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Magic & Mentalism: page 184


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 5990 to 6013 (of 10405 products)
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★★★★★ $6
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Volume 1 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Ralf Rudolph explains three impossible looking objects which you can make from paper or paper money. Remember that there is no gluing and there are no hidden cuts. You take pieces of paper, fold, cut, braid and interlock them to achieve these beautiful objects. Surprisingly they are very simple to make once you know how.

The three impossible objects taught are:

  • Braided Bills: Two bills are cut, folded and woven together.
  • Inside-Out Banknote: An individual bill is cut an folded in a way that looks completely impossible.
  • Braided Pyramid: You fold one bill into a pyramid shape and then...
★★★★★ $24
Mystic Alexandre
Gan Jue by Mystic Alexandre

The Contents Herein Are For Psychic Entertainers Who Want To Come Across As The Real Thing.

For the most part, these routines will not come across effectively unless they are presented with an air of believability. If you don't intend on presenting these as real demonstrations, please do not purchase this manuscript as there will be, with a couple of exceptions, little information of use to you.

I am involved in the metaphysical community and these have all been demonstrated in that environment. Not to be taken lightly.

The following will probably be received as a controversial statement,...

Mystic Alexandre
Healing Experiment by Mystic Alexandre

Previously released exclusively within the PEA (Psychic Entertainer's Association) this is a quick and easy visualization experiment where your subject imagines colorful butterflies frolicking around a water fountain in a magical garden. This is good for the psychic entertainer in casual settings, perfect for one on one while waiting for a meal, or hanging out in your library in front of the fireplace.

  • Healing
  • Peaceful
  • Native American Tradition
  • Chakras
  • Colors
Comes with a simple chart you can resize, print, laminate, and carry with you as a guide while you're learning details of the...
Mystic Alexandre
Cards of the Covenant by Mystic Alexandre

This is an exercise in pure performance and psychological effectiveness. Easy to do and it works. Not to mention the fact that by performing it you will become a better overall performer in all the other effects you choose to perform. A great effect for beginning mentalists who want to get good fast, bold, awesome.

A deck of cards is brought out, removed from its case and the performer demonstrates what the spectator is to do in a moment by spreading the deck face-down on the table and randomly removing a card. The deck is then quickly shuffled. The 52 card deck is again spread face down...

★★★★ $12
TC Tahoe
The Pad and Billz by TC Tahoe

"Really great stuff! I love Billz. Such a cool serial number prediction. Great application of a tried and true principle." - Cameron Francis

"I saw TC DESTROY a room full of magicians with this amazing CARD MIRACLE. He quickly scribbled something on a pad and that was it. Such a strong and clean version of the classic STOP trick or OPEN PREDICTION. Everyone laughed when he showed us the easy method." - Nathan Kranzo

The impact it has on layman is tremendous. Yes it is simple, simple in execution and easy for audiences to follow.


The Entertainer removes a deck of cards and discards the box,...

Sveroni Gesammelte Werke by Sveroni

Vom Publikum geliebt, von Zauberkollegen anerkannt und respektiert, verzaubert Sveroni als Teilzeitprofi seit mehr als 40 Jahren mit über 50 Vorstellungen pro Jahr sein Publikum.

Viele seiner originellen Kreationen und Variationen bekannter Kunststücke hat Sveroni - mehrfacher Preisträger an Schweizermeisterschaften in allgemeiner Magie und Kartenmagie - in Zusammenarbeit mit Christian Scherer zwischen 1991 und 2013 in 6 Seminarheften veröffentlicht.

Die Title der Einzelhafte waren:

  • Sveroni Original
  • Typisch Sveroni
  • Heureka!
  • Sveroni … oder so
  • Variationen
  • Alte Neuheiten

Nun wurden die...

★★★★★ $48
Christian Scherer
Schlaglichter by Christian Scherer

Vor dem Hintergrund der in langjähriger Erfahrung gesammelten Erkenntnisse erklärt der Autor originelle Kunststücke und Präsentationen aus seinem Repertoire in allen Details und verrät Tipps aus Theorie und Praxis.


