There has never been such a complete and thoroughly accurate exposé of the inner workings and guarded secrets of the professional medium, psychic and healer.
Describes how fake psychics get their certificates, making them immune from police interference. How anyone can obtain such a certificate. Explains how mediums and psychics work in "closed" towns so city authorities can't touch them. Includes sample ads as used by the phony seers, fake diplomas, how and where the psychics get their business, and how mediums can even work spare time and still make big money. Shows how the psychic obtains...
Sm'ash is an effect where you reveal spectators selection by rubbing ash on their hand. Imagine doing voodoo ash trick on spectators hand. With this gimmick you are able to do that. It is easy to construct and use the gimmick. Once you learn the method you are able to develop your own variations. Consider:
1st edition 2017, length 11 min
From the introduction:
No matter how deep you delve into Magical history, you will not encounter another card effect similar to my "PREMONITION". When first introduced to fellow magicians, "PREMONITION" was greeted enthusiastically. Many knowledgeable members in the profession proclaimed its merits unstintedly. Others soon learnt of its singular entertainment potentiality and included it as a feature number in their acts. My files are full of laudable comments gathered from various sources. Two of these in particular I wish to record here. The first from that veritable human encylopedia of...
You, too, can be a successful predictionist!
Publicity, such as headline news and front page stories are the lifeblood of modern show business. Super Prediction Tricks are proven top notch publicity-getters. Properly executed, they are the easily arranged and assured method of getting sensational publicity and news stories - publicity worth thousands of dollars.
This ebook of predictions and sensational showmanship has been eagerly accepted and highly praised by the members of the profession. You, too, will cherish it and utilize many of the fine effects. Hail to the man or woman who does...
Ploy is a way to indirectly obtain a piece of information your spectator is only thinking of without them ever having to say it out loud or write anything down.
You perform a thought of card effect where a card is taken out of a deck of normal playing cards, you either guess it exactly or get very close and are then able to automatically and effortlessly divine other information your spectator is merely thinking of, such as, which colour they are focusing on or their star sign, etc.
No this is not the usual ploy of writing on the faces of the playing cards to force a thought but is actually...
Paz is from the creative minds of Adrien Lochon and Fraser and is an ingenious way of divining the star sign of a spectator you have only just met.
They simply tell you which areas of their life they would like you to focus on during their reading; Involving Past, Present and Future aspects of their life, specifically. You are always able to not only give an accurate reading of the spectator but always end your demonstration with a perfectly clean divination of their exact star sign.
No letters or characteristics are named and nothing is written down or physically selected. This relies...
Learn the inner secrets of how to make a living as a mentalist or psychic entertainer. The commercial side of this highly lucrative business is revealed in its entirety: contracts, bookings, advertising and exploitation in theaters, clubs, hotels, casinos, fairs, and in private practice.
The entire range of opportunities for psychic entertainers is discussed at length, and with one thought in mind: to make money! Whether you are new in the business or a seasoned pro, this ebook will mean extra dollars to you.
If you're on the sidelines now, watching others make real money in this profession,...
The Smagorad is a legendary magick book whose very content was thought to be able to affect the course of the cosmic universe. Its secrets were believed so powerful that they could alter the natural elements.
A killer set of mind-reading effects in your pocket. Self-working and instantly repeatable with a different outcome each time.
What You Get:
The performer is able to divine the starting point and ending point of a "chain of thoughts" which freely happens only in the mind of the participant. Nothing is ever...
6 easy Native American themed mentalism routines.
This eBook first released in 2006 disappeared a year later and returns now in its original form. So what is a Pow Wow?
Pow Wow is the Native American people's way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones. It's also a time to renew thought of the old ways and to preserve the rich Native American heritage. The word powwow in itself is from an Indian word that has been Anglicized. It comes from the Algonquian term "pau-wau" or "pauau", which referred to a gathering of medicine...
Here are more new, original and sensational mental effects, brought to you by many foremost mentalists. A wide variety of time proven, audience tested effects are included. Several of the effects were formerly catalogued and sold by their originators for several dollars each. Now get them all in this fine ebook, the second in the series of "Miracles in Mentalism."
Take a look at what's included:
Would you like to open the secret notebook of a successful medium and psychic reader? To study and absorb the personal notes and information gleaned as a result of years of experience? Would you like first-hand observations and instructions on how to give successful "psychological readings?" To know what to anticipate when a client enters your office? To know what type of reading to give for the satisfaction of the subject? To discover how and why the client is so easily fooled? To learn the closely guarded bits of "business" that build private readings and reputations?
The information contained...
The Snip-Snip Want Ad Test is the a sensational, simplified, baffling and easy to present effect. No switching, palming, sleight of hand or advance preparation is needed. Guard the secret well. I have seen professional mentalists pay $100 and more for secrets far inferior to this. Your audience will not believe it. Neither would you if you were not in on the secret.
Effect: A single column of want ads cut from any newspaper is freely shown. It is not gimmicked or prepared in any way. Holding the strip vertically, you start to snip ads from the bottom of the strip, one at a time, until a spectator...
