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Two Vernon Classics & Revisiting the Overhand Lift Shuffle

Gerald Edmundson
Two Vernon Classics & Revisiting the Overhand Lift Shuffle by Gerald Edmundson

Some aficionados consider Dai Vernon's "Out of Sight-Out of Mind" from More Inner Secrets of Card Magic the best mindreading trick with an ordinary deck of cards. They may be right. Since the spectator does not remove a card from the deck but only thinks of a card, it makes a terrific mindreading trick. Erdnase explores the principle in "A Mindreading Trick" in Expert at the Card Table. Vernon used the principle to construct his trick.

Gerald keeps the exact effect of Vernon's original trick. In "Only in Your Mind", he uses adaptations of the Overhand Lift Shuffle and constructs a completely different handling of the trick. In keeping with the...

★★★★ $15
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Symphony of the Rings

Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Symphony of the Rings by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

Lewis Ganson expertly and with care to minute details explains the famous six ring routine devised by Dai Vernon. Vernon first performed the entire routine in front of Ganson's cine camera. By studying the film in slow motion, they were able to determine the most suitable photographs to take with a still camera to illustrate the text.

Many considered the best and most beautiful routine for the Chinese Linking Rings. You can see Vernon perform this routine in Dai Vernon in Britain 1958.

1st edition 1958, PDF 31 pages.

  1. Introduction
  3. The Rings
  4. Arranging the Rings
  5. Performance
  6. 1....
★★★★★ $9.50
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Refining Vernon's 1-2-3

Ian Baxter
Refining Vernon's 1-2-3 by Ian Baxter

"It's not easy to improve on a trick by Dai Vernon, but Ian Baxter has managed to do just that!"

A timely observation from reviewer David Jones, who has hit the nail right on the head. Here is an easy, clever new treatment of a respected Vernon classic. Don't be surprised if you find yourself performing Refining Vernon's 1-2-3 over and over again.

Jones continues: "This streamlined handling of Vernon's 1-2-3 is so much cleaner than the original, more magical in effect and far easier to perform. It's a winner!"

This familiar, fast-moving card mystery has been 'doing the rounds' for decades:...

★★★★ $4
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Dai Vernon

Dai Vernon... Roth, Michael Skinner and others.

1968 AMA Masters Fellowship. AMA Board of Directors 1976-79, thence Member Emeritus. 1983 CMI Order of Magic Lamp. SAM Hall of Fame. 1988 Fred Kaps Award. In 1989 Mike Rogers predicted that "There will never be another to influence the art of magic as has Dai Vernon." Many would agree that this is a good bet.

Among his most famous inventions are Triumph (by 1946), Travellers (by 1950), Twisting the Aces (by 1960), Depth Illusion (by 1961) and Stripout Addition.


Malini and his Magic

Dai Vernon
Malini and his Magic by Dai Vernon

This is a gorgeous and careful digitization of a classic originally published by Harry Stanley in 1962. All drawings have not simply been scanned and included as images but have been converted to vectorized graphics. This means they are crisp and clear even under the largest magnification as well as when printed out.

This PDF ebook has very detailed bookmarks making it easy to browse to your section of choice.

Max Malini was one of the most extraordinary personalities in the history of the performance of magic.

In this ebook, Dai Vernon shows how successfully Malini acted the role of magician and...

★★★★★ $14.90
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Dai Vernon Cups and Balls (Italian)

Matteo Filippini
Dai Vernon Cups and Balls (Italian) by Matteo Filippini

Seminario sui bussolotti del Professore!

Un esclusivo seminario con Matteo Filippini, dedicato ad una delle routine magiche più importanti di sempre: i bussolotti di Dai Vernon!

In 90 minuti, Matteo passa in rassegna veramente tutto; nel video vengono infatti trattati:

  • gli strumenti necessari per la routine
  • le tecniche di base (falsi depositi, impalmaggi, wand spin, scoop ...)
  • gli errori da evitare ed altri utili consigli
  • finezze e riferimenti bibliografici
  • le cinque fasi della routine, analizzate fin nei minimi dettagli!
Un video che non può mancare nella collezione di qualsiasi...
★★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

The Queen's Soiree: Pet Effects 1

Dai Vernon
The Queen's Soiree: Pet Effects 1 by Dai Vernon

A remarkable transition effect using unprepared objects and little sleight of hand.

Four Queens from any pack are placed on the four corners of a square cloth. Two of the Queens are covered with squares of paper. One at a time, the Queens are put beneath the cloth thru which they penetrate and come up under the square of paper. It is amazing to see the identical card make the passage and appear under the paper along with the others, until all four are assembled under one paper.

Vernon's original methods and several puzzling variations - different from anything ever offered, no extra...

★★★★ $6
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Symphony of the Rings (used)

Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Symphony of the Rings (used) by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

First edition softcover stapled. Some pages have a tiny tear on the bottom edge. Published by Harry Stanley. Exlibris of Weirdo and Margaret Yates. For details on contents see the digital edition.

