David Gemmell spans with this publication the range from near self-working effects to very tough sleight-of-hand routines.
1st edition 2009; 78 pages.
This is considered one of the best, if not THE best publication for manipulating thimbles. Includes many new and original concepts.
It comes with 84 gorgeous line drawings. The original booklet had these drawings in very small size. For this ebook we have completely reformatted it and enlarged the drawings to allow easier studying.
1st edition 1931, 1st digital edition 2009, PDF 49 pages.
Since Uri Geller began bending spoons back in the 70's, this metal bending skill has fascinated all magicians and mentalists as well as captivating any audiences that bear witness to it.
Two coins are picked from a handful of change and held at finger tips, the spectator selects one and holds that in their hand, the performer begins to concentrate and gently wave the coin he is left with.
It begins to bend.
While the coin in plain sight is bending, the participant claims to feel the coin in their hand bending in synchronicity.
The hand is opened to reveal the newly bent coin...
Paul Voodini works professionally as a mind-reader, psychic and mentalist. Having worked for many years alongside the UK's most popular "shut eye" mediums and clairvoyants, he has studied their performance techniques and is now able to present to you the subtle art of ungimmicked mind-reading - as practised by mediums, clairvoyants and psychics around the world. However there will be no talking with dead people! What Paul presents here is a totally new approach to mind-reading, free from billet switches, centre tears, electronic gimmickry and accomplices. This is "hands free" mind-reading, made...
You place a ripped off empty jeans pocket on the table. Magically you take three coins one by one out of it. You magically make them disappear and appear inside/under the pocket. The climax is that all three coins disappear inside the pocket.
You will need two coins and a matching expanded shell. The video includes a detailed explanation of the "Palm to Palm", "Classic Palm to Fingerpalm Transfer" and "Toss Up Production" moves.
runtime: 24min 37s
Effect: You display a heirloom deck from your grandfather that due to its frequent use has lost all faces - you display a blank deck. You place the Queen of Hearts (a blank card) on the table and the Joker (another blank card) in your breast pocket. Magically these cards turn into the real cards. On top of this entire deck has changed from a blank deck to a regular deck.
You will need to be able to do: a reverse fan, hindu shuffle, double lift.
runtime: 10min 17s
Many of the best mentalists consider the Jinx the most important publication. It is a treasure chest of ideas, methods, routines and commentary. A must read not just for mentalists but all magicians.
Here is the most convenient form of the Jinx to date. You will get all 151 issues including all summer and winter extras. Each issue is quickly accessible via a bookmark. You will get reproductions of all the old advertisements for the Jinx, the old three part index prepared by J. G. Thompson Jr., and a completely new 30 page index which has been alphabetized and spans all issues and extras.
We have taken the...
Mark's Fairy Tale Mix-up was used as the finale in every little girl’s birthday party show that he performed. (Mark's SuperKid! was used as the finale for boy’s shows.)
About a year ago, he re-vamped it, hoping to bring it up-to-date for today's children, keeping some elements from the original routine.
The birthday girl is transformed into the character of Cinder-Red Riding Girl from the 'Hood, who has to make her way to her Fairy Godfather's house, and who outwits a Wicked Witch along the way, resulting in a beautiful gift she gets to keep. Other characters play a part in this magical,...
The four aces are removed from the deck and three spectators freely choose one card each. The three spectator cards are lost in the deck. Then one by one the four aces vanish to reappear face up in the deck and sandwiched between them the three spectator cards.
You will need to be able to do a pinky count, a sidesteal color change, and a cover pass. False shuffles are optional.
runtime: 11min 3s
A manuscript of meaningless meanderings on the subject of meaningful magic.
Above all this is fun to read. Master Payne has an engaging and fun way to write. His intention with this ebook is to impart on you the skills to be able to create a theme specific show from the knowledge of performing character driven magic. He calls it Thematic Thaumaturgy.
Master Payne teaches primarily by example. He takes an effect that he adopted for one of his themed shows and he explains how, why and what he changed. The first such example is What’s Next?, the classic spot card trick from Tenyo. In his...
This is truly a hidden gem - a lost treasure. Very few know of its existence and you will encounter almost no references to it. When you read this you will ask yourself: "Why isn't this work known by every cardician?" Some of those who have read it value it as much as they value Erdnase. Others would not trade all card books published in the last 10 years for it.
It is an immensely practical work dealing with situations when something goes wrong, or you face difficult spectators. You'll never again be afraid to try out a new trick, even if they literally see what you do, even if they really catch...
In Turbulence, the impossible becomes possible.
Turbulence is a multi-phase card routine that is both mind-bending and entertaining.
Turbulence kicks off with a sizzling and super clean "Collectors" phase where four Kings instantly collect three previously signed cards. Then, in the blink of an eye, the three cards instantly vanish. The three cards are then reproduced as they are summoned from the deck one by one. Finally, the Kings are placed in your pocket and an impossible transposition occurs — the Kings are suddenly found on the table while the three signed cards are...
The new collection of mind-blowing English mind magic!
Once again, some of England's top mentalist's tip their mitt. Following the success of Mind Blasters we now have: Mind Blasters II - the Sequel!
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Rafael Benatar, Gerry, Chapeau, Serip, Karo & Doré, Mitarbeiter der Redaktion.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Lubor Fiedler, Max Maven, Manuel Muerte, Rick Thomas, Showgirls of Magic, George Schindler.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Princess Tenko, Silvan, Vito Lupo, Tim Ellis, Fantasio, Juan Mayoral.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Scott Berry, Pavel, Aldo Colombini, Steve Beam, Peter Lodynski, David Ginn.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Boretti, David Malek, Shepherds Magic Girls, Shigeo Futagawa, Roberto Giobbi, Guy Bavli.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Jair Bonair, Lucky Lutz, Devil, Melinda, Lance Burton, Hank Moorehouse.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Philius, Mag. Gerald Zechmeister & Sohn Helmut, Irene Larsen, David Copperfield, Robert Kaldy (Karo) & Mag. Kurt Baldrian (Saladin) & Michael Swatosch (Doré), Helmut Schreiber (Kalanag).
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Fred & Olly Sylvester, Tony Rei & Peter Lodynski, Martin Michalski, Franz Rosensteiner (Ronnay), Christoph Borer, Siegfried & Roy.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Peter Kinnigkeit (Peki), Jimmy Bix & Brandy, Stefan Rados, Dipl.-Ing. Hansmichael Hähle (Helios), Erwin Zeitz (Erino), Hardy.
Auf den Titelseiten findet man Klaus Wegener (Dixon), Topper Martyn, Bobby Lugano, Ing. Richard Wildner, Pat Leonhard, Robert Kaldy Karo & Michael Swatosch Doré.