It was very satisfying to note that many of you have liked the routines and principles explained in the predecessor to this, i.e, Credit Kard Tantra. Thank you for your great response and support.
Here is another collection of 15 amazing effects (including variations), a bonus routine and some bonus ideas - all of which can be done with any participant's credit/debit cards. Almost impromptu, self working and easy to perform routines which do not need any DIY or arts and crafts with either your or the participant's cards.
Most of these routines can also be performed over phone or skype. Some of the routines...
In this eBook, you get 50 feats of mental magic from the legendary U. F. Grant. Written by Don Tanner, contents include book tests, various design duplication methods, Grant's original Prediction Chest, Q&A acts and methods, mental card miracles, blindfolds, and much more. Many of these items are worth far more than the price of the manuscript; including Grant's "Mental Epic" style triple prediction effect, called "Citation," that uses a large regular slate or dry erase board. You get all this for just $4.00, one of the best bargains in magic.
Star Struck is the latest small manuscript authored by Dale A. Hildebrandt. In this ebook, you will learn:
A Close-Up Mental Mystery with Business Cards
The performer displays three business cards. One is handed to a spectator, who is instructed to write the name of a loved one on the blank side of the card. They then turn it face down on the other two cards, and mix them up so the location of this card is unknown to anyone. They lay them out in a row.
The performer then uses his mental abilities to correctly isolate the card with the name on it. Finally, without touching that card, he correctly reveals the name itself!
Greg Arce: "I can see this being something to easily carry around...
Sydney and Leslie Piddington were an Australian husband and wife mentalism team who in the late 1940's presented a series of live radio broadcasts for the BBC, comprising of specialized tests devised to demonstrate Lesley's ability to receive thoughts over a great distance.
In this 30 minute video you will learn an effective, easy to prepare and simple method, which will enable you to replicate the style of long distance telepathy experiments made famous by the Piddington's. With very little preparation you'll create the illusion that you possess the ability to silently transmit randomly...
WARNING: This ebook will get you noticed. If you want to live in anonymity and obscurity, this is not the book for you.
All the great performers relied on publicity - so should you. Get your name and photo in the newspapers, TV and on Internet media sites using the attention-getting stunts in this book. No matter whether you're a mentalist, magician, illusionist, juggler, comedian, or any other type of entertainer. You need a constant barrage of publicity and "buzz" to ensure that your shows are well-attended.
Working pro Joe Ovette reveals the inside secrets to getting reporters to write...
Liz and Tommy Tucker. Falkenstein and Willard. Lucille and Eddie Roberts. The Piddingtons. What did these acts have in common? They were all great and they featured a two-person mentalism act.
In this release, Hereward Carrington presents a two-person mentalism act that doesn't require hidden or electronic gimmicks. All you need are two people and this easy-to-master system. Whether they be husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, brother and sister, coworkers or simply two unrelated, but arresting personalities who desire to set the mentalism world on its ear again, the time is right...
Laughs galore! Comedy bits, blackouts, funny lines, complete presentations and humorous bits of business for mentalists, magicians and psychic entertainers.
When first published, this was the first and only comprehensive book on the subject. Comedy bits, effects and full routines by Bob Nelson, Karrell Fox, George Johnstone, Alan Millan, The Amazing Maurice, North Bigbee, Sid Lorraine, George McAthy, Robert Tripp and Ben Franklin IV.
Top-notch material for every occasion, including a complete two-person comedy act by Bob Nelson and a complete comedy Talking Skull routine by George McAthy.
Would it be useful to you if you knew the identity of the top card of a shuffled deck? What if you knew both the identity of the top and bottom cards of a shuffled deck in use? If you know the identity of four cards on the top of a shuffled deck, how would you apply this knowledge? Would you desire to demonstrate that you can speed memorise a packet of cards within seconds? Now, imagine this: You know the identity of every card in an entire..."The only people who speak of the difficulties of the memorising a deck of cards are those who've never seriously tried to learn one." - Simon Aronson
This is a collection of 12 stunning mentalism routines which can be done with your credit/debit card. All the routines are quite easy to perform. Most of them are fairly self working. Some of them can even be performed remotely over phone. Some of the routines can be done with the participant's cards also.
There is no arts and crafts to be done with your cards. There is absolutely no tampering of your cards. The effects themselves are hands off. Your existing and live credit/debit cards can be used for these effects. There are no sleights, no threads, no stooges, no magnets involved.
This is probably the best book ever written on headline predictions. It describes in detail the methods behind the two greatest headline predictions ever performed. The first one was performed by mentalist Robert Nelson in 1947 and was known as the Miracle Prediction of the Age. It achieved world-wide publicity overnight.
In 1985, Devin Knight ala Jason Michael, did the Ultimate Headline Prediction, and achieved world-wide publicity and fame overnight. In fact, it achieved more publicity than any other headline prediction in the history of magic.
Both of these predictions generated publicity worth millions of dollars....