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Moves & Techniques in Cards: page 17


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Brick Tilley
The Unkindest Cut by Brick Tilley

A false cut that uses the action of burning a card as misdirection. Particularly useful for cheating at BlackJack.

Chuck Smith was recorded doing this cut. (A letter from Chuck Smith to Brick Tilley is reproduced in the PDF.) He used it to beat players during the years of WWII. The sequence of actions is the following. You first openly cut the cards and complete the cut. Then you take the top card, turn it face up and place it as the bottom card. During the action of burning the top card you undo the cut. The demo video will prove how honest and fair this looks.

You will receive a PDF...

★★★★★ $10
Larry Brodahl
Counts with Jumbo Cards by Larry Brodahl

Techniques to do a natural relaxed looking Elmsley and Jordan count using Jumbo Cards.

Included is a script and handling for a trick that is especially useful for MC work. A video showing how the counts look is also included (see your digital shelf).

1st edition 2019, PDF 22 pages, video length 38 s.

Michael MacDougall & J. C. Furnas
Gamblers Don't Gamble by Michael MacDougall & J. C. Furnas

A card detective revelations of gambler's secrets.

MacDougall, who refers to himself as magician and card detective, tells of years of tracking down crooks, phony devices, and manipulations in every sort of gambling field. He shares anecdotes of various experiences, and explains several cardshark methods and moves including:

  • Culling and Palming
  • The Slip Cut
  • Bottom Dealing
  • Second Dealing and Sort Edge Cards
  • The Haymaker Shuffle
  • The False Riffle
  • The Crimp
  • Trick Stacking And A Misdeal
  • The Interlacing Riffle

1st edition 1939, 167 pages; PDF 91 pages.

Larry Brodahl
How To Palm by Larry Brodahl

A training program and process to learn how to successfully palm cards.

Three palms taught including video instructions:

  • Pivot Palm
  • Erdnase Palm
  • Swivel Fan Palm
Techniques and tips as well as scripting methods included along with a complete script for "The Card Through Hanky".

1st edition 2019, PDF 53 pages, video length 2:20

★★★★ $60
Wesley James
I'll Pass by Wesley James

Wesley James has been seriously analyzing, studying, and improving the Pass for well over 50 years. In this volume his efforts are fully revealed for the first time.

When other magicians, even experts, have witnessed Wesley perform many of his treatments of the Pass, they've been incredulous. They simply can't believe the Pass, any Pass, can be as invisible as they are in Wesley's hands. Now, in this large volume, you can learn these invisible, indetectable Passes, as well as the most deceptive Shifts that can be performed at the card table, including the legendary "Ping Pong Shift."


★★★★★ $6
J. G. Thompson Jr.
T-Formation by J. G. Thompson Jr.

J. G. Thompson, Jr's fabulous master-key to card control.

From the introduction by B. W. McCarron, "T-Formation (TF) is a monograph of card sleights that are not at all difficult for the average performer; yet they allow a nice range of performance possibilities. Forces, controls, peeks and even the versatile double lift are all given the 'Thompson treatment.' "

T-Formation teaches the average magician or mentalist an assortment of maneuvers with cards that are easy to execute but full of deceptiveness. In the author's words, T-Formation "enables the performer, with a minimum of effort, to perform...

★★★★★ $60
Wesley James
It's Your Deal by Wesley James

The most comprehensive book on False Deals ever conceived is now available. Written by one of the greatest living False Deal experts and performers; Wesley James is also one of the most detail focused writers in magic's long history.

This is the third book in the Wesley James "Technique Mastery" series, which currently includes A Call to Palms, Neo-Shufflogica and, now, It's Your Deal. Planned future volumes include I'll Pass and Cooler than Ever.

If you think you know all about False Dealing, you're almost certainly mistaken; Bottoms, Seconds and Middles just scratch the surface. No one volume could be fully comprehensive...

★★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
The PAT Switch: Before Computers Series 1 by Bob Farmer
"... The PAT Switch will have you rethinking many of the tricks you know and probably have in your repertoire, as well as suggesting new ideas." - Matt Field
There was a time when Doug Henning roamed the earth, a time designated B.C. (Before Computers). It was a time when armed only with an Olivetti portable typewriter, a deck of cards and a dream of unseating Max Maven as the inventor of more damn card tricks and sleights than anyone else in history, I devised many, many effects, some really awful with short life spans ("Spanish Inquisition," lie detector with Ascanio spread), some acceptable...
★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
Turnantula by Bob Farmer
"The sleight ... is to my knowledge new and is certainly a lovely maneuver promising wide applicability. If anything can shine through the welter of material being published today, I should think this sleight deserves to. It is quite simply, very, very good ... your applications ... [are] ... excellent in their construction." - Stephen Minch

"... [Turnantula] ... is quite excellent and I have never seen anything like it before." - Roy Walton

"The venomous bite of the Turnantula caused me to see outstanding close-up card magic that may not have been possible otherwise. Buy it now before an antidote is discovered and spoils...

