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Reviews: Read What Others Are Saying: page 37

1672 ★★★★★ reviews
195 ★★★★ reviews
133 ★★★★★ reviews
86 ★★★★★ reviews
130 ★★★★ reviews
Displaying 917 to 941 (of 2216 reviews)

Magic Magazine

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Dave Arch (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 06 May, 2020)

Magic MagazineWhat a treasure trove of magical history and routines! Thank you, Chris, for making these available in this format. Going through them has become a pandemic passion.

Propless Bank Night

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Kenneth Athon (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 04 May, 2020)

Propless Bank NightThe blurb states this is a $100 idea .... No. Way. I'm not saying this stinks, I'm saying it's not all that it's hyped up to be. I think $3 - $6 is just about right.

Smiling George Card Revelation

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Cook (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 02 May, 2020)

Smiling George Card RevelationEven for $4 I don’t recommend this. Your spectator will see what’s going on.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christopher Weber
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 01 May, 2020)

Mirage“Mirage” by Paul Lelekis is a collection of three awesome effects that will astonish your audience. Reversal of Thought is a twisting effect with some clever slights and some cool surprises and a shout out or two to Michael Skinner and Eddie Fechter. Pencil Thru Rubber Band is a very visual penetration that will astonish both young and old! Very clean looking and the accompanying video proves to be beneficial in learning the move. Mirage is a wonderful paradox problem effect that totally kills! You’ll love the surprise ending where you end clean as a whistle. It looks absolutely fantastic, you’ll fool yourself! Paul’s clear, easy-to-follow ebook of step-by-step directions, is packed with useful information and tips throughout. Paul combines friendly, concise text and videos that teach the slights and show the subtleties to help you make the best of your performance. As with all of Paul’s books, many difficult moves are streamlined and are actually better than ever and more effective. Great insight and tips on performing are utilized into all of these effects. You can’t go wrong with this collection of three exceptional effects!


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Enrico Varella
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 27 April, 2020)

FillersPaul Lelekis is a prolific writer of real-world performance magic. If we compile his more than 50 e-books, he may have just as much material as Phil Goldstein. This new book 'fills the gap' between his previous books 'Openers & Closers 1,2 & 3'. These three 'fillers' effects are the muscles that attach to the skeleton (structure) of openers and closers. They function to move the audience to varied and wild places of imagination. I applied SENSE OF SMELL firstly, as it is a clever and simple retake of 'Out of This World'. ELEVATOR gives you room to glide rapidly around, with your own strength of patter, and flexibility to move four cards about. 2-WAY MIRACLE is a smart way of allowing the spectator to 'touch their toes' by selecting a four-of-a-kind; you ACAAN do it, I assure you. Have fun with Paul's creations, and lift your performance with these close-up card magic 'heavyweights'.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Rick Carruth
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 27 April, 2020)

MiragePaul Lelekis' MIRAGE is a miracle in a spectator's hand. The effect itself seems totally impossible, yet with a bit of instructions and a clear video, you make the impossible happen. Two red cards, clipped together, are clearly shown. The spectator selects and signs a card from a blue backed deck. After removing one of the clipped red cards and showing it as a Joker.. the other red card is removed and shown to be the SPECTATOR'S signed card! I'm not going to give too much away.. but I'm going to encourage you to purchase MIRAGE, learn it, and fool the heck out of your magic buddies, not to mention your audience. There are two other effects included; a rubber band through pencil effect that is so simple it's criminal.. and another card effect that has the spectator selecting a card, using a wonderful forcing technique that allows the magi to perform a true head-scratcher. This, of over 57 other ebooks by Paul, is easily one of my very favorite. I recommend it to all my friends and Magic Roadshow readers.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Roy Eidem
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 25 April, 2020)

MiragePaul Lelekis is offering here a hidden workers dream. All three effects are practical worker users. However, the Mirage effect is a closer & has so many spin off applications. Their signed card is on the table before the effect starts & it’s back changes color. No wallets, no difficult crafting, easy pocket management. A paperclip in your pocket becomes a magical stunner. Videos included.

The Gaff Factory: A comprehensive dry-mounting tutorial

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Harold Whipps
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 24 April, 2020)

The Gaff Factory: A comprehensive dry-mounting tutorialPurchased because of the print on cards without damaging finish subject only to discover it is for laser printers only. Other than that, it is great for those new to making gaff cards. There was nothing new in it for me. I made a Hofzinser card back in the late 60’s early 70’s. I’m sure I ruined hundreds of cards over the years learning the hard way. This publication would have been great back then. To all those wishing to learn about Gaffed cards, take it from an eighty one year old magician, $20 well spent.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Jeffrey Ashkettle (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 22 April, 2020)

