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Katterfelto #1

Simon J. Lea
Katterfelto #1 by Simon J. Lea...
  • ...Bluff: Numerology
    Everything you need to know about using numerology for private readings. Includes methods and sample reading.
  • Taking a Chance
    A spectator is offered a free choice of any card from a shuffled deck. The card is returned (unseen by you) and the deck shuffled and cut. Two cards are then dealt face down on to the table. The spec is told that this is a demonstration of the power of belief - that whichever card the spectator turns over will be their chosen card if they truly believe that it will be. In a loud clear voice the spec announces "this card is the [names their card]" and to their...
★★★★ $29.99
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Magicseen No. 50 (May 2013)

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 50 (May 2013) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw...
  1. ... Cohen, The Millionaires' Magician - cover article/interview by George Luck
  2. Mel Mellers, The Cruise Missile! - interview
  3. The South Tyneside International Convention – personal highlights from Stuart Bowie, Paul Preager and Chris Payne
  4. Masterclass
    • The Great Escape – John Breeds
    • More ESP – Arun Bonerjee
  5. Reviews
    • The Dwarfs – Stefan Olschewski – DVD and PDF of his FISM act
    • Medallion – Martin Adams – card effect on DVD & gimmick
    • H.O.W. – Harry Robson - wallet
    • Booked – Steve Valentine – book test DVD
    • Gold Dust – Paul Gordon - book
    • Emotional...
★★★★★ $5
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Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner... Vereinigung, Magischer Zirkel and later joined the IBM. He adopted the stage name Ronnay.

He became a recognized specialist of card magic and corresponded with such luminaries as Karl Fulves, Frank Garcia and Larry Jennings. Particularly noteworthy are his creations of small packet tricks and ESP tricks, many of which he either sold directly to retailers or licensed to manufacturers such as Emerson-West. He also had his own playing card printing press on which he would print special cards for his small packet tricks.

His publications are Symphonie in Rot und Blau, Card Nostalgie, Ein Card Mirakel, and Card Magic.


Trick Karten Tricks (DVD gebraucht)

Wolfgang Moser
Trick Karten Tricks (DVD gebraucht) by Wolfgang Moser

Auf dieser DVD zeigt Wolfgang Moser einige der zahlreichen Routinen und Tricks die Sie mit einem Trickkartenset von Bicycle oder Piatnik vorführen können. Neben den Kunststücken selbst werden auch einige wichtige Falschzähltechniken, Färbetechniken, Färbegriffe und Methoden zum Austausch der Trickkarten vorgeführt.

  • McDonald's Aces
  • McDonald's Aces 2
  • Sidewalk Shuffle
  • Ultimate 3 Card Monte
  • Card Exchanges
  • Printing
  • Divided Cards
  • Open Poker
  • Invisible Hole
  • Twisted Sisters
  • Twisted Sisters 2
  • Easy Brainwave
  • Perfect Prediction
  • Color Changing Card
  • Stop
  • ESP-Prediction
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Hocus Pocus or the whole art of legerdemain in perfection

Henry Dean
Hocus Pocus or the whole art of legerdemain in perfection by Henry Dean...
  • ... hand, and be passed from thence where you list
  • To convey a tester out of one's hand that holds it fast
  • To convey a shilling, being in one hand, into another, holding your hands abroad
  • To transform any small thing into any other form by folding paper
  • Another experiment of the like nature
  • Of cards, with good caution how to avoid cozenage therein, especially rules to convey and handle the cards, and the manner and order how to accomplish all difficulties and strange things wrought with cards
  • How to deliver out four aces, and to convert them into four knaves
  • How to tell one what card...
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Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine

Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine(September 29th, 1895 – February 20th, 1980)

Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine was a botanist and the father of parapsychology. He established the parapsychology lab at Duke University and founded journals and organizations of parapsychology. He coined the term extra-sensory perception (ESP) and was the first to systematically and experimentally explore ESP using the Zener cards (designed by his colleague Karl Zener) and later psychokinesis. He recorded remarkable results in his ESP experiments that would suggest that ESP is real. However, the results could never be replicated by other academic institutes. The results he achieved were likely a combination of sensory leakage and outright fraud by...


