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José Prager & Peter Turner & Luke Jermay
Ahead by José Prager & Peter Turner & Luke Jermay... leaves his client with a sealed envelope to hold claiming it is a prediction that will be of the utmost importance during the show in a week's time.

He leaves the client with this set of instructions: The client is to choose any paper or magazine that week, to look at any headline and to choose one of the words from that headline. He/she can change their mind anytime up until the day of the show. The day of the show arrives, and the performer [who never touches the envelope] performs his show and then asks that participant to open the envelope as his finale. He has correctly identified which word the client would choose. ...

★★★★ $12
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Improved Devil's Newspaper

Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Improved Devil's Newspaper by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant... pour out a bowl of Easter eggs from the previously flat newspaper. At the finish, you fold the newspaper up flat and replace it on the table. There are positively no body, chair or table loads or hidden pockets in the paper. It is entirely self-contained and all in the newspaper. There is not one false move used. The cleanest cut item you could wish for.

The Devil’s Newspaper can also be used for a vanish, as well as a production. It can be used in conjunction with any trick to make transportations.

This is Devin Knight's improved version of an old U. F. Grant idea. You get full...

★★★★ $6
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Propless Bank Night

Unknown Mentalist
Propless Bank Night by Unknown Mentalist... end of a voice call with the performer, maybe thousands of miles away. The performer even tells the participant upfront the contents of each envelope involved in the routine. And yet the participant is stunned with the result.

A unique combination of classic principles. This can be performed one on one or to a small group over a voice call or video call or even via text messages. And yet packs a punch in terms of impact. Of course, this can also be performed in the usual face to face situations like close up, parlor, street or stage.

This is really a 100$ idea being released as a...

★★★★ $12
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The Secret Gate

The Secret Gate by Dartagnan

The oldest, most pernicious, and insoluble problem in the history of magic was stated best by Henning Nelms, in his 1969 Magic and Showmanship: A Handbook for Conjurers ...

"No matter how astonishing a trick may be, it suffers from one major fault - it has no point."

This ebook is the long-sought-after answer to that statement.

[Please note that access to appendix 11 and 12 requires registration at the author's website.]

  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword by Eric Evans
  • Preface
  • A Long Time Ago
  • A Lot of Simple Tricks and Nonsense
  • Best Star Pilot in the Galaxy
  • Scum and Villainy
  • Hokey Religions and Ancient Weapons
  • What Are You Trying To Push on Us
  • Tremor in the Force ...
★★★★★ $20.20
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Propless Chronologue

Unknown Mentalist
Propless Chronologue by Unknown Mentalist

There will be no one who is not aware of the Chronologue diary effect by the great Bob Cassidy. This is a propless version of the same effect.

There are 2 pure propless versions of Chronologue which are explained where no diary or datebook and no physical deck or playing cards are in play. The process is quick, direct, and purely propless between the performer and a participant. The whole process takes about 2 minutes approx.

Using an imaginary diary and an imaginary deck, the lucky card of a participant for her birthday is nailed by the performer accurately. There are also 2 almost propless versions...

★★★ $30
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Hofzinser's Card Conjuring

Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer & Sam Sharpe
Hofzinser's Card Conjuring by Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer & Sam Sharpe

Hofzinser was born at the beginning of the 19th century and lived in Vienna during a time called the 'Biedermeier'. This was a time where people enjoyed art and entertainment in drawing-room presentations and at little receptions in the houses and villas of the rich and famous. Hofzinser thus never performed on a stage but perfected the branch of magic today known as 'Close-up'. One could argue that Hofzinser is the grandfather of close-up magic in particular close-up card magic. And this book is all about card magic. We have to thank Ottokar Fischer for collecting Hofzinser's material about...

★★★★★ $6
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Topic: Catalogs

Catalogs constitute a very important record of history. It allows one to date tricks and effects, research the lineage of inventions and get a feeling of days gone by. Catalogs also inspire the imagination and exercise your magic knowledge. Reading an effect description in a catalog involuntarily makes you think about how this effect might be achieved. You start to think about methods and principles with which you could accomplish the same trick. And if you can't come up with a good answer you want to buy the trick. Wonderful!