  • Vorwort von Christoph Borer
  • Autobiografisches über Christian Scherer
  • 12 Routinen für Close-up
  • 10 Routinen für den Salon
  • 6 Routinen für die Bühne
  • Ein überragendes Essay über das Becherspiel als Salonkunststück
  • 27 Artikel über alle Aspekte der Sprechzauberkunst, vom Prolog über Sinnhaftigkeit, Vortrag, Wortwahl, Mimik und Gestik, Timing, Misdirection...
★★★★★ $19.95
Deepak Mishra
Vaniss: five coin vanishes by Deepak Mishra

Five impromptu coin vanishes at your fingertips.

Vaniss is a collection of five coin vanishes all performed at the fingertips. Imagine being able to make a regular coin vanish at the very tips of your fingers. Learn five different methods to do exactly that. This is all sleight-of-hand without any gimmicks.

You will learn:

  1. Boom-Bam Vanish
  2. Flow Vanish
  3. Strange Vanish
  4. Tip-Tip Vanish
  5. Trace-less Vanish
Please note that some vanishes are not angle proof and can only be performed one-on-one or for a small group of people. Some use sleeving techniques. Difficulty varies but is generally...
Gerard Zitta
Trust by Gerard Zitta

Trust: A spectator guesses the card placed in full view on the table at the very beginning. (Uses dual reality among other bold principles, but the cool thing is that the participant can swear in front of everybody that it is the same card). There is absolutely no force for the spectator's card.

Variations on Trust: Including an interesting one with a business card where you write the card (before the spectator reveals her card).

Crossword: Another, and different, method for "Trust".

Smashed: The spectator forgets her drawing.

Subliminal: An interesting addition to a force. This...

★★★★ $16
Ian Kendall
Tops, Seconds and Bottoms by Ian Kendall

"I have never come across such a well-thought out and explained package of false dealing tutorials, in print or on screen, ever." - Will Morton,

These lessons teach dealing Tops, Seconds and Bottoms from the same grip. A few things to note:

  1. The methods in the lessons are the ones I use in the demo clips. I don't talk about seventeen different methods.
  2. Nothing in the lessons is self working. If you are not willing to put in the practice, then don't buy them.
You will also get audio metronome files which will help you to practice these moves and develop a natural...
★★★★★ $6
Ken de Courcy
My Card Sir by Ken de Courcy

From the fertile mind of Ken De Courcy, Edwin Hooper and Ian Adair, here is a manuscript loaded with wonderful ideas to magically introduce and produce your business card...

From the introduction:

This little book fills a long-felt want. It is the only publication, we believe, which deals with the subject of the novel presentation of your card to agents, bookers, etc.

May many bookings follow the presentation of "your card".

Imagine you're in a club, pub or other hostelry where people meet to drink, eat and be merry. You're ready to perform and need an audience. If you have a couple of friends...

★★★ $6
Nick Conticello
Tri-Unison by Nick Conticello

Three predictions! Two methods! One sensational effect!

Effect: The performer removes three cards from a shuffled deck and leaves them in a face down pile on the table. He explains that these cards are mates of cards that will be selected by two spectators and himself. The two spectators choose numbers freely and the cards at those positions are placed into a separate stack on the table. The magician offers the audience a choice of two different numbers for his cards. Whichever is chosen, the performer counts to that card and places it on top of the first two selections. A spectator turns...

★★★ $15
Nick Conticello
An Impromptu Mental Card Routine by Nick Conticello

Tarbell Course contributor Nick Conticello follows his debut The Shadow Placement with three more sensational new effects requiring only an ordinary deck of 52 cards and a clear head to perform. One sleight is required; we include The Widdershins Cut, an effective and simple false cut.

Contents include:

1. THOUGHT CAUGHT: An unprepared deck is shuffled by the performer and cut by the spectator. Two piles of cards are dealt out. The spectator thinks of a card in one of the piles and buries the selection in the deck himself. The performer scans the cards quickly, and removes one card, which turns out to be the selection. No...

