If you already own Unusual Clue or buy along with this, you can get this ebook for half price.
The 'which hand' plot is a very popular one and there have been many excellent routines with this plot. Some notable names are Gerald Kosky, Barrie Richardson, Banachek, Mark Elsdon and many other creative thinkers. Here is a collection of some unconventional, unusual but easy to do and high impact routines based on this theme.
If not performed correctly, this plot can come across as a simple 50-50 puzzle. But if presented well, this can create true amazement for the participants. So presentation is as important as...
Rose continues the simple, bold and beautiful approach found in Fraser's limited edition False Messiah.
Fraser is now sharing, for the first time outside of his close circle of friends, his most up to date arrangement for guessing names and star signs completely prop-less.
You say a few lines of scripting and you are able to instantly divine practically anything the spectator is thinking of. Method and effect work seamlessly together to create a bold and beautiful deception that relies on fooling those who you perform for via perception.
No naming of letters, anagrams or running through...
Julio's Psychic Pizza is an easy to perform and completely self-working prediction that allows a spectator to predict a pizza style (Olives and Anchovies, Italian, Classic, Hawaiian, etc) and the appropriate base (thick or thin) and an accompanying beverage (Milkshake, Iced Tea, Cola, Orange juice, etc).
The performer introduces a colorful and glossy menu from Julio's Psychic Pizza Shop (est. 1971). Printed on the inside is a psychic circle of pizza styles representing what's available.The spectator thinks of any number between 1--1000 (no force) and counts around the circle (either clockwise...
For the last two years, Dee Christopher has been developing, testing and collecting unique methods to perform the classic Living and Dead act.
In this ebook, you will receive several methods to determine which card contains the dead name, alongside some printable files, professionally designed to work with some of the methods described.
Dee has also given his advice for performing these kinds of powerful, but dangerous acts and included his ideas on performing acts of this nature.
From the closing of the book:
"In the last 6,500 (rounding down for effect) words; I've revealed to...
If you already own Psych Aerious or buy along with this, you can get this ebook for half price. The owners of Unusual Clue can get THE: The Hand Experiments for half price.
A unique and unconventional 'Psychic Detective' routine where the performer plays the detective and using an 'unusual clue' predicts the name of the criminal right in the beginning of the proceedings.
A random participant names a random 'victim' - straight from his imagination. Another random participant names a random 'witness' - again purely from his imagination. These names are chosen totally at random and out of the blue and there is absolutely no force...
David Devlin has floored everyone he has shown this incredible effect. Even members of his family were nailed. This is an amazing piece of mental magic. Based on an array of different effects and principles, this is certain to go into your working repertoire. It is self-working and can even be performed impromptu (at least the majority of the effect can be performed impromptu)!
The effect is this: A deck is shuffled, and two predictions are made on the backs of two business cards. One is a number and the other is the name of a playing card. Two spectators deal cards in turn until they each...
From the lost files of Jason Michaels comes one of the most devious and baffling psychic card routines every invented!
It is a four-phase routine in which you locate selected cards SIGHT UNSEEN. It was one of the most talked about feats of Jason Michaels and even fooled the skeptics. This appears in print for the first time.
Jason never liked using blindfolds except for blindfolded drives and even then he put newspaper over the windshield. The reason for this is that no matter how clever or deceptive a blindfold is, there are always people who still think somehow you can see through it....
PDF 49 pages
Spook Crooks! is Julien Proskauer's searing expose of the world of phony prophets, fake mediums, and other con artists who fleeced innocent victims of their cash, dignity and in some cases their lives.
Proskauer, a friend of Houdini's, took it upon himself to nearly single-handedly rid the radio airwaves of fortune tellers and psychic swindlers in the early 1930s, much to the chagrin of honest mentalists who were caught in the crossfire.
A slick billet switch, the gypsy money switch, and many other secrets are revealed in crystal clear text and illustrations.
Robert A. Nelson, owner of mentalism's most esteemed...
A complete mental act with an impossible object!
You present a bottle with a full deck of cards inside. (You can hand out the bottle for examination). The spectator selects one of five playing cards (no force!). With the heritage from your grandpa you are able to reveal any selected card.
You can perform this on stage and even close up. Build the routine up to 4-5 minutes.
You will learn:
Oracle is a multi phase performance piece with a pendulum and deck of cards by Simon Caine.
