reviewed by Wiley Allen (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 01 March, 2022)
Wonderful magazine with articles by some of the giants in the magic profession.
Highly recommended!
Well worth the price.
reviewed by Kelvin Tytherleigh (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 01 March, 2022)
I was advised to buy this book, and I am glad I did. Charles Jordan wrote the book in 1919, but it consists of a good number of excellent knowledgable card tricks. Worth every penny spent. When I ordered I had a problem downloading, sent an email and received a prompt reply and the problem had been resolved. Excellent customer support. I live in England and I know my shows will be improved with this treasure.
reviewed by Jim Short (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 26 February, 2022)
In this manuscript Mr. Voodini gives you opportunities to be as spooky or as lighthearted as you wish. He also makes things easy to learn - in the first 'routine' he doesn't do any magic at all!
The routines are uniformly great, but the real value is his demonstration of the strength of a well-written script. Neither I nor he recommends you perform any of these verbatim, but use them as a jumping-off point for your own scripts.
This is a bargain at the listed price.
reviewed by Larry Brodahl (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 25 February, 2022)
This is a brilliant little bit of handling. Every move looks exactly as it would, and yet the knot slides.
I've used this as a standalone piece for years now and it gets gasps, puzzled looks, applause and a nice laugh.
reviewed by Alan Meyers (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 February, 2022)
This is an arts-and-crafts, DIY project, which results in what I guess would be a cute illusion if you have the craft skill and want to take the trouble to prepare it. As a clumsy person, I don't expect to do that.
For those who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they would like (as the old joke has it).
reviewed by hal barlow (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 February, 2022)
This is at best a mediocre trick. The author spends most of the book trying to convince us how presentation makes the trick into a minor miracle. It doesn't in this case. His theories on what makes a trick an experience of magic is very long-winded and tedious.
reviewed by Dan Sherer (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 February, 2022)
This is a wonderful resource, full of many excellent tricks and some fun thinking on all sorts of topics. For the price, it's hard to beat.
reviewed by Ronald Melvin (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 22 February, 2022)
Simple yet powerful. Great for walk around.
reviewed by Dan Sherer (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 20 February, 2022)
An interesting routine, and probably worked as written when it came out. However, in order to work it now, you would need to rethink a few of the cards as they either look radically different or just aren't really in use. As to method, well, you probably know what it is if you read the description of the effect, and I will say that unfortunately there aren't any particular insights on the method at least as far as playing cards are concerned.
I think it was probably excellent when it came out, but you would need to do a lot of work if you wanted to do it now.
reviewed by Paul Young (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 18 February, 2022)
This force is not at all what I expected. It feels contrived and difficult to motivate for your audience in the first place, and for all that work you get not one “clean” and precise force but three (hence the moniker “trinity”—I admit, I should have seen that coming) that you then must manage. I’m sure that much more skilled people than I could use this force nicely, but for a rank amateur like myself, it’s not a useful tool.
reviewed by Doug Baltes (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 13 February, 2022)
Graham Hey provides an outstanding "find a card gimmick" for you to construct. This is perfect for Parlor or walk-around. I plan on using it on stage combined with a comedy escape routine where I find a chosen card from the beginning of the show in a mail bag - perhaps mixed with a few other decks of cards! Easy construction and simple no-fail instructions. Five stars!
reviewed by Amado Narvaez (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 12 February, 2022)
This PDF brought back a lot of great memories of perusing the hard copies when I worked at a Earl Edwards's Magic shop in Norfolk, Virginia. It's great to have it in PDF now.
reviewed by Amado Narvaez (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 12 February, 2022)
I enjoy paging through this catalog over and over--reading about a few of the items that are also in my own collection, and wishing I had some of the items that are not in my collection.
reviewed by Michael Critchley (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 11 February, 2022)
This is a phenomenal method and builds further on the shoulders of giants who are also credited. As a collector and performer of many different Thought of Card routines. I am already brimming with ideas for this. It can play very well with the Invisible Deck, however you can take this much further. I am considering using this with John Bannon's Paint it Blank and I also have a further idea for a Mystery card routine with an implied transposition. I am also considering using this a predicted thought of card effect that I perform by Max Maven, that includes divining the thought of card and then proving that you predicted the card that would be thought of ahead of time.
The method is very direct and fast to establish the thought of card, no excessive procedure - which is important for me and my performing style. so this works very well for me.
It's very well thought out in its method and even comes with a very nice presentation idea to justify the method.
Delighted with this and its something that you will definitely use.
reviewed by Scott Weilblood (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 06 February, 2022)
Excellent. There are 3 great effects on here that I'm going to adapt and start using. Great value. Trost was a genius.
reviewed by Jose Aviles (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 05 February, 2022)
Love his work. I'm glad there's magic that I can use to use in my Church.
reviewed by jonathon allwood
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 01 February, 2022)
This is an amazing body of good quality knowledge fantastic beautiful effect that can change your next generation of leaders within the art of mind-reading! The effect within the pages will open your eyes to new delightful fun the booktest is worth more than you think! You can go wrong with it Peter Turner work has information and key strengths that some people may not understand at 1st but in time they will think alike Peter is a great choice for his efforts will open your eyes! To what if?
reviewed by Paul Wayman (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 31 January, 2022)
Good effects. The links to the demos however do not work.
reviewed by bernardo rodriguez (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 30 January, 2022)
I've been waiting for this trick since I had the pleasure of witnessing this over zoom. Excellent work! The method is just way too clever! hahah
reviewed by Tim King (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 30 January, 2022)
The Lybrary is an absolutely essential component of any magic researcher or fan. Very easy to use, highly accurate, very fairly priced. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
reviewed by Tony Arthur
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 28 January, 2022)
I’ve bought a few of Joseph B.’s effects now, and they are all good, usable, not very complicated tricks. The videos explain the methods used very well and you can be up running with them in a few minutes. This one is no exception. It will fool pretty much anyone who’s watching it ....