BlistrI finally got around to ordering this. I already own a PinPoint Pegger and was not sure if this would get much use. From the initial day of playing with different ideas using both, I am certain it will be used. The PinPoint Pegger has a more accurate X/Y adjustable axis rails but Blistr leaves an easier to feel bump (and does not accidentally go all the way thru. I guess with more practice that would change though). I will not compare them one to one because it would be an apples to oranges thing. Honestly, I already like them both the same and have different ideas for both. I did try the Blistr on all 4 corners and it did act very similar to a breather. I will have to dig out my allen wrenches and adjust the depth to see where I will like it set for the most part. The setting it came in works just fine so far but I was only getting an initial feel for it. If you have been on the fence (like I was since they first came out) go ahead and order it. You will find many fun and sneaky uses for it.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Roy Eidem
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 20 April, 2020)

FillersPaul is a true pro, full time, real world worker. What he shares here with both text & companion tutorial videos are his tested, entertaining card routines, & the psychology of how & why to present them for maximum spectator involvement & enjoyment. Great price for tested, worker card magic.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christopher Weber
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 19 April, 2020)

Fillers"Fillers", a new ebook by Paul Lelekis. Three solid effects to be used in conjunction with a great opener and closer. As with all of Paul's ebooks, the Introduction alone is worth the price of the book. Here you get Paul's excellent insight and thought-provoking perspective on many things including advice on audience involvement and control. All good solid truthful real-world recommendations that can be used in multiple performance situations. The great thing about this book is that it doesn’t just teach you moves, but how to actually use these moves in tricks. So, you’ll receive training on the different shuffles, cuts, controls, and a very cool no-lap card switch, plus how to use them which can be applied to many different tricks. You also get instructional videos and links to other instructional videos with this ebook which is another plus. One of the big problems people have with magic trick books is that sometimes the text instructions just don’t cut it. It can be really hard to visualize what is meant to be going on, but that is solved with the addition of the videos and links with this book. Plenty of fun patter suggestions throughout these three effects. "2-Way Miracle" alone could end up opening up lots of fun audience interplay and laughs. You can't go wrong with this ebook, good solid teaching and three entertaining effects that you will use!

Rings and Things

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Sarin Suriyakoon (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 12 April, 2020)

Rings and ThingsNice idea about ring tricks but there is no full routine here. I give it four stars because even though the trick is not very strong but the explanation is in detail.

Standing Room Only (download DVD)

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Sarin Suriyakoon (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 12 April, 2020)

Standing Room Only (download DVD)Worker material for a walk around with variety of props. There is one really good mentalism material in there.

Roped In

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Sarin Suriyakoon (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 12 April, 2020)

Roped InI love this download. The teaching and routine are easy to follow. 3 solid routines which are Rope In, Professor Math, Tighter Rope. The mechanic is not complicated but you need to work on your own patter because Aldo has a unique one.

Spell Deck

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 11 April, 2020)

Spell DeckThe UNKNOWN MENTALIST has done it again. First of YOU CAN'T GET A BETTER VALUED E BOOK THAN THIS FOR YOUR MONEY. It contains QUITE a number of stack variations AND a couple of other stacks inside. Not to mention quite a few SOS suit order variations. I'm glad to have the UNKNOWN MENTALIST as a friend and I like 99.9% of his deck stacks and other material. I would give this a 10 star rating if I could. Please be aware this may not be the KARMA DECK but it HAS TO BE at least in my personal library with my other playing card stacks. Most people would be charging you four times the amount of what the UNKNOWN MENTALIST is asking. By the way, if you are interested in the 59 SECOND BIRTHDAY DIVINATION order it quickly. I purchased 2 more of them 2 weeks ago and understand there may only be ONE left in stock. WELL DONE UNKNOWN MENTALIST!!!

Himber Happening

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Dave Campbell (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 09 April, 2020)

Himber HappeningI have a couple Himber wallets -- and have a couple tricks I like to do with them, but THIS one is a welcome addition, and for 4 bucks, if you've got a wallet, don't pass it by.

If you don't have a Himber wallet yet, you won't need an expensive one to do this.

Well written, and a cool idea!!

Day One

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Geoffrey Smith
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 09 April, 2020)

Day OneA fantastic product at a fantastic price ... unbelievable. I can do this in my head with no problem, now.

A real worker. Everything is made so simple and easy to learn. Great fun.

I wish Scott had a solution to turn the revealed day of the week into the appropriate Astrological Zodiac sign.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by R Marc Davison (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 03 April, 2020)

UnbelievableTrick has long complex set-up. This should have been disclosed in initial description. Definitely not impromptu.

Psychic Phenomena: Interactive Tarot Readings from the Stage

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Max Y
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 15 March, 2020)

Psychic Phenomena: Interactive Tarot Readings from the StageDisclaimer: I didn't purchase this item from Lybrary but rather directly from Paul some years ago.

Recently Jermay released his "Tarot Psychometry" routine (end of 2019) and there was a reference to this item as well.

First of all let me tell you the review below by "Greg" is unfair - this manuscript details the entire "script" or presentation of this routine in front of an audience. The idea in itself (even without the script) is novel and worth knowing in itself.

Of course you need to provide your own readings; this manuscript is the script and outline on how to present this routine.

If you are interested in the idea, then I believe you will like this inexpensive ebook.

On the other hand, Jermay does not credit Paul, and probably he should.

