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Reviews: Read What Others Are Saying: page 41

1678 ★★★★★ reviews
195 ★★★★ reviews
135 ★★★★★ reviews
85 ★★★★★ reviews
131 ★★★★ reviews
Displaying 1025 to 1049 (of 2224 reviews)

The Nelson Enterprises Master Catalog Index

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Brett McCarron
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 30 October, 2018)

The Nelson Enterprises Master Catalog IndexFacebook comments about this book:

"I, and I'm sure many others, are impressed and thankful!" --Diego Domingo

Follow-up comment: "WOW! I had it downloaded and it is an amazing body of work! Few can imagine the effort involved. Brett, you done good!" --Diego Domingo

"Congratulations Brett! I received the PDF several days ago and printed it. Not only is the inventory content beautifully organized, but the additional Nelson insights are a fun read." --David Eaton

"Thanks once again for this work. It has been very helpful trying to research Dr. A . Best regards." --Craig Phillips

"Amazing accomplishment." --Grace Reinbold

"Got mine and I am happy!" --Peter Zenner

"Such a remarkable contribution, thank you." --Craig Phillips

Der Korkenzieher in der Flasche

Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Harry
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 25 October, 2018)

Der Korkenzieher in der FlascheNot what I call an impossible bottle, method would be known if bottle was smashed.

Pasteboard Revelations

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Enrico Varella
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 23 October, 2018)

Pasteboard Revelations'Six card Workers for immediate maximum entertainment pleasure.' Once again, the generous and prolific full-time professional magician Paul Lelekis presents a collection of charming card compositions from his engaging hoard of close-up magic. I enjoyed these effects and most of them went into my repertoire. These are plots, ploys and purposeful presentations that we can use. What is most valuable is the fact that the author reminds us of clever principles, seldom-used sleights, and a bit of historical referencing. We should remember the originators of sleights and principles in our quaint art, and pay homage by integrating them into our pieces of devilish demonstrations. He explains it with simplicity in a casual, reassuring, voice. Read it, with cards in hands, and anticipate what each piece of pasteboard plot, reveals. The accompanying video instructions will enhance clarity and learning process. To conclude with the title of the first piece: WOW!

Pasteboard Revelations

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Rick Carruth
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 22 October, 2018)

Pasteboard RevelationsPASTEBOARD REVELATIONS is like the big brother of the past several ebooks by Paul Lelekis. Certain books strike me certain ways, and Pasteboard Revelations strikes me as one of my very favorite of Paul's many great ebooks. There is definitely something for everyone. The ebook begins with an effect that, when performed properly, will stand out in the minds of both lay people and magicians alike. Videos are provided to cover a couple of false shuffles and cement the visual aspects. Another two effects use a killer cyclical stack that has fallen from popular grace simply because another cyclical stack 'seems' a tad easier.. although it's not. Mathedology and Nuclear Fusion both use different methods to reveal cards selected by two different spectators. These are ideal for couples. Cardbox Magic uses a simple technique I've used for many years.. and I can attest to its power when performed for lay folks. It's ideal for walk-around and restaurant work, as a table is not needed. Marlo Poker Deal is different. A table IS needed.. but you'll certainly get a ton of bang for your buck.. Paul has simplified this deal from the original to both make it easier and, in my opinion, more visual. I recommend Pasteboard Revelations to anyone who wants several professional effects for near nothing..

Pasteboard Revelations

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Roy Eidem
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 22 October, 2018)

Pasteboard RevelationsPaul is a full-time pro. Besides fun card magic, several false shuffles, false cuts, & a non-memorization card stack are taught. A simplified Anniversary Waltz, a direct Marlo poker demonstration & more. The tutorial videos alone are worth the price.