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Dai Vernon
マリニとそのマジック by Dai Vernon

ダイ・バーノン著、「Malini and his magic」の日本語版です。



この本には、マリニの演目とトリックの説明、ミスディレクションの秘訣、そしてどのように仕事を得て、成功したか、その秘訣が事細かに記されています。 ...

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Good Turns

Jon Racherbaumer
Good Turns by Jon Racherbaumer

Even though the small packet card trick goes at least back to Hofzinser's times Jon argues that the modern small packet trick started in the 1940s when the Buckle Count was introduced by Dai Vernon and got into full swing when the Ghost Count (Elmsley Count) entered the stage.

Jon writes:

When the Elmsley Count became more widely known, the genie was out of the bottle. Vernon’s “Twisting The Aces” provided momentum. Marlo’s groundbreaking work on “Think Ace” and “Touch Turn” was privately circulating and then was eventually published in The Linking Ring. By the time Larry West and Verne Chesbro published Tricks You Can...

★★★★ $10
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Annemann's Card Magic

Ted Annemann
Annemann's Card Magic by Ted Annemann

This book is actually two books: Ted Annemann's Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks and Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic. Annemann, perhaps more famous for his mental magic, was an extraordinary card man, a master of subtleties and misdirection. That is why most of the tricks in this collection do not require difficult moves, which does not mean that they are all easy to perform. His tricks have often the impromptu quality and can thus be performed without any prior preparation. You will also find contributions from such famous masters of card magic as Dai Vernon, Dr. Daley, Jean Hugard, Al Baker, Audley Walsh, Stewart Judah, and many others. ...

★★★★ $4
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Paul A. Lelekis
Osmosis by Paul A. Lelekis... coin sleights that are fully explained with color photos and the psychology behind each one...some great sleights.

Some Really Cool Tricks and Ideas - Believe it or not...this section contains nine more routines, 2 gags and a revelation by magicians Skinner, Jennings, Altman, Lorayne, Fechter, Vernon, Marlo and even me.

These tricks and gags are loaded with very clever humor and laughs, and are items that these pros perform, often - but you never see. These are "workhorse routines'.

1st edition 2016, 35 pages + video

Reviewed by Christopher Weber

Paul’s new ebook “Osmosis” is...
★★★★★ $12
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A Fix on Six!

Paul A. Lelekis
A Fix on Six! by Paul A. Lelekis... effects:
  1. Inspector #1953 - If ever there was a great "ice-breaker" for approaching tables – this is it! Rip a hole into a spectator's clothing – then magically repair it right in front of their eyes! Hilarious routine with patter.

  2. The Trick That Can't Be Explained! – This is NOT the Vernon effect – but an ingenious self-working miracle by Paul Lelekis! The spectator's are taught a miraculous, self-working effect (it really is!) – but later, they NEVER remember how to do it! This trick "rocked" the magic world when Paul first released it. It is brilliant and VERY EASY to do....
★★★★ $12
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The Red Prediction

Bob Farmer
The Red Prediction by Bob Farmer

In August of 1963, Dai Vernon took a twenty-hour bus trip from Los Angeles to Dallas, Texas, to deliver a lecture at the Statler Hilton Hotel.

On the way there, Vernon created an amazing effect, an effect that is relatively unknown, even today. Shortly thereafter, Vernon advertised the trick for sale.

From the fertile brain of Mr. Dai Vernon comes a MENTAL STUNNER! Here are the facts. Imagine this effect and the IMPACT ON THE AUDIENCE!

The performer displays several cards face up and deals them in a random manner on the table top, some face up, some face down. NOW he gives a spectator an...

★★★★★ $12.50
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Genii Volume 62 (1999)

Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 62 (1999) by Richard Kaufman...
  1. ...
    • ... Automaton
    • Joke Set of Matchboxes
    • Devil Bust
    • Small Wood-Turned and Metal Pieces
    • One Shelf in the Collection
  2. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. Dracula and the Handmaidens - Brother John Hamman, SM
    2. The Jennings Tapes
      • MacJennings Aces
    3. The Unseen Side of Dai Vernon
      • Sub Rosa Crimp
    4. Looking Back to Look Ahead
      • From a House of Cards - Judson Brown & Charles Miller - Genii, Vol.1, No. 2, 1936
    5. Hawaiian Pop-Up Move - Curtis Kam
    6. The Maximum Dimension - Max Maven
  3. Light from the Lamp
    1. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian...
★★★★★ $25
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The Gen Volume 11 (1955)

Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 11 (1955) by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson

On the covers are

  • Dai Vernon
  • Len Vintus
  • Herbert J. Collings
  • Billy McComb
  • Mystic Craig
  • Channing Pollock
  • Tonny van Dommelen
  • Corvelo
  • The Stanleys
  • Marconick
  • Ken Scholes
  • Charles A. Rosskam
384 pages
  1. Volume 11, Number 1, May, 1955, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Vernon on Stage
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. Correct Change - Charles Miller
  4. My Favourite Living and Dead Test - Dr. Raymond L. Beebe
  5. Red and Blue - Bob Haskell
  6. The Animated Mouse - Magini
  7. Front Page Personality - Vernon on Stage - Francis Ireland
  8. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
★★★★★ $5
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Jack McMillen