To demonstrate the powers of the pendulum, first it is used to divine a freely selected card. Next, the pendulum is able to answer questions from the audience, completely out of the hands of the performer. The selected card is then lost and mixed face down into several others by the participant, and still, the pendulum is able to 'dowse' the selection, using nothing more than the participants unspoken thoughts. Finally, a card is merely thought of by another audience member. The pendulum reveals this...
Somebody hides a coin in one of their hands, and the mentalist has to guess or predict which one: Left or Right?
This method uses classic techniques and is probably the simplest, the most direct, the safest, and probably the boldest one! It can be done separately, or embedded with other methods, or used as an out. Its major advantage is that it will not be perceived as a logic puzzle, and will really leave an impression of free choice. It will kill all previous solutions of potential methods (logic, electronic, gimmicked, etc.) that Cartesian spectators might suspect.
Here is another ploy to the Monty Hall problem, one of the most unexplored plots in magic and mentalism.
In this version, the mentalist plays the role of the candidate, and the participant plays the role of the host. As many people nowadays know the Monty Hall paradox or can search for it on the net, the game is made slightly more complex, in order to avoid any probabilities: The player can also play the role of a corrupt presenter if they wish. He can secretly steal the prize behind the third door, making it impossible for you to win the Ferrari! All this will allow you to mix mentalism...
The owners of this ebook can buy Star Signature for half price.
There have been many methods for divining the star sign of a participant. Most of these have used the principles of BA's or PA's. Such methods make the process longer and sometimes tedious. Here is a simple and smart idea for reducing your work by half but at the same time doubling the payoff and impact.
A cool principle called POWERGRAM is used to divine the target star sign within an average of asking just 3-4 letters only. In addition, a kicker revelation is also possible. This can be done impromptu face to face or even remotely over...
This is the 6th Volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism masterclass. This Volume is about numbers. This is the only volume where Peter talks about his feelings and thoughts during the creation procedure so you have a chance to step in Peter's everyday life for some moments. As always Peter's teaching is very enjoyable to read and very easy to understand.
Effects included:
Serial Killer: This is a prediction effect with a very cool story around it. The spectators make all the choices they can change their mind as many times they wish. This effect is very clean it packs small and plays huge. ...
1st edition 2016, 63 pages.
1st edition 2016, 75 pages.
1st edition 2015, 61 pages.
1st edition 2015, 41 pages....
Have you ever wondered how to make money with psychic readings?
In this reveal all interview series we cover the three main ways that you can make money from psychic readings as a mystery entertainer. It is all covered in over 1 hour worth of interviews.
We start with interview one that covers in detail the paid booth market - this includes: fairs, festivals, trade shows, psychic fairs and other paid venues for doing readings.
Next we head into the psychic house party market and cover how and why to do psychic house parties for profit! This can be a game changer for many mystery entertainers...
The owners of this ebook can purchase Unusual Clue for half price.
This is a killer close up mentalism routine. Clean, simple and direct. A participant is asked to mentally think of a word from the Psych Aerious Card. Not only does the performer reveal the final word but also seems to know what all the participant passed through from the beginning of the thought to the ending of the thought process.
A mysterious concept of Psych Aerious is introduced and explained which makes the routine more baffling and the impact more powerful. A small card which can easily fit in a wallet is used as an interesting...
Reminiscences of Charles H. Foster who some consider the most gifted and remarkable spiritual medium since Emanuel Swedenborg. This account gives facts and descriptions of many seances held in different parts of the world.
This is a fascinating account of Charles H. Foster's story - a medium who exhibited mostly skin writing (dermography) and pellet reading. When Foster visited England in 1861 materialization phenomena were added to his performances.
Foster enjoyed drinking alcohol and smoking cigars in barrooms with his companions as much as he did transmitting messages from the dead....
This lesson in telepathic experiments makes mind reading an understandable and practical thing. A method of reading one's thoughts that you can learn and apply. The secret mental equipment needed for your success as a mental performer. The late Axel Hellstrom, a German mental marvel, astounded the entire scientific world with his uncanny ability to read the thoughts of a person with whom he was in contact and to interpret these thoughts correctly. He would execute mental (not written) commands with lightning rapidity - find hidden articles wherever they were secreted - deliver sealed messages...