Introduction to Coin Magic

Shigeo Futagawa
Introduction to Coin Magic by Shigeo Futagawa

I have studied personally for almost two years with Shigeo Futagawa in Yokohama, Japan. He is without a doubt one of the top coin workers living today. A humble man who would have all the right in the world to be not quite so humble. Introduction to Coin Magic is a wonderful book. It is not just for the beginning coin student but for anybody who would like to brush up on some basic moves and learn several new outstanding routines.

Another interesting feature of this book is the several short bios of famous magicians inserted throughout the book. You will find people like Slydini, Han Ping Chien,...

★★★★★ $15
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The Magic of Tyler

Daniel Skahen
The Magic of Tyler by Daniel Skahen

This is a colleciton of the best of Daniel Tyler's inspirations over the past five years. The first section covers effects and routines, the second section moves. You will find new ideas and variations of old classics. Overall solid commercial material.

1st edition, 2005; 125 pages.


Counterfeit Card The best method I have ever seen or come up with for a countdown routine.

P4 – Peppermint Patty Power Puncher A cross between Torn & Restored and Healed & Sealed ... with Peppermint Patties!

Dirty Laundry The cleanest and easiest card-to-sock routine.

Lincoln’s Trick One of the...

★★★★ $20
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The Classic Cider Swindle

R. Shane
The Classic Cider Swindle by R. Shane

From the preface of the ebook:

So there we were, we being the usual collection of magical maffickers, that is to say Robert Neale, Larry White, Ed Solomon, Ron Dayton and your humble narrator, in one of our usual email exchanges but which was quite unusual.

You see, Larry had just sent a video of a really neat card rise to all of us. It looked great and we were all commenting about it and speculating on it. This was most unusual since Larry hates card tricks the way most of us hate mustard on chocolate ice cream with pickle topping. Actually, he hates cards tricks more than that and would probably...

★★★★★ $6
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Sometimes the jokes are just for me

Master Payne
Sometimes the jokes are just for me by Master Payne

A manuscript of meaningless meanderings on the subject of meaningful magic.

Above all this is fun to read. Master Payne has an engaging and fun way to write. His intention with this ebook is to impart on you the skills to be able to create a theme specific show from the knowledge of performing character driven magic. He calls it Thematic Thaumaturgy.

Master Payne teaches primarily by example. He takes an effect that he adopted for one of his themed shows and he explains how, why and what he changed. The first such example is What’s Next?, the classic spot card trick from Tenyo. In his...

★★★★★ $20
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Speed Dating

Michael Daniels
Speed Dating by Michael Daniels

"ingenious ... innovative ... Probably the best thing about Michael Daniels' Speed Dating eBook is the completeness. If you've thought about learning this feat, you can learn everything you need to know from this book." - Grey Matters: Blog (Scott Cram)

Speed Dating is a refinement to Day for Any Date calculation that Michael Daniels has developed over the last thirty years, and which incorporates some new shortcuts to the mnemonic methods previously published by Bernard Zufall, Harry Lorayne, Will Dexter, and Tony Corinda. It does take quite a bit of initial training but, when mastered, it is very quick...

★★★★★ $10
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Al Mann's Sensational Boiler Escape: A Psychic Dematerialization

Devin Knight & Al Mann
Al Mann's Sensational Boiler Escape: A Psychic Dematerialization by Devin Knight & Al Mann... temperature shown on the boiler's thermometer is the ACTUAL temperature of the boiling water. The rising level of the water, as the boiler is filled, can be seen both on the water level tube and by opening the water spigots.

As the water rises, it will leak out of the opened water spigots, one at a time. When the water level reaches the first spigot and starts to leak, the assistant closes that spigot. As the water rises to the second spigot, it will leak out of it until the assistant again closes the second spigot, etc.

To prevent drowning, the assistant tells the audience that...