Michael Landes & Jack McMillen
Jack McMillen by Michael Landes & Jack McMillen

"Dai Vernon was a huge admirer of Jack McMillen, and so am I. The content of this book, capably presented by McMillen's friend and student of many years, Michael Landes, will bring great happiness to any advanced practitioner of the art. I have printed and spiral-bound the PDF into a book, which is now full of underlines, highlights, and personal notes. One of the Top Ten Buys at!" - Roberto Giobbi

Jack McMillen is famous for his (plunger) card rise. Seventy-five years after first appearing in print, it remains the preferred pure sleight of hand method for the rising cards, as well as a powerful more...

★★★★★ $35
more than one
type to choose



PDF & hardcover

Il Gioco Dei Bussolotti: Note di Conferenza 2014

Matteo Filippini
Il Gioco Dei Bussolotti: Note di Conferenza 2014 by Matteo Filippini

Il Gioco Dei Bussolotti, le note di conferenza di Matteo Filippini in formato ebook, dedicate al più antico gioco di prestigio che la storia dell'umanità ricordi.

Nelle 63 nutrite pagine, Filippini affronta molti dettagli sia tecnici che pratici riguardanti questo antico prestigio, passando al setaccio, oltre a molte delle tecniche e principi, due straordinarie routine di cups & balls, quella di Dai Vernon e quella di Johnny Thompson. L'ebook è arricchito da decine di fotografie.

Elenco dei contenuti:

    • Il ruolo dei Bussolotti nel XXI Secolo
    • Bussolotti come palestra della...
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The Three Card Monte as Entertainment: Teach-In

Lewis Ganson
The Three Card Monte as Entertainment: Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

This was the publication that taught me the Three Card Monte many years ago. It has all you ever need on this wonderful performance piece - and then some.

Erdnase writes in Expert at the Card Table:

"There is not a single card feat in the whole calendar that will give as good returns for the amount of practice required, or that will mystify as greatly, or cause as much amusement, or bear as much repetition as this little game!

Vernon performed it reciting:

"A little game from Hanky Poo, the black for me, the red for you - all you have to do is to keep your eyes on the little lady - ten gets you twenty - twenty...
★★★★★ $9.50
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The Gen Volume 24 (1968)

Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 24 (1968) by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson...
  1. ...
    • ...
  2. Silk Magic
    • Unique's "Dokra"
  3. The Ultimate Living and the Dead Test - Gordon Prunty

  1. Volume 24, Number 5, September, 1968, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Albert Goshman
  2. From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
  3. Just Between Us - Part VII - William Zavis
    • Vernon in Hand
  4. Close Up Magic
    • A Rope, a Ring, and Some Misdirection - Walt Lees
  5. Card Magic
    • Tip - Dr. H. J. Tattersall
  6. Magic with Apparatus
    • Unique "Liqua-Hank"
  7. Will He Find It? - Jim Lumley
  8. Money Magic
    • The Change Purse - Horace Bennett

  1. Volume...
★★★★ $5
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Secrets of Gambling

Hugh Miller
Secrets of Gambling by Hugh Miller

This is a great book on the secrets of how to cheat with cards and dice at many popular games - a guide to dishonest gambling. It offers a good overview of the various methods from mechanical cheating methods to sleight of hand.

1st edition 1970, original 128 pages; PDF 82 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Cheating at cards
  3. Mechanical Methods: marking cards, sorts, deck switches, edge marking, daub, punch/nail marks
  4. Strippers: types of strippers, Vernon's "Bathroom Strippers"
  5. Locaters: short, corner shorts, thick cards, long cards, ridge/breather crimps
  6. Holdouts: Kepplinger...
★★★★★ $12
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Burners 3: Geile Tricks, die funzen

Alexander de Cova
Burners 3: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova


  • Ein paar Worte zuvor
    • Fly with the Eagles
    • Snappy Silk Production
    • Blitz-Kartenverwandlung
    • Tuch aus Flasche
    • Das Murmeltier
    • Hung-up!
    • Vitamin B
    • Schlüssel zum Erfolg
    • Purse Swindle
    • Das Hütchenspiel
    • Die Schalen
    • Die weiche Erbse
    • Die harte...
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The Cardiste

The Cardiste by Rusduck

"Dedicated to the Art of Cardistry" was the subtitle of this legendary cards only magazine from the late 50s. It is one of the most influential card magazines ever produced, with effects by Rusduck, Elmsley, Charles Hudson, Bill Miesel, Marlo, Kosky, Milt Kort, Ron Edwards, Max Katz, Tom Ransom, etc. ...

★★★★ $19.95
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The Sting

R. Shane
The Sting by R. Shane

This routine made me dust of my cups after many years of dormancy. Read for yourself from the introduction how this routine came into being and you will understand that this is not your typical cups & balls. (This routine besides a few further comments already appeared in Pentalogy.):

It's funny...

★★★ $6
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