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Published 1800-1899 in Magic & Mentalism: page 2


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★★★★★ $12
Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne
The Supernatural? by Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne

In this work, Lionel Weatherly inspects and investigates stories of mirages, prophetic dreams and the experiences of historical figures like Joan of Arc. Illusionist John Nevil Maskelyne, who exposed the fraud of a number of spiritualists including the Davenport Brothers, and who created several famous illusions which are still being performed today, examines the truth behind a number of famous Eastern magical illusions. Maskelyne also scrutinizes mediumistic fraud, questioning the credibility of figures like D. D. Home and Madame Blavatsky, in an entertaining and carefully argued investigation...

After Dinner Tricks and Puzzles with your Seal Brand Coffee by unknown

A nicely produced collection of mostly puzzles, brainteasers, and some which could be performed as magic tricks. In total there are 36 problems. Solutions are provided for all of them.

1st edition 1896, 12 pages of problems, 2 pages of answers.

★★★★★ $8
J. Dazley Theobald
Amateur Magician by J. Dazley Theobald

From the preface:

The object of this work is to thoroughly explain to the Amateur Magician the various subterfuges which are made use of by Professional Conjurors to mystify their audiences, and to afford such instructions as shall enable any person to give a private performance. That there is plenty of room for a work on the subject of magical secrets and contrivances is evident by the few books that are in circulation, and even some of these are of but slight value, as they give graphic descriptions of what tricks are performed, while but scant and imperfect explanations of how they are...

★★★★★ $10
J. Dazley Theobald
Magic and its Mysteries by J. Dazley Theobald

From the preface:

In the following pages it has been my aim to give such plain and practical instructions, as shall enable the amateur conjurer to perform with confidence and success. In the limits of a book of this size, it is impossible to describe more than one-tenth of the various tricks in modern magic in vogue at the present day, and I have therefore carefully excluded the larger professional apparatus, such as are used only on the public stage, believing that what is most needed is a sound treatise on drawing-room magic, and I trust in the following pages the reader will find such...

The Real New London Conjuror or the Art of Legerdemain by unknown

Showing the various ways of performing tricks by sleight-of-hand on dice, cards, etc., together with many surprising deceptions.

  • To change a Box of Bird Seed into a living Bird
  • To thrust a Bodkin into your Forehead without any hurt
  • Breslaw's grand Deception of the little learned Swan
  • The mode of shewing the Hen and Egg Bag, and out of an empty Bag to bring upwards of an Hundred Eggs, and afterwards a live Hen
  • How to seem to change a Card into a King or Queen
  • Card burnt, and afterwards found in a Watch
  • A curious trick played with a Fowl
  • How to eat Fire, and blow it up in your Mouth...
★★★★★ $8
Henri Garenne
The Art of Modern Conjuring Magic and Illusions by Henri Garenne

From the introduction:

I have written this work not as an exposure of the art of Conjuring and Magic, but simply to act as a guide for amateurs and young beginners; therefore I shall enumerate many tricks and illusions that my young friends can perform at home amongst their numerous friends. In addition to this, I shall also enumerate those tricks and illusions which demand a larger amount of room, and also require specially constructed apparatus; such tricks the amateur would do well not to attempt, as they are only suitable for performance on a stage. I shall give a description of most...

George Miller Beard
The Study of Trance Muscle Reading by George Miller Beard

From the preface:

The following narratives and analyses of facts relating to the investigation of important and interesting phenomena of the nervous system are published in the belief that they will be new, in whole or in part, to the majority of neurologists and practitioners, both in Europe and America.

Some of the facts connected with the detailed history of muscle-reading are here put on permanent record for the first time, and have been obtained partly from memory and partly from public and private documents in my possession.

It is interesting and incredible that these phenomena...

George Miller Beard
The Involuntary Life by George Miller Beard

The 'involuntary life' would today be described as trance or as a hypnotic state. Beard writes:

Every human being lives two lives, the voluntary, in which he acts more or less under the control of the will, and the involuntary, in which he acts automatically, and over which the will has but a limited power, or none at all. The acts of both the body and the mind, may be involuntary as will as voluntary, and in both body and mind, the two lives are constantly blended.

However, he was a skeptic when it came to the popular practices and explanations of these phenomena by the means of animal...

George Miller Beard
Physiology of Mind-Reading by George Miller Beard

The type of 'mind-reading' George Beard means here is what we today call muscle-reading, which is a term that Beard himself coined. Beard describes several experiments he conducted and describes very clearly the physiology of muscle-reading, and that it is an involuntary muscle contraction that has nothing to do with animal magnetism or thought transference.

1st edition 1877; PDF 10 pages.

★★★★ $10
Ed. S. Taylor
The History of Playing Cards by Ed. S. Taylor

Includes chapters on conjuring, fortune-telling and card-sharping.