Not Just A River In Deutschland

Sean Waters
Not Just A River In Deutschland by Sean Waters

In Sean Waters release solely devoted to ESP demonstrations with Zener symbol cards, you will acquire the ability to ascertain the right time and place for predictions to come true, along with intuiting when people intend to do you harm. You will learn numerous techniques for duplicating the enhanced abilities of "psychics". The secret of how to implant the thought of a single Zener shape in your participant's mind is detailed as well. With the help of a Zener pack, you will aid your onlookers exploration of determinism, the weight of foreknowledge and a litany of impossible seeming demonstrations....

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Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 17: Machbare Mental-Magie für Jedermann

Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 17: Machbare Mental-Magie für Jedermann by Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf...
  • ... mit dem Zettel
  • Ein 'x-minus-1 - Effekt' mit drei Cardboards
  • Der 'x-minus-1-Effekt' mit Sleeves und Papers
  • Ein kleiner Climax zwischendurch
  • Mein mentaler Reputation-Maker
  • Zum Mental-Farb-Würfel
  • Die Gibson - Tafel
  • Die Dr. Stumpf - Farbtafel
  • Das Suggestions-Experiment mit Farben
  • Die ESP - Präkognition — und das gleiche mit Farbkarten
  • Kümmelblättchen mental (mit Riesenkarten)
  • Meine ESP - Tafel (Dr. Faust / Dr. Stumpf)
  • ESP - Gedankenübertragung
  • Die Spielkarten-Übertragung
  • Telepathie der 'Alltags-Objekte'
  • Der (meiner Meinung nach) beste mentale 6-Bücher-Effekt
  • Eine...
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The Magical World (second series)

Max Sterling
The Magical World (second series) by Max Sterling

Max Sterling discontinued his weekly magic journal The Magical World in May 1911. After two years he restarted it for another period less than a year long. This second series from June 14th, 1913 until February 4th, 1914, is included in this PDF, 582 pages. It is not easy to publish a weekly conjuring periodical.

Number 1 (June 4th, 1913)

  • Protection
  • Between Ourselves
  • American Notes
  • What Others are Doing - Houdini
  • Practial Magic - Cut and Restored Hat
  • Pithy Patter - Torn Strip of Paper
  • In Open Council
  • Whereabouts this Week
  • Cards - A Pre-arranged Pack
  • For Beginners - Handkerchief Dyeing Extraordinary ...
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The Sphinx

William John Hilliar & Albert M. Wilson & John Mulholland
The Sphinx by William John Hilliar & Albert M. Wilson & John Mulholland...
indeed the 22-year-old Vernon is confirmed when we learn that 'Dav [sic] W. Verner' and his friend Cliff Greene were elected members of the Magicians' Club of New York on April 25th and showed the others 'some of their work, which is truly wonderful...Verner does second sight and mind reading with cards. He showed us several which are wonders.'

Vernon does not get mentioned again until nearly six years later, when the February 1922 issue notes the presence of 'D. W. Verner of Ottawa, Ontario' as one of 98 participants in Chicago's Houdini Night at the Crystal Room of the Great Northern Hotel, a post-performance...

★★★★ $49.50
more than one
type to choose



The Magic of Tyler

Daniel Skahen
The Magic of Tyler by Daniel Skahen... A new ending for an already great Torn & Restored routine that I’ve found to be an improvement on both effect and method.

The Slip-In Move This is the pawn on your chess board: small, simple, and silent - but potentially devastating.

Deck Sandwich The ultimate spice you can add to any sandwich routine to create a visual split-second miracle!

Pendulum Double Lift My all-time favorite means of double lifting two cards, undetectable (even and especially among magicians), clean, and easy.

Pivoter Double Lift A one-handed double lift that serves many of my routines, including the Bottomfeeder.

Slip Force Subtlety One simple change to this classic sleight that makes the whole sequence so much smoother.