Pasteboard Revelations

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Christopher Weber
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 22 October, 2018)

Pasteboard RevelationsPasteboard Revelations by Paul A. Lelekis is another terrific contribution of card effects presented to the magic community. If you’ve read any of Pauls’ effects before you know he has a very easy going straightforward style and places lots of emphasis on the presentation and effect. This new e-book is no exception. Seven solid effects that are well within the grasp of the average card magician. The moves taught here are smooth, natural, and economical. Included are video demos to help you learn some of the Passes, Moves, and Shuffles taught throughout the book. Each effect is supplemented with extra tips that will help you with misdirection and avoiding awkward moments and moves. Some highlights for me were learning the “Riverboat Stack” and the two great tricks that use it and then builds to a very cool climax incorporating a well-known card principle. “Nuclear Fusion” a classic couples trick integrating some excellent DB and DF moves that can be used in other effects. “Card Box Magic” quick and easy designed to take the fear out of performing a card box effect. “Marlo Poker Deal” has an easy set-up, is great for a small group, and has a killer finish. A poker deal you’ll really do! Any one of these effects is worth the price of the e-book. Do yourself a favor and pick it up today and start having some fun learning a great new trick or two! It’s meant to be enjoyed, and I’m sure you will!


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Christian Mach
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 17 October, 2018)

CamouflageI did not know the specific thing that you have in a deck of cards such the Bicycle cards. I'm very pleased that Gerard Zitta reveals this secret, because it is an interesting thing that you can use in some of your own routines. But I thing the price of this booklet is a little too high.

King Stack

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 14 October, 2018)

King StackThis is one of the simplest stacks I have ever learned. It took me about 10 minutes to get the stack and the random suit order firmly implanted in my mind. To me the advantage in using this stack is that you can QUICKLY calculate the next card in the stack when you need the information almost IMMEDIATELY for certain mentalism effects. Another couple of bonuses are you can easily use this stack as a memorized deck and also the bonus which hand effect is also good.

Now my favorite stacks are the SLOKA DECK, KARMA DECK and KING STACK!

I recommend this very highly!!!


1089 Refreshed and Reloaded

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 14 October, 2018)

1089 Refreshed and ReloadedI was a little skeptical about buying this because the force is so old. But after having said that THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST HAS DONE IT AGAIN!!! THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST has definitely breathed new life into this force. By combining different principles I believe that most mentalists / magician's and definitely lay people will be fooled by this. I recommend this very highly!

Watch Me Closely

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Angela X (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 13 October, 2018)

Watch Me CloselyI found some gems in here. I'll be using at least 3 routines and that's a steal for just $6. And the best part is the principles involved make you think and that is good for me, I guess. The little bio of the author at the end of the book, though brief, was informative, although it was sad to read the tragic end.

1089 Refreshed and Reloaded

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Dan Beach
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 07 October, 2018)

1089 Refreshed and Reloaded(I don't own the book; the rating is for the trick) Don't let the age of a trick keep you from making it your own, and doing it in a fresh new way. I think it is remarkable someone wrote a book about this old standby. I actually opened a show with this one, in a retirement center. My take on it was, after I had my volunteer do all the math, (first of all, do whatever you need to do to avoid using the phrase "three-digit number" as you start introducing the trick) I pretend to fail to be able to reveal the number by myself, after some effort. So I get more volunteers who draw "random" cards from a "shuffled" deck. They don't even look at the cards, they're just holding them. (If they don't know the value of the cards, how could the magician?) Then yet another volunteer with another pad writes the numerical value of each of the cards as they are read off, then they turn their pad around, to show their number; the first volunteer turns their pad around, and bingo-bango the numbers match! To my delight, this got attention! I never read this or anything, but it sure worked. I don't know if this is in the book or not, but you are more than welcome to it if you can use it.

Reincarnation 1 & 2

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 07 October, 2018)

Reincarnation 1 & 2This is another GREAT and unusual effect from the UNKNOWN MENTALIST. I have already printed up a couple of copies of this effect myself and also a couple of GYAN charts out of the EBOOK for myself.

My opinion is I'm going to go with what I say is a bit BIZARRE and use the following effects and watch the spectators eyes pop out.




If I'm doing this for more than one person:




If the spectators don't believe I can walk on water after that I give up.

I recommend REINCARNATION and these other effects very highly.


