When all is said and done ...
you are the lonely one!
A Do-as-I-Do effect that could not have happened!
The performer and a spectator freely select cards from packets that they each hold. Each time the cards are a perfect match. But in the end the audience is left with blank amazement! With influences from Patrick Page and Roy Walton, this is one you will keep!
5 pages.
A one card link. Singled out by the legendary Paul Harris for inclusion on his 'True Astonishment' DVD set, Smoke Rings is a truly incredible impromptu miracle!
Smoke Rings is a completely impromptu, 100% examinable linking card effect which requires no preparation whatsoever. Only one card is used, nothing else. No additional gimmicks are required, your hands are clearly empty. This is anywhere, anytime magic with nothing more..."If I only had one playing card with which to do magic, this is the routine that I'd do, bar none." - David Forrest (from the introduction of this manuscript)
This is a pre-Erdnase description of moves and ruses to cheat at the card table by an unnamed 'retired professional'. However, Bart Whaley's research revealed that this retired professional was Gerrit M. Evans, that his real name was most likely Edward M. Grandin and that Evans/Grandin was not a professional gambler. (Bart is working on an upcoming book about Evans - The Mysterious Gambler.)
This ebook was created from the 1868 edition. There is also an earlier 1865 edition. The 1868 faked edition drops the name of the author who is, of course, Evans/Grandin, pretends that the "anonymous" author is a "retired"...
This is Peter's version of Roy Walton's classic packet effect Cascade and has been released with the permission of Roy Walton.
Downfall is also included as a bonus to Mental Deflect.
Effect: A packet of playing cards turn face up and face down at will. Finally they change into something completely unexpected. Everything can be examined. Nothing secretly added or taken away at any time. Fully illustrated.
1st edition 2007; 7 pages.
This stunning two-part routine has no sleights and nothing to remember except the simple handling, and it leaves the deck ready for a repeat performance. What can you wish more?
After explaining that - not unlike humans - each playing card has a guardian angel that watches over it, you show a 6" x 4" card (can be laminated) that has a full deck of 52 cards printed on it - blacks on one side - reds on the other. These, you claim are the guardians. Against each card is another random card - these are the cards over which the guardians watch. This card is called "the card of the guardians" and...
You show a pack of cards, shuffle it and ask two spectators to select each one a card. One of the cards is signed, lost in the pack and you put the pack inside the card box. You give the card case to the spectator to hold. The second card is in the spectators hand all the time. The magician explains that both cards are twin souls and everything that happens to one card will happen to the other. The magician asks for the card that the spectator holds and shows a lighter. The magician proceeds to burn the back of the card, specifically one of the angels on the bike. If everything works as planned...
The ultra visual, highly impossible yet super easy sandwich effect!
Effect: A pair of cards are removed from the deck, let's say the two Jokers for example. A card is freely selected and signed across the face before being lost back into the deck. The two Jokers are shown front and back, there are only two cards and they do not go near the deck. With a little flick, a face down card appears in between them. The card is removed and shown to be the signed selection. It really is as straight forward as that!
Any card at any number.
At the beginning of your card set you display a blue backed deck and place it into your pocket for later. You then remove a red deck and blow everyone away with all your hottest stuff. Just before you end you suggest an experiment, a long shot if you will. Something that, should it work will guarantee many a sleepless night. You ask a spectator to just think of any card. Then you ask them to just think of any number between 1 and 52. The choices are written on the back of a Joker and left in plain view for all to see. You propose that you will, through shuffling and...
Five 'Hit and Run' effects for the close up performer! Four quick, visual and impromptu card effects with an ordinary deck plus a 'Signed Bill to Marker Cap' effect that is as easy as it is practical. These are effects that you will use.
The Ripped & Repaired ebook contains 30 professionally designed pages of material. Every effect is described in great detail including in depth descriptions of any moves or sleights that may be required and over 60 photographs illustrating the text where required.
A corner is cleanly and fairly torn off a selected card. (It really is!) The magician claims that he can restore this card to its former glory with the aid of a very special and ancient and magic-endowed instrument of necromancy. The spectators clutch their handbags to their faces and peek through the gaps in their fingers. The...
Following on from the success of Ripped & Repaired, Holes is a manuscript from David Forrest featuring three close up miracles with playing cards, each involving holes!
Two decks from one case!
Remove two decks of cards from a single case! Double Decker is a manuscript describing the construction of a gimmicked deck that will allow you to produce two decks of cards from a single card box! As always, the instructions are very clear and concise with each step of the process illustrated with cutting edge, stylized diagrams, the likes of which have never been seen before in magic literature. Making the deck is easy, requiring nothing more than a deck of cards, a few household items and an hour of your time."This really is very clever!" - David Regal
The possibilities...