★★★★ $20
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The Magic Wand Volume 7 (Sep 1916 - Aug 1917)

George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 7 (Sep 1916 - Aug 1917) by George Johnson...
  1. ...
    • ... Theatre
  2. The Man who Set the World Ablaze - cartoon
  3. Random Talks
    • No. 2 - On Exhibiting Apparatus
  4. North Western Society of Magicians - club news
  5. Mahatma Circle of Magicians - club news
  6. Odds and Ends - miscellaneous comments and humor
  7. Alertness in Magic - article by R.H.S.
  8. Cards and Knife Effect - Dr. A. Lindsay Smith
  9. Sale and Exchange
  10. Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians - Roy Cowl
    • Twists and Fancies
    • A "Switch" with a Tray
    • Two Billiard Ball Juggles
    • Card Reading
    • Handkerchief Production
    • Flower in Buttonhole
    • Possibilities of the "Tripos"

  1. Vol. 7, No. 6, February, 1917 ...
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The Magic Wand Volume 8 (Mar 1919 - Feb 1920)

George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 8 (Mar 1919 - Feb 1920) by George Johnson...
  1. ... by Vincent Dalban
  2. Spirit Precipitation - suggestion
  3. The S.N. Colour Change - Stanley Norton
  4. Best Glace - thread camouflage by Stanly Witcher
  5. Peterson's Handkerchief Vanish
  6. Concerning Red Tape - A Topical Item - effect by Cecil Heygate
  7. A Double Comedy Act - George Joyce
  8. A Finale for the Cards to Pocket - Monton Dade
  9. Phantom Fags - effect by Roy Cowl
  10. The Magic Circle - club news
  11. Rival Professors - A Short Story - Professor Hoffmann - concluded from page 15
  12. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  13. Lunar Influence - On Vegetables - effect idea by Frank Staff
  14. Programmes - show reviews
    • Rameses...
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Ted Lesley's Working Performer's Marked Deck (refill)

Ted Lesley
Ted Lesley's Working Performer's Marked Deck (refill) by Ted Lesley

This is a sheet of custom-made white rub-on transfer numbers, characters and symbols. This is exactly what you need to make several Ted Lesley Working Performer's Marked Decks - or other similar decks like the Boris Wild Marked Deck. (The cards you have to supply yourself.)

Please note that you do NOT acquire the right to make and sell Ted Lesley marked decks with these transfers. They are for personal use only.

This marking system is considered the very best by many professionals. It combines super easy and reliable reading of the markings - which is crucial for real-world under-pressure performances - with...

★★★★ $10

The Exception

Unnamed Magician
The Exception by Unnamed Magician... the PDF.

Note: In addition to the above, there is a bonus routine taught as well (also a card location). It uses a completely different method and is very powerful in its own right.

1st edition 2024, PDF 22 pages.

Reviewed by Richard Weber

I am familiar with many methods of working with cards, and locating a card, but the method used in this effect is one that I had not come across previously. I purchased this on the first day of release and have enjoyed reading the pdf. The method is indeed devious. The author goes into interesting discussions of why the method is so fooling, and...
★★★★★ $20
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The Sphinx Volume 8 (Mar 1909 - Feb 1910)

Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 8 (Mar 1909 - Feb 1910) by Albert M. Wilson...
Of Magic24
- The Zancigs Picture24
- New York Notes Edward Beadle25
- English Notes Fred Sinclair26
The Sarcophagus Illusion By Theodore L. DeLand27
Mephisto's Teddy Bear By Douglas G. Halley27
The New Die Box Illusion As Performed By Carl Hertz28
The New Wonder Die28
How To Clean Playing Cards28
A Reminiscence Of Ching Ling Foo By David P. Abbott29
- Ching Ling Foo & Family Picture29
The Editor's Page30
The Society Of American Magicians Oscar S. Teale31
The Sphinx Changing Card By A.E. Bloom31
The Flying Handkerchief By Gylleck32
The Mosher Ball Illusion By Arthur Mosher32...
★★★★★ $5
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Mahatma Volume 1 (Mar 1895 - Jun 1898)