★★★★ $8
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The Unplanned Card Book

Paul Gordon
The Unplanned Card Book by Paul Gordon...
  • ... You
  • "Seven Plus" A Whole Lot More
  • More Maths & Magic
  • Insert Straight And Square Flush
  • The World's Best Ever Card Trick # 2
  • Penelope's Distant Cousin
  • Aces For Aussies
  • Diminishing Twister
  • The Clock Runs Down Again
  • My Magic Card
  • Hot Flush
  • Dodgy Sandwich
  • It Was A Very Good Year
  • Red-Nose Day
  • The China Syndrome
  • The Three-Pile Enquiry
  • The Dudeney Principle, Plus!
  • Dudeney's Baby Boy
  • Tipsy Aces
  • The Biggest Liar Of All
  • Now, That Was Fast!
  • Faro Flush Out
  • Ace Tumblers!
  • Pseudo Smyth's Myth
  • Naff All!
  • Squeaky-Clean Cannibals
  • Crave For Craven
  • The Unwanted Visitor
  • Face-up 16th...
★★★★ $19.50
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Defective Cups and Balls

Paul A. Lelekis
Defective Cups and Balls by Paul A. Lelekis... PLUS, this routine will get you a huge applause from the audience...every single time. Best of all, this routine is easy to do and requires no "knuckle-busting" sleights. Only easy to do sleights. This allows you to concentrate on Paul's very funny patter lines. Each stage becomes more and more amazing.


Paul has asked permission from his good friend, Jim Canaday, to present Jim's amazing and fun-to-do card routine that uses NO gaffed cards..."Brainwaved Oil & Water". This wonderful, multi-phased routine is not only easy to do, but "flows", naturally from one stage to the next ending with 8 cards that can be inspected by the spectators.

1st edition 2014, 11 pages.

Reviewed by Mark Dilliway

Yet another winner by Mr. Lelekis. Dust off your cups and balls and get ready to perform this classic effect with a difference. The premise and patter for this...
★★★★★ $8
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Balloon Shows

Greg McMahan
Balloon Shows by Greg McMahan

A full stage balloon show adds another options for booking, and can really set you apart from the competition!

Here are just some of the benefits you can offer your clients with a full-stage balloon show...

  • COLOR: That's an obvious benefit, and an attractive one. Never underestimate the power of a colorful stage.
  • SOUND: The sound of balloons being twisted is anything but "boring". Add fun background music, and you're set.
  • MOVEMENT: When balloons are being tossed about, shot off fingers, twisted and balanced, you have a non-stop sea of movement throughout the room.
★★★★ $10
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Mark of the Devil: Six Slick Routines with a Marked Deck

Paul Voodini
Mark of the Devil: Six Slick Routines with a Marked Deck by Paul Voodini

This manuscript features six routines from Paul Voodini, all utilizing a marked deck. As well as fully explaining the routines, Paul also discusses many subtleties that allow the performer to use a marked deck with confidence and the 'tricks of the trade' that mean the spectators never suspect for...

★★★★ $6.50
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Ponsin on Conjuring

Jean Nicolas Ponsin & Sam Sharpe
Ponsin on Conjuring by Jean Nicolas Ponsin & Sam Sharpe

In 1853 the French La Nouvelle Magie Blanche Dévoilée by Jean Nicolas Ponsin was published. It was the first book to explain exactly how the leading magicians of the day in France performed their most prized effects. Sam Sharpe translated it to English and Wilf Huggins added a couple of clarifying illustrations.

This ebook is filled with intriguing effects with cards, coins and an entire section on the Cups and Balls. Surprisingly you will find here the idea of using metal balls, the same idea with which Paul Gertner created a sensation. You can find everything from mental miracles, to impromptu effects,...

★★★★ $5
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Sloka Deck

Unknown Mentalist
Sloka Deck by Unknown Mentalist... deck of cards to practice. You can use a piece of paper and pen or just practice in your mind.

Sloka Deck works fine with existing suit systems like chased, shocked etc. An innovative method to randomize the suits is included. Alternately, you can choose to use the suit systems given in my SOS 1 and SOS 2.