  • Preface
  • Part The First. The History Of Cards
    • I. Introduction
    • II. Oriental Origin Of Cards
    • III. Introduction Of Cards Into Southern Europe
    • IV. Date Of Introduction Of Cards
    • V. Introduction Of Cards Into France
    • VI. The Cards Of Charles VI
    • VII. Invention Of The French Cards And Game Of Piquet
    • VIII. Cards In England
    • IX. History Of Tarots, As Told By Themselves
    • X. Modern History Of French And English Cards
    • XI. The Application Of Cards To Science
    • XII. Card Miscellanies
  • Part The Second. Card Playing And Card Players...
★★★★ $8
John Wyman
Wyman's Hand-Book of Magic by John Wyman

This work covers a lot of ground, from various parlor tricks, chemical tricks, card tricks, to a section on two person codes, and a section on artifices of cardsharks.

  • description Of The Magician's Table
  • How To Make A Person Jump
  • The Invisible Chicken, Or Enchanted Egg Bag, As Performed By The Celebrated Wyman
  • Scrap, Or Blowing Book, As Performed By Potter
  • Gun Cotton - How Prepared
  • Sympathetic Inks
  • Apparatus For Writing In The Dark
  • Dancing Turkeys
  • The Self-Balanced Pail
  • Sympathetic Lamp
  • The Gas Candle
  • Ice Made In A Red Hot Vessel
  • Magical Colours
  • The Magic Nosegay Blowing At The...
Thomas Frost
The Lives of the Conjurors by Thomas Frost

This is considered one of the best early histories of magic.

From the Preface:

The present volume closes the series of works on the entertaining classes which I contemplated when writing Circus Life and Circus Celebrities, the greater part of which was written before The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs was commenced, though the publication of the latter work preceded that of the former. In embracing within the present volume the lives of the conjurors of every period and every country, while the record of shows and showmen is confined to London and the suburban districts, (which may now be said to embrace a circle of twenty miles across,) and that of circuses...

Thomas Frost
The Old Showmen and Old London Fairs by Thomas Frost

A detailed chronology of places, dates and performers of fairs in and around London. We learn mostly of theatrical productions of various kinds including pantomime and dances, and menageries exhibiting exotic animals, and less so of tumbling and acrobats, juggling, balancing and the like. It includes some coverage of conjurers including Fawkes, Pinchbeck, Breslaw and others. There is some overlap of stories from Circus Life and Circus Celebrities because some performers and operators were active in both venues.

  • CHAPTER I: Origin of Fairs - Charter Fairs at Winchester and Chester - Croydon Fairs - Fairs in the Metropolis...
Thomas Frost
Circus Life and Circus Celebrities by Thomas Frost

A history of the circus in Britain during the 19th century. One chapter deals with America, another with circus slang. Perhaps most interesting are the recollections of a gymnast and how he made it into the circus.

From the Preface:

But of the circus artistes - the riders, the clowns, the acrobats, the gymnasts, - what do we know? How many are there, unconnected with the sawdust, who can say that they have known a member of that strange race? Charles Dickens, who was perhaps as well acquainted with the physiology of the less known sections of society as any man of his day, whetted public...

Charles Bertram
Isn't It Wonderful? by Charles Bertram

A history of magic interwoven with Charles Bertram's recollections.

From the introduction:

The profession of conjuring, if not the most ancient, is certainly one of the oldest professions in the world, and, before commencing my account of the efforts made by a humble professor of the art, I trust that the reader may be interested by a short sketch of its history. Without this, it is possible that he might receive a book relating to the conjurer's art with a shrug of the shoulders. But conjuring, if it has now drifted down to the level of mere entertainment, has played its part in the history...

★★★★★ $6
Hardin Jasper Burlingame
Herrmann the Magician by Hardin Jasper Burlingame

From the preface:

Having devoted a number of years to the inventing, manufacturing and sale of many of the most popular magical apparatus made in this country, I now present to the reader, biographies of the two great conjurers known to the world under the names of Carl and Alexander Herrmann, both equally famous in their specialties. The main portion of the book is devoted to clear, compact and illustrated descriptions of the best tricks performed by the two Herrmanns, whom I unite under the appellation of Herrmann the Magician, and by other celebrated performers, such as Cazeneuve, Kellar, Vanek, Heller, Samuels,...

Wiljalba Frikell
Parlor Tricks with Cards by Wiljalba Frikell

The subtitle reads: Containing explanations of all the tricks and deceptions with playing cards. Tricks with cards performed by skillful manipulation and sleight of hand; by the aid of memory, mental calculation, and the peculiar arrangement of the cards; by the aid of confederacy and sheer audacity and tricks performed by the aid of ingenious apparatus and prepared cards. The whole illustrated, and made plain and easy.

The first section of this book is identical with the card section in The Secret Out.