Scripted #19: Sidewalk Shuffle

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by James Wood (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 05 March, 2020)

Scripted #19: Sidewalk ShuffleLarry Brodahl's presentation of how to perform the Sidewalk Shuffle is very helpful. He has made two innovations. First, he has changed the script so that the magician, rather than the spectator, is the naive victim who gets fooled by the Three-Card Monte. In my opinion, this is a genuine improvement because it removes any "sting" in the presentation and makes the routine even more humorous than the original. Second, Larry explains how to perform the slights while keeping the cards vertical at all times. This is also an improvement over the original version where the cards are held horizontally for some of the shuffling/mixing. I slightly modified Larry's script and presented it to a group of about 100 retired people. It went over extremely well. It's very fooling and very humorous. Larry's routine is now a regular part of my adult act. I recommend it highly.

25 Methods For Switching Decks

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Maximiliano Sanchez (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 14 February, 2020)

25 Methods For Switching DecksAn awesome & devious book! LOL Love this read. PRACTICAL!

The Fine Art of Magic, 2nd Edition

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Ricky Smith (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 12 February, 2020)

The Fine Art of Magic, 2nd EditionHello! I love the Fine Art of Magic and was very excited that a new edition was coming out, especially one with an introduction by Juan Tamariz. I feel like the hardbound version that I received wasn't a great value for the price. Fleming did such a lovely job with their printing, so I was sad that the new version is just a print on demand level job...especially with the high price.

Telling Tales

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Peter Nordstrand (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 09 February, 2020)

Telling TalesThe second effect will not work, for one simple reason: Google search results are individualized, not universal. So even if you and I search for the same exact words, the search results are likely to be different.

I do find the document inspiring, but be advised that you’ll only be able to perform the first of the two effects.

The Fine Art of Magic, 2nd Edition

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by William Rugh (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 31 January, 2020)

The Fine Art of Magic, 2nd EditionThis is a large book with 371 pages that should be in every serious magician's bookcase (or computer as a PDF). While almost 73% of the book deals with cards, a wide variety of other props are also covered. George G. Kaplan wrote (with Jean Hugard) the first edition in 1948. In 2019 Warren J. Kaps (who served as National President of S.A.M. during 2001-2002) created this second edition by updating some of the methods and adding some of his own effects. Really the best praise for this book comes from the Parent Assembly of the S.A.M. in 1995:

"His book, The Fine Art of Magic, is now considered one of the most important books on magic ever published. Like its author, it relies on effective presentation, subtleties, and clarity to create miracles. The entire world of magic is grateful to George for his contributions to its literature."

The Fine Art of Magic, 2nd Edition

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Chet Cox (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 30 January, 2020)

The Fine Art of Magic, 2nd EditionWe’d heard about George Kaplan and about his Fine Art of Magic* for a very long time. Never thought we’d see a copy we could afford, and I wasn’t sure it deserved its reputation. So few things do. This is one of those happy exceptions - It actually exceeds my expectations. Frankly, I find it as fun to read as Greater Magic - maybe more so. You ever try to run a search on that humongous book? Not so easy when it’s not digitized.

Kaplan seems unduly modest in his Foreword, not seeming to realize how this isn’t just another magic trick book, but a well-written book about how to perform magic. The whole project starts out on the right foot with this opening: “A good trick, properly executed, is as individual a work of art as a fine painting, and, like every work of art, is a reflection of the skills of the artist. Gone is the day when magicians sought merely to ‘fool’ their audiences. The present-day performer aims both to mystify and entertain.”

That last sentence may have been true in 1948, but a casual walk today at a magic convention or through You(too?)Tube belies the statement. Or worse, the guy performing to the public who ruins, ruins, ruins the reputation of magicians and ensures that THAT particular customer will never ever hire a magician again. Because we desperately need a lot of new magicians, real magicians, who know how to perform and entertain, who know that humans have a sense of wonder and want that itch scratched.

Yes, we need more books (BOOKS!) such as Kaplan’s Fine Art of Magic, Tarbell’s lessons, and the Amateur Magician’s Handbook**. And not only do we have them in our libraries (and in our Lybrary) but in a second edition which has been gently and respectfully seconded editionated by Warren Kaps. It’s not that the original text was wanting - it was, after all, edited and evidently written, by Jean Hugard from the work, research, and drafts of Kaplan. So there are no egos to bruise here, but there are tender feelings of the living generations of magicians and authors who want to see credits, historical origins, and possible methods which just didn’t exist in the 1940s.

See how many of today’s hot new tricks (many available as download videos for more than the price of this PDF) you find within this book. The immortal Denny Haney and I once went through his showroom and tried to find something which didn’t come out of Tarbell. We could have done much the same with this book. Because, I do not tire of repeating this, you have a choice of learning methods of tricks or learning how to perform magic.

Buy this book. Study. Practice. Your audiences will thank you.


* Please excuse me for “fixing” the title. As past librarians and editors know, leaving the article “the” at the front of a title absolutely wrecks the ability to alphabetize anything with a title.

** Yes, here’s an exception to the aforementioned rule. Thank goodness I don’t need to alphabetize herein.

Displaying 917 to 941 (of 2216 reviews)
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