In addition, the second edition contains alternative mnemonics, a couple of routines, a new technique 'Sing Read' which is a reverse process of readings and a list of routines of various creators which can be done with Sloka Deck, compiled by David Burmeister.

Almost all the routines...

★★★★★ $12
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Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidence

Unknown Mentalist
Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidence by Unknown Mentalist... routines with the Coin'cidence principle. Also there are 3 bonus ideas for you to develop on.

Absolute Coin'cidence

This ebook contains 9 amazing routines with different themes other combined principles. Also included are 3 bonus ideas for you to build on. You will love performing these day in and day out. Absolutely self working, nothing to reset, almost impromptu, no sleights and very easy to do. All based on the 5 coin version. The coins can be any coins, real or imaginary.

Ultimate Coin'cidence

This ebook contains 11 stunning and impossible routines. The main routine is...

★★★★ $18
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100 Latest Tips on Tricks

Milbourne Christopher
100 Latest Tips on Tricks by Milbourne Christopher

This ebook is profusely illustrated by Ed Mishell and includes tricks, tips, presentations, publicity, patter and ideas. Clever and ingenious routines, many with standard props or none at all.

  • Preface
  • One Man's Opinion
  • Costly Cover
  • A Funny Bill Bit
  • Smooth Floating Ball
  • Karger's Coin Stack
  • Through The Ribbon
  • Cigarette Machine
  • Coin Catching Comedy
  • Flash Tv Frame
  • Brainwave Deck Gag
  • Baker Slate Tip
  • Much Into Little
  • Torn Center Tip
  • Buzz Saw Ideas
  • Four Ink Spots
  • Move For Mentalists
  • Knife Through Coat
  • Shooting A Candle
  • Bubble Gum Magic
  • Squaring The Circle
  • Silk In Box
  • Three...
★★★ $3
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The Grow Devils Principle

Unknown Mentalist
The Grow Devils Principle by Unknown Mentalist... any category containing around 50-100 different words or names. All the necessary work to enable you to start performing this immediately has been done and included.

There are 4 different presentations which are explained and the necessary explanatory exhibits are also included.

  • Presentation One - Six Two Marvel
  • Presentation Two - Vital Sex Worm
  • Presentation Three - Wolves Mix Art
  • Presentation Four - Extra Slim Vow
There are also 5 routines which are included along with all the relevant information needed for you to start performing immediately.
  • Routine One - USA STATES - A participant...
★★★★★ $30
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Mentalism Masterclass 9: astrological/zodiac based mindreading

Peter Turner
Mentalism Masterclass 9: astrological/zodiac based mindreading by Peter Turner...
  • ... Anagram
  • Additional Thoughts - Elliot Watson, Alan Nu, Robert Watkins
  • The Bob Principle - Hearting Stars
  • Additional Ideas - Mark Chandaue
  • Liar, Liar
  • Truth Teller
  • Additional Idea - Colin McLeod
  • A Simple Divination
  • Truly Invisibly Visible (THIS IS THE HOLY GRAIL! You will love this one so much!)
  • Truly Invisibly Visible 2
  • Be Controversial - Think Backwards
  • Eye to Eye Star-Sign Revelation
  • The Frame
  • Nod to Star Sign
  • Mark Chandaue Additional Idea
  • Derren's Repeat it in Your Mind Principle
  • The Wash Principle
  • Passing Star
  • Mixing Principles
  • Paul Voodini - A Happy...
★★★★★ $20
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Psychic Envelope Divination

Devin Knight
Psychic Envelope Divination by Devin Knight... original writer, without exchanges of any kind. In this manner, every question is answered, and in its proper sequence.

NOW GET THE FACTS: Absolutely no apparatus of any description is used (may be worked in a bathing suit). No confederates or assistants need be employed as this is strictly a one-man feature. No switches or exchange of questions takes place at any time, and original questions never leave the audience's sight for an instant. There are no impression devices of any kind. No pre-show work or use of the internet in anyway.

No palming (as you have nothing to palm), no sleights...

★★★★★ $12
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Displaying 313 to 336 (of 1566 products)