A Kid's Lie Detector Routine

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Matthew Arnold (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 06 October, 2018)

A Kid's Lie Detector RoutineMust agree with the first review that this is "nothing spread thin." If you are interested in putting together a "lie detector" routine, you should check out "LIAR: The Ultimate Comedy Lie Detector Routine" by Robert Baxt.

Baxt's DVD delivers the goods. You get DIY instructions for making up a number of variations on the prop for different types of shows/audiences as well as footage of multiple performances, and a PDF file that's six times longer (23 pages) with bits and lines and suggestions for routines, etc. Baxt's DVD also goes into the history of the "lie detector" bit and shows how it has been used in comedy outside of magic. All this PLUS the gimmick. If you're seriously interested in actually performing the routine, you owe it to yourself check it out.

A Kid's Lie Detector Routine

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Greg Phillips (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 04 October, 2018)

A Kid's Lie Detector RoutineSave your money. There is absolutely NOTHING here. Only 2 pages. 1 page description of the device used. 1 page of sample questions. NOTHING NEW, Earth shaking or unique for those who have used/researched Lie Detectors. Wish I could get my $4 back.

Perfectly Possible

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Chris Aguilar
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 04 October, 2018)

Perfectly PossibleWithin a day or two of reading (and practicing with the including testing webpage) this "Math Challenged" guy is able to quick generate the magic squares in less than a minute. Would highly recommend to anyone wanting to learn a very easy, effective way of creating 4x4 magic squares.

The Red Hot Coin Revealed

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by James Perry (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 21 September, 2018)

The Red Hot Coin RevealedLove this trick! It is wonderful to take long forgotten effects and perform them for those who have never seen them. You will have a one of a kind show just by adding tricks like this to it. No one will ever guess how the heck you make the coin too hot to hold.

Victory Carton Illusions

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by James Perry
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 21 September, 2018)

Victory Carton IllusionsI own the hardcopy of this book. I bought it when I was a kid in the 80's, and it is my favorite illusion book of all time. Just looking at the easy to make illusions let me dream of the Copperfield type show I could someday put on. The best illusion book for any beginner in magic you will find.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Fred Rosenbaum (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 13 September, 2018)

SharPenThis is a cute little effect, definitely close up, probably 1 on 1 is best. It will take some arts and crafts, finding the right pen and finding the correct 'thing' to use in the construction. But once it is made it should last a long time. You can't write with the pen and you can't hand it out. My guess is that very few people will actually do the work to construct it, but you really should. And you can't beat the price so check it out.

IGG Instant Gig Getter

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 02 September, 2018)

IGG Instant Gig GetterThis is an effect that I mentioned in an email to THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST that I wasn't particularly fond of because of the methodology.

HOWEVER, after buying the eBook and receiving the cards in the mail and seeing THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST'S thoughts behind this all I can say is I WAS WRONG.

I haven't really tried this effect yet but the spectator thinking that you thought of the card he selected AND the word will drive them crazy.

THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST'S thinking on this effect is SUPERB along with the price right now.

You owe it to yourself to get this GREAT, SIMPLE EFFECT, and try it on the spectator and see their reaction.

I suggest using THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST'S handling of this effect where he writes something down instead of using a playing card for the prediction. I also suggest using performance tip number 3 in the eBook.

I recommend this very highly for the spectator's surprise for the card and word reveal.


The 59 Second Birthday Divination

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 02 September, 2018)

The 59 Second Birthday DivinationThis is another GREAT effect by THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST. You can definitely divine any birthdate with this effect. You can use the prompter on the card to get the birthdate but I prefer memorizing the information and hardly ever touching the card. I think it was Lee Earle who said in one of his SYZYGY volumes said that a prompter list is fine but memorization is better! It is because the mentalist doesn't have to hardly touch the card and still have all the information needed. I thought about putting the card in a small Manilla envelope and taking it out and handing it to the spectator and leaving the envelope near the spectator and stepping back away from them. Then after I get the information I need have the spectator place the card back in the envelope and hand it to me. Then I immediately place the envelope away and then reveal all the information back to them.