Salvatore Cimo
Enciclopedia dell'Illusionismo vol. V: Prestigiazione Con Ditali E Sigarette by Salvatore Cimo

Continua la ripubblicazione in formato digitale delle grande e meravigliosa opera di Salvatore Cimò . L’opera curata da Gregorio Samà, è arricchita da preziose informazioni storico biografiche sulla figura di Cimò. Oltre a ripubblicare i volumi usciti nel passato, è nostra intenzione pubblicare per la prima volta i molti volumi inediti in Italia, arricchendo così il patrimonio magico-culturale Italiano e dando così il giusto posto alla straordinaria opera enciclopedica pratica di Salvatore Cimò.

PRESTIGIAZIONE CON DITALI E SIGARETTE è il quinto volume della collana, composto...

★★★★ $7.50
Peter Pellikaan
In The Hole by Peter Pellikaan

Another creative small packet trick based on hole cards. Have a card vanish in the hole.

length 2min 8s

★★★★ $7.50
Peter Pellikaan
Hole by Peter Pellikaan

A visual stunner with hole cards.

You will need:

  • hole cards that you can make yourself
  • Pelli Spread (briefly explained)

length 3min 56s

Peter Pellikaan
Oil And Water by Peter Pellikaan

Another Oil and Water routine from the creative mind of Peter Pellikaan. Openly mix the cards, and by just flipping some cards around - they UNMIX!

You will need:

  • a split facer (vertically split in the middle)
  • Elmsley Count
  • OPEC Count

length 2min 14s

Peter Pellikaan
Simple Collectors by Peter Pellikaan

Simple Collectors is Peter's take on the original Collectors plot. Three cards are selected by three spectators, and after they have remembered their selections the cards are lost in the deck. The magician shows the four kings and also randomly distributes these throughout the deck. With a snap of the fingers the magic happens, and the magician spreads the cards out on the table. In between the 4 Kings; 3 Cards assembled themselves. The Three selected cards.

You will need a little bit of wax.

length 3min 59s

★★★★ $7.50
Peter Pellikaan
Printing Blank by Peter Pellikaan

You show the spectator four blank cards, explaining them you'll show them a quick illusion. All four cards are shown blank on each side, but with a snap of the fingers backs magically appear! Even the faces become printed BUT... It was only an illusion...

You will need:

  • 3 double blank cards
  • 2 Jokers
  • Elmsley Count
  • Block Push Off
  • 2-as-4 Count

length 2min 13s

★★★★ $6
Peter Pellikaan
Simple Elevator by Peter Pellikaan

A card keeps rising to the top from in between four blank cards, only to reveal that you have a few helpers: THE FOUR JOKERS!

You will need:

  • 2 Jokers, 2 10 of Spades, 2 blank facers
  • wax
  • Cut Count
  • 2-as-4 Count

length 3min 9s

Peter Pellikaan
Small Jacks by Peter Pellikaan

Cards shrink the Peter Pellikaan way.

You will need:

  • four small jacks (mini cards)
  • scissors and double sided tape
  • 2-as-4 Count

length 3min 55s

Peter Pellikaan
Xerox Spread by Peter Pellikaan

You will learn the Xerox Spread that allows you to spread five cards as four, hiding one - the second from top.

length 1min 45s

Peter Pellikaan
Ultimate Jacks by Peter Pellikaan

This is a signature effect from Peter, containing multiple counts and a surprising ending. This trick involves color changes of both the front of the cards as well as the backs. As a kicker, at the end of the routine you will be able to show four different backs all different from the ones shown to the spectators before.

You will need:

  • 2 double backers
  • 4 Jacks with different backs
  • 2-as-4 Count
  • Elmsley Count
  • Pelli Spread

length 2min 19s

Peter Pellikaan
Wild Jazz by Peter Pellikaan

Another epic effect by Peter Pellikaan – with an unexpected kicker!

You will need:

  • three double facers (Queen/9H, Queen/9H, Queen/9H, regular 9H, four regular Queens)
  • Cut Count (briefly explained)
  • Elmsley Count

length 4min 23s

Displaying 5990 to 6013 (of 10405 products)
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