★★★★★ $7.95
Edward Marlo
The Faro Shuffle: Revolutionary Card Technique No. 6 by Edward Marlo

This ebook describes Marlo's techniques for the Faro Shuffle. It contains methods for executing a faro, such as The First Technique, Faro Riffle Shuffle, and The Butt Shuffle, as well as Faro Aids, such as the Fourth Finger Table and the Rock and Reweave. It also contains more complex variations, like the Off Center Faro, Above Crimp Faro, and 26th Card Faro Check.

  • The Faro Shuffle
  • - The First Technique
  • Faro Aids
  • - 26th Card Faro Check
  • - The 4th Finger Table
  • Faro Riffle Shuffle
  • - Variations In Technique On The Faro Riffle Shuffle
  • - In The Hands
  • The Butt Faro
  • Partial Faro Check ...
★★★★ $60
Wesley James
Neo Shufflogica by Wesley James

Revisiting the False Shuffle for Artifice and Magic

There has not been a complete work on Shuffle technique since the early 1970's, yet Shuffle techniques have continued to advance. In fact, there has been a significant shift in the paradigm of those at the forefront of Shuffle techniques. Further, "In-the-Hands" techniques have become increasingly common, even in the magic fraternity, as they have been in the cheating community for many years. Now, for the first time, one of the most recognized experts on the subject has released the real work, including many of his own developments, for...

Aarsh Shah & Piklumagic
Vibgyor by Aarsh Shah & Piklumagic

6 colourful colour card changes like never before.

Vibgyor is a colorful journey created and cherished from the mind of Aarsh Shah that contains color changes that requires nothing but your hand and deck of playing cards. Piklumagic brings this journey that includes six colorful destinations which are creative an very visual and can be performed anywhere and anytime.

  • Voigre
  • Inlet
  • Blurple
  • Grellow
  • Yelue
  • Bonus (or "T3")

1st edition 2017, length 17 min

J. G. Thompson Jr.
Sleight Intended by J. G. Thompson Jr.

From the foreword:

For years the pattern has been the same. A newcomer to magic invariably turns first to cards as a vehicle for mystification. He spends hours upon hours mastering difficult sleights and then, to his dismay, learns of the existence of easier and more effective maneuvers hidden away in magical literature - moves about which he could have no knowledge, but which would have made his previous struggles unnecessary, or, at least, eased them. Gradually he discards the results of many arduous hours of practice and substitutes the newly discovered and simplified versions until,...

Brick Tilley
Double Eidetic Change by Brick Tilley

An advancement on Ed Marlo's iconic card change. See video below. You can only perform this at a table with an assistant.

1st edition 2017, 4 pages.

Edward Marlo
Card Switches: Revolutionary Card Technique No. 12 by Edward Marlo

Original methods for switching a card or cards.

  • Rear Flat Palm
  • Rear Angle Palm
  • Thumb Clip Palm
  • Latest Thumb Clip Palm
  • Changing Palm Positions
  • Flat Card Pickup
  • Getting into the Palm Positions
  • Methods of Unloading the X Card after the Switch: The Flexible Unload
  • The Card Switch Transfer
  • An Impressive Sequence
  • A Simpler Sequence
  • A Third Sequence
  • First Switch
  • Variations of the First Switch
  • Marlo's Card Switch
  • Additional Method for Getting into Basic Position of Rear Flat Palm required for the Marlo Card Swtich
  • Methods of Disclosure
    • The Delayed Disclosure
    • The Indirect Disclosure ...
★★★★ $15
Steven Youell
100% Forcing: The Classic Force and The Stanley Collins Force by Steven Youell

Learn the details of these two important forces and several great routines from Steven Youell who has mastered these two moves. This ebook is photo illustrated and teaches you every nuance.

  • Starting Out
  • Learning the Timing
  • The Standard Advice
  • No Parrots
  • No Celebrations
  • Can the Classic Force Be 100%?
  • Eliminating the Fear
  • The Basic Mechanics of the Stanley Collins Force
  • Without a Table
  • Meshing the Mechanics with Words and Movements
  • The Classic Force Is Not a Trick
  • Applications for the Stanley Collins Force
    • Bill Simon's Business Card Prophecy Move
    • The Two Pile Force
  • Practical...
★★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Super-Cuts by Jon Racherbaumer

The methods explained in this manuscript involve cutting a deck to ostensibly change its order. They are semi-automatic because minimal dexterity is required. Otherwise they are subtle in seductive ways and all of them are completely or partially false.