George H. Little
Mahatma Volume 1 (Mar 1895 - Jun 1898) by George H. Little...
  1. ... Albert Merlin
  2. Letter from Our Chicago Correspondent - Dr. Albert Merlin
  3. Notes and Queries - answers from readers' questions

  1. Mahatma - Volume I, Number III - May 1895 - 12 pages
  2. Jewett: The Greatest Coming 20th Century Magician - biography
  3. comments from the editor
  4. Fortelling Thoughts in Cards - card effect
  5. How to Load a High Hat
  6. Amphitrite: An Optical Illusion - a stage mirror effect
  7. An Egg Trick
  8. A Snake Trick
  9. How to Work the Fish Bowl
  10. Tour of the Knights - Professor Kerbec
  11. Cube Numbers and Cubic Roots - Professor Kerbec
  12. Shadowgraphy: The Preacher
  13. The Disappearing Box
  14. Chapeaugraphy: The Irishman
  15. A New Flag Trick
  16. a false finger idea
  17. From Our Boston Correspondent - W.D. LeRoy
  18. "Modern Witchery" - Oriental Black Art at Maskelyne's
  19. Notes and Queries - answers from readers' questions
  20. Letter from...
★★★★★ $5
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Mahatma Volume 6 (Jul 1902 - Jun 1903)

George H. Little
Mahatma Volume 6 (Jul 1902 - Jun 1903) by George H. Little...
  1. ...Mahatma - Volume VI, Number II - August 1902 - 10 pages
  2. E. A. Hendrickson - photo & biography
  3. A Letter from S.A.M. - Francis J. Werner, Secretary
  4. S.A.M. Official Column - W. Golden Mortimer, M.D., President
    • The Benefits of Fellowship
  5. From Dr. Elliott's Catalogue
  6. Frank Ducrot's Aerial Angling - Frank Ducrot
  7. "Mahatma" Numbered and Indexed Cards
  8. Mr. Martin Chapender's Column
    • Single-Handed Billiard Ball Production - continued
    • Fourth Method
  9. Three Shell Game - J. W., The American Wizard
  10. Items from New Zealand - news - W.D. Le Roy
  11. The Dr. Elliott Hat Load - Dr. Elliott
  12. Mahatma Frying Pan - column - Clinton Burgess
  13. A...
★★★★★ $5
to wish list


Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 4 (Oct 1903 - Sep 1904)

Ellis Stanyon
Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 4 (Oct 1903 - Sep 1904) by Ellis Stanyon...
  1. ... Rigging - by One of the Old School
  2. A Bibliography of Conjuring - Compiled with Notes - Ellis Stanyon
  3. Bits From Birmingham - Duleep Singh
  4. American Notes - Henry Ridgley Evans
  5. Explanatory Programmes
    • Sylvo, Tramp Juggler
  6. Items of Interest
  7. Helpful Hints
  8. Advertisements & Personal Cards

  1. Magic - Volume IV, Number 2 - November 1903 - 12 pages
  2. Modern Magicians - biography/review - Hubert Picton
  3. Facsimile Selected from Mr. Margery's Portfolio
  4. Magic - announcements and offers
  5. Editorial
  6. Original Lessons in Magic - Ellis Stanyon
    • The Velvet Coin Stand
    • Novel Discovery...
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Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 6 (Oct 1905 - Sep 1906)

Ellis Stanyon
Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 6 (Oct 1905 - Sep 1906) by Ellis Stanyon

October 1905 - September 1906

96 pages

  1. Magic - Volume VI, Number 1 - October 1905 - 8 pages
  2. Original Lessons in Magic - Ellis Stanyon
    • A Flag-Dying Trick
    • New Paper Cylinder Flag, Flowers and Ribbon Trick
    • A New Floating Ball
  3. Advertisements
  4. Agents for "Magic"
  5. Egg and Handkerchief Combination - Edw. C. Masser, M.D.
  6. Editorial
  7. The International Society of Conjurers
  8. The "Magic" Portrait Collection
  9. Explanatory Programmes
    • Conjuring, Illusions, &c. - continued
      • The Magic Kettle
      • The Burmese Gong
  10. Advertisements & Personal Cards