... except perhaps for people who have bought one of his earlier tricks, because my criticism – and the reason I can only give it 3 stars – is that it’s basically an improvement on the method used in one of his earlier tricks that I’ve already bought. That’s not itself a problem, people improve existing methods and remarket them all the time, but I take issue with the fact that he calls it “revolutionary”, because although I would even describe it as a really big improvement, in my opinion, it isn’t revolutionary.
If I hadn’t already bought that earlier trick, I would have been extremely impressed and would have given it 5 stars. It is a fooler, it’s well explained, and it will impress any audience. It fooled me, even though I had the earlier trick!
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this if it’s your first Joseph B. trick – just be aware that you might also be slightly disappointed if you already have the trick I bought!
reviewed by Gary Fischer (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 26 January, 2022)
Great product and a wonderful trick!
reviewed by Bryan Hall (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 25 January, 2022)
This is the second half of the lecture filmed November 1, 2010, three weeks before Rachel's open heart surgery. Her participation is somewhat limited, and to help her rest Aldo covers one of the tricks in this lecture (Nick Trost's "Three Way Miracle Prediction") that Rachel would normally have performed and explained.
As with the first half, the overall production quality isn't particularly good. It's a single camera (camcorder?) positioned at audience center, slightly elevated, with a single microphone at the same location. The performances and explanations are generally clear enough, though you can't make out specific cards when they are on a table. The audio is a bit distant and audience noises drown out parts of the performance at times.
If you'd like a lecture from Rachel and Aldo with far better video and audio quality, try their Penguin Live lecture, which I believe was filmed in February of 2012. Most of the tricks in both parts of this lecture were also covered in that later lecture.
Here are the effects that are covered in Part 2 of this lecture:
Cutting A Rope In Three - from Rope Confection
Ring From Rope - from Rope Confection
Three Way Miracle Prediction - from Card Carnival
Animal Capers - from Card Capers
A Mental Effect - from Stand-Up Cards
Jumbo Prediction - from Card Carnival
Cone-tact (PDF)
Animal Capers and Cone-tact were not in the Penguin lecture, making them automatic highlights for this video.
Animal Capers is performed and taught by Aldo, and then Rachel gives another presentation using Paul Curry's "switchless switch" technique. Aldo's presentation uses two spectators, making it an improved performance over the one in "Card Capers" (where he mentions that he usually uses two spectators rather than just showing it to Rachel and the camera), and Rachel's extra presentation isn't covered in "Card Capers" at all.
Cone-tact is Aldo's presentation of Dai Vernon's classic "Ball, Cone and Handkerchief" routine. The Colombinis had a DVD version of Cone-tact on their website, but it is long out of production and difficult to find. The PDF is available, but this lecture might be the only video available to see Aldo performing it for an audience. He doesn't teach the full routine in detail, but he covers what he calls the key move (repeated as needed) that would enable you to perform a good portion of the routine.
I'd say the other highlights from this half of the lecture are Three Way Miracle Prediction and A Mental Effect. (The "Stand-Up Cards" video lists the trick as "A Mental Effect", while the Farewell Tour lecture notes PDF calls it "A Mental Trick".) Both are easy to perform and potentially very strong effects.
Aldo noted that Restless Colors was a brand new product for them and that this was the very first time he had performed it in a lecture. It wasn't included in the lecture notes they offered at the time (this was actually before the Farewell Tour, and the notes offered then were different from the later Farewell Tour notes). Unfortunately, the instruction was a bit rushed, otherwise Restless Colors would be THE highlight trick of this video.
(The trick is similar to Alex Elmsley's "Dazzle", but without gaff cards. Along the same lines, John Bannon's "Sizzle" works with a smaller initial packet, and you can assemble your own set of cards if necessary from just five different decks where eight decks are needed to assemble the packet for "Restless Colors".) The rope effects are covered in much greater detail (and with better video and audio) in the Penguin lecture, which also adds another ring/rope effect.
Jumbo Prediction requires a gimmick that is difficult to find. But if you do purchase a jumbo deck to make your own gimmicks (most likely by simply pasting jumbo cards together), you can make many of them based on different cards to have a broad selection of cards to use whenever you perform the effect.
If you are trying to choose between the two parts of this lecture and the Penguin lecture, go for the Penguin lecture first. It has a few items not covered here (Contact Colors, the extra ring/rope effect) and has better instruction with better audio and video for several of the other tricks. If you find you still want more, each half of this lecture has two tricks not covered in that one, plus additional stories and other humor from the Colombinis. And of course, the humor and entertainment were what Rachel and Aldo were all about. Thanks for the memories, and rest in peace.
Running time 59:23.
reviewed by Simone Scaravella (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 25 January, 2022)
Ottimo volume in Italiano, ben Fatto ed effetti stupendi.
reviewed by Jon Bowne (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 23 January, 2022)
This is a gold mine. There are effects almost 100 years old in here that you can easily adapt to today. If you can do a billet switch (it's taught in here), you can do the mentalism in this book. I watched a talented peer do the bonus material "Master Mind" almost exactly as written and he killed. It is a complete 20-minute act. At $3.50, this is a steal.