surprise lay audiences rather than showing off in front of other magicians.

In my opinion, skill must remain hidden, flourishes and magical juggling demonstrations are not compatible with the idea I formed of magic,...

★★★★★ $5
Raymonde Crow
Fred Miser by Raymonde Crow

In the coin routine Fred Miser, three silver coins change to copper one at a time, and then back to silver. Although you will need gaffed coins (a sun and moon coin and a half dollar from an unexpanded shell set), the gaffs allow for very clean displays and make the routine relatively easy to perform. This is a coin routine performed in the hands, which automatically resets.

As an added bonus we have included Raymonde's handling for Royal Magic's "Coin Funnel," which is like a chop cop routine using ungaffed or even borrowed quarters, and ends with a surprise production. The routine is performed...

★★★★★ $6
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Volume 5 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Two Secret Moves

In this video you will learn two "secret" folding techniques to make your impossible folding collection more impossible! No hidden cuts or glue are involved. You can give the cards (or banknotes) right away as an impossible souvenir.

  • The Trapdoor Fold
  • The Circled Queen
  • Trapdoor Fold with a Star
  • Backwards Fold
(Templates are included in a PDF you download from your digital shelf.)

1st edition 2015, length 27 min

Fraser Parker
Utsukushii by Fraser Parker

Utsukushii, the billet-less pin reveal, is a sure fire way to guess a single digit number someone is only thinking of, without anything having to be written down or props of any kind. It can then be used to work out other numbers such as pin codes, phone locks and entire phone numbers. If you would like to be able to reveal the pin numbers of strangers you meet or guess numbers which only exist as thoughts in a person's mind, using only words, then this method is for you. NO dual reality is used. NO stooges or instant stooges. It can be used close up or on stage with a 100% success rate. It's...

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 60 (January 2015) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 10, No. 6, no date [January 2015]; 60 pages

Cover: Boris Wild

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. What's Inside - contents
  3. Readers' Letters
  4. In The News
  5. Sam ... The Magic Man - re: Sam Dalal by Ian Adair
  6. Ve Spero - interview by Graham Hey
  7. Nervous? Moi? Never! - Mark Leveridge
  8. Masterclass
  9. Dealer Shout Outs - Special 'extra' announcements from a few regular advertisers
  10. Boris Wild, Un Amour Peu Ordinaire! - cover article/interview - Graham Hey
  11. In the Phonebox with: Tim Robbins
  12. Magic Babe Ning, The Next Chapter - Ning Cai interviewed by Graham Hey
  13. Club Land
    • The Associated Conjurers of...
★★★★ $15
Dave Arch
Magic That Matures by Dave Arch

When I attend a magic convention, I enjoy the dealer's show very much. It sends me hurrying to the dealer room to see up-close what I just witnessed. After all, maybe it's something I should add to my show?

I also enjoy all that magic did for me as a child and the contribution it has made to my life as an adult. Magic put me in front of people, increased my confidence, built creativity, encouraged my ability to read and comprehend oftentimes cryptic directions, expanded my memory and many more skills that I still leverage in my career today.

So ... I began to design a show that I would...

★★★★ $15
Cedric Taylor
Gnostic by Cedric Taylor

Gnostic is a system that allows any mentalist or mystery performer to be his/her own consultant. This is being dubbed as "arguably the most dangerous manuscript ever written". Gnostic is structured so well for the stage performer, if placed in the wrong hands, it could legitimately start a cult.

Gnostic is not just an effect, its a full stage show. It puts the power in the hand of the performer. Why spend tons of money on mentalism consultants, when you can be your own consultant?

It really doesn't matter what your stage persona is, Gnostic is a system that will allow you to perform...

★★★★★ $10
Ray Noble
Three Travelers by Ray Noble

Cards to impossible location has always been a big hit with spectators. This routine by magician Ray Noble has entertained people for a number of years. It hits hard and takes no prisoners along the way.

The magician has three cards selected and at least one signed with a marker. Each card one at a time are placed back into the deck and the deck is set aside. The magician now asks if everyone would like to see him find all three cards in a magical and amazing way. With a wink and a smile, he reaches with an empty hand into his shirt or coat pocket and removes one of the three cards. How did...

★★★★★ $5
Troy Murphie
Gobbledygook by Troy Murphie

Would you like to add more entertainment to your kid show routines? This is a collection of funny, clean and usable ideas that will give your children's show that standout edge.


  • Comedy Publicity Ideas
  • Comedy Gags
  • Comedy Magic
  • Comedy Props
Whether you're a magician, clown or all-round family entertainer you'll find something new in the content of Gobbledygook.

1st edition 2014, 11 pages.
2nd edition 2015, (revised, edited, expanded), 19 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Tony Binarelli
Extra Sensory Perception by Tony Binarelli

From the introduction:

"Billet test" is one of the classics in mentalism: the mentalist divines a word, a number or a drawing made by a spectator, without coming in contact with the paper.

Numberless are the methods designed to solve this problem: "center tears", window envelopes, "umbrella moves" or billet switches. All these methods, in my opinion, have a great weakness: the mentalist must repeatedly touch the billet. With that in mind, I looked for a method to avoid all this "manipulation" and that would appear as real telepathy.

What I am going to reveal to you, I think is a good...

F. R. Ritter
Advantage Card Playing and Draw Poker by F. R. Ritter

The first part and majority of this book deals with marked cards. It shows numerous examples of how and where to mark various back designs popular during the early 20th century in the United States. The second part briefly describes sleight-of-hand for the card cheater such as second dealing, bottom dealing, shuffling, false cuts, and mechanical hold outs. Each technique is illustrated with a photo, which is quite remarkable for a book from that time. The third and final part deals with the mathematical odds of draw poker.

Some people believe that F. R. Ritter might be S. W. Erdnase, the unknown author...

★★★★ $9
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Comedy For The Well Groomed Performer by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Magicseen is the funniest magic magazine around. It often features articles on comedy performers and provides comedy material in the form of verbal and visual gags for its readers to use in their acts. Over the last 10 years there was quite a lot of comedy material in the pages of Magicseen, and so the folks at Magicseen decided to collect together into one eook the big articles on comedy performers who were featured over the last decade. Inside this 100 page ebook you will find collected together the articles featured on top names such as John Archer, Paul Daniels, Paul Zenon, Mel Mellers, Graham P....

John F. Yeager
The Backstage Rabbit Vanish by John F. Yeager

From the introduction:

There are many livestock vanishes, but none so easy-working or so mystifying as the following effect, in which the magician explains how the trick is done, yet leaves the audience completely baffled.

6 pages.

★★★★★ $6
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Volume 4 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This fourth volume of Ralf's impossible objects series is a little bit of a departure in his methods. He is still not using any glue. However, all these objects have hidden cuts to make the illusions possible. The "Interlocking Banknotes" can be handed out for examination. The other two need to be kept behind glass.

  • Impossible 8
  • Interlocking Banknotes
  • Impossible Ring on Cardboard
(Templates are included in a PDF you download from your digital shelf.)

length 21 min

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