This is a very flexible pseudo memorized deck routine resulting from the combination of "Memoria" and "Snapshot".
Q. Is it possible to perform the classic Rising Card effect without strings, magnets or elastic and without gaffed cards or gimmicked decks of any kind?
A. It is now! With David Forrest's A.I.R!
Effect: A spectator is asked to choose any card (no force) from a freely shuffled, completely regular deck of cards. The card may be signed if so desired. The card is then lost back into the deck. The magician places the entire deck inside the card case and, holding the deck with one hand, begins to concentrate. Very slowly, one card begins to emerge from the center of the cased deck. Little...
You get both volumes, Card College 1 and Card College 2. And since you are buying two volumes, we can give you a bit of a price break. (If you are looking for the 8 hour video course please go here Card College 1 & 2: Personal Instruction.)
For a detailed description of the contents of volume 1 and 2, please refer to the separate product pages. You will find in these two ebooks almost 200 embedded video clips showing you how master magician Giobbi works the cards.
[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]
[Note: If you want to use the green cross-volume links in the PDFs you have to rename the PDFs to: 'Card College Volume 1.pdf' and 'Card College Volume 2.pdf'.]...
Part 2 in the ‘Fandango’ series continues with yet more innovative close up magic with the focus firmly fixed on practicality and real world performance.
Six more, never before published effects fresh from the mind of Dave Forrest. The material contained within has been carefully selected to ensure that the ‘Fandango’ ethos remains true. This is not a 'read it once' release. These are effects that you will actually use in the real world for real people.
A deck of cards is removed from its case and handed to the spectator for shuffling. It is a genuine, unmarked deck – not gimmicked in any way. The spectator shuffles the cards until he is satisfied and then holds on to them – the performer doesn’t touch them again. Drawing attention to the card case, the performer fairly shows it on all sides pointing out that there are clearly no slits or holes to be found anywhere. You turn your back and instruct the spectator to spread the cards face down, push any card from the spread and without looking at it, seal it in the card case. The rest of...
Roy Walton's Classic Oil & Queens on Speed!
The basis for this multi-climax routine is Roy Walton’s Oil & Queens. In the mid 70’s Peter developed a variation on the original Walton effect whereby the cards turned blank at the end. However, Jon Racherbaumer beat him to the punch when he published the same variation. The following routine is based on the blank routine but has an additional kicker stage that was not in any previous version. Peter has also added Kings to match the Queens. Also, there is no Hamman Count in this version.
1st edition 2008; 9 pages.
This is a treatise on the sucker effects of the Three Card Monte. It starts with an intro by Nate Leipzig, includes a definition of gambling terms and goes on to explain moves, routines and schemes to work the Three Card Monte. John Scarne was a master in performing and demonstrating this sucker effect. Learn everything about it in this digital reproduction, either to be aware of the various ways this can be played and thus be protected, or to learn to perform it for entertainment purposes.
From the preface by Nate Leipzig:
For those who are not acquainted with Mr. John Scarne, I wish to say that...
Biddle Force: An Unnatural Order; A Swindle of Suits; Observation Test; Name a Number, Any Number"Diamonds From Coal, the third card book co-authored by Robin Robertson and Peter Duffie, contains superb material like their first two publications, Card Conspiracy Vol. 1 and Card Conspiracy Vol. 2, that is not only well constructed and entertaining, it does not require an inordinate amount of skill. Together the Duffie/Robertson trilogy is the best value in card magic to come out in a long time." - Harvey Rosenthal
Batch Mexican Turnover: On a Match; Mag(net)Ic; Looks Can be Deceiving; The Royal Road; Combined Forces; Rapid-Fire...
Donny Orbit has been cropping up all over the place recently, having effects published in Magic, Genii and Antinomy and contributing to Nathan Kranzo's Moving Tanline DVD."Donny Orbit exhibits a fresh approach with his effects. I always look forward to his stuff!" - Joshua Jay
Six amazing close up routines from an extremely offbeat thinker. 'Off the wall' plots with a direct and practical approach. Not only is this magic you'll use, it's magic that'll make you smile, shake your head, kick yourself and swear out loud - all at the same time!
"I could try and draw comparisons to other magicians. I could tell you that...
14 Chapters, 70+ tricks, 150+ illustrations by Joseph K. Schmidt.
12 Chapters, 50+ tricks, 150+ illustrations by Joseph K. Schmidt.