    • General Rules for Amateurs
Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin
The Sharper Detected and Exposed by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin

The first part consists of stories about cardsharks and other crooks from Robert-Houdin's recollections. This is very readable and an entertaining part of the work. The second part explains some of the technical details of the methods used by cardsharks. However, the methods are for the most part only described in very rudimentary form. As Robert-Houdin writes himself, this is not meant as a way to teach you how to do it, but merely to give the reader insight in how the different ruses are accomplished. Nevertheless, it provides interesting insight into the ways and means of cardsharks.


William Frederick Pinchbeck
The Expositor by William Frederick Pinchbeck

A series of letters, between an unidentified friend and his correspondent (William Frederick Pinchbeck) comprising of how to train a pig, invisible lady and acoustic temple, philosophical swan, penetrating spy glasses, several magic tricks, such as how to catch a bullet, and reflections on ventriloquism.

This book includes the first known description of the "Eight Kings" card stack.

  1. Method of teach the Pig – from Letter I. to IX. See also Letter V. Appendix
  2. Principles of the Acoustic Temple – from Letter IX. To XIV. See also Letter II. Appendix.
  3. A Demonstration of the philosophical...
Lorento's Wizard's Guide by Lorento

This is a fairly typical magic book from the 19th century. It mixes magic tricks and illusions with science experiments. Due to the fact that back then many did not have a basic understanding of physics and chemistry, many of these exhibitions of science appeared like magic.

  • How to Cut Your Arm off without Hurt or Danger
  • The Basket Trick
  • To Knock a Tumbler Through a Table
  • To Drive One Tumbler Through Another
  • The Dancing Skeleton
  • To Place Water in a Drinking-glass Upside Down
  • The Faded Rose Restored
  • The Protean Liquid
  • Eatable Candle Ends
  • To Make a Watch Stop or Go at the Word of Command ...
★★★★★ $10
Wiljalba Frikell
Magicians Own Book by Wiljalba Frikell

The authorship of this book is not entirely clear, but Frikell is a likely author of at least good parts of the book. However, most likely it is a compilation of material from different sources with potentially a number of editors and compilers. Some of the other names associated with this book are H.L. Williams, George Arnold, Frank Cahill, and John Wyman, Jr. The book covers not only magic tricks of various kinds, but also a lot of what we would call today "kitchen table top experiments" in fields ranging from mechanical and chemical to optical, math and others. It also features a section...

★★★★★ $5
Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann
The Secrets of Stage Conjuring by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann

Translated by Professor Hoffmann.

  • CHAPTER I. The Theatre Of Robert-Houdin
  • CHAPTER II. A Conjuror’s Stage Arrangements
  • CHAPTER III. Handkerchief Tricks
  • CHAPTER IV. The Light And Heavy Chest
  • CHAPTER V. The Hundred Candles Lighted By A Pistol Shot
  • CHAPTER VI. The Ghost Illusion
  • CHAPTER VII. The Indian Basket Trick
  • CHAPTER VIII. Spiritualistic Manifestations
  • CHAPTER IX. The Bust Of Socrates
  • CHAPTER X. A Curious Effect In Acoustics
  • CHAPTER XI. The Decapitated Speaking
  • CHAPTER XII. The Protean Cabinet
  • CHAPTER XIII. The Feats Of The Davenport Brothers
  • CHAPTER XIV. The Enchanted...
★★★★ $5
The Black Art or Magic Made Easy by unknown
    1. How To Make The Pass
    2. The Long Card
    3. To Produce a Particular Card without Seeing the Pack
    4. To Call for Any Card in the Pack
    5. The Changeable Ace
    6. The Convertible Aces
    7. The Gathering of the Clans
    8. Everybody's Card
    9. Forcing a Card
    10. The Card hit upon by Guess
    11. Ups and Downs
    12. To Tell The Card That A Person Has Touched With His Finger
    13. The Card Discovered by Touch or Smell
    14. Confederate Cards
    15. The Ten Duplicates, or Cards in Couples
    16. The Turn-Over Feat
    17. The Nerve Feat
    18. To Tell The Number Of Cards By The Weight
    19. To Change the Card by Word of Command
    20. The Card in a Mirror
    21. The...
★★★★★ $15
Professor Hoffmann
Tricks with Cards: A Complete Manual of Card Conjuring by Professor Hoffmann

A complete manual of card conjuring. This is not identical to the card sections in Hoffmann's other books such as Modern Magic etc. But this book has been released in sections under the titles Card Tricks With Apparatus and Card Tricks Without Apparatus since 1893. It appears Hoffmann was not too happy about breaking it up into parts.

    • To Make the Pass
    • To Make the Pass with both Hands
    • Single-handed Pass, No. 1
    • Single-handed Pass, No. 2
    • Single-handed Pass, No. 3
    • To Force a Card
    • To Force a Person to Think...
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