  1. Magic...
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Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 7 (Oct 1906 - Sep 1907)

Ellis Stanyon
Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 7 (Oct 1906 - Sep 1907) by Ellis Stanyon

October 1906 - September 1907

96 pages

  1. Magic - Volume VII, Number 1 - October 1906 - 8 pages
  2. Original Lessons in Magic - Ellis Stanyon
    • Tub Illusion, "Diogenes" (second Method)
    • The Wolligog-Galliwog Ball
    • To Pass a Match Through the Hand
  3. Magic - announcements and offers
  4. The International Society of Conjurers
  5. A New Handkerchief Combination - Percy Charlton
  6. An Original Conception with Eggs and Flags - Herbert De Caston
  7. Queries - questions from readers
  8. Advertisements & Personal Cards

  1. Magic - Volume VII, Number 2 - November 1906 - 8 pages
  2. Original Lessons in Magic - Ellis Stanyon ...
★★★★★ $4
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Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 14 (Oct 1913 - Sep 1919)

Ellis Stanyon
Stanyon's Magic Magazine Volume 14 (Oct 1913 - Sep 1919) by Ellis Stanyon...
  1. ... - announcements and offers
  2. A Dictionary of Magical Effects - with some explanations in the vernacular - Ellis Stanyon - continued
  3. Advertisement
  4. The International Society of Conjurers
  5. Stanyon's Dictionary of Magical Effects - List of Completed Sections with Contents
  6. Advertisements & Personal Cards

  1. Magic - Volume XIV, Number 2 - November 1913 - 12 pages
  2. Original Lessons in Magic - Ellis Stanyon
    • Endless Colour Change with Handkerchief
    • Matchboxes and Travelling Handkerchiefs
  3. Advertisement
  4. "Magic" - Features in Volume XIII
  5. Magic - announcements and offers
  6. A Dictionary of Magical...
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The Magic Wand Volume 18 (1929)

George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 18 (1929) by George Johnson

Numbers 141-144

272 pages

  1. Vol. 18, Number 141 March-May, 1929 [52 numbered & 12 unnumbered covers and advertising pages]
  2. Quarterly Notes - by the editor
    • Season Soliloquies
    • Tahra Bey
    • A Wandering Wizard
    • Magic from Below
    • All Change
    • Cutting Through
  3. Some Sleights - George Johnson
  4. A Novel Vanishing Coin - Tom Sellers
  5. The "Sim Pliciti" Rising Cards - E. D. Widger
  6. Obituary - Van Hoven
  7. The Destructive Ray - E. D. Widger
  8. A Trick of Alternation - Will Blyth
  9. Magical Memories - article by Rupert H. Slater
  10. AN Awkward Experience - W. H. E.
  11. Another "Cut and Restored" - F. Jackson
  12. A Novel Card Problem - Sid Lorraine
  13. The Magical...
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Magigram Volume 19 (Sep 1986 - Aug 1987)

Magigram Volume 19 (Sep 1986 - Aug 1987) by Supreme-Magic-Company...
  1. ... Miracle - Jay Francis
  2. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  3. Tarbell on Course - quotation
  4. No Twist Twister - Herb Rungay (USA)
  5. Straight from the Magicians' Mouths - testimonials
  6. Five Keys - Ken de Courcy
  7. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  8. My Way with The Dunce's Cap and Obedient Rainbow Cards - Lee Alex
  9. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  10. cartoon
  11. A Letter from Alfred Gabriel - re: Giovanni
  12. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • When I Say 'New', I Mean New!
  13. What an Effect?!? by Marthwaite Lodcross - humor - Rory Coker
  14. Love Test - Arun Bonerjee
  15. Triple Hit! - Ron Mann ...
★★★★ $3
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Displaying 433 to 456 (of 889 products)