The false cut triggering this manuscript is Jay Ose's False Cut that was auspiciously introduced to magicians by Harry Lorayne. This false cut eventually made its way into the repertoires of card specialists, but early on it was primarily meant to be easily and quickly performed after false shuffling. It was to the point, expressing a pleasing, sixbeat...

★★★★★ $29.50
Edward Marlo
Seconds, Centers and Bottoms by Edward Marlo

Watch the master as he goes through advanced dealing and pass techniques, as only Eddie could. Exclusive, historical footage is now available in a digital format for the first time for serious card workers everywhere. A great line from Marlo is: "The center deal is a glorified bottom deal - that is all it is."

  • Take versus Strike Seconds
  • One Hand and Extended Push-Off Seconds
  • Easy and No Touch Theory Seconds
  • Natural Second
  • On the Inward Take
  • Multiple Minus Bottom
  • Marlo on the Center Deal
  • Inner Corner Take Bottom
  • On the Bottom Deal Count
  • Havana Deals
  • Inward and Outward Deals
  • Straddle...
★★★★★ $25
Ian Kendall
Basic Training by Ian Kendall

Between 2009 and 2011 a very special column appeared in M-U-M, the in-house magazine for the Society of American Magicians. Conceived to be an introduction to sleight of hand aimed at beginners, the thirty-six lessons ended up being one of the most detailed courses in conjuring to date. The topics covered included all aspects of magic; cards and coins, balls, ropes and cups, stand up and close up, interspersed with real-world performance hints and tips from someone who has spent time in the trenches.

This e-book version contains all thirty six Basic Training columns, plus two extra lessons...

★★★★ $24.95
Edward Marlo
The Shank Shuffle by Edward Marlo

Here is a deceptive, all purpose false shuffle that every card man will be able to do. Marlo's detailed steps of instruction brings this revolutionary technique into sharp focus and also gives you some very magical effects using it. Students of card magic will find this provocative, controversial treatise an important addition to Riffle Shuffle arcana. Newcomers will be introduced to the skills and workings of front-rank card magic.

  • Foreword
  • Commentary
  • The Shank Shuffle
  • Marlo's Variations Of The Shank Shuffle
  • The Work
  • To Keep An Alternated Red-Black Set-Up
  • The Shank Shuffle With Block...
Change Volume 1 by MAG

You will learn four color changes. This is pure sleight of hand, no gimmicks.

  • Pum Change
  • Funk Change
  • Hop Change
  • Wall Change

1st edition 2016, length 19min

★★★★★ $15
T. Hayes
The Second Deal: Advanced Concepts for the Card Table by T. Hayes

This ebook takes an academic look at the second deal and its use at the card table, specifically in the game of Texas Hold’em poker. This is achieved by first examining the mathematical rules of the second deal. These rules are then applied to the basic structure of Texas Hold’em and the use of the move is advanced by also considering poker strategy. In addition to this, the probabilities of dealing target cards, when using a binary marking system, are derived. The use of the second deal in conjunction with stacking techniques is also considered, with a focus on the block transfer. Whilst...

★★★★★ $60
Wesley James
A Call To Palms by Wesley James

When Wesley James publishes a new book, you know you've got to have it, especially when it focuses on the single most powerful weapon in the arsenal of card magic, Palming. Whether you've always wanted to Palm cards, only Palm occasionally or are experienced and looking for exciting new applications, this volume will fill you with joy. If you're a novice, it will make developing Palming skill easier than ever. If you already Palm frequently, you'll think you've found heaven.

Dr. James has packed these 245+ pages, a masterwork on Palming, a gold mine for those experienced in card technique....

★★★★★ $12
Daniel MacMillan
The Gambler's Palm Revisited by Daniel MacMillan

This manuscript contains card switches, palming, side steals, palm replacement, and other sleights using the gambler’s palm. More advanced items are also included such as palming during a tabled riffle shuffle and the one hand turn over switch that was used in the movie Shade.

This is the second edition of Daniel MacMillan's book The Gambler's Palm Revisited. The first edition was published in 1977. Daniel subsequently published several items in various publications by Ken Simmons. In 1999, Ken Simmons published the second edition of The Gambler's Palm Revisited. This second edition included...

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