By the way here's a tip for you. If you place any of the cards in a baseball protector sleeve, (clear acrylic plastic sleeve) the card will last longer, the only thing it may make the card a bit bigger because of the sleeve and then won't fit in your wallet but you can still place it in your pocket or small case etc.


I give this my highest recommendation. Well done UNKNOWN MENTALIST.

Janus: The Magic of Kevin Casaretto

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Enrico Varella
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 31 August, 2018)

Janus: The Magic of Kevin CasarettoThe cover of ‘Janus’ alludes to a hidden message: a lesser-used method/principle in card magic. This two-faced gaff acts as a portal, forwards and backwards, to create a direct pathway between method and effect. The 10 routines featured in these 35 pages are simple to perform, yet they pack a punch on entertainment value – this should appeal to the bold-faced strolling magician. I boldly predict that Kevin Casaretto’s broad body of work on the use of these dubious faces, should receive far more attention through the authorship of Paul Lelekis (with 52 ebooks to his writing credit). I enjoyed the various applications of these tools, especially ‘Magazine Mental Test’, ‘Five Colour Twist’ and ‘Signed, Sealed & Delivered.’ Do buy this book, and ‘ring in the fooler’. I back up this book with a very high recommendation.

Chapeaugraphy Act

Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Greg Phillips (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 30 August, 2018)

Chapeaugraphy ActNothing new in this publication. He mentions "plastic" to make the brims but is more likely speaking of thin foam. Save you $5.

Janus: The Magic of Kevin Casaretto

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Roy Eidem
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 25 August, 2018)

Janus: The Magic of Kevin CasarettoIf you have never used double back or double face cards before you are truly missing out on some truly magical affects. The diabolical concept of these gaffed cards is something that is not in the psychological realm of laymen. They have nowhere to go. The resulting magic visual & stunning. These "little helpers" streamline and elevate the magical impact well beyond that which even advanced, difficult sleight-of-hand can accomplish. There are some great routines here once you try, you will smile and use.

Janus: The Magic of Kevin Casaretto

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christopher Weber
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 24 August, 2018)

Janus: The Magic of Kevin CasarettoJANUS: The Magic of Kevin Casaretto compiled and written by Paul A. Lelekis is a very welcome addition to the card magicians’ library. All the effects require the use of gimmicked cards that I’m sure most card magicians already have or can easily acquire. These brilliant effects are well written and have really no very complicated moves. They are streamlined and straightforward and they will have maximum impact on your spectators. I really enjoyed working through these effects. They proved to me that with the use of just a few gimmicked cards it can really kick up the overall effect to a whole new level of Wow Factor for your audience. Well worth the effort of having just a few extra cards on hand! I learned some fun new handlings along the way particularly in the effects JANUS, Magazine Mental Test, Turn Over Cards and Card to Wallet. The 2-Card Monte move is awesome; you’ll be fooling yourself in no time. Overall, these are real workers effects that again are not complicated or confusing. The book includes two videos by Paul Lelekis to help you learn two of the moves. Kevin Casaretto has offered effects that are fun to perform and amazing to your audience. I think you’ll find JANUS to be refreshing and well worth finding a few of those cool little gimmick cards. You’ll be happy you did!

Janus: The Magic of Kevin Casaretto

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Rick Carruth
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 24 August, 2018)

Janus: The Magic of Kevin CasarettoJanus is the card magic of Kevin Casaretto of Salisbury, South Australia ... as told by Paul Lelekis. Kevin compiled this exceptional collection of original effects through years of hard work and recently contacted Paul with the enviable task of putting everything together into an ebook. There are a total of ten effects and all effects use a simple combination of gaff cards.

Nothing other than double backers, double facers, and red/blue backed cards are used. Nothing is used that you could not create in a minute or two with regular cards and a roll of double backed tape or rub on and/or white children's glue. Of course, you can buy gaffs at most magic shops and online ... and they are very affordable.

I truly appreciate all the time, thought, and effort that went into JANUS ... and I thank Kevin and Paul for their efforts. Well worth your time and money.

Displaying 1025 to 1049 (of 2224 reviews)
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