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Stanton Carlisle
ESPespcially Yours by Stanton Carlisle

1st edition 1980; original 36 pages; PDF 44 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Dedication
  3. Foreword
  4. Preface
  5. One Out Of Five?...It's THIS One!
  6. Living And Dead Test....No.1,269!
  7. Prelude To The Classic Book Test
  8. The Classic Book Test
  9. Brain Echoes
  10. The 'Escee' Bluff Switch
  11. The Astromental Prediction, Mark 1
  12. The Astromental Prediction, Mark 2
  13. The Master's Miracle Reading
  14. Conclusion
★★★★ $12
Stanton Carlisle
Mentalism for Connoisseurs by Stanton Carlisle

After Stanton Carlisle retired due to a back injury he wrote this book and shared his professional mental routines. Carlisle has performed all of these effects many times during his professional career. They are well polished and worth your time of study.

1st edition 1980; original 53 pages; PDF 56 pages.

  1. Dedication
  2. Contents
  3. Foreword
  4. Author's Foreword
  5. Thoughts Winged Flight
  6. Mind Control ... In Action
  7. Psycho-matic
  8. The "Bent Medium's" Switcheroo
  9. Money Making Mentalism
  10. Astrological Signs and Symbols
  11. How to Tell Fortunes with Dice and Dominoes
  12. The Day for Any Given Birthdate Formula ...
★★★★ $10
Al Mann
O'Daneven's Secret by Al Mann


One to four spectators choose a design out of a choice of 16 designs. The performer either reads their minds or has their choices predicted in advance.

The method is a clever combination of known mentalism principles.

You will receive a manuscript of 7 pages explaining various routines for O'Daneven's Secret. You will also receive a printed cardboard similar to the cover image of this product. (This is the original print run Al Mann made. It is therefore an original Al Mann item.) To assemble the prop there is a bit of cutting and gluing necessary but nothing a second grader...

★★★★★ $9
Stanton Carlisle
Mentalism De Luxe by Stanton Carlisle

Eight strong and wonderful mentalism routines.

"Key Caper" for example is a completely ungimmicked version of Annemann's "Seven Keys To Baldpate". The method is simple and easy, a piece of beautiful clever mentalism.

"Music in the Air" makes use of a cigarette lighter that plays a tune when lighted. I have never seen such lighters. They are probably out of fashion these days. However, the effect could very easily be modernized and used together with a ring-tone on a cellphone. The effect is the following. You show a packet of cards, each one has a different song title printed on it. Your...

James Randi
James Randi Exposes Uri Geller by James Randi

The most unusual recording in Breese's audio series. How many years has Uri Geller been on the scene? How come his reputation still lives on? The first part of this recording is devoted entirely to an expose of Uri Geller by the man who knows his secrets. Discover how James Randi can perform mind-boggling Uri Geller style mental effects under exacting conditions and live on TV. The second part is devoted to Randi's own approach to magic and escapology.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

★★★★★ $25
Richard L. Tenace
Stage Craft for Magicians by Richard L. Tenace

The average magician focuses on tricks, moves and method. The really good ones know that acting is an even more important aspect of a magic performance, regardless of if you are standing on a stage or close-up next to a cocktail table.

Richard Tenace is one of those performers who urges all magicians to take acting classes, to develop a character or persona, to script your effects, to treat our audience with respect, to go beyond fooling somebody to achieving astonishment and entertainment.

Tenace describes these methods and practices on a very accessible and practical level. This is not...

★★★★ $9
Peter Duffie
Close-Up to the Point by Peter Duffie

This was Peter Duffie's first solo book published on the heels of his hugely successful Alternative Card Magic and Contemporary Card Magic.

It includes mostly card routines with a couple of coin routines sprinkled in for good measure. The effects are not difficult to do and can be classified as intermediate. Some routines require palms, half passes and riffle passes.

It is a joy if one can study the early creative output of one of the most accomplished card magician alive today.

1st edition 1984; original 30 pages; PDF 37 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Author's Introduction
  3. Ghost Hunters
  4. Collectors Item
  5. The Journey ...
★★★ $7
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Bodies in Orbit by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Self-levitations have been recently popularized by street performers like David Blaine and others. U.F. Grant as usual was way ahead. Here you will find a lovely self-levitation as well as four other easy to build levitation apparatus.

If you are into levitations you should also check out Modern Levitations by U.F. Grant.

14 pages

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Uncanny Self-Levitation
  4. Casket Asrah
  5. Girls In The Air
  6. Easy-Do Board Suspension
  7. The Floating Head Illusion
★★★ $7
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Modern Levitations by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Five easy to build and practical levitations by the creative master of thrift, U.F. Grant. One could even be called an impromptu levitation because most supplies are available in a typical household. Every levitation is illustrated.

Paul Fleming wrote:

The "levitation" illusion has long been a favorite among magicians. Robert-Houdin featured it approximately a century ago, in the form of "The Aerial Suspension," which we saw presented effectively by William Neff only a year or two ago. Early in the Twentieth Century, Harry Kellar was performing "The Levitation of Princess Karnac," the greatest piece...

★★★★★ $15
Al Forman
Handbook of Telephone Telepathy by Al Forman

Over 30 easily learned mind reading routines to baffle and entertain friends and audiences anywhere a phone exists. Although this was written at a time mobile phones were not available, many of these miracles are directly applicable today where a cell phone is pretty much available anywhere.

Some effects require elaborate preparation, others can be performed at a moments notice. Several are the creation of the author, but most are adaptations of known methods to the telephone.

Forman discusses three groups of phone tricks. The first group consists of code routines. The data to be conveyed...

★★★★★ $14
Francis White
50 Years at the Magic Circle by Francis White

Fifty years a member of the Magic Circle and then President. One of the best known personalities of the magical world will hold your attention with memorable accounts of how he met David Devant and was given private lessons by the great illusionist himself. Francis talks about happenings at Royal Command performances and dramatic happenings at the Magic Circle over the years. This is living history.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

★★★★★ $14
Val Andrews
Tell Them You Saw Dante by Val Andrews

Val Andrews recreates the master in Tell Them You Saw Dante and takes you back to the days of Sim Sala Bim. Val Andrews impersonates Dante. A remarkable insight into Dante the man and the performer. Val takes us behind the scenes with this great performer and the whole recording is rather in the style of a radio broadcast featuring extracts from Dante.

This recording was originally created and released by Val Andrews. In 1977 it was purchased by Martin Breese and is now owned and copyrighted by

runtime 45min

★★★★★ $50
Orville Wayne Meyer
Magic in the Modern Manner by Orville Wayne Meyer

This is a work most will not be familiar with. Many will dismiss it with 'another old magic book'. But those in the know have carefully studied it and hold it dear as one of the most valuable books for a working professional magician.

It is the original and the only one of four places where Annemann's bullet catch is described, because it was Orville Meyer who supplied Annemann with the method. All the three other places where this is described are out of print and hard to impossible to find.

And now this lost Orville Meyer gem has been made even more valuable by extensive annotations and a new...

★★★★★ $15
Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

This work was planned to be the last volume in Dai Vernon's Inner Card Secrets series. However, due to water damage caused by a fire the typed manuscript was lost. It took several years to recover from this mishap and therefore this last volume was originally published much later than the first three volumes (Inner Secrets of Card Magic, More Inner Secrets of Card Magic, Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic). The wait was justified because it was and still is one of the important works of card magic - now available as an ebook.

No serious card man can exist without reading and studying this work.

1st edition 1967; original 246 pages; PDF 156 pages

  3. CHAPTER ONE:...
★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
Cannibal Kings by Allan Ackerman

The four kings are shown and pronounced to be cannibals. A random card is pushed between the four kings and vanishes. The kings have eaten the card. This happens a few more times until the kings ate too much and change to the four Eights.

runtime: 9min 22s

Allan Ackerman
Dunbury Delusion by Allan Ackerman

A card is selected and returned to the deck. The performer cuts to a random position to show an indicator card. The value of the indicator card is used to count to another card which the performer thinks is the chosen card. However, the indicator card was already the spectator chosen card. So it appears as the performer messed up. Nevertheless, everything straightens out magically and the card counted to is the spectator card and the card counted off are the aces.

runtime: 3min 31s...

★★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
Easy Off Pips by Allan Ackerman

Deck is shuffled and spectator cuts to a card. Performer removes one pip at a time from the card until it is entirely blank and as a final climax the card vanishes completely.

runtime: 3min 11s

★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
Devilish Miracle by Allan Ackerman

Two cards are peeked at. Performer selects a few cards from the pack an shows them. One spectator notes that his card is among the ones shown. When the cards are shown again, the spectator card is missing and reappears in the other portion of the deck whereas the other spectator's card has magically appeared face down in the first packet.

This is a plot by Carmen D'Amico and Ed Marlo.

runtime: 6min 27s

Allan Ackerman
Variant's Variant by Allan Ackerman

This routine was first published in Allan's book Here is my Card. The four kings are shown. A deuce is placed under the top king of the four king packet. Magically the deuce rises to the top. Then the deuce is placed third from the top but it still manages to rise to the top. Then it is placed fourth and finally fifth but it always rises to the top. In the end the deuce changes to a king and the four kings change to the four deuces.

runtime: 4min 53s...

Allan Ackerman
Ace Assembly Variation by Allan Ackerman

You deal four hands of cards. The first card for each hand is an ace followed by four indifferent cards. However, magically all the aces assemble in the performer's packet.

You will need to be familiar with the Veeser Concept to perform this effect.

runtime: 4min 1s

★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
Spectator Cuts the Aces by Allan Ackerman

A deck rests on the table. The spectator is asked to cut it into four roughly equal packets. The top card on each packet turns out to be an ace.

You will need to be familiar with the Veeser Concept to perform this effect.

runtime: 2min 3s

★★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
10-Card Trick by Allan Ackerman

This is Allan's variation of the famous Eleven Card Trick. That reads like a joke, but it ain't. The spectator counts ten cards and hands them to the performer who double checks counting them aloud. However often he counts, adds and removes cards, they never really are ten cards. (Requires knowledge of Carly's False Count.)

runtime: 6min 40s

Allan Ackerman
Deceptive Perception by Allan Ackerman

This is an updated handling of a Le Paul effect. A blue and a red-backed deck are used. The spectator selects a card from the blue-backed deck. This card is mixed into a small packet of red-backed cards. Magically the back colors change and suddenly the selected card has a red back and the other cards are now all blue-backed.

runtime: 5min 8s

★★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
No Palm Travelers by Allan Ackerman

This routine was first published in Allan's Moose Notes. The subject of the performance is shuffle tracking. Spectators are signing the four kings, which are lost in the pack. Nevertheless, the magician finds them. But then they magically change to the four aces and the kings are found in various pockets of the magician's suit.

runtime: 16min 3s

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