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Ricardo Marré
Aquelarre Volumen 2 by Ricardo Marré

En ninguna página de "Aquelarre" encontrarás manipulaciones difíciles, ni la utilización de materiales que no estén al alcance de la mano. A primera vista puede que algunos de los trucos te parezcan 'inofensivos', sin posibilidades de éxito de público. Todo lo contrario. Si esto no puede afirmarse en ninguna rama del ilusionismo, mucho menos en el mentalismo. El público quiere creer en lo que estás presentando y quiere participar. El éxito depende de la presentación y de la participación del público. Más aún, de la ambientación previa a la realización del efecto y, si cabe,...

★★★★★ $25
Ricardo Marré
Aquelarre Volumen 1 by Ricardo Marré

En ninguna página de "Aquelarre" encontrarás manipulaciones difíciles, ni la utilización de materiales que no estén al alcance de la mano. A primera vista puede que algunos de los trucos te parezcan 'inofensivos', sin posibilidades de éxito de público. Todo lo contrario. Si esto no puede afirmarse en ninguna rama del ilusionismo, mucho menos en el mentalismo. El público quiere creer en lo que estás presentando y quiere participar. El éxito depende de la presentación y de la participación del público. Más aún, de la ambientación previa a la realización del efecto y, si cabe,...

Ricardo Marré
Numismagia Volumen 3 by Ricardo Marré

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas, pases y manipulaciones, a emplear en la magia con monedas. Ordenadas por materias, y con algunos efectos para su aplicación y práctica. Completos índices para facilitar la búsqueda del pase requerido.

Volumen 3:

  • VII. Cambios de monedas (28).
  • VIII. Volteos y falsas vueltas (13).
  • IX. Florituras (7).
  • Indices acumulados de los tres tomos.
Ricardo Marré
Numismagia Volumen 2 by Ricardo Marré

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas, pases y manipulaciones, a emplear en la magia con monedas. Ordenadas por materias, y con algunos efectos para su aplicación y práctica. Completos índices para facilitar la búsqueda del pase requerido.

Volumen 2:

  • III. Desapariciones completas (17).
  • IV. Desapariciones en papel plegado (5).
  • V. Desaparición por enmangue (17).
  • VI. Producciones de monedas y reapariciones (14).
Ricardo Marré
Numismagia Volumen 1 by Ricardo Marré

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas, pases y manipulaciones, a emplear en la magia con monedas. Ordenadas por materias, y con algunos efectos para su aplicación y práctica. Completos índices para facilitar la búsqueda del pase requerido.

Volumen 1:

  • Introducción.
  • Pequeño léxico para la magia con monedas.
  • I. Ocultaciones (13).
  • II. Desapariciones (50).
★★★★ $6
Marconick in Silken Sorcery by Marconick

This is a silent film produced by Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio. It features Marconick performing some of his feature items with silks and rope. Marconick was primarily known for his creative work with silks. His vanish of silks from a cage ball is very pretty.

  • Silk to cane
  • Several silks vanish from a cage ball (Silken Bombshell, see Gen Volume 21 page 322)
  • Cup of water from silk
  • Water from paper cone to glass
  • Selected card appears knotted on rope
  • Rope through neck
  • Rope and ring
  • Silk production from larger silk
  • Silk to rope
  • Another silk production where the silks change how they are knotted...
★★★★ $19.50
B. Thomas
Ultimate Guide To Coldreading by B. Thomas

Ultimate Guide to Coldreading is back - and available for the first time in almost a decade.

Originally mentalist and radio psychic B. Thomas only sold this at his lectures and had a limited run among inner circles of professional mentalists. This book has been among the top 10 Must Have books on Cold Reading among pros.

B. Thomas not only shows you some incredible techniques of cold reading - but shows how he built a successful career behind the microphone as a radio psychic. Thomas was heard on radio station all over the United States - and developed a successful private intuitive reading...

Cameron Francis
Club 71: 10 effects from volume 4 by Cameron Francis


  • TWO TIMES TEN CARD TRICK (Simon Lovell) - A super fair packet effect where a spectator's freely selected card is found in an impossible manner.
  • WHAT'S IN A NAME (Arun Bonerjee) - A freeely selected card is discovered using the letters of a spectator's name.
  • YCLIPT (Max Maven) - A paperclip disappears and reappears on a freely selected card.
  • SIGNED TRANSPO IN TRIPLICATE (Justin Higham) - An excellent variaiton of Bro. John Hamman's "Signed Transverse Triplet". Two cards (can be signed) change places among four Kings... three times.
  • A SUIT IN COURT (Solyl Kundu) - A B'Wave type effect using normal cards. ...
Cameron Francis
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 4 by Cameron Francis


  • ONE GOOD TURN (Al Koran) - A card is selected and replaced. A spectator, while the deck is behind his back, takes one card from the middle and reverses it. It is the selected card.
  • ZOMBIE CARD RISE (Eddie Ward) - A very clever floating card under handkerchief. No gimmicks. Everything can be examined.
  • FOLLOW MY LEADER (Ed Marlo) - A very easy to do Follow The Leader routine using ten red and ten black cards.
  • KNOT ON THE CORNER (Tom Sellers) - A knot appears on the corner of a handkerchief.
  • THE SLIP CUT EFFECT (Ed Marlo) - A selected card keeps appearing face up on top of the face down deck. You'll...
★★★★ $15
Henry Hay
Cyclopedia of Magic by Henry Hay

Cyclopedia of Magic is an interesting book. It's primary quality stems from its alphabetical organization. It was compiled and written to provide the magician with a wide and solid background of magical knowledge. It provides definitions, descriptions, biographies and some routines on hundreds of magic topics. It is for the most part a compilation of material contributed by magicians such as August Roterberg, Charles Bertram, Eddie Joseph, Ellis Stanyon, John Mulholland, T. Nelson Downs and many others.

Paul Fleming wrote:

In 1902, William J. Hilliar produced his Modern Magician's Hand Book by bringing together, in a single volume, verbatim extracts from Hoffmann's Modern Magic and...

Dee Christopher
Black Heart and Bourbon by Dee Christopher

Black Heart and Bourbon is the latest collection of Dee Christopher's tricks, techniques and thoughts for magicians and mentalists.

With ten brand new, never before seen effects; this collection is full to the brim of amazingly versatile methods, well crafted routines and clever psychological elements that will not only give you enough workable material to fill a full show, but your creative juices will start to flow too as you learn the secrets within!

List of effects: ?

The spectator is asked to think of two thoughts and changes their mind several times. A coin is tossed...

★★★★★ $6
Lewis Ganson
Lewis Ganson Manipulation by Lewis Ganson

This is a silent film from the 1950s from Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio featuring Lewis Ganson performing mostly card manipulation and a few other routines with silks, coins and lighters.


  • card manipulation (back palm)
  • diminishing cards
  • card fans (also see his Fan Finale)
  • card flourishes
  • giant fans
  • a clear case of anti-gravity
  • coins at his finger tips
  • multiplying lighters

length 6 min 40 seconds

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Spell-Binder Part 4: effects from volume 2 by Cameron Francis


  • FIRST TIME EVER (Stephen Tucker): Five black cards and one red card are shown. The red card is placed on the table but reappears in the packet. This happens several times. In the end, all of the cards are shown to be black.
  • CYCLE (Paul Spencer): An off-beat rising card, card to card case effect.
  • ACE MBLEY (David Britland): A beautiful ace assembly routine.
  • GOLDMINE (Roger Curzon): Three coins are produced from thin air.
  • DISCOVER (Bill Worsley): Bill's excellent Biddle trick variation.
  • PRI-MAGE (Derek Robbins): A selection and its mate transpose.
  • ANATOMY (Stephen Tucker and Paul Brignal): An easy to make gaffed deck...
★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Spell-Binder Part 3: effects from volume 2 by Cameron Francis


  • GETTING YOUR OWN BACK (Paul Brignall): A clever all backs routine with a surprise finish.
  • JUMPING JOKERS (Al Smith): A Joker Assembly with a backfire ending.
  • INTO THE THIRD DIMENSION (Stephen Tucker): A sponge ball is split into two halves. The halves jump from one hand to another and finally fuse back into one complete ball.
  • UNBEATABLE (David Britland): A card is selected, say the Two of Hearts, and lost in the deck. Two Jokers are removed from the deck and placed aside. The deck is spread and the spectator FREELY selects any card, which is then placed between the Jokers. The card turns out to be the...
★★★★★ $5
Antariksh P. Singh & Waseem & Sapan Joshi
Hoax Issue 1 by Antariksh P. Singh & Waseem & Sapan Joshi

Hoax is a new digital magazine published by a group of enthusiastic card magicians from India. It is very well done, visually appealing, with wonderful card moves and effects.

Through Hoax they try to bring to the world the Magic of India.

This issue of Hoax features tricks from Waseem, Sapan and Antariksh.

1. aSap Sandwich
A quick and flashy sandwich effect.

2. Passed out collectors
A very clean and direct handling for the collectors.

3. Miraculo Production
This is a quick and magical 4 of a kind production.

4. Pop Aces
This is a four of a kind production used as...

Carlos Emesqua
Psychic Moments: confessions of a shut-eye psychic by Carlos Emesqua

In Carlos Emesqua's Psychic Moments: Confessions of a Shut-eye, you will find some "psychic rituals," "psychic games," reading techniques and strategies to create psychic experiences. These are not "mentalism tricks" or "effects" in any way, but moments that you can create for your clients or in other settings which are appropriate.

Now in the 2nd edition, you will get not only the original document but also extra new ideas and fantastic workable techniques for your repertoire as performer and/or reader.

If you are working with skeptics, this material will not work properly, although...

Stephen Ablett
Romantic Bar Magic Volume 2 by Stephen Ablett

More romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.

Gamble with my Heart
My version of five card repeat, with a surprise ending.

Card in Heart Balloon
A thought-of playing card appears inside a heart shaped balloon.

Wedding Thoughts
Two people think of two objects from a list, then you read their minds.

Heart String...

Stephen Ablett
Romantic Bar Magic Volume 1 by Stephen Ablett

This is a collection of romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.

Glass and Strawberry
A strawberry continually reappears under a glass then turns into a lime.

Key to my Heart
The spectators have to find the key to the magician's heart shaped lock.

Heart and Silk
A silk is produced, penetrates a solid metal heart...

Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 75 (2012) by Richard Kaufman

January 2012 - December 2012
Richard Kaufman, Editor

1180 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 75, Number 1 - January 2012 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - The 12th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - A Visit to Magic Land
    2. online audio file available - Speaking of Max
    3. online video file available - More Genii Speaks
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available
    • Practice Makes ... ?
    • More Meanings of Meaningful Magic?
    • Caught Up On Your Reading Yet?
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Genii Session - Roberto...
Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 74 (2011) by Richard Kaufman

January 2011 - December 2011
Richard Kaufman, Editor

1200 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 74, Number 1 - January 2011 - 104 pages - Free Parlour Monte trick from Card-Shark Enclosed
  2. Cover - Houdini - Art and Magic
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Ancedoting Versus Anecdotage
    • Flashback to 1982
    • Ti Food
  7. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • On Practicing Magic ... and Other Issues
  8. In Memoriam - The World Loses a Citizen - Charles Reynolds 1932-2010 - by Jamy Ian Swiss
  9. Fast and Loose - harry Anderson
    • The...
Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 73 (2010) by Richard Kaufman

January 2010 - December 2010
Richard Kaufman, Editor

1184 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 73, Number 1 - January 2010 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - The 11th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing - New York & Boston
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Poker Trumps Magic Tricks
    • A Pitch on Pitching
  7. Now Performing - The Magic Castle & Las Vegas
  8. In Memoriam
    • Carl Ballantine 1917-2009 - Joan Lawton
    • Jon Booth 1912-2009 - Clay Shevlin
  9. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • Technical Writing - About the Aesthetics
  10. Magicana...
Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 72 (2009) by Richard Kaufman

January 2009 - December 2009
Richard Kaufman, Editor

1224 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 72, Number 1 - January 2009 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Wayne Dobson
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing - Monday Night Magic - New York
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Googling, Groking and Searchin'
    • Mind Games for Mystery Schoolers
    • Unimaginable Libraries, Plus Hoax and Awe
  7. Now Performing - The Magic Castle - Las Vegas
  8. Max Maven's Inquisition
  9. Cryptic Crossword - No. 1 - Josh Mandel
    • A Basic Guide to Solving Cryptic Crosswords
  10. Magicana - David Acer
    1. Unwedding...
Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 71 (2008) by Richard Kaufman

January 2008 - December 2008
Richard Kaufman, Editor

1392 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 71, Number 1 - January 2008 - 124 pages - Free Disappearing Rabbit Trick Enclosed
  2. Cover - The Tenth Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
  3. Contents
  4. Genii This Month - January - Jim Steinmeyer
  5. Now Performing - The Magic Castle - Las Vegas
  6. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Who Said Nostalgia Ain't What It Used To Be?
    • Freaky-Deaky-Creepy-Geeky Doo-Dah
    • Short Takes
  8. Max Maven's Inquisition
  9. Magicana - David Acer
    1. Nexus - Satoshi Toyoda
    2. The New Mind...
Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 70 (2007) by Richard Kaufman

January 2007 - December 2007
Richard Kaufman, Editor

1400 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 70, Number 1 - January 2007 - 120 pages - Free "Bruise" Enclosed from Creative Magic
  2. Cover - Tony Chapek
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing - The Magic Castle - Las Vegas
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Magic: A Joking Matter?
    • Is Magic and Infinite Game?
    • Everybody has ADD
    • There May Be More to Mitt-Reading Than Palms
  7. Cartoon - Rich Powell & Josh Mandel
  8. Max Maven's Monthly Inquisition
  9. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • Assemblage